Map of the south-eastern railway road. Schemes of Russian railways

Russian society is just beginning to interpret and understand correctly, what's happenedKappa memes that burst into our lives via the Internet as pictures with jokes and funny video. However, their meaning and purpose are much more global. It is common to interpret memes as modern youth slang, using which individual Internet users show their exclusivity to the real world.

Memes are a super language, the language of a new generation, a way and opportunity to replace a page of carefully selected and smart words for one small picture. This is not ordinary text like LISP or Java, it is different from the usual and primitive assembler. It is very difficult to convey your feelings and emotions using letters written in loose letters; you need to be a master of words.

And no matter how much you think or try, those around you will misunderstand you, and perhaps they won’t even read you. And memes are a precise defeat of the target. Geneticist Richard Dawkins provides memes as self-propagating information not just in culture, but also in the media. Once here, the meme turns into a media virus that can change consciousness and ideas about real world and also influence a person's life. Therefore, it is not surprising that today this “virus” is a political tool.

I will show my thoughts with a picture and a word

Memes are a great way to express your feelings powerfully and vividly, albeit in rather crude strokes. If we take a closer look Kappa meme story sends us to the memories of Socrates and his dwarfs with a string of ideas on their shoulders and, if we do not dwell on the details, then Plato explained it this way - all the words that we utter are no more than a shadow of real ideas. And if words shade ideas, memes are already schematic charcoal drawings, and not just shadows. This is a big leap forward in the art of information exchange.

And what's next after this breakthrough?

Enormous opportunities are opening up for humanity. After all, even if one person completely unknown to anyone creates a high-quality meme, it will be seen and heard all over the world. Kappa meme is the most common picture on the Internet. What is so interesting about it, what does it mean and, in general, where did it come from? Most often you can find this emoticon on the website, this resource is the owner of the meme.

When had a different name and was very young, the site's developers added their faces as emoticons. Among whom was Josh Deseno, it is his face that we see most often, he is Kappa. This emoticon is used today to mean:

  • jokes;
  • trolling;
  • sarcasm;
  • hard joke.

That is, if you were sent a message that contains a phrase and at the end a smiley face or the word Kappa, then keep in mind that the author did not write it seriously.

What types of memes are there?

Josh Deseno himself says that he took the name from Japanese mythology. What MeansKappa pride? One of the emoticon options that was added after the legalization of same-sex marriage in America. It's not hard to guess when this meme is used.

There are several other options: Kappa Claus, Kappa Ross, Kappa Wealth and others. Today, according to authoritative sites, this mem is used more than 2 million times a day. This is absolutely new form the art of communication, which is accessible to any age category. Moreover, memes develop in humans Creative skills, thinking and memory, they learn to express their thoughts concisely and write correctly. Here What meansKappa meme. And thanks to Kappa, you can influence a person’s consciousness and choice.


Jaguars and other pseudo energy drinks have recently been in vogue. However, society, using memes for a long time, if not forever, influenced the choice and convinced hundreds of thousands of teenagers, allowing them to understand that using this crap is unfashionable and harmful. Everyone begins to fear, on a subconscious level, ridicule in real life, being in a crowded place with a can of this drink.

Undoubtedly, most of memes aimed at raising Have a good mood to make fun of a ridiculous situation. There is no malice, vice versa: Kappa meme meaning, which is mostly fun, teaches not to be offended by humor. Today you laugh at someone, tomorrow someone will laugh at you. No need to be upset.

News and Kappa

There is a belief that sooner or later memes will cease to exist, but this is just a misconception. This content is immortal and multifaceted; it develops along with society. With lightning speed, all the most significant world events are integrated into memes and spread throughout the world, transforming into a news source of fresh information. Moreover, their speed of spread is much higher than in the media, and they have a greater impact on people.

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Construction of the road began in the mid-1860s. The government gave a concession for the construction of the Ryazan-Kozlov line on March 12, 1865, and a joint-stock company was created. Founder - Pavel Grigorievich von Derviz. The line opened to traffic in September 1866. In the same year, construction of the Kozlov-Voronezh line began. The founder of the Kozlovo-Voronezh Road Society was the Voronezh provincial zemstvo. The construction contractor is merchant Samuil Solomonovich Polyakov. Regular passenger service began in 1868. Since 1868, construction of the Voronezh - Rostov line has been underway, traffic along which was opened in 1871. After this, the road became the second railway exit from Donbass to the center of European Russia.

At the same time, since 1866, the construction of the lines Orel - Gryazi, Gryazi - Borisoglebsk, Borisoglebsk - Tsaritsyn was underway. Train traffic from Orel to Tsaritsyn began in 1871. The line from Gryazi station to Orel station and further to Riga station provided an outlet for grain exports from Central Black Earth Region via ports Baltic Sea to Europe. Since the 1870s, up to 15,000,000 pounds of grain have been transported along this line annually. In 1869 the Kozlov-Tambov line came into operation, in 1871 the Tambov-Saratov line. The commissioning of these lines played a major role in the development of the Russian grain market. In 1873, the Kozlovo-Voronezh Line and the Voronezh-Rostov Line merged into one South-Eastern Railway.

In 1874, over 15,000,000 pounds of grain were transported along these road lines, including 7,000,000 pounds of grain to seaports for export. In 1883, the purchase of railway lines to the treasury began. On August 1, 1893, the South-Eastern Railways Society was established, the charter was approved by the government in the same year. In the mid-1890s, construction began on railway lines from Kharkov through the city of Liski, the city of Bobrov, the city of Novokhopyorsk to the city of Povorino and further to Rtishchevo (660 versts). Liski station became a major railway junction. In 1894, the construction of the Voronezh - Kursk line was completed. With the commissioning of the Grafskaya - Anna and Talovaya - Kalach branches (1896), the construction of the South-Eastern Railway was basically completed. By 1913, the lines of the South-Eastern Railway stretched from Ryazan to Rostov and from Kharkov to Tsaritsyn. The total length of the tracks of the South-Eastern Railway was 5,148 kilometers, including the main tracks - 4,019 kilometers.

In the first decades Soviet power the road was playing important role in recovery National economy and the development of industrialization of the Central Black Earth region. During the Great Patriotic War the road ensured the advancement of front-line echelons and evacuation transportation. South-Eastern Railway served the Voronezh Front, Southwestern Front, Don Front and Stalingrad Front with a territory of about 400,000 km2. In 1943, her team was transferred to eternal storage the challenge Red Banner of the State Defense Committee and the Red Banner of the People's Commissariat of Transport of the USSR.

In the early 1960s, the road was electrified. In 1964, the Rossosh - Liski and Otrozhka - Kochetovka lines with a call at Voronezh were the first to switch to electric traction. Electrification was completed by 1966.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the configuration of the South-Eastern Railway lines underwent changes.

The South-Eastern Railway runs through the territory Voronezh region, Lipetsk region, Tambov region, Belgorod region, partially Kursk region, Saratov region, Penza region, Ryazan region, Tula region. Connects Donbass, North Caucasus and Transcaucasia with the regions of the Center and the European North, the Volga region.

Main activities: transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage; loading and unloading activities, repairs, Maintenance and operation of railway rolling stock; escort and security of cargo, luggage and hand luggage of passengers; transport and forwarding activities; provision of communication, information, marketing, maintenance and other services; organization and operation of logistics centers.

The main cargo of the line: iron ore raw materials, ferrous metals, Construction Materials. We carry out transportation of products from metallurgical plants, agro-industrial complex, oil, cement, chemical and mineral fertilizers, industrial raw materials.

The road includes: 5 departments - Rtishchevskoye, Liskinskoye, Belgorodskoye, Yeletskoye, Michurinskoye, 14 locomotive, 6 operational and 10 freight car depots, 21 track distances, 11 track machine stations for signaling and communication, 10 power supply distances; 19 inter-road junction points for the reception and transfer of cargo and wagons; traffic center transportation management. There are about 3,000 stations and terminals on the South Eastern Railway.

IN different years the railway was led by: F.M. Tkachenko (1936-1937, 1938-1942, 1943-1944), N.P. Chaplin (1937-1938), A.P. Molchanov (1942), V.S. Levchenko (1944-1950), Arkady Vasilievich Okhremchik (1950-1953, 1959-1971), N.T. Zakorko (1953-1959), V.P. Leonov (1971-1979), Anatoly Semenovich Goliusov (1979-1987), V.A. Shevaldin (1987-1990), Viktor Grigorievich Atlasov (1991-1998), I.S. Vasiliev (1998-2000), M.P. Akulov (2000-2002), A.I. Volodko (since 2002).

The South-Eastern Railway runs through the territories of regions located in the southern and south-eastern parts of European Russia - Belgorod, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Kursk, Ryazan, Volgograd, Penza, Saratov, Tula, Rostov. The highway connects the southern regions of Russia with the center, the Volga region and the Urals.

The South-Eastern Railway runs through the regions located in the southern and south-eastern parts European Russia, - Belgorod, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Kursk, Ryazan, Volgograd, Penza, Saratov, Tula, Rostov. The highway connects southern regions Russia with the center, the Volga region and the Urals.

The South Eastern Railway includes lines built mainly in the second half of the 19th century. In development railway transport Russia is distinguished by two periods of recovery: the end of the 60s - the beginning of the 70s. XIX century and the second half of the 90s of the XIX century. In the first period, the following were put into operation: in 1868 the Yelets - Gryazi line and the Kozlov - Voronezh line, extended in 1871 to Rostov-on-Don, in 1870 - Gryazi - Borisoglebsk and in 1870 - 1871. - Borisoglebk - Tsaritsyn.

In 1865, the concession was approved and the joint-stock company of the Ryazan-Kozlov Railway was created. The highway was built with money from private capital on the initiative of the Voronezh and Tambov zemstvos. The Ryazan - Kozlov section was put into operation on September 4, 1866. In the same year, the line was continued from Kozlov to Voronezh. And in 1968, the first train arrived at Voronezh station. Soon the need arose to extend the road south to the Donetsk coal deposits. Organization construction work Voronezh zemstvo took over. Construction of the road began in the summer of 1869. The single-track section from Razdelnaya (Otrozhka) to Liski, 86 miles long, was ready on December 27, 1870, and regular traffic began along it on January 1, 1871. On November 28, 1871, train traffic from Voronezh to Rostov was opened. The road management was located in Novocherkassk. As the Southeastern Railway directory reported, as of December 1, 1872, there were 19 passenger cars, 653 boxcars, and 3 baggage cars operating on this section. Steam locomotives of that time were low-power, designed for 10 - 15 cars. To service the rolling stock, workshops were built, and then locomotive and carriage depots.

The Kozlov - Rostov line, which served as a continuation of the Moscow - Ryazan road, opened the way to the "breadbaskets" of Russia - Tambov and Voronezh province. On the other hand, thanks to the construction of this road, it became possible to export grain through ports Sea of ​​Azov abroad. The Yelets - Gryazi road was built as a continuation of the Rigo-Orlovskaya road. It connected the lower reaches of the Volga with the central provinces, as well as with the Baltic ports, which played big role in the development of grain exports from the richest regions of the country. In 1868, one of the first technical educational institutions in Russia was opened at Yelets station.

On June 13, 1893, the merger took place joint stock companies Kozlovo-Voronezh-Rostov, Oryol-Gryazinskaya and Gryazi-Tsaritsynskaya roads. The South-Eastern Railways Society was created, uniting all these lines. Soon the Company began construction of a railway line from the city of Kharkov through the stations of Liski, Bobrov, Novokhopersk to Povorino and Balashov, total length at 660 versts. Construction cost approximately 25.8 million rubles. In addition, it was planned to lay a branch from Kupyansk to Lisichansk (117 versts) and from Talovaya to the villages of Buturlinovka and Kalach (90 versts).

Work began on August 1, 1893 and on December 17, 1895 the Kharkov - Balashov road was put into operation. The Talovaya - Kalach line came into operation on May 12, 1896. The work of tens of thousands of diggers was not mechanized; the tracks were built almost by hand.

In 1895, the latitudinal line Kharkov - Balashov - Penza was built, which, along with others built in the same period, contributed to further development coal industry and metallurgy of Donbass.

In 1917, the composition South-Eastern roads included the lines: Kozlov - Rostov with branches Grafskaya - Anna and Grafskaya - Ramon; Orel - Gryazi - Tsaritsyn; Kharkov - Balashov with the Talovaya - Kalach branch; Dashing - Tsaritsyn; Yelets - Valuyki. The operational length of the road was 3252 versts, or 3470 kilometers.

The road was subjected to great destruction during the First World War and civil war. Up to 70% of the locomotives were destroyed, 78 were blown up large bridges, 67 depots and workshops, hundreds of kilometers of railway tracks were destroyed.

In 1918, the railway was nationalized. Restoration and reconstruction of the second half of the 20s made it possible to reach the pre-war level in cargo transportation. In the 30s, the road turned into one of the country's powerful highways.

During the Great Patriotic War, the road served Central, Southern, and then Bryansk, Voronezh, South-Western, Don and Stalingrad fronts. Particularly tense times are the periods of preparation and conduct of the Battles of Stalingrad and Kursk.

Currently, the South-Eastern Railway provides transportation to ore mining enterprises of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, Novolipetsk Metallurgical and Oskol Electrometallurgical Plants, chemical and processing industry enterprises. The road management is located in the city of Voronezh. The road borders on a number of railways: Moscow (st. Ryazhsk, Pavelets, Yelets, Efremov, Volovo, Kastornaya-Kurskaya, Kursk, Gotnya), Privolzhskaya (st. Du-plyatka, Blagodatka, Abadurovo), Kuibyshevskaya (st. Krivozerovka), North Caucasus (Chertkovo station). The road includes the following departments: Michurinskoye, Yeletskoye, Rtishchevskoye (since 1985), Liskinskoye, Belgorodskoye (since 1991) and Voronezhskoye (as a branch of the road since 2000).

When preparing the material the following were used:

History of railway transport in Russia. T. I: 1836-1917. - St. Petersburg, 1994;

Railway transport: Encyclopedia. M.: Bolshaya Russian encyclopedia, 1994.- 559 pp.: illus;

Kulzhinsky S.N. Essays on the economy of South-Eastern roads, Voronezh, 1908;

South-Eastern for 40 years, Voronezh, 1957;

The youth of the hundred-year highway, Voronezh, 1966;

Karmanov A., Winds of steel highways, M. 1970.

South Eastern Railway website

Russian Civilization