Beautiful phrases in English with translation. Sounds amazing: beautiful phrases in English

Having a tattoo on your body is now considered fashionable. It’s especially great if the body image carries a certain meaning. A tattoo in the form of an inscription can be a great motivator for you and those around you. Text tattoos can be done in a variety of styles, from elegant cursive to minimalist printed. Drawings with words or quotes reveal the essence of a person better than others, reminding them of the trials they had to go through or the happy moments of life. In addition, tattoos in the form of inscriptions are also good because you are unlikely to meet a person with a similar image. You can show your personality through text. By the way, here you have a choice: you can write words both in your native language and in a foreign language. One of the most popular places to apply such a tattoo is the hand.

Tattoo inscriptions with translation

Tattoos in Latin with translation

The leading place among foreign language sources is occupied by English and Latin. However, they are also in great demand. It is worth noting that tattoos with Latin text often express a philosophical meaning, since they, as a rule, were sayings of noble and great people of antiquity. Latin quotes can be seen on both men and women.

Everyone knows that she is a big fan of body imagery. The actress’s most famous tattoo was considered to be the inscription with the name of her ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton “Billy Bob”, which the star later decided to get rid of. Now all attention is focused on the cross and the Latin inscription “Quod me netrit me destruit” at the bottom of Angelina’s stomach. The actress got these tattoos in Amsterdam while intoxicated. Maybe that’s why the movie star chose such a deep phrase, “What feeds me, kills me”?

Quello che voi siete, noi eravamo. Quello che noi, siamo voi sarete - Who you are now, we were once; Who we are now, you will be in the future (this is the inscription on the doors of the Capuchin crypt in Rome, or as it is also called the Imperial crypt. Even the lamps in this room are made of human bones) Quod me nutrit, me destruit - What nourishes me kills me In omnia paratus - Ready for anything Carpe Diem, Quam Minimum Credular Postero - I grab today and have no hopes for tomorrow (Live for today) Tempus neminem manet - Time waits for no one Amor vincit omnia - Love will conquer all Vita brevis - Life is short Dum Spiro Spero - While I live, I hope a posse ad esse - From possibility to reality Primus inter pares - First among equals

David Beckham has shared his passion for tattoos for a long time. Obviously, inscriptions are a favorite type of body art for an athlete. The names of four children and his beloved wife Victoria are imprinted on David's neck and arms. To bring the whole family together, the football star had Celtic text inked on the inside of his forearm: "Ut Amem Et Foveam", meaning "This is what I love and adore." Other Latin tattoos are no less beautiful and meaningful. the site has selected for you the most striking and memorable tattoos with translation.

Aut Viam Inveniam Faciam - Either I will find the way, or I will make it myself Tempus neminet ment - Time waits for no one illicitus - forbidden Alis Volat Propiis - flies on its own wings Ad Astra Per Aspera - Through thorns to the stars

Phrases in Latin with translation:

  1. Amor Vincit Omnia (love conquers all)
  2. Morior invictus (better to die than to be defeated)
  3. Amor et honor (love and honor)
  4. Vincit qui se vincit (the most difficult victory is victory over yourself)
  5. Faber est quisque fortunae suae (man is the creator of his own destiny)
  6. Esto quod es (be who you really are)
  7. Ut Amem Et Foveam (this is what I love and idolize)
  8. Verba volant, scripta manent (words fly away, what is written remains)
  9. Luctor et emergo (I struggle, but I will survive)
  10. Veritas vos liberabit (the truth will set you free)
  11. Vita est speciosa (life is beautiful)
  12. Vivere in momento (life is made up of moments)
  13. Minima maxima sunt (the smallest things are the most important in life)
  14. Quis Attero Mihi Tantum Planto Mihi Validus (what doesn't kill me makes me stronger)
  15. Si vis amari ama (if you want to be loved, love yourself)
  16. Veritas lux mea (truth is the light in my life)
  17. Vive ut vivas (life is what you make it)
  18. Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris (Expect from another what you yourself have done to another)
  19. Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit (Take advantage of life, it is so fleeting)
  20. Actum ne agas (What is finished, do not return to it)
  21. Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant (Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them)
  22. Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit (Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart)
  23. Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare (I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not listen)
  24. Aut vincere, aut mori (Either to win or to die)
  25. Carpe diem (Seize the day)
  26. Certum voto pete finem (Set only achievable goals for yourself)
  27. Consultor homini tempus utilissimus (Time is the most useful adviser to man)
  28. Damant, quod non intelegunt (They condemn because they do not understand)
  29. Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt (Fate leads those who want to go, drags those who don’t want to)
  30. Dura lex, sed lex (The law is harsh, but it is the law)
  31. Dum spiro, amo atque credo (As long as I breathe, I love and believe)
  32. Esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas (You must eat to live, not live to eat)
  33. Esse quam videri (To be, not to seem)
  34. Etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor (Pain makes even the innocent lie)
  35. Ex nihilo nihil fit (Nothing comes from nothing)
  36. Experientia est optima magistra (Experience is the best teacher)
  37. Facta sunt potentiora verbis (Actions are stronger than words)
  38. Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audet (Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves)
  39. Fidelis et forfis (Faithful and brave)
  40. Finis vitae, sed non amoris (Life ends, but not love)
  41. Fors omnia versas (Blind chance changes everything)
  42. Fortes fortuna adjuvat (Fate helps the brave)
  43. Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas (Happiness is easier to find than to keep)
  44. Fortunam suam quisque parat (Everyone finds his own destiny)
  45. Fugit irrevocabile tempus (Irreversible time is running)
  46. Gustus legibus non subiacet (Taste is not subject to laws)
  47. Gutta cavat lapidem (A drop wears away a stone)
  48. Homines quo plura habent, eo cupiunt ampliora (The more people have, the more they want to have)
  49. Homo hominis amicus est (Man is man's friend)
  50. Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto (I am a man, and nothing human is alien to me)
  51. Ibi potest valere populus, ubi leges valent (Where the laws are in force and the people are strong)
  52. Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi (Farewell to others often, never to yourself)
  53. Imago animi vultus est (The face is the mirror of the soul)
  54. Imperare sibi maximum imperium est (To command oneself is the greatest power)
  55. In dubio abstine (When in doubt, abstain)
  56. Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est (Doubt is half of wisdom
  57. Memento quod es homo (Remember that you are human)
  58. Me quoque fata regunt (I too submit to fate)
  59. Mortem effugere nemo potest (No one can escape death)
  60. Ne cede malis (Don't be discouraged by misfortune)
  61. Potius sero quam nunquam (Better late than never)
  62. Procul negotiis (Get out of trouble)
  63. Qui sine peccato est (He who is without sin)
  64. Suum cuique (To each his own)
  65. Trahit sua quemque voluptas (Everyone is attracted by his passion)
  66. Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito (Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it)
  67. Unam in armis salutem (The only salvation is in the struggle)
  68. Vale et me ama (Farewell and love me)
  69. Vita sene libertate nlhil (Life without freedom is nothing)
  70. Audaces fortuna juvat (fate helps the brave)
  71. Bene vobis (may everything be fine)
  72. Cantica gignit amor (love gives birth to songs)
  73. Capiat qui capere potest (catch who can catch)
  74. Contra spem spero (I hope contrary to expectation)
  75. Cuivis dolori remedeum est patientia (for every pain there is a remedy - patience)
  76. Cupido atque ira consultores pessimi (passion and anger are the worst advisers)
  77. Debes, ergo potes (you must, therefore you can)
  78. Ego me non fallo (I was not mistaken. I firmly affirm)
  79. Est dolendi modus, non est timendi (there is a limit for sadness, there is no limit for fear)
  80. Exceptio regulum probat (the exception confirms the rule)
  81. Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas (happy is he who could know the causes of things)
  82. Fiat justitia, ruat caelum (let justice prevail against all odds)
  83. Fide, sed cui fidas, vide (be vigilant; trust, but be careful who you trust)
  84. Fortunam suam quisque parat (everyone finds their own destiny)
  85. Gutta cavat lapidem (a drop wears away a stone)
  86. Homines non odi, sed ejus vitia (I don’t hate a person, but his vices)
  87. Magna et veritas, et praevalebit (Nothing is higher than truth, and it will triumph)
  88. Meliora spero (Hope for the best)
  89. Melioribus utire fatis (May your destiny be happy)
  90. Nihil sine labore (Nothing comes without labor)
  91. Nil de nihito fil (Nothing comes from nothing)
  92. Nil desperandum (Don't despair)
  93. Nil inultum remanebit (Nothing goes unpunished)
  94. Nil permanent sub sole (Nothing lasts forever under the sun)
  95. Nolite judicare et non judicabimine (Judge not, lest ye be judged)
  96. Nomen est omen (The name speaks for itself)
  97. Non est ad astra mollis e terris via (The path from the earth to the stars is not smooth)
  98. Non licet in bello bis peccare (In war one makes a mistake only once)
  99. Non omnia passum omnes (Not everyone can do everything)
  100. Non omnia possumus (We are not capable of everything)
  101. Non omnis error stultitia est (Not every error is stupidity)
  102. Non progredi est regredi (Not going forward means going backwards)
  103. Non solum oportet, sed etiam necessese est (You cannot be first to everyone at the same time)
  104. Omne vivum ex ovo (Every living thing came out of the egg)
  105. Opera et studio (With labor and diligence)
  106. Oportet vivere (We must live)
  107. Paulatim summa petuntur (Peaks are not reached immediately)

Tattoos with translation in English

Girls are more sophisticated creatures than men. And representatives of the fair sex also show their selectivity in choosing a tattoo. Both the lettering and its design are of great importance. As a rule, women's drawings are distinguished by openwork curls and smooth transitions. The letters in the phrases look very original and beautiful. Young people, on the contrary, prefer more strict fonts and laconic design. But the content of the inscription can be both brutal and philosophical, and insanely romantic.

Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru on wohsi - I will show you not your heart, but the desires that are in it (when read in a mirror, you get this interesting phrase in English)

Do not forget that the size of the lettering tattoo should be in harmony with the part of the body on which you are applying it. If it's a whole quote, stop at the back, ribs, or back of the arm. This is what actress Megan Fox did, who placed a long inscription in Old English on her left side “There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her HEART.” One guy didn't break it).

If the phrase is small or just one or two words, then your imagination is not limited. Small tattoos in the form of inscriptions can be seen on the wrist, foot, back of the head, finger, neck, lower back, etc. Of course, the most popular words and phrases for girls are words of love, beauty, faith and hope.

Dad - Dad Hope, Love, Family, Believe, Strength, Dreams - Hope, Love, Family, Faith, Strength, Dreams Love without cause - Love without a reason (Love not for something, but in spite of) Trust the Voice Within - Trust your inner voice Faith, Hope, Love - Faith, Hope, Love There is always hope - There is always hope (Hope dies last) We accept the love We think we deserve - We accept the love that we think we deserve Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it - Everything has its own beauty, but not everyone is able to see it With pain comes strength - With pain comes strength You don"t know what you live for until you know what you would die for - You won’t know what you live for until you know what you are ready to die for Stay tall - literally: Stay tall, or Hold your tail with a gun Fly - Fly And miles to go before I sleep - I have to go such a long way before I fall asleep (meaning - to go to another world) Life goes on - Life goes on Dream as if you"ll live forever - Dream on such a scale as if you lived forever My life is my message - My life is my message Anna only you in my heart - Anna, only you in my heart

Love tattoo lettering

Love is the best feeling on earth. Each person expresses it differently. Some say it in words, while others decide to imprint their emotions on their body once and for all. Wherever you make a love inscription, it will always warm your heart and soul. Even Rihanna, known for her love of machine guns, as evidenced by several of the singer's tattoos, could not do without love. A small inscription "Love" can be seen on the finger of the Barbadian star.

You will find tattoo ideas for lovers in the article. Family together always - Family is always together Forever family - family forever

Philosophical tattoo inscriptions

Representatives of the fair sex are deeper creatures than they might seem at first glance. Sometimes a simple girl can harbor such emotions, experiences and thoughts that are difficult to imagine at first. Creative people approach this, as a rule, from a philosophical point of view. Here it is no longer possible to get by with just one word. Although, as we know, one word can contain a powerful inspiring force.

Don"t dream your life Live your dream - Don’t dream your whole life, but live your dream

Beautiful phrases in English for tattoos with translation

If you are thinking about writing in English, this list of phrases will be of interest to you:

  1. Battle of life - Fight for life.
  2. Be careful with your thoughts - they are the beginning of deeds - Be careful with your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions.
  3. Destroy what destroys you - Destroy what destroys you.
  4. Don"t break up with your past until you"re sure in your future - Don't break up with your past until you are sure of your future.
  5. Endless love - Endless love.
  6. Everyone has one's own path - Everyone has their own path.
  7. Everyone is the creator of one's own fate - Everyone is the creator of their own fate.
  8. Everyone sees the world in one's own way - Each person sees the world in his own way.
  9. Fear transfers the clever into the silly, and makes the strong be the weak - Fear makes the smart foolish and the strong weak.
  10. Follow your heart - Follow your heart.
  11. Free your mind - Free your mind.
  12. I remember too much, that"s why I"m damn sad sometimes - I remember a lot, that's why I'm sometimes damn sad.
  13. Live without regrets - Live without regrets.
  14. Music creates the feelings which you can't find in life - Music creates feelings that do not exist in life.
  15. Never give up - Never give up.
  16. Never look back - Never look back.
  17. Never stop dreaming - Never stop dreaming.
  18. Now or never - Now or never.
  19. People rejoice at the Sun, and I"m dreaming of the Moon - People rejoice at the sun, and I dream of the moon.
  20. The inevitable price we pay for our happiness is eternal fear to lose it - The inevitable price we pay for happiness is the eternal fear of losing it.
  21. The love of my life - The love of my life.
  22. The most dangerous demons live in our hearts - The most dangerous demons live in our hearts.
  23. Wait and see - Let's wait and see.
  24. We hate the ones we love because they can cause the deepest suffering - We hate those we love because they are capable of causing us the most suffering.
  25. While I am breathing, I love and believe. - As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

This article presents quotes in English with translation, dedicated to various aspects of human existence as a way to learn new words, phrases, and grammatical structures. Quotes are inspiring, reflective, a little funny and a little sad, and so on.

Quotes about success

Quotes in English on the topic of success:

True success is something intangible; it is an inner sensation that cannot be shown materially to others. The growth of spirit, positive emotions, the right choice and respect for every living form, good relations, true love and sincere friendship: these are all the real components of success.

True success is something intangible; it is an inner sensation that cannot be shown to others in material form. Growth of the spirit, positive emotions, making the right choices and respect for every living form, good relationships, true love and sincere friendship are all the real ingredients of success.

Personally I believe that success can be savored every day. Every moment of present life, every minute and every second can represent an opportunity for success when it exists with love, with joy and with full awareness.

Personally, I believe that success can be savored every day. Every moment of real life, every minute and every second can represent an opportunity for success when it is lived with love, with joy and with full awareness.

Success is when in a certain moment you are doing what you really want to do, when you are in a place where you are really happy to find yourself.

Success is when at some point you do what you really want to do, when you are in a place where you are truly happy to find yourself.

Obviously the success is not static; it is a state that every day must be confirmed setting new goals.

Obviously, success is not static, it is a state that must be confirmed every day by setting new goals.

Trying to imagine a successful person I immediately visualize someone sitting in an expensive Ferrari, maybe parked in front of a huge luxurious villa. Next to him is a beautiful woman. He has a dazzling Hollywood smile, a couture suit and a purse full of banknotes that stick out of his pocket, etc…

When I try to imagine a successful person, I immediately see someone sitting in an expensive Ferrari, perhaps parked in front of a huge luxury villa. Next to him is a beautiful woman. He has a dazzling Hollywood smile, a couture suit and a wallet full of banknotes sticking out of his pocket.

There are actually things, attitudes, that distinguish successful people from the chronic dissatisfied...

In fact, there are things, relationships, that distinguish successful people from chronically dissatisfied people...

The word success, in fact, is associated very often; I would dare to say practically always, to a condition of wealth and popularity that also interprets into owning luxury goods as well as having a indeed socially “higher” position. This is what many people understand as success. In fact, this is the idea of ​​success dictated by the mass media, newspapers, radio, TV, society, etc... Do you have a lot of money? Are you famous? So, according to many, you are a successful person.

The word success, in fact, is associated very often, in fact, I would dare to say almost always, with a state of wealth and popularity, which is also interpreted as the possession of luxury goods, also a social “superior” position. This is what many people understand as success. In fact, it is the idea of ​​success dictated by the media, newspapers, radio, television, society, etc. Do you have a lot of money? Are you famous? So, according to many, you are a successful person.

Luck has always helped the realization of a goal.

Luck always helped in achieving the goal.

Personally I do not believe that true success is this. But then what is it really? Why do people chase it so desperately? And why do we talk about it more every day?

Personally, I don't believe this is a real success. But what is it? Why are people chasing him with such desperation? And why do we talk about this more and more every day?

People talk a lot about success and its conditions, all of this is expressed in quotes and catchphrases.

Quote in English defining "success":

  • What is success? First of all, I think it is something very personal but it has a common area: satisfaction and fulfillment.
    What is success? First of all, I think it's something very personal, but it has a common area: satisfaction and fulfillment.

Quote in English about the condition for success:

Quote in English about what a successful person is:

  • There are no magic tricks or formulas. Are you a professional in your job and happy with what you do? You are a successful person. Are you a housewife who is happy to take care of her own home, to take care of her children, who is able to realize herself and dedicate herself to the hobbies she wants? You are a successful person.
    There are no magic tricks or formulas. Are you a professional in your work and happy with what you do? You are a successful person. Are you a housewife who is happy to take care of her own home, her children, who can realize herself and devote herself to her favorite hobbies? You are a successful person.

Quotes about personality

It’s true when we talk about personality there are always different nuances that do not allow someone to be labeled as “purely” introvert, extrovert, independent, intuitive, etc.

True, when we talk about personality, there are always different nuances that prevent someone from being “purely” introverted, extroverted, independent, intuitive, and so on.

Strong personalities can often cause some tension or discomfort. These people show their selfishness, they never give up, pursue only their own interests, do not accept opposing visions or other proposals.

Strong personalities can often cause some tension or discomfort. These people demonstrate selfishness, they never give up, they pursue only their own interests, and do not accept opposing visions or other proposals.

Strong personalities are not loved by everyone because they are often not understood.

Strong personalities are not loved by everyone because they are often misunderstood.

We can, for example, remember the first criminologist Cesare Lombroso who was convinced that the somatic traits were the mirror of the personality.

We can, for example, recall the first criminologist Cesare Lombroso, who was convinced that somatic traits are a mirror of personality.

The resistant personality does not worry at all if someone does not accept it as it is.

A resilient person doesn't worry about anyone not accepting her for who she is.

A person’s personality is a reflection of his character, which can be either strong or weak, nervous, etc.

Quote in English about different personalities:

  • However when we talk about strong personalities there are nuances to be understood. In psychology this type of profile is known as “resistant personality”. A person with such personality can be introverted or extroverted but to characterize it more than anything else is the ability to stay afloat in the stormy sea of ​​adversity.
    However, when we talk about strong personalities, we need to understand the nuances. In psychology, this type of profile is known as the “resilient personality.” A person with this personality may be introverted or extroverted, but what characterizes him more than anything else is the ability to stay afloat in a stormy sea of ​​adversity.

Quote in English about a strong personality:

  • Strong personalities have a concept of concrete life: they have learned this from their mistakes and their successes and act accordingly, with humility, but also with determination. They know what they want and what they do not want. They learned it at their own expense when in the past someone has disappointed or betrayed them.
    Strong personalities have a concept for a concrete life: they have learned this from their mistakes and their successes and act accordingly, humbly but also with determination. They know what they want and what they don't want. They learned this from their experiences when someone disappointed or betrayed them in the past.

Quote in English, what is personality:

Quote in English on how to determine personality:

  • To have a more complete view of a personality we must treasure the most dominant personality model in the scientific scene, the so-called Big Five model (the Big Five are the five great traits that characterize every single personality/every single human being). In other words, it is the five factors of the personality.
    To have a more complete understanding of personality, we must appreciate the most dominant personality model on the scientific scene, the so-called “Big Five” (“The Big Five” are the five great traits that characterize each personality/individual). In other words, these are the five personality factors.

Quote in English about the neurotic personality:

  • A neurotic is a very sensitive person, emotionally unstable and has a tendency to experience more negative emotions (including anxiety and anger) than positive ones. For a neurotic the outside world is a source of threat and for that reason he is constantly obsessed with everything that happens around him living in a perennial state of arousal of the nervous system.
    A neurotic person is a very sensitive person, emotionally unstable and tends to experience more negative emotions (including anxiety and anger) than positive ones. For the neurotic, the external world is a source of threat, and for this reason he is constantly obsessed with everything that happens around him, living in a perennial state of nervous system excitation.

Quotes about life

An important feature of life is the fact of growth: the computer, as a rule, always remains of the same shape and sizes while the cat and plants are born small and become larger.

An important feature of life is the fact of growth: a computer, as a rule, always remains the same shape and size, while a cat and plants are born small and grow larger.

All humanistic nonsense comes from the comprehension of Homo Sapiens as a representative of life. The real representative of life is the bacterium (which will continue to exist when we fade away) and life occurs when the subject becomes capable of processing information

All humanistic nonsense comes from thinking of Homo Sapiens as representative of life. The real representative of life is the bacterium (which will continue to exist when we die out), and life arises when a subject becomes capable of processing information.

We have learned to exist but not to live.

We have learned to exist, but not to live.

We must work so that every person has the opportunity to live a life full of dignity.

We must work to ensure that every person has the opportunity to live a life of dignity.

Enjoy life, it’s all we have.

Enjoy life, that's all we have.

The beauty of life is that every period puts you in the face of re-starts, new adventures and a reinvention of what has been done before.

The beauty of life is that each period confronts you with restarts, new adventures and rethinking what has been done before.

Smoking kills. But life does not joke.

Smoking kills. But life doesn't joke.

The greatest compiler of sensational stories is life. But is life always true? Life is the same as it has always been, indifferent to the joys and sorrows of man, mute, impenetrable like the Sphinx.

The biggest compiler of sensational stories is life. But is life always true? Life is the same as always, indifferent to the joys and sorrows of man, dumb, impenetrable, like the Sphinx.

As a doctor, I think so: life is important not only when it is attractive and exciting but also if it is helpless and defenseless.

As a doctor, I think this: life is important not only when it is attractive and exciting, but also when it is helpless and defenseless.

You cannot expect anything from life except that it is difficult.

You can't expect anything from life except that it's difficult.

Quotes about love

Love is a multiplicity of different emotions and behaviors which can give form to a “general” affection until an inseparable bond is reached, an absolute emotion.

Love is a variety of different emotions and behaviors that can give form to a “shared” affection until an unbreakable bond, an absolute emotion, is achieved.

Love is an absolute sensation. Love is the moment in which one stops to reason with the head and one begins to think with the heart.

Love is an absolute sensation. Love is the moment when a person stops thinking with his head and begins to think with his heart.

Love fills the days, makes us laugh, makes us cry, and makes us despair but surely without love we cannot live.

Love fills our days, makes us laugh, makes us cry and makes us despair, but without love we cannot live.

It is a feeling that comes from the desire to give oneself, to jump into the darkness, to take a risk and to entrust one’s life to the hands of another person.

It is a feeling that comes from the desire to give of yourself, to jump into the darkness, to take risks and trust your life to another person.

Love means to desire the best for the other, whoever it is, even when the motivations are different. It means allowing the other to be happy even when its path is different from ours.

Love means wanting the best for the other person, no matter who they are, even when the motivations are different. This means that another can be happy even when their path is different from our path.

In most cases it is love that we choose even before we realize it.

In most cases, it is love that chooses us, even before we realize it.

From a purely psychological point of view love arises from an emotional and sexual need.

From a purely psychological point of view, love arises out of emotional and sexual need.

The feeling of love that fills a person has always been sung by poets and writers; books have been written about it and poems and songs have been composed.

Quote in English about love in the modern sense:

  • Today the idea prevails that love is synonymous with uncontrollable passion or endless hours in the chat. Of course, love has many languages ​​and it can also be this, but in reality it is a choice. To love means to forgive those who make mistakes or to trust those who have disappointed us, or even respect different ideas. To love means not to pretend and to give joy.
    The prevailing idea today is that love is synonymous with uncontrollable passion or endless hours of chatting. Of course, love has many languages, and this too can be, but in reality it is a choice. Loving means forgiving those who make mistakes, or trusting those who disappoint us, or even respecting different ideas. Loving means not pretending and giving joy.

Quote in English about love as a feeling:

Quote in English what is love:

  • We are aware that love is not something purely romantic when we say that between two people there is chemistry, that two others are not well together and that someone no longer loves another person. These statements show that we know that there is a biological or physiological component. But they also hide notions about how our culture or social media influence our way of loving.
    We realize that love is not something purely romantic when we say that two people have chemistry, that two others are not involved with each other, and that someone no longer loves the other person. These statements show that we know there is a biological or physiological component. But they also obscure ideas about how our culture or social media influences the way we love.

Quotes about studying and education

The concept of education includes all the incentives that come to us from the outside world.

The concept of education includes all the stimuli that come to us from the outside world

Education is the development of all aspects of human personality: physical, intellectual, emotional and character.

Education is the development of all aspects of human personality: physical, intellectual, emotional and character.

Education has two aspects: one internal and one external. The most striking aspect is external, that is, a lot of actions, relationships, words, tricks that a person creates for learning another. All this set of external environmental acts and circumstances that make a significant contribution to our education is called hetero-education.

Education has two aspects: one internal and one external. The most striking aspect is external, that is, a lot of actions, relationships, words, tricks that a person creates to teach another. This entire complex of external exogenous acts and circumstances that make a significant contribution to our education is called heteroformation.

In the educational process there is the possibility of absorbing all the cultural elements that millennia of civilization have accumulated. Culture is all that man has conceived and built by transforming nature to his advantage.

In the educational process there is an opportunity to absorb all the cultural elements accumulated over thousands of years of civilization. Culture is everything that man conceived and built by turning nature to his advantage.

The importance of learning and education lies at the heart of everything. Education is the right of all but it is also a knowledge that helps in communication, helps to perform better daily tasks.

The importance of learning and education is at the core of everything. Education is the right of all, but it is also knowledge that helps in communication, helps to perform better daily tasks.

It is true that nowadays, television has lost interest in culture for children and money has become the most important thing, so much so that when they come across literature, philosophy and history, they have such questions as: “What’s the use?”.

The truth is that these days television has lost interest in culture for children and money has become the most important thing, so much so that when they come across literature, philosophy and history they have questions like: “What is the use?”

Children need to know feelings such as love, joy, good, evil, boredom, hope, pain, etc. but this is learned only by studying, knowing the philosophers and literature of the past, the events of history, touching the pages of books and feeling their scent.

Children should know such feelings as love, joy, good, evil, boredom, hope, pain and so on. But this is realized only through study, knowledge of philosophers and literature of the past, events of history, touching the pages of books and smelling them.

Therefore, the study is not only important for our cultural background but also for the health of our brain.

Therefore, studying is not only important for our cultural background, but also for the health of our brain.

We can say that the education is a right of everything because it allows not only having a certain culture with which to deal with the world but allows a mental elasticity that applies every day.

It can be said that education is the right of everything because it not only allows one to have a certain culture with which to deal with the world, but also allows one to use mental elasticity every day.

Ignorance also includes ignorance of one’s own rights and ignorant people are easier to subdue and command them.

Ignorance also includes ignorance of one's own rights, and ignorant people are easier to subdue and command.

In English: Studies and culture go hand in hand on the path of person whose mind must be forged with a long preparation starting from elementary school when the first contact with knowledge is made.

Learning and culture go hand in hand in the path of man, whose mind must be forged by long training, beginning in elementary school, when the first contact with knowledge occurs.

Quotes with humor

Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

(Is that why Flipper always smiles?)

Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

(Is that why Flipper always smiles?)

The orgasm of a pig lasts 30 minutes.

(How did they find out?)

A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.

(How did they know?)

You need 150 calories per hour to bang your head against a wall.

You need 150 calories per hour to hit your head against the wall.

Those who use the right hand live on average nine years longer than the left-handed.

Those who use their right hand live an average of nine years longer than left-handers.

The eye of the ostrich is bigger than his brain.

An ostrich's eye is larger than its brain.

If you cannot be irreplaceable make yourself unforgettable.

If you can't be irreplaceable, make yourself unforgettable.

So doctor, is it not true that when a person dies while he sleeps, he does not realize it until the morning?

So, doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies while sleeping, he doesn't realize it until the morning?

Each country and profession has its own specific humor. Let's look at a couple of quotes on this topic.

Quote in English from British humor:

  • I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already.
    I'm on a whiskey diet. I've already lost three days.

Quote in English from Italian humor:

Quote in English from one doctor:

  • Tell me, how many times have you committed suicide?
    Tell me, how many times have you committed suicide?

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Phrases in English for tattoos

Phrases in English

Sometimes a winner is simply a dreamer who has never given up.

Sometimes the winner is just a dreamer who never gave up.

You will never find the truth if you are not willing to accept even what you did not expect.

You will never find the truth if you disagree with something you didn't expect.

Every true joy has a fear inside.

Every true joy has fear inside.

Those who follow others never arrive first.

Those who follow others never come first.

You can only see with your heart. Essential is invisible to the eye.

You can only see with your heart. The essential is invisible to the eye

Do not forget who you are.

Don't forget who you are.

Live every day as if it were the last.

Live every day as if it were your last.

Japanese quote in English: Fall seven times, get up eight.

Quote: Fall seven times, get up eight.

Do what you love.

Life goes on.

Beautiful and short quotes in English with translation

Beauty is here.

It is useless to talk about the problem unless you also talk about the solution.

It's no use talking about the problem if you don't talk about the solution.

If you want to be loved, love!

If you want to be loved, love!

Different paths that meet.

Different paths that meet.

To know how to see hope.

Know how to see hope.

Words have the power to interpret thought.

Words have the power to interpret thoughts.

Happiness is the most evident representation of impermanence, of dynamics, of change, of alternating moments and feelings that fill our lives.

Happiness is the most obvious idea of ​​impermanence, of dynamics, of change, of the changing moments and feelings that fill our lives.

This is perfect!

And the kisses illuminated me.

Love is the essence of life

Love is the essence of life.

Motivational Quotes

Here are collected quotes that can motivate a person to take certain actions:

Intrinsic motivation is linked to a force, an inner push and not to external stresses and rewards: it is a sort of personal commitment. The emotions connected to it are curiosity, pleasure and gratification in itself.

Intrinsic motivation is about strength, inner push, rather than external stress and rewards: it is a kind of personal commitment. The emotions associated with it are curiosity, pleasure and satisfaction in themselves.

Internal incentives generate internal motivation and are determined by the desire and satisfaction of achieving the goal; external are stimuli beyond the control of the individual and generate external motivation: in these cases, the subject participates in the task of obtaining benefits or in order to avoid negative circumstances.

Intrinsic incentives generate internal motivation and are determined by the desire and satisfaction of achieving a goal; External stimuli are beyond the control of the individual and give rise to extrinsic motivation: in these cases, the subject participates in the task to obtain advantages or to avoid negative circumstances.

The term motivation derives literally from “Motive” that impels us to perform a specific “Action”. In other words, it is the set of motives (or goals) that push a person to act and to implement a behavior.

The term motivation comes literally from the “motive” that motivates us to perform a specific “action.” In other words, it is a set of motives (or goals) that pushes a person to action.

For many years motivational policies were organized through instruments such as salary (material value) and career (social recognition within the organization).

Over the years, motivational policies have been organized through tools such as salary (material value) and career (social recognition in the organization).

Some people are more attracted to money, others to the sense of being considered to be the best, to be recognized in their role or the opportunity to express their creativity.

Some people are more attracted to money, others want to be considered the best, to be recognized for their role or to be able to express their creativity.

Go even if you do not work with us any more you will have accumulated a lot of experience.

Even if you no longer work with us, you will have accumulated a lot of experience.

In work and in study knowing what stimulates and gratifies us is fundamental for guiding our paths and being more effective.

In work and study, knowing what stimulates and satisfies us is fundamental to guiding our paths and increasing our effectiveness.

The best thing is to have a combination of big and small goals in order to constantly reach some goals which will keep alive the determination and will give satisfaction to the daily efforts. It is important not to lose sight of the final goal but we must avoid focusing too much on that risking feeling overwhelmed by the intermediate difficulties.

It is best to have a combination of big and small goals to continually achieve some goals that will keep you determined and satisfying in your daily efforts. It is important not to lose sight of the end goal, but we must avoid focusing too much on it at the risk of feeling overwhelmed by the difficulties in between.

Motivation starts from ourselves, from the conviction that we are able to take responsibility for our lives. To be truly aware of it, you need to have self-esteem which is a good judgment of us and our abilities, and to be helped by a robust portion of perseverance.

Motivation begins with ourselves, with the belief that we can take responsibility for our lives. To truly realize this, you need to have a sense of self-worth, which is a good judgment of ourselves and our abilities, and will be helped by a strong dose of perseverance.

Personal motivation is self-esteem and will power

Personal motivation is self-esteem and willpower.

Quotes about summer

Summer is not only sun and heat, but also a short journey of life into the world of falling in love and a beautiful sunset and sunrise, butterflies and unicorns, with songs in the forest and photographs for Instagram.

Because summer is passion, memories, light breeze, the sun that appears on the skin and caresses the face. It’s the smile of the seasons, and passes, passes faster than any other, brings with it a volume full of nostalgia that dyes the red-brown autumn.

Because summer is passion, memories, a light breeze, the sun that appears on the skin and caresses the face. It is the smile of the seasons, and it passes, passes faster than any other, bringing with it a force full of nostalgia that colors the red-brown of autumn.

I want summer, the light of the sun shining on the skin, the color of the sky reflected on the sea and that feeling of when I was a child. Summer is that sense of party, holiday and magic when school ended and you were ready for adventures, for love and for the first delightful nights.

I want summer, the light of the sun shining on the skin, the color of the sky reflected in the sea, and this feeling when I was a child. Summer is that feeling of party, celebration and magic when school is over and you are ready for adventure, love and the first sweet nights.

You are the season of bright color which brings joy and good humor; you are the season of full life which reignites a now dormant flame. You are the season of love and conquest where time passes quickly and takes you back.

You are the season of bright color that brings joy and good humor, you are the season of full life that ignites the now dormant flame; you are the season of love and conquest, where time passes quickly and confuses you.

In the summer nights getting lost in the stars is one of the wisest ways to spend time.

On summer nights, getting lost among the stars is one of the wisest ways to spend your time.

Summer is a wonderful season in which everything becomes more beautiful and colorful. Summer is not just a season but a real state of mind

Summer is a wonderful season in which everything becomes more beautiful and colorful. Summer is not just a season, but an actual state of mind.

In summer there is a swimming pool, a tropical shower, a sea, a lake, a waterfall and a hose. Summer is water for refreshment, water for washing the soul, water to have fun.

In summer there is a swimming pool, rain shower, sea, lake, waterfall, hose. Summer is water for renewal, water to wash the soul, water to have fun.

I know we should eat three servings of fruit every day including in winter. But, seriously, watermelon, melon, grape, papaya, orange, plum, peach, pineapple, all fruits get more delicious in the summer.

I know we should eat three servings of fruit every day, including in winter. But seriously, watermelon, melon, grapes, papaya, orange, plum, peach, pineapple, all fruits taste better in summer.

Is there anything hotter than ice cream in the summer?

Is there anything hotter than ice cream in the summer?

The quote comes from Ennio Flaiano, an Italian playwright and screenwriter who wrote ten screenplays for the films of the great Federico Fellini, including La Dolce Vita and 8½:

A beautiful quote in English about summer time:

  • In the summer I become happier, people laugh more, they meet more often, they make more fun rides, they take ice cream twice a day in the excuse to cool down. I know a lot of people complain about the sun cracking in the head, the stuffy weather. I know nothing is perfect but, in my perception, summer is the gateway to real happiness and good humor.
    In the summer I'm happier, people laugh more, they date more often, they have more fun, they eat ice cream twice a day as an excuse to cool down. I know a lot of people complain about the sun cracking their heads, the muggy weather, I know nothing is perfect, but in my opinion, summer is the gateway to true happiness and good humor.

Quotes about friendship

A long friendship from childhood with a guy or girlfriend is, first of all, a feeling of kindness towards each other, in which there are no lies and betrayal, and even distance cannot destroy this connection.

Friendship is a feeling hard to find but even more to be achieved. Few people will be friends for a lifetime and these people are like flowers to be cultivated, watered.

Friendship is a feeling that is difficult to find, but even more difficult to achieve. Few people remain friends for life, and these people are like flowers that need to be cultivated and watered.

A friend is one of the oldest words ever heard on this planet. This word is able to express the greatest feeling necessary for peaceful coexistence.

Friend is one of the oldest words ever heard on this planet. A word that can express the greatest feeling necessary for peaceful existence.

Who does not have a friend is a person who will always miss something. He does not even know what but he knows that something is missing.

A person who does not have a friend is the one who will always miss something. He doesn't even know what, but he knows something is missing.

With your friend you can talk, confront, and even argue because the relationship of true friendship without any confrontation is wrong.

With a friend you can talk, confront, even argue, because a relationship of true friendship without any confrontation is wrong.

Friendship is a flame that will never go out. It is comparable to the sun to the light that never goes out.

Friendship is a flame that will never go out. She is comparable to the sun, whose light never goes out.

Having a true friend is like owning a treasure that you do not see but that you have.

Having a true friend is like having a treasure that you can't see but know you have.

In words you cannot say what it is. Friendship is as big as the infinite, it is worth more than the good you have and what dreams you have.

It's difficult to express in words what it is. Friendship is as great as it is endless, it is worth more than what you have and what you dream of.

Only life can say, without words, what it is: if it is an illusion or if it exists…

Only life can say, without words, whether it is an illusion or whether it exists...

The basic values ​​of friendship are trust and honesty.

The core values ​​of friendship are trust and honesty.

I think the friend is the one who can understand you, the one that if you have a problem helps you, who believes in what you do. I think of friendship as something eternal which is not born and does not die but lives forever within each of us.

I think a friend is someone who can understand you, someone who helps you when you have a problem, someone who believes in your actions. I believe that friendship is something eternal that is neither born nor dies, but lives forever inside each of us.

Quotes about happiness

Happiness is a fire that burns in cheerful people and goes out in depressed people. Osho, Bob Marley, Audrey Hepburn and many others spoke about happiness.

A selection of cool quotes about happiness:

Happiness is not a definable thing even if on various dictionaries as on various texts there are explanations and references. All starting from the great philosophers like Plato have tried to make us understand what it is and what it feel if there is. But the truth is that it is a difficult perhaps even useless exercise.

Happiness is not defined, even if there are explanations and references in different dictionaries, as well as in different texts. Everyone, starting with the great philosophers such as Plato, has tried to explain to us what it is and what feelings are associated with it, if there is one. But the truth is that this is a difficult, perhaps even futile exercise.

Happiness is that personal state that makes one thinks of the word happiness without having to look for it and which in turn makes it clear that there is happiness.

Happiness is a personal state that makes you think about happiness without having to look for it, and this, in turn, makes you understand what happiness is.

Happiness is a condition of wellbeing caused by the pleasure of being in a loved place with close people. Happiness is to know, understand and appreciate what is and what is going through.

It is a state of well-being brought about by the pleasure of being in a favorite place with loved ones. Happiness means knowing, understanding and appreciating what you have and what you care about.

Happiness is not a thing that has duration, a term and a beginning, that knows where to find and keep. –Happiness is the most evident representation of impermanence, of dynamics, of change, of alternating moments and feelings that fill our lives.

Happiness is not something that has a duration, a name and a beginning that knows where to find and keep. Happiness is the most obvious idea of ​​impermanence, of dynamics, of change, of the changing moments and feelings that fill our lives.

Happiness is a beautiful word because it not only provokes a great pleasure in pronouncing it, but also because it contains a philosophy, an interpretation of being in the world, indicates priorities, allow you to understand how to take and chase them, to enjoy them .

Happiness is a wonderful word because not only does it bring great pleasure to say it, but also because it contains a philosophy, an interpretation of being in the world, indicates priorities, allows you to understand how to accept and pursue them, enjoy them.

Happiness represents the only true, profound system for classifying and understanding and judging people, precisely in relation to how they love, take or leave happiness. In fact, it is not a paradise beyond life, but it is the sublime element for feeling and being in life.

Happiness represents the only true, deep system of classifying, understanding and judging people, namely in relation to how they love, accept, or leave happiness. In fact, it is not a paradise beyond life, but it is a sublime communion for feeling and being in life.

And yet happiness does not depend on the social class, on the possession of money, on the place where people are but only on their own approach to life, on the desire to have it, on the desire to consider it important.

And yet happiness does not depend on social class, on the possession of money, on where people are, but only on one’s own approach to life, on the desire to have it, on the desire to consider it important.

Happiness it is not only a prize for those who lose according to the most common standards of thought and who can thus be consoled with the illusion of happiness like many who consider themselves protagonists of life.

Happiness is not only a prize for those who fail according to popular standards of thought and who can be consoled by the illusion of happiness, like many who consider themselves the protagonists of life.

Happiness is a way of being in front of the world, in the virtual courtyard where everything passes and where you can meet and choose different feelings from hatred to friendship, from the pleasure of winning, from the pleasure of knowing and participating to that of contemplating , from love to its many surrogates.

Happiness is a way of being before the world, in a virtual court where everything passes and where you can meet and choose different feelings from hatred to friendship, from the pleasure of victory, from the pleasure of knowledge and participation in contemplation, from love and its many forms .

It depends on each of us and this is why every man is the arbiter of his own destiny, in the sense that happiness must be sought and constructed in an absolutely personal way.

It depends on each of us, and that is why each person is the arbiter of his own destiny, in the sense that happiness must be sought and built absolutely individually.

Quotes of great men

Usually among the top statements of great people there are pathetic quotes from Einstein, Kurt Cobain, Confucius or Buddha and William Shakespeare, as well as Omar Khayyam and Marilyn Monroe, reflecting on death, space, art, etc.

Here we have collected non-trivial statements from other famous people that will look original as a status on your Instagram or VK profile:

Life is a combination of pasta and magic. – Federico Fellini

Life is a combination of pasta and magic. – Quote from Federico Fellini

I believe the end of the 20th century is a moment of renegotiation on procreation on birth and sex. Sexual politics has given us wider freedom, the concept of contraception… – Peter Greenaway

I believe that the end of the 20th century is a moment of reconsidering the issue of procreation through birth and sex. Sexual politics gave us greater freedom, the concept of contraception... - Quote by Peter Greenaway

Of course it’s not true that I’m crazy. They visited me and I was clinically healthy. – Werner Herzog

Of course, it's not true that I'm crazy. They visited me and I was clinically healthy. – Quote from Werner Herzog

A good composer does not imitate; he copies. – Igor Stravinsky

A good composer does not imitate, he copies. – Quote from Igor Stravinsky

Human life is nothing but a drop of dew, the flash of lightning. – Ryūnosuke Akutagawa

Human life is nothing more than a drop of dew, a flash of lightning. – Quote from Ryunosuke Akutagawa

I like the rule that corrects emotion. I like the emotion that corrects the rule. – Georges Braque

I like the rule that corrects emotions. I like the emotion that corrects the rule. – Quote from Georges Braque

Motion is the cause of every life. – Leonardo da Vinci

Movement is the reason for every life. - Leonardo da Vinci.

Those who only study and treat the effects of the disease are like people who imagine they can send winter away by sweeping the snow on the threshold of their door. It is not the snow that causes winter but the winter that causes snow.– Paracelsus

Those who only study and treat the effects of disease are like people who think they can send winter away to sweep away the snow on their doorstep. It is not snow that causes winter, but winter that causes snow. – Quote from Paracelsus

The love of solitude is the sign of a disposition for knowledge; but we reach knowledge only when we perceive loneliness always and everywhere, in the crowd, in the battle and on the market place. –Sri Aurobindo

The love of solitude is a sign of an inclination towards knowledge; but we achieve knowledge only when we perceive solitude always and everywhere, in the crowd, in battle and in the market. – Quote from Sri Aurobindo

To succeed in business you need to make sure that others can see things the way you see them. – Aristotle Onassis

To succeed in business, you need to make sure that others can see things the way you see them. – Quote from Aristotle Onassis

Quotes from books and films

No one will refuse to watch a sincere and interesting series or movie, or read a good book with a cup of coffee when it’s raining outside.

Some cool quotes from movies and smart books:

“Sometimes at night this darkness, this silence weighs on me. It is peace that frightens me; I fear peace more than anything else: it seems to me that it is only an appearance and that it hides hell. Think about what my children will see tomorrow…” /Steiner, La Dolce Vita/

Sometimes at night this darkness, this silence weighs on me. The world scares me; I am afraid of the world more than anything in the world: it seems to me that it is just an appearance and that it hides hell. Think about what my children will see tomorrow... /Steiner quote, from the film “La Dolce Vita” by Federico Fellini/

“The purpose of this game is to fall with a rope around the neck from a sufficiently high point because the fall causes suffocation. The aim of gambling is to punish those who have caused great unhappiness by means of their actions. This game is the best of all because the winner is also the loser and the decision is always unsuccessful.” /It is voiceover narrating its suicide by hanging, Drowning by Numbers/

The goal of this game is to fall with a rope around your neck from a high enough point, because falling causes suffocation. The purpose of gambling is to punish those who have caused great misfortune through their actions. This game is the best of all because the winner is also a loser and the solution is always unsuccessful. /Voiceover talking about his suicide by hanging, from “Diving into the Numbers” by Peter Greenaway/

“Time is a mountain crossed by secret tunnels...” /The magician Eusebius, The Visitors

Time is a mountain crossed by secret tunnels... /The Wizard Eusebius, “Aliens”/

“You cannot give your heart to a wild creature: the more you love it the more it becomes rebellious.” /Holly Golightly, Breakfast at Tiffany’s/

You cannot give your heart to a wild creature: the more you love him, the more he becomes rebellious. /Holly Golightly quote from Breakfast at Tiffany's/

“I cannot repeat everything they said. I’m not a hunter to nonsense.” /Professor Preobrazhensky, Heart of a Dog

I don't have the opportunity to repeat everything they said. I'm not a sucker for nonsense. /Professor Preobrazhensky, from the story “Heart of a Dog” by Mikhail Bulgakov/

“Either get busy living or get busy dying” /Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, Stephen King/

Either get busy living or get busy dying. /Quote from the story “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption” by Stephen King/

Quote in English about the fatherland from the story “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol:

  • The Motherland is what our soul seeks for, what is dearest to it all. My fatherland is you.
    The Fatherland is what our soul seeks, what is dearer to it than anything else. My homeland is you.

Quote in English from the dystopian novel Animal Farm by George Orwell:

Quote in English from the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City” by Alexander Volkov:

  • – Tell me, don’t you have a cherished desire?
    - Do I have? Oh, I have a whole bunch of desires!
    - Tell me, do you have a cherished desire?
    - I have? Oh, I have a whole bunch of desires!

Quote in English from “The Decameron” by Giovanni Boccaccio:

  • There are people who imagine that they know more than others but in fact, as far as I can judge, they know little.
    There are people who imagine that they know more than others, but in fact, as far as I can judge, they know little.

Quotes about dreams

Daydream, fantasy, imagination… are terms often used as synonyms to stimulate our creative part and bring out what we want; but are they really synonymous?

Dream, fantasy, imagination... these are terms that are often used interchangeably to stimulate our creative role and bring out what we want; but are they really synonymous?

When we daydream we remain at the mercy of the images and when we finish dreaming there is often a “sigh” but not of relief… Almost of nostalgia and sadness; because we feel the daydream very far from us.

When we dream, we remain at the mercy of images, and when we finish dreaming, there is often a “sigh”, but not relief... Almost nostalgia and sadness, because we feel that the dream is very far from us.

Daydreaming is the class of the very immediate surroundings of an individual during which its contact with reality is diffused and partially replaced by a visionary fantasy.

Daydreaming is a class of a person's most immediate environment, during which his contact with reality is dispersed and is partially replaced by visual fantasy.

Some psychologists believe that daydreams are manifestations of the human subconscious, just as dreams are.

Some psychologists believe that dreams are manifestations of the human subconscious, just like dreams.

Individuals in a state of reverie tend to talk about decontextualized subjects who only make sense for themselves; conversations or unexpected actions that do not have a timeline or rational line.

People in a state of thoughtfulness tend to talk about subjects without connection that make sense only to them; conversations or unexpected actions that have no timeline or rational line.

Daydreams can affect various senses; the nervous circuits of perception are also activated.

Dreams can influence various feelings, and neural circuits of perception are also activated.

Daydreaming is a pleasant activity common to most of us; we fantasizes about people, events, more or less complex situations; when we return to real life, the taste of fantasies remains for a moment in midair, and then vanishes.

Daydreaming is a pleasant activity common to most of us; we fantasize about people, events, more or less complex situations; when we return to real life, the taste of fantasy remains in the air for a moment and then disappears.

In some cases, however, the daydream is so engaging that it cages the subject in a web from which he cannot and perhaps does not wish to go out. Here is the compulsive need to dive back into imagination as soon as possible and move away more and more from the real world.

In some cases, however, the dream is so attractive that it entangles the subject in a net from which he cannot and perhaps does not want to escape. This is the obsessive need to plunge into the imagination as soon as possible and move away from the real world more and more.

Unlike “norm-dreamers” visionaries perceive the urgent need to return to the fantasy world as soon as they are “awakened” from the real one, in order to continue the process of creation.

Unlike normal dreamers, dreamers feel an urgent need to return to the world of fantasy as soon as they “awaken” from the real in order to continue the process of creation.

There is an opinion that dreaming is useful, here is a quote in English that scientifically explains the benefits of daydreaming:

  • When we daydream we rework information about what we are and what we have experienced. during daydreams brain areas involved in memory are activated such as the hippocampus, a structure that stores information Thus and retrieves memories.
    When we dream, we process information about who we are and what we have experienced. Thus, during daydreaming, areas of the brain involved in memory, such as the hippocampus, a structure that stores information and retrieves memories, are activated.

Sad Quotes

Sadness sometimes hides behind a smile. It is like an eternal traveler who visits us at its pleasure reminding us that we are human and that from our weaknesses great strengths can sometimes arise.

Sadness sometimes hides behind a smile. She is like an eternal traveler who visits us with pleasure, reminding us that we are human and that strengths can sometimes arise from our weaknesses.

Sadness envelops us with its cold mantle and we remain paralyzed.

Sadness wraps its cold cloak around us and we are paralyzed.

Sadness is part of our lives, and can safely be considered one of the most common and least understood at the same time.

Sadness is a part of our lives and can easily be considered one of the most common and least understood concepts.

Sadness can appear as a result of a cognitive process. These are those moments in which one looks at a past or present aspect of one’s life and suddenly presents a series of negative emotions.

Sadness may arise as a result of a cognitive process. These are those moments when you look at a past or present aspect of your life and suddenly imagine a series of negative emotions.

It’s all right, why does sadness come?

Everything is fine, why does sadness come?

Bad thoughts or sadness do not come because we are wrong but to force ourselves to question who we are, to question a superficial mentality which is most often antithetical to our deepest nature.

Bad thoughts or sadness do not happen because we are wrong, but because we question who we think we are, a superficial mentality that most often contradicts our deep character.

Is it sad to contemplate a winter landscape? Or is it the starting point for creating new colors in us? Baudelaire spoke of a “sad and beautiful” sky; Byron adored the windy cliffs…

Is it sad to look at the winter landscape? Or is this the starting point for creating new colors within us? Baudelaire spoke of the “sad and beautiful” sky, Byron adored windy cliffs...

There are times when everything goes wrong as you want: the boyfriend left you, work is not found and even in a family you feel nervous. In short, there are moments in which it seems that life takes a completely different direction from what we would like to accept. And in this direction we continue to walk almost helpless and powerless.

There are times when things don't go the way we want: a friend left you, there is no job, and even in your family you feel nervous. In short, there are times when life seems to take a completely different direction from what we would like to take. And in this direction we continue to move, almost helpless and powerless.

Are you sad for no particular reason? Are you more tired than usual? You just want to hide your head under the blanket and stop thinking about anything? Do not worry: it’s the “fault” of Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year.

Are you sad for no particular reason? Are you more tired than usual? Do you just want to hide your head under the covers and stop thinking about anything? Don't worry: it's the "fault" of Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year.

Sad from the fact that the holidays are over but good wishes and intentions seem unrealistic and you return to the usual routine.

It's sad that the holidays are already over, but good wishes and intentions seem impossible to fulfill, and you return to your usual routine.


A distinctive feature of tattoos in the form of an inscription is their special meaning for the owner. It is common to write text in a foreign language with a hidden meaning that can only be understood if you know the correct translation. A tattoo with an inscription is a body decoration and a way of self-expression.

What is the difference between inscriptions for girls and men

Text tattoos are considered universal for both men and women. By changing the endings of some words, you can achieve a change in the meaning of the phrase in accordance with the gender of the person. There are slight differences in the font style that females tend to choose - the letters have a more sophisticated look with ornate curves and shapes.

Men's tattoos are characterized by strict lines and large letter sizes.

Types of fonts

Choosing the right font for a tattoo is as important as choosing the phrase itself.

All the variety of fonts can be divided into types:

  1. Calligraphic – uniqueness lies in the individual handwriting of each artist, which cannot be repeated. When performing tattoos, various styles are used: from the classic style of the past to modern capital fonts.
  1. Gothic - performed according to Gothic motifs, it can be simple or complex. Depending on the owner’s wishes, the font can be made more difficult to read or the text can be left easy to read.
  1. Graffiti style – contains a combination of styles from wall street graffiti.
  1. Western font - inscriptions in the style of the Wild Old West.
  1. Stylized for a specific country or nationality.
  1. Hand written - used to create a personal tattoo.
  1. Typewriter Style – Reproduces the writing style of vintage typewriters.

How to choose a font depending on the location of the tattoo

To decide on the font, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations regarding the placement of the tattoo.


  1. It is important to consider the size of the inscription. Small tattoos are placed on the wrists, fingers, and on the back of the neck. Large ones are on the side and back.
  2. Do not write long text in very small font. Ink tends to fade over time.
  3. Quotes are best placed on the back, shoulder blades, ribs and chest.
  4. For special tattoos, a place is chosen that is hidden from prying eyes. For example, under items of clothing or underwear.
  5. Care should be taken when applying tattoos to the abdomen or thighs. These parts of the body are subject to rapid changes when you gain weight. There is a risk of getting blurry text.
  6. An important factor remains pain in certain places on the body. The most painful places are the inner and back of the thighs, face, bikini, armpits, and knees. Tolerable level of pain in the back, arms, calves and front thighs.

Love lettering

Features of such tattoos:

  • Inscriptions for tattoos about love with translation can consist of several letters - the initials of a loved one, or entire fragments from the text about feelings and love. The record holder is the word love in all languages ​​of the world.
  • Often people in love make tattoos from halves of an inscription, one for each of the couple.
  • A tattoo on the theme of love can be made in the form of a single hieroglyph with the meaning of happiness or eternal love.
  • The initials of loved ones fit into the symbol of love and infinity.

How can you express love for loved ones using an inscription on the body?


  • An original way to express love for loved ones would be a tattoo with the names of children, significant other, or warm words about parents.
  • When making a tattoo about family, you can use your own words that are understandable to loved ones.
  • With the help of aphorisms, feelings and emotions are best conveyed.
  • Variations of phrases in foreign languages ​​are widespread in the tattoo industry. They look fashionable and make it possible to hide the meaning from prying eyes.

Lettering about life

Phrases about life on tattoos are a reflection of a person’s life position.


  • They can serve as a source of additional motivation in achieving your goals.
  • By placing meaningful text on a part of the body that the wearer sees every day, tattoos help to stay on track and not give up.
  • They are considered a tool for expressing the essence of important moments for the owner, his principles in life.

Philosophical statements

Philosophical statements in tattoos carry a deep meaning and have a certain message.


  • Tattoos of inscriptions with translations filled with philosophical meaning are a suitable option for people with a meaningful approach to life, who are close to thinking about the thorny path of life.
  • The most common is the application in the language of the ancient philosophers of the ancient era - Latin.

Back tattoo

The back area allows you to realize any idea for a tattoo.

Features of inscription tattoos on the back:

  • It's easy to hide or reveal your tattoo.
  • Men more often choose large inscriptions on the shoulder blades, women - small phrases at the bottom of the neck, along the spine or in the lumbar region.
  • It is easy to maintain symmetry due to the spine.

Advantages of accommodation:

  • The largest and straightest part of the body. You can place long text formed into a paragraph, or stretch the inscription vertically.
  • It is an area with minimal pain for tattooing.
  • The back area practically does not deform with age, maintaining its original appearance.
  • Convenience of work for the master.


  • If they are inconvenient to care for and handle at first, it is better to seek help from a loved one.
  • The implementation process can occur in parts and stretch over a long period.
  • Large tattoos are expensive for their owners.

Lettering tattoos on the stomach

The abdominal area is not the most popular for tattooing; the choice of this area is determined by some features.


  • It is chosen mainly by people of slim build. Or in opposite situations - with the absence of complexes.
  • It is considered a more feminine accommodation area.
  • The most common option to hide skin defects from surgical interventions and stretch marks.


  • The area allows you to experiment with the size of the inscriptions.
  • It's easy to hide from a strict dress code at work.
  • Can be used as an incentive to maintain good physical shape.
  • Allows you to turn skin imperfections into a beautiful decoration of this area.


  • The procedure is painful on thin and sensitive skin of the abdomen.
  • It is worth taking into account the structural features of the body and the high probability of deformation of the tattoo.
  • Women planning a pregnancy should understand that the inscription will lose its shape irrevocably.

On the hand

Tattooing inscriptions with translations is quite common on the hands.

This choice has a number of features:

  • The number of application stages depends on the size of the text and the complexity of the font.
  • Most often they are located in the area from the elbow to the hand.
  • A suitable place to put short quotes, words, initials and dates.


  • Quite sufficient area.
  • Tolerable level of pain.
  • Easy to hide if necessary.


  • There are minor restrictions in choosing the size and length of the text.
  • The elbow areas and the inner surface of the arm are quite painful.
  • In the warm season, hiding the inscription on your hand is not always easy.


Features of tattoos with text on wrists:

  • They serve as decoration for women; for the stronger half, they emphasize masculinity.
  • Predominantly used to mark significant dates and statements about important events.
  • The ability to hide the tattoo with accessories if necessary.


  • Placed on the wrist, it tends to attract the attention of others.
  • An ideal place for hieroglyphs that can convey the meaning of entire phrases.
  • Emphasize individuality.


  • Difficulty of execution.
  • Over time, they tend to lose their original appearance.
  • Severe pain due to the accumulation of nerve endings in the wrist area.


Tattoos of inscriptions with translation on hands are the choice of extraordinary individuals.


  • It is worth sticking to a more universal style when applying. Inscription tattoos on the hands will always be in plain sight. It will be better if it retains its originality and relevance regardless of fashion.
  • A successful result depends on the qualifications of the master.
  • It must be remembered that the skin of the hand renews itself faster than other areas; after a while, a corrective procedure may be necessary.


  • Always in sight. An advantage for people who are used to attracting attention.
  • Practicality. The applied phrases last a long time and maintain a satisfactory appearance.
  • They have an elegant and aesthetic appearance due to their small, neat size.


  • Painful application. Many nerve sensors are concentrated on the hands; there are practically no muscles or soft tissues.
  • Difficult to perform on an uneven brush surface.
  • The skin on your hand is susceptible to wrinkles over time, which can affect the appearance of the text.


Text inscriptions on legs can be placed on the thigh, knee, calves, ankles.

General features of such tattoos:

  • During the healing process, you need to wear comfortable clothing that will not fit tightly to the fresh inscription.
  • Tattoos above the knees often lose their appearance due to changes in weight, volume, and age. In the knee area and below - they are well preserved for a long time.
  • Putting inscriptions on your calves is not the best option. When muscles tense, the text will take on a voluminous, uneven appearance.


  • Voluminous or long vertical texts can visually add slenderness to the legs.
  • Ability to experiment with font styles and sizes.
  • They look advantageous and stylish on both women's and men's legs.


  • Over time, they are subject to stretching and deformation.
  • The inner thighs and knees are very painful places for needle punctures.
  • In the warm season it is difficult to hide.



  • Considered universal for men and women.
  • You should refrain from swimming in bodies of water while the inscription is healing to avoid infection.
  • It is important to pay close attention to the healing process. The area is especially susceptible to contact with clothing, shoes, and in the summer - unwanted sunlight.


  • Not always in sight, doesn't bother you.
  • They add special sensuality to the female image.
  • Short phrases and hieroglyphs look appropriate.


  • Discomfort during the first time after getting a tattoo.
  • For those who wish to express themselves with the help of a tattoo, the location is not the most advantageous; they are often located under wardrobe items.
  • Moderate level of pain.


They are used more often by bright, self-sufficient individuals who do not plan to hide the inscription.

Key Features:


  • Located in a visible place.
  • An excellent option for depicting personal credos and important statements.
  • Aesthetic character of inscriptions.


  • Very painful. It is advisable to use anesthesia.
  • The appearance of wrinkles on the neck with age can spoil the appearance of the inscription.
  • Inappropriate area for long texts with large font.


Original posting with a list of your special moments:

  • Popular among the female half.
  • They are distinguished by elegance.
  • Small font is not recommended. There is a risk of letters becoming smeared over time.


  • They emphasize the elegance of a woman’s figure, and in men they can visually expand the torso.
  • They are an effective attribute to attract attention.
  • They look beautiful in the form of long, stretched inscriptions.


  • Application to skin close to bone will be very painful.
  • It will not be possible to place a large quotation.
  • The uneven surface makes application difficult.

Examples of inscriptions in Russian

The Russian language is not used often compared to foreign phrases. With a little creativity, you can get unique text.


  • Remember your roots.
  • Fight till the end.
  • The pain is temporary.
  • Triumph is eternal.
  • Live, dance.
  • Everything is within us.
  • The one who knows how to wait wins.

In English

Inscriptions in English are the most common among tattoos with translation. Understanding the meaning and significance of the phrase is not particularly difficult.


  • Don’t give up - don’t give up.
  • Everyone has one’s own path - everyone has their own path.
  • Remember who you are - don’t forget who you are.
  • Be careful with your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds – be careful with your thoughts, they are the beginning of actions.

In Latin

Phrases of the ancient language occupy leading positions among inscriptions for tattoos.

Examples from the few surviving sayings:

  • Nunc aut numquam - now or never.
  • Nunc scio quid sit amor - now I know what love means.
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae - man is the master of his destiny.
  • Rectum, quia honestum est - only what you consider necessary for yourself is correct.
  • Qui estis - remain yourself.
  • Dum spiro spero - while I breathe - I hope.
  • Nil sancti - nothing sacred.

In the Arabic language

Popular due to the beautiful appearance of Arabic calligraphy:

  • حب – love.
  • اجعل الله اولويتك - The Lord is above all.
  • جمال – beauty.
  • قلبي على قلبك - life is beautiful.
  • سعادة – happiness.
  • إبقَ قوياٌ - be strong.
  • شجاعة - courage.

In Italian

The inscriptions in Italian have a beautiful and romantic sound:

  • Dolce Vitta - sweet life.
  • Finchè c’è vita c’è speranza – to live means to hope.
  • Il fine giustifica i mezzi - the goal is justified by any means.

In French

It is considered the best language in the execution of love inscriptions:

  • M'aimer pour qui je suis - love me for who I am.
  • La vie est belle - life is beautiful.
  • C`est l`amour que vous faut – love is all that is needed.


Particular attention should be paid to the translation of phrases in German. The speech is rich in synonyms that are appropriate in certain cases. There is a possibility of receiving a ridiculous phrase.

Examples of German inscriptions:

  • Rette und bewahre – save and preserve.
  • Niemand als du - no one except you.
  • Ich gehe zu meinem Traum - be true to your dream.
  • Lernt das Leben zu genießen. Leiden lehrt es euch - learn to enjoy life, life itself will teach you suffering.

In Spanish

The use of aphorisms in Spanish is common.

Example phrases:

  • No hay nada impossible - the impossible does not exist.
  • Vivir significa luchar – designation of struggle.
  • Nuncio te rindas – don’t give up.

In Greek

If you want to stand out, the Greek language is ideal:

  • Εν οίδα ότι ουδέν οίδα - I only know that nothing is known.
  • Τρώγε για να ζεις και μη ζεις για να τρως - eat to live, and do not live to eat.
  • Τίποτα δεν γίνεται χωρίς αιτία - for all your reasons.
  • Καλύτερα αργά παρά ποτέ - better late than never.

Tattoos of inscriptions whose translations you are not familiar with or you are not sure of the accuracy of the meaning are best avoided. You should not rely on the knowledge of the master.

The ideal option is to apply text from a native speaker source.

You should not go to the salon if you do not have a clear understanding of the meaning of the inscription, its location and the general style of execution. It is possible to correct a finished tattoo after a couple of years, but it is problematic.

You need to be careful about fashion trends. It’s better to think about everything well in advance and try to imagine whether this phrase will be liked after some time, when other inscriptions become fashionable.

High-quality inscription tattoos with any translation you like will always look aesthetically pleasing. In addition to external characteristics, they will serve as a motivator in achieving goals for the owner and act as an element of self-expression with deep meaning.

Video about how you can meaningfully decorate your body with beautiful tattoos

Photo of the inscription for a tattoo with translation for girls:

Top 10: dangerous tattoos:

Tattoo lettering in English is one of the most popular in the tattoo industry. The only things that can compete with them are phrases written in the notorious Latin. However, most tattoo fans prefer the international language, English, which most people speak. This allows you not to worry that the meaning of the tattoo remains known only to its owner; on the contrary, the English language guarantees that the translation of the phrase will be understood by many.

Most popular words

Words for tattoos in English are very different. The first place among the leaders is definitely occupied by the word “love”, which means “love”, so beloved by many girls. Live (life), smile (smile) and many others also appear in the first places in the ratings. But all the words and phrases chosen in tattoo parlors can usually be divided into several understandable and easy-to-classify groups:

  • words-feelings or moods, such as love, joy, pain and others;
  • names translated into English, be it your own name, a nickname or the initials of a loved one;
  • statements of idols, people closest in spirit;
  • famous sayings and expressions, catchphrases, quotes from favorite works;
  • wishes and dreams encrypted in words.

An inscription tattoo, unlike any drawings or patterns, even the most beautiful ones, necessarily carries some meaning. There simply cannot be a completely meaningless statement on the body, applied just for the sake of a beautiful font, while choosing a design only because of its visual component is quite possible.

That is why the choice of words must be approached as responsibly as possible. Inscriptions in English with translation are very important, they reflect individuality and character, you should not repeat yourself in choosing such a tattoo, or even more so, treat it without due attention.

The most convenient places

A tattoo in English is in most cases created to attract attention; it is a unique way of communicating with the world, an opportunity to tell it the most important thought, often on the tip of the tongue. That is why such inscriptions are usually not hidden. They prefer to be applied:

  • on the wrist, which mainly concerns girls;
  • on male arms along the ulna or radius bones;
  • on the outer surface of the feet;
  • on the back or neck, the part that can be opened with a T-shirt;
  • on the chest or collarbone.

The location may not carry such a sacred meaning as the content itself, but it greatly influences how the tattoo looks on the body, whether it looks organic and suits its owner.

Beautiful inscriptions in English, tattoos with various phrases look completely different: serious, individual, gentle, subtle, depending on the person who chooses his statement, the thought that he will wear on his body. But in absolutely all cases, inscription tattoos look advantageous and suit absolutely everyone.

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Legends are made about love, poems are written, songs are sung. Some lines become so popular that they are translated into many languages. This material presents quotes about love in English with translation into Russian. You will recognize some of them, and some will be a discovery for you.

Without many words

Sometimes something is said so briefly and clearly that there is nothing to add or subtract from. The following words from John Lennon from his song are very popular:

All you need is love.
All you need is love.

Beautiful short phrases about love in English are good because they are easy to remember, and therefore enrich your vocabulary. You can also add them to the status of a social network (thereby enlightening your friends and acquaintances a little).

Love lives forever. Love lives forever.

If you wish to be loved, love! If you want to be loved, love!

Love is friendship set on fire. Love is friendship ignited by fire.
(Jeremy Taylor)

One love, one heart, one destiny. One love, one heart, one destiny.
Bob Marley

A couple of short English quotes about love from famous writers:

Real love stories never have endings.
True love stories never have endings.
Richard Bach

Let's speculate

Let's look at longer phrases about love in English that encourage thinking and reasoning. Translation into Russian will again help us in understanding them.

The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can ever end.
The magic of first love is that we don't believe it will ever end.
Benjamin Disraeli

We are never so defensive against suffering as when we love.
We are never as defenseless as when we love.
Sigmund Freud

Love is the most important thing in the world. It's all for love. L-O-V-E.
Love is the most important thing in the world. All for love. LOVE.
Michael Jackson

Thoughts from the famous Oscar Wilde:

A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her.
A man can be happy with any woman as long as he doesn't love her.

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.
Keep love in your heart. Life without love is like a garden without the sun, all the flowers in which have withered.

Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.
Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary.

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
Loving yourself is the beginning of a life-long romance.

A few quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche:

The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.
An intelligent person should be able not only to love his enemies, but also to hate his friends.

It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.
Marriages are unhappy not because of a lack of love, but because of a lack of friendship.

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
There is always a little madness in love. And in madness there is always a little wisdom.

To quote famous women:

Any woman can fool a man if she wants to and if he’s in love with her.
Any woman is capable of fooling a man if she wants to and if he is in love with her.
Agatha Christie

To be brave is to love unconditionally without expecting anything in return.
Courage is loving unconditionally without expecting anything in return.