Some problems in chrome. Unexpected when editing a word

  • Another problem
  • Switching layouts does not always happen or the first letter is not corrected

    If you have other language switchers installed (for example, "RusLat" or "Switch It!"), this problem may occur due to a program conflict. Please let us know via the feedback form.

    Layout unexpectedly switches when editing a word

    This happens because the program perceives the characters that you added by moving the cursor as a new word.

    To prevent the layout from switching when correcting a word, in the menu Settings → Troubleshooting enable the “cursor keys” (arrow keys) options. Now, when you correct a word using these keys, the layout will not switch.

    Note. If you move the cursor with the mouse, the program will treat the correction as a new word and the layout may switch.

    Some keys do not work or work incorrectly

    It is possible that when setting up the keys there was a conflict with system hot keys or with keyboard shortcuts in other programs. Check your hotkey settings in the menu Settings. The problem can be avoided if you assign keys as hot keys in combination with service keys: Ctrl, Alt, Shift or Windows.

    Punto Switcher often corrects the abbreviations you use

    Try adding the abbreviation to the dictionary (menu Settings → Switching rules) and send it to the developers.

    You can also turn off the option Correct abbreviations on the menu Settings → General → Advanced.

    Incorrect auto-switching when typing words in Russian or English

    Perhaps the reason is that you use layouts for other languages, in addition to Russian and English.

    Go to menu Settings → Troubleshooting and enable the option Auto switch only between Russian and English layouts- Then Punto Switcher will only switch between these two languages. Or enable the option - Punto Switcher will track text input only in its two main languages.

    Punto Switcher does not always switch layouts correctly when there are other languages ​​in the system

    Punto Switcher can correctly switch the layout between Russian and English languages. If, when correcting the layout, the language switches to the third language installed in the layout, or when typing in a third language, the layout switches to another language, follow these steps:

      Go to Settings Punto Switcher.

      In chapter Troubleshooting enable options Take into account input only in Russian and English layouts And Auto switch between Russian and English layouts.

    The program does not work correctly in some applications

    Initially, Punto Switcher was not intended for use in console applications, so problems may arise when working with them. Problems are also possible when working with programs such as Telegram, WhatsApp, IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, Synergy, QIP, Miranda, AutoCad.

    We are constantly improving Punto Switcher. Problems caused by programs that we are not directly involved in developing take some time.

    Converting selected text does not work in some programs

    Text conversion may not work in programs that do not support copying to the clipboard by Ctrl + C and insertion by Ctrl + V. If possible, configure the program you are using to work with these key combinations.

    Unstable operation of Punto Switcher with MS Office applications

    You may have enabled the MS Office layout fix option that is interfering with Punto Switcher.

    To disable this option, do the following:

    MS Word 2010

      Open MS Word 2010.

      Go to the tab File (File) → Options (Options) → Additionally (Advanced).

      In chapter Editing options (Word Options) disable option ().

      Click OK.

    MS Outlook 2010

    1. Open MS Outlook 2010.
    2. Go to the tab File (File) → Options (Options) → Mail (Mail Format).

      Click the button Editor Options (Editor Options)→ Additionally (Advanced).

      In chapter Editing options (Word Options) disable the option Automatically switch keyboard layout according to the language of surrounding text (Automatically switch keyboard to match language of surrounding text).

      Click OK.

    If you have problems using the function Autotext in MS Office programs:

      Go to Settings Punto Switcher.

      In chapter Troubleshooting enable the option.

    Punto Switcher does not work in a program running with administrator rights (in Windows 8 and 10)

    In Windows 8 and 10, programs running without administrator rights may not work fully with programs running with administrator rights. By default, Punto Switcher runs without administrator rights.

    To avoid this, launch Punto Switcher with the option enabled Run with administrator rights(on the menu Settings → General).

    Problems with Microsoft Word 2016

    A conflict between Punto Switcher and other programs may arise due to a mismatch of algorithms when working with the keyboard.

    If you have a combination assigned to switch the keyboard layout Ctrl + Shift, try replacing it with Alt + Shift. If the problem persists, please report it using the feedback form.

    Problems with the AutoText feature in WinWord

    Go to menu Settings → Troubleshooting and enable the option Do not switch layout using the “Tab” and “Enter” keys.

    What to do if Punto Switcher doesn't work? We have collected all possible problems that arise when the program operates in different environments, the occurrence of conflicts, their causes and possible user actions.

    Problems and errors may occur when working with the Punto Switcher keylogger.

    Let's start with the most common complaint that the Switcher does not switch layouts.


    The lack of switching (or the first letter not being corrected) can occur due to the installation of switches such as “Switch It!” on the PC. or RusLat.


    May appear when other languages ​​(besides Russian and English) are used in the system. Enabling the auto-switching option in “Troubleshooting” “Settings” only between them will eliminate unexpected jumping of the indicator when using a third language.

    Unexpected when editing a word

    To prevent this switching from happening, you need to enable “Cursor keys” in “Settings” - “Troubleshooting”. Then, when correcting a word when using these keys, there will be no switching (however, when moving the cursor with the mouse, it will remain).

    Hotkeys not working

    Occurs when input (added by the user) conflicts with system or combinations used in other programs. The problem can be avoided if you assign hot keys to a combination of Win, Ctrl, Shift or Alt.

    Correction of entered abbreviations

    Turn off the Correct Abbreviations tool in Advanced General Settings.


    May not be available in utilities that do not support copying and pasting using known keys using Ctrl, C and V.

    Incorrect use

    Other applications

    Possible (especially when using Telegram, IntelliJ IDEA, WhatsApp, Synergy, PhpStorm, QIP and others), since initially there was no such calculation. However, the developers claim that they are working in this direction.

    In Word 2010

    If MS Office does not work with Punto Switcher, then most likely the layout from MS Office conflicts with Punto. To disable it you need:

    • open the application;
    • go to “Advanced” in “Options” (“File”);
    • in the “Editing Options”, refuse to switch the keyboard according to the language of the surrounding text;
    • click OK.

    MS Outlook 2010

    • open;
    • open the “Mail” tab in “Options” (“File”);
    • in “Editor Options” select “Advanced”;
    • In the “Editing Options” item, disable auto-switching based on the language of the surrounding text.


    To avoid errors when using AutoText in MS Office, you need to check the box next to “Do not switch using Tab and Enter” in the “Troubleshooting” “Settings” of the Switcher.

    Have not found similar topic, is it really just me?

    sometimes (not always) punto stops working in chrome, switches from Russian to English, but not from English to Russian. Moreover, when I select a word and do shift+break, the word switches, but the layout still remains English.

    automatic switching is disabled. The problem did not appear yesterday, but probably already a year ago, or maybe more.

    It happens that after booting the computer it works fine, but after two or three days (there is no pattern), this behavior appears. I rearranged chrome, cleaned all its plugins and all that, nothing changes. But it happens that right after loading it works like this in a strange way.

    can anyone tell me how to fix this?


    I couldn’t find a similar topic, is it really just me?

    sometimes (not always) punto stops working in chrome, switches from Russian to English, but not from English to Russian. Moreover, when I select a word and do shift+break, the word switches, but the layout still remains English.

    automatic switching is disabled. The problem did not appear yesterday, but probably already a year ago, or maybe more.

    It happens that after booting the computer it works fine, but after two or three days (there is no pattern), this behavior appears. I rearranged chrome, cleaned all its plugins and all that, nothing changes. But it happens that right after loading it works like this in a strange way.

    can anyone tell me how to fix this?

    I couldn’t find a similar topic, is it really just me?

    sometimes (not always) punto stops working in chrome, switches from Russian to English, but not from English to Russian. Moreover, when I select a word and do shift+break, the word switches, but the layout still remains English.

    automatic switching is disabled. The problem did not appear yesterday, but probably already a year ago, or maybe more.

    It happens that after booting the computer it works fine, but after two or three days (there is no pattern), this behavior appears. I rearranged chrome, cleaned all its plugins and all that, nothing changes. But it happens that right after loading it works like this in a strange way.

    can anyone tell me how to fix this?

    ","contentType":"text/html"),"authorId":"22818536","slug":"13033","canEdit":false,"canComment":false,"isBanned":false,"canPublish" :false,"viewType":"old","isDraft":false,"isOnModeration":false,"isSubscriber":false,"commentsCount":31,"modificationDate":"Thu Jan 01 1970 03:00:00 GMT +0000 (UTC)","showPreview":true,"approvedPreview":("source":"

    I couldn’t find a similar topic, is it really just me?

    sometimes (not always) punto stops working in chrome, switches from Russian to English, but not from English to Russian. Moreover, when I select a word and do shift+break, the word switches, but the layout still remains English.

    automatic switching is disabled. The problem did not appear yesterday, but probably already a year ago, or maybe more.

    It happens that after booting the computer it works fine, but after two or three days (there is no pattern), this behavior appears. I rearranged chrome, cleaned all its plugins and all that, nothing changes. But it happens that right after loading it works like this in a strange way.

    can anyone tell me how to fix this?

    ","html":"I didn’t find a similar topic, is it really just me?","contentType":"text/html"),"proposedPreview":("source":"

    I couldn’t find a similar topic, is it really just me?

    sometimes (not always) punto stops working in chrome, switches from Russian to English, but not from English to Russian. Moreover, when I select a word and do shift+break, the word switches, but the layout still remains English.

    automatic switching is disabled. The problem did not appear yesterday, but probably already a year ago, or maybe more.

    It happens that after booting the computer it works fine, but after two or three days (there is no pattern), this behavior appears. I rearranged chrome, cleaned all its plugins and all that, nothing changes. But it happens that right after loading it works like this in a strange way.

    can anyone tell me how to fix this?

    ","html":"I didn’t find a similar topic, is it really just me?","contentType":"text/html"),"titleImage":null,"tags":,"isModerator":false,"commentsEnabled ":true,"url":"/blog/punto/13033","urlTemplate":"/blog/punto/%slug%","fullBlogUrl":"", "addCommentUrl":"/blog/createComment/punto/13033","updateCommentUrl":"/blog/updateComment/punto/13033","addCommentWithCaptcha":"/blog/createWithCaptcha/punto/13033","changeCaptchaUrl":" /blog/api/captcha/new","putImageUrl":"/blog/image/put","urlBlog":"/blog/punto","urlEditPost":"/blog/56a92203aec399f23369e22b/edit","urlSlug" :"/blog/post/generateSlug","urlPublishPost":"/blog/56a92203aec399f23369e22b/publish","urlUnpublishPost":"/blog/56a92203aec399f23369e22b/unpublish","urlRemovePost":"/blog/56a92203aec3 99f23369e22b/removePost"," urlDraft":"/blog/punto/13033/draft","urlDraftTemplate":"/blog/punto/%slug%/draft","urlRemoveDraft":"/blog/56a92203aec399f23369e22b/removeDraft","urlTagSuggest":"/ blog/api/suggest/punto","urlAfterDelete":"/blog/punto","isAuthor":false,"subscribeUrl":"/blog/api/subscribe/56a92203aec399f23369e22b","unsubscribeUrl":"/blog/api /unsubscribe/56a92203aec399f23369e22b","urlEditPostPage":"/blog/punto/56a92203aec399f23369e22b/edit","urlForTranslate":"/blog/post/translate","urlRelateIssue":"/blog/post/updateIssue","urlUpdateTr anslate" :"/blog/post/updateTranslate","urlLoadTranslate":"/blog/post/loadTranslate","urlTranslationStatus":"/blog/punto/13033/translationInfo","urlRelatedArticles":"/blog/api/relatedArticles/ punto/13033","author":("id":"22818536","uid":("value":"22818536","lite":false,"hosted":false),"aliases":() ,"login":"basilkot","display_name":("name":"basilkot","avatar":("default":"24700/22818536-867378","empty":false)),,"address" :" [email protected]","defaultAvatar":"24700/22818536-867378","imageSrc":"","isYandexStaff": false),"originalModificationDate":"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","socialImage":("orig":("fullPath":" /normal")))))">

    some problems in chrome

    I couldn’t find a similar topic, is it really just me?

    sometimes (not always) punto stops working in chrome, switches from Russian to English, but not from English to Russian. Moreover, when I select a word and do shift+break, the word switches, but the layout still remains English.

    automatic switching is disabled. The problem did not appear yesterday, but probably already a year ago, or maybe more.

    It happens that after booting the computer it works fine, but after two or three days (there is no pattern), this behavior appears. I rearranged chrome, cleaned all its plugins and all that, nothing changes. But it happens that right after loading it works like this in a strange way.

    can anyone tell me how to fix this?