How emotions affect a person. How does frequent anxiety affect human health?

Loneliness or difficult family relationships negatively affect a person’s emotional state and health. Neuroses, depression and psychosomatic diseases develop, and suicide attempts are possible.
Children are especially dependent on family relationships. Normal mental and physical health depends on how much children are loved and cared for and provided with everything they need.

The well-being of a child largely depends on the love and mutual respect between parents. Quarrels of older members, violence in the family form a chronic psychotraumatic situation in the child, which is manifested by neurological diseases and developmental disorders (enuresis, stuttering, nervous tics, hyperactivity, decreased academic performance), as well as a significant decrease in immunity, frequent viral and bacterial diseases.

How effective are meditation and psychotraining in overcoming stress?

Psychotraining or psychotherapeutic training
– a short course of training, the exercises of which are aimed at changes in consciousness. Psychotraining gives a person skills that allow him to meet people, build relationships, communicate, resolve conflicts constructively, develop as a person, manage emotions, and think positively. Helps get rid of alcohol, sexual, nicotine addiction.

Depending on the number of people in the group, psychotraining can be individual or group.

The essence of the method: A training psychologist selects exercises that simulate a situation that worries a person. These may not be direct analogies, but situations that evoke associations with the problem, presenting it in a comic form. Next, the person is asked to play out the situation - how, in his opinion, he should behave in this case. Then the psychologist analyzes the client’s behavior and points out victories and mistakes. Ideally, psychotraining should be complemented by psychological counseling and psychotherapy.

In practice, a small percentage of people turn to a psychologist and psychotherapist. Therefore, it is necessary to master various self-help techniques and use them as needed.

1. Autotraining(autogenic training) – increases the ability to self-regulate emotions. It includes sequential exercises:

  1. Breathing exercises– deep, slow breathing with pauses after inhalation and exhalation.
  2. Muscle relaxation– you need to feel the tension of the muscles as you inhale and sharply relax them as you exhale;
  3. Creating Positive Mental Images– imagine yourself in a safe place - on the seashore, at the edge of the forest. Imagine an image of the “Ideal Self”, possessing all the qualities that you would like to have;
  4. Self-hypnosis in the form of self-orders- “Calm down!”, “Relax!”, “Don’t give in to provocation!”;
  5. Self-programming– “Today I will be happy!”, “I am healthy!”, “I am confident!”, “I am beautiful and successful!”, “I am relaxed and calm!”.
  6. Self-encouragement- “I’m great!”, “I’m the best!”, “I’m doing great!”.
Each stage, repetition of the selected phrase, can take from 20 seconds to several minutes. You can choose verbal formulas arbitrarily. They must be affirmative and not contain the particle “not”. You can repeat them silently or out loud.

The result of autotraining is the activation of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system and the weakening of excitation in the limbic system of the brain. Negative emotions are weakened or blocked, a positive attitude appears, and self-esteem increases.

Contraindications to the use of psychotraining: acute psychosis, disturbances of consciousness, hysteria.

  1. Meditation- an effective technique that allows you to develop concentration by focusing on one subject: breathing, mental images, heartbeat, muscle sensations. During meditation, a person completely disconnects from the outside world, immerses himself so much that the surrounding reality with its problems seems to cease to exist. Its components are breathing exercises and muscle relaxation.
The result of regular (1-2 times a week) meditation is complete acceptance of oneself, and the affirmation that much in the outside world, including problems, is just an illusion.

By practicing meditative techniques, it is possible to reduce the level of excitation in the limbic system and the cerebral cortex. This is manifested by the absence of emotions and unwanted, intrusive thoughts. Meditation changes your attitude towards the problem that caused stress, makes it less significant, and helps you intuitively find a way out of the current situation or accept it.

Meditation technique:

  1. Comfortable position– the back is straight, you can sit in the lotus position or on a chair in the coachman position. Helps relax muscle blocks and ease tension in the body.
  2. Slow diaphragmatic breathing. As you inhale, the stomach inflates, and as you exhale, it retracts. Inhalation is shorter than exhalation. After inhaling and exhaling, hold your breath for 2-4 seconds.
  3. Focusing on one object. This could be a candle flame, a heartbeat, sensations in the body, a luminous point, etc.
  4. Feeling of warmth and relaxation, which extends to the entire body. With it comes peace and self-confidence.
Entering a meditative state requires long practice. To master the technique, you need at least 2 months of daily training. Therefore, meditation cannot be used as an ambulance method.
Attention! Excessive and uncontrolled meditation can be dangerous for a person with an unstable psyche. He is transferred to the realm of fantasy, becomes withdrawn, intolerant of his own and others’ shortcomings. Meditation is contraindicated for people with delirium, hysteria, and disturbances of consciousness.

What are psychosomatic diseases?

Psychosomatic diseases are disorders in the functioning of organs caused by mental and emotional factors. These are diseases associated with negative emotions (anxiety, fear, anger, sadness) and stress.
Most often, the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems become victims of stress.

Mechanism of development of psychosomatic diseases:

  • Strong experiences activate the endocrine system, disrupting hormonal balance;
  • The work of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the functioning of internal organs, is disrupted;
  • The functioning of blood vessels is disrupted and the blood circulation of these organs deteriorates;
  • Deterioration of nervous regulation, lack of oxygen and nutrients leads to dysfunction of the organ;
  • Repeating such situations causes illness.
Examples of psychosomatic diseases:;
  • sexual disorders;
  • sexual dysfunction, impotence;
  • oncological diseases.
  • Every year the list of diseases recognized as psychosomatic increases.
    There is a theory that each disease is based on a separate negative emotion. For example, bronchial asthma occurs due to grievances, diabetes mellitus due to anxiety and restlessness, etc. And the more persistently a person suppresses an emotion, the higher the likelihood of developing the disease. This hypothesis is based on the property of various emotions to provoke muscle blocks and vascular spasms in various parts of the body.

    The main method of treating psychosomatic diseases is psychotherapy, hypnosis, and the prescription of tranquilizers and sedatives. At the same time, the symptoms of the disease are treated.

    How to eat properly when stressed?

    You can reduce the risk of developing diseases during stress with proper nutrition. Be sure to consume:
    • Protein products – to strengthen the immune system;
    • Sources of vitamin B – to protect the nervous system;
    • Carbohydrates – to improve brain function;
    • Products containing magnesium and serotonin - to combat stress.
    Protein products should be easy to digest - fish, lean meat, dairy products. Protein proteins are used to build new immune cells and antibodies.

    B vitamins found in green vegetables, different types of cabbage and lettuce, beans and spinach, nuts, dairy and seafood. They improve mood and increase resistance to stress.

    Carbohydrates necessary to cover increased energy costs caused by stress. The brain especially needs carbohydrates. In this regard, under nervous stress, cravings for sweets increase. A little dark chocolate, honey, marshmallows or kozinaki will urgently replenish glucose reserves, but it is advisable to cover the need for carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates - cereals and cereals.

    Magnesium provides protection against stress, improves the transmission of nerve signals and increases the performance of the nervous system. Sources of magnesium are cocoa, wheat bran, buckwheat, soy, almonds and cashew nuts, chicken eggs, spinach.
    Serotonin or the happiness hormone improves your mood. For its synthesis in the body, an amino acid is needed - tryptophan, which is abundant in fatty fish, nuts, oatmeal, bananas and cheese.

    Herbal medicine for stress

    To improve the functioning of the nervous system during periods of high stress, infusions of medicinal herbs are recommended. Some of them have a calming effect and are recommended for nervous agitation. Others increase the tone of the nervous system and are prescribed for depression, apathy and asthenia.

    Conclusion: Repetitive stress and negative emotions worsen health. By displacing negative emotions and ignoring them, a person aggravates the situation and creates the ground for the development of diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to express your emotions, constructively solve problems that cause stress, and take measures to reduce emotional stress.

    Our thoughts and feelings affect our lives. Our health is related to our lifestyle, genetics and susceptibility to disease. But beyond that, there is a strong relationship between your emotional state and your health.

    Learning to cope with emotions, especially negative ones, is an important part of our vitality. The emotions we keep inside can explode one day and become a real disaster for ourselves. That's why it's important to release them.

    Good emotional health is quite rare these days. Negative emotions such as anxiety, stress, fear, anger, jealousy, hatred, doubt and irritability can greatly affect our health.

    Getting laid off, a turbulent marriage, financial difficulties and the death of loved ones can be detrimental to our mental state and affect our health.

    This is how emotions can destroy our health.

    The influence of emotions on health

    1. Anger: heart and liver

    Anger is a strong emotion that arises in response to despair, pain, disappointment and threat. If dealt with immediately and expressed correctly, anger can have health benefits. But in most cases, anger destroys our health.

    In particular, anger affects our logical abilities and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Anger causes blood vessels to constrict, increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and rapid breathing. If this happens frequently, it causes wear and tear on the artery walls.

    A 2015 study found that the risk of a heart attack increases 8.5 times two hours after an outburst of intense anger.

    Anger also increases levels of cytokines (molecules that cause inflammation), which increases the risk of arthritis, diabetes and cancer.

    To better manage your anger, engage in regular physical activity, learn relaxation techniques, or see a psychologist.

    2. Concern: stomach and spleen

    Chronic anxiety can lead to a variety of health problems. It affects the spleen and weakens the stomach. When we worry a lot, our body is attacked by chemicals that cause us to react with a sick or weak stomach.

    Worrying or obsessing over something can lead to problems such as nausea, diarrhea, stomach problems and other chronic disorders.

    Excessive worrying is linked to chest pain, high blood pressure, weakened immunity and premature aging.

    Severe anxiety also harms our personal relationships, disrupts sleep, and can make us distracted and inattentive to our health.

    3. Sadness or grief: mild

    Of the many emotions we experience in life, sadness is the most enduring emotion.

    Sadness or melancholy weakens the lungs, causing fatigue and difficulty breathing.

    It disrupts the natural flow of breathing, narrowing the lungs and bronchi. When you are overwhelmed with grief or sadness, air can no longer flow easily into and out of your lungs, which can lead to asthma attacks and bronchial disease.

    Depression and melancholy also damage the skin, causing constipation and low oxygen levels in the blood. People suffering from depression tend to gain or lose weight and are easily addicted to drugs and other harmful substances.

    If you're feeling sad, there's no need to hold back your tears because this way you can release those emotions.

    4. Stress: Heart and Brain

    Each person experiences and reacts to stress differently. A little stress is good for your health and can help you perform daily tasks.

    However, if stress becomes too much, it can lead to high blood pressure, asthma, stomach ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

    As you know, stress is one of the main causes of heart disease. It increases blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and encourages bad habits such as smoking, physical inactivity and overeating. All these factors can damage the walls of blood vessels and lead to heart disease.

    Stress can also lead to a number of diseases such as:

    Asthmatic disorders

    · Hair loss

    Mouth ulcers and excessive dryness

    Mental problems: insomnia, headaches, irritability

    · Cardiovascular diseases and hypertension

    Neck and shoulder pain, musculoskeletal pain, lower back pain, nervous tics

    Skin rashes, psoriasis and eczema

    · Reproductive system disorders: menstrual irregularities, relapses of sexually transmitted infections in women and impotence and premature ejaculation in men.

    · Diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel

    The connection between emotions and organs

    5. Loneliness: the heart

    Loneliness is a condition that makes a person cry and fall into deep melancholy.

    Loneliness is a serious health risk. When we are lonely, our brain produces more stress hormones such as cortisol, which cause depression. This in turn affects blood pressure and sleep quality.

    Studies have shown that loneliness increases the chances of mental illness and is also a risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke.

    In addition, loneliness has a negative impact on the immune system. Lonely people are more likely to experience inflammation in response to stress, which can weaken the immune system.

    6. Fear: Adrenals and Kidneys

    Fear leads to anxiety, which wears out our kidneys, adrenal glands and reproductive system.

    A situation where fear arises leads to a decrease in the flow of energy in the body and causes it to defend itself. This leads to a slowdown in breathing rate and blood circulation, which causes a state of congestion that makes our limbs almost freeze in fear.

    Fear affects the kidneys the most and this leads to frequent urination and other kidney problems.

    Fear also causes the adrenal glands to produce more stress hormones, which have a devastating effect on the body.

    Severe fear can cause pain and disease of the adrenal glands, kidneys and lower back, as well as diseases of the urinary tract. In children, this emotion can be expressed through urinary incontinence, which is closely related to anxiety and self-doubt.

    7. Shock: kidneys and heart

    Shock is a manifestation of trauma caused by an unexpected situation that knocks you down.

    Sudden shock can upset the balance of the body, causing overexcitement and fear.

    Severe shock can undermine our health, especially the kidneys and heart. A traumatic reaction leads to the production of large amounts of adrenaline, which settles on the kidneys. This leads to increased heart rate, insomnia, stress and anxiety. Shock can even change the structure of the brain, affecting areas of emotion and survival.

    The physical consequences of emotional trauma or shock often include low energy, pale skin, difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, sleep and digestive disorders, sexual dysfunction, and chronic pain.

    8. Irritability and hatred: liver and heart

    Hateful emotions and irritability can affect gut and heart health, leading to chest pain, hypertension and heart palpitations.

    Both of these emotions increase your risk of high blood pressure. Irritable people are also more susceptible to cellular aging than good-natured people.

    Irritability is also bad for the liver. When verbally expressing hatred, a person exhales condensed molecules containing toxins that damage the liver and gallbladder.

    9. Jealousy and Envy: Brain, Gallbladder and Liver

    Jealousy, desperation and envy directly affect our brain, gallbladder and liver.

    Jealousy is known to slow your thinking and impair your ability to see clearly.

    In addition, jealousy causes symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, which leads to excessive production of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood.

    Jealousy has a negative effect on the gallbladder and leads to stagnation of blood in the liver. This causes a weakened immune system, insomnia, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, high cholesterol and poor digestion.

    10. Anxiety: stomach, spleen, pancreas

    Anxiety is a normal part of life. Anxiety can increase your breathing and heart rate and increase alertness and blood flow to the brain, which can have health benefits.

    However, when anxiety becomes a part of life, it has a devastating impact on physical and mental health.

    Gastrointestinal diseases are often closely related to anxiety. It affects the stomach, spleen and pancreas, which can lead to problems such as indigestion, constipation, and ulcerative colitis.

    Anxiety disorders are often a risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease.

    Emotions are an important component of human life. People are subject to both positive and negative emotions. Which of them predominates to a greater extent depends on a person’s lifestyle, his environment and attitude towards life.

    Many of us have heard that negative emotions can undermine health, while positive ones can “cure” illnesses. If we talk about a person’s mental state, then emotions leave a certain imprint. But not many people know how they affect health.

    People say: “All diseases come from nerves.” And doctors often use this phrase when trying to explain the cause of another illness. Numerous studies show that individual emotions have different effects on human health. But before you find out how this happens, you need to figure out which emotions are positive and which are negative.

    Positive and negative emotions

    By definition, emotions cannot be positive or negative. Just depending on what we feel at a given moment in time, our well-being and health can improve or worsen. However, a stereotypical classification of feelings is firmly entrenched in society: positive and negative.

      Positive emotions it is generally accepted:
    • laughter and joy;
    • sympathy and interest;
    • curiosity and inspiration;
    • delight and admiration.
      TO negative emotions have completely opposite feelings:
    • sadness and sadness;
    • uncertainty and shame;
    • irritation and envy;
    • anxiety and hatred;
    • guilt and indifference;
    • anger and excitement.

    This is a basic list of human emotions, which can be supplemented and diversified if desired. But one thing is clear: when we experience positive emotions, our mood rises, our well-being improves, we gain an interest in life and a desire to act. When negative emotions take possession of us, we become despondent, apathetic, angry at the world around us, and we cease to be interested in life itself and the people around us.

    How do negative emotions affect human health?

    Ancient healers argued that every disease is associated with a specific experience. Aggression can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, provoke headaches, hypertension and dental problems. Jealousy causes digestive disorders, insomnia and headaches. Fear is associated with heart disease, respiratory problems, hearing impairment, visual acuity and kidney disease. Worries include circulatory problems and diseases of the central nervous system. Hatred contributes to the development of cancer, liver disease and stomach ulcers.

    How do positive emotions affect human health?

    Any positive emotion increases the efficiency of the nervous system, improves sleep, stabilizes the emotional state, promotes the production of joy hormones (endorphins) and has a positive effect on the body’s hormonal levels. The more positive emotions a person feels, the less susceptible he is to stress and various diseases.

    How to manage emotions?

    The best way to get rid of negative emotions is to “throw them out.” Such emotions cannot be kept to oneself, but people around them should not suffer from them. Physical activity helps to cope with neuroses. A favorite hobby or hobby helps to take your mind off grievances and worries. Art therapy (copying problems onto paper) allows you to cover negative emotions with positive ones. Medicinal therapy - sedative herbal medicines, which contain calming herbs.

    Emotions and spiritual interaction between people
    Have you noticed that we feel and behave differently around other people? “The mood has changed,” we say. In fact, not only our mental mood changes, but also the physiology of our body, which instantly reacts to what is happening around us.
    We perceive the “language” of the body and facial expressions, the mood of others with all our senses. Empathy, imitation, copying are inherent in us at the genetic level, and we cannot control these processes. We, like communicating vessels, transmit our moods, experiences, nervous connections to each other, “infecting” them and “infecting” others. Do you agree that feelings such as anger, fear, and indignation are very contagious? Just like laughter and smile!

    The influence of emotions on health
    Emotions (from Latin emoveo - shock, excite) are the subjective reactions of humans and higher animals to any external and internal stimuli. Emotions are a personal attitude, a person’s reaction to the events that happen to him; they accompany all processes of human life and are caused, among other things, by situations that exist only in the imagination.
    Recently, scientists have begun to carefully study the impact of various kinds of emotions on people’s health. In small amounts, stress is even beneficial, as it helps the body stay in good shape, not become limp, and pushes it into action. However, prolonged exposure to strong emotions can lead to health problems.

    Humanity has long known that emotions have a direct impact on health. Evidence of this is the widespread sayings: “All diseases come from nerves”, “You can’t buy health: the mind gives it”, “Joy makes you young, grief makes you old”, “Rust eats iron, and sadness eats the heart”, etc... Even in ancient times, doctors determined the connection of the soul (emotional component) with the physical component - the human body. The ancients knew that everything that affects the brain equally affects the body.

    But during the time of Descartes, in the 17th century, this postulate was forgotten, and man was “divided” into two components: mind and body, dividing diseases as either purely physical or mental, which were shown to be treated in completely different ways.

    Only recently have we again begun to look at human nature, as Hippocrates once did, in its integrity, realizing that in the study of diseases it is impossible to separate soul and body. Modern doctors recognize that the nature of almost all diseases is psychosomatic, that is, that the health of the body and spirit are interconnected and interdependent. Studying the influence of emotions on human health, scientists from different countries have come to interesting conclusions. Thus, Nobel Prize winner neurophysiologist Charles Sherrington established the following pattern in the appearance of various diseases: first, an emotional experience arises, and after it, vegetative and somatic changes occur in the body.

    German scientists went further, establishing a connection between each organ and a specific part of the brain through nerve pathways. Today, scientists are developing a theory for diagnosing diseases based on a person’s mood and expressing the possibility of preventing a disease before its development. This is facilitated by preventive therapy to improve mood and accumulate positive emotions.
    It is very important to understand here that repeated grief provokes somatic diseases, and prolonged negative experiences lead to stress. It is these experiences that weaken the immune system and make us defenseless. The chronic feeling of causeless anxiety, depressive states and depressed mood are the basis for the development of many diseases. Undesirable, negative emotions include: anger, envy, fear, despondency, panic, anger, irritability. It is not by chance that Orthodoxy classifies anger, envy, and despondency as mortal sins, since each of these emotions leads to very serious illnesses with sad outcomes.

    The meaning of emotions in Eastern medicine
    Eastern medicine also emphasizes that mood and certain emotions can cause diseases of certain organs. For example, kidney problems can be caused by feelings of fear, weak will and lack of self-confidence. Because the kidneys are responsible for growth and development, their proper functioning is especially important in childhood. That is why children should grow up in an atmosphere of love and security. Chinese medicine calls for instilling courage and self-confidence in children. Such a child will always correspond to his age in physical development.

    The main respiratory organ is the lungs. Abnormalities in lung function can be caused by sadness and sadness. Respiratory dysfunction, in turn, can cause many concomitant diseases. Treatment of atopic dermatitis in adults, from the point of view of Eastern medicine, should begin with an examination of all organs, including the lungs.

    Lack of vitality and enthusiasm can negatively affect the functioning of the heart. His healthy work is hampered by poor sleep, depression and despair. The heart regulates the function of blood vessels, so its condition can be easily determined by the color of the face and tongue. Arrhythmia and rapid heartbeat are the main symptoms of cardiac dysfunction. And this, in turn, can lead to mental disorders and long-term memory disorders.

    Irritation, anger and resentment affect the functioning of the liver. It is in this regard that people who are offended by someone say: “He’s sitting in my liver!” The consequences of liver imbalance can be very severe. These are breast cancer in women, headaches and dizziness.

    In connection with the above, medicine encourages you to experience only positive emotions: this is the only way to maintain good health for many years! Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of negative emotions immediately, as if by magic. But a number of useful tips will help us with this:

    • First of all, it is necessary to understand that we need emotions, since the internal environment of the body must exchange energy with the external environment. And such an energy exchange will not cause harm if natural emotional programs inherent in nature are involved in it: sadness or joy, surprise or disgust, a feeling of shame or anger, interest, laughter, crying, anger, etc. The main thing is that emotions are a reaction to what is happening, and not the result of “winding up” oneself, so that they manifest themselves naturally, without anyone’s coercion, and are not exaggerated.
    • Natural emotional reactions should not be restrained; it is only important to learn how to express them correctly. Moreover, you should learn to respect the expression of emotions by other people and perceive them adequately. And under no circumstances should you suppress emotions, no matter what color they may be.

    On the dangers of suppressing emotions:
    Suppressed emotions do not dissolve in the body without a trace, but form toxins in it, which accumulate in the tissues, poisoning the body. What are these emotions, and what is their effect on the human body? Let's take a closer look.

    Suppressed anger - completely changes the flora in the gall bladder, bile duct, small intestine, worsens pitta dosha, causes inflammation of the surface of the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine.

    Suppressed fear and anxiety - change the flora in the colon. As a result, the stomach becomes distended with gas, which accumulates in the folds of the colon, causing pain. Often this pain is mistakenly attributed to heart or liver problems.

    Suppressed emotions cause an imbalance in the tridosha, which in turn affects the element of fire - agni, which is responsible for immunity in the body. A reaction to such a violation may be the occurrence of an allergy to such completely harmless phenomena as pollen, dust and flower smell.

    Suppressed fear will cause disturbances in energy air flows - vata dosha.

    Suppressing the fire emotions of anger and hatred can cause hypersensitivity to foods that aggravate pitta in people born with a pitta constitution. Such a person will be sensitive to hot and spicy foods.

    People with a kapha constitution (prone to being overweight) who suppress the emotions of kapha dosha (attachment, greed) will have an allergic reaction to kapha food, i.e. will be sensitive to foods that aggravate kapha (dairy products). This may result in constipation and wheezing in the lungs.

    Sometimes the imbalance that gives rise to a disease process may first arise in the body, and then manifest itself in the mind and consciousness - and, as a result, lead to a certain emotional background. Thus the circle is closed. The imbalance that appears first on the physical level later affects the mind through disturbances in the three doshas. As we showed above, Vata disorder provokes fear, depression and nervousness. Excess pitta in the body will cause anger, hatred and jealousy. Worsening kapha will create an exaggerated sense of possessiveness, pride and affection. Thus, there is a direct relationship between diet, habits, environment and emotional disturbances. These disorders can also be judged by indirect signs that appear in the body in the form of muscle blocks and clamps.

    How to detect the problem
    The physical expression of emotional stress and emotional toxins accumulated in the body are muscle tension, the causes of which can be both strong feelings and excessive strictness of upbringing, ill will of employees, lack of self-confidence, the presence of complexes, etc. If a person has not learned to get rid of negative emotions and is constantly tormented by some difficult experiences, then sooner or later they manifest themselves in muscle tension in the facial area (forehead, eyes, mouth, back of the head), neck, chest area (shoulders and arms), lumbar, as well as in the pelvis and lower extremities.

    If all these conditions are temporary, and you manage to get rid of the negative emotions that provoke them, then there is no reason to worry. However, chronic muscle tightness, in turn, can lead to the development of various somatic diseases.

    Let's consider some emotional states that, being in a chronic form, can cause certain diseases.

    Depression - lethargic mood, regardless of circumstances, for a long time. This emotion can cause quite serious problems with the throat, namely frequent sore throats and even loss of voice.

    Self-criticism- feeling guilty for everything you do. The result can be chronic headaches.

    Irritation - a feeling when literally everything annoys you. In this case, do not be surprised by frequent attacks of nausea, from which medications do not help.

    Resentment- feeling humiliated and insulted. Be prepared for gastrointestinal upset, chronic gastritis, ulcers, constipation and diarrhea.

    Anger- causes a surge of energy that rapidly grows and suddenly splashes out. An angry person is easily upset by failures and is unable to control his feelings. His behavior is incorrect and impulsive. As a result, the liver suffers.

    Joy- dissipates energy, it is dispersed and lost. When the main thing in a person’s life is to receive pleasure, he is unable to retain energy and is always looking for satisfaction and ever stronger stimulation. As a result, such a person is prone to uncontrollable anxiety, insomnia and despair. In this case, the heart is often affected.

    Sadness- stops the effect of energy. A person who is lost in the experience of sadness is disconnected from the world, his feelings dry up, and his motivation fades. Protecting himself from the joys of attachment and the pain of loss, he arranges his life in such a way as to avoid risk and the vagaries of passion, and becomes inaccessible to true intimacy. Such people have asthma, constipation and frigidity.

    Fear- reveals itself when survival is in question. From fear, energy drops, a person turns to stone and loses control over himself. In the life of a person overwhelmed by fear, the expectation of danger prevails, he becomes suspicious, withdraws from the world and prefers loneliness. He is critical, cynical, confident in the hostility of the world.
    Isolation can cut him off from life, making him cold, hard and unspiritual. In the body this manifests itself as arthritis, deafness and senile dementia.

    Thus, along with correcting your diet and lifestyle, selected by an Ayurvedic doctor in accordance with your constitutional type, it is very important to learn how to manage your emotions and take control of them.

    How to work with emotions?
    To this question, Ayurveda gives advice: emotions should be observed detachedly, with full awareness watching them unfold, comprehending their nature, and then allowing them to dissipate. When emotions are suppressed, it can cause disturbances in the mind and ultimately in body functions.

    Here are some tips that, if followed consistently, will help you improve your emotional situation.

    A proven method, but one that requires constant effort from you, is to be kind to others. Try to think positively and treat others kindly, so that a positive emotional attitude will help improve your health.

    Practice so-called spiritual gymnastics. In ordinary life, we perform it every day, scrolling through familiar thoughts in our heads, empathizing with everything around us - sounds from the TV, tape recorder, radio, beautiful views of nature, etc. However, you need to do this purposefully, understanding which experiences are harmful to your emotional health and which ones help maintain the desired emotional background. Correct spiritual gymnastics causes corresponding physiological changes in the body. By remembering this or that event in our life, we evoke and consolidate in the body the physiology and neural connections corresponding to that event. If the recalled event was joyful and accompanied by pleasant sensations, this is beneficial. And if we turn to unpleasant memories and re-experience negative emotions, then the stress reaction is consolidated in the body on the physical and spiritual planes. Therefore, it is very important to learn to recognize and practice positive reactions.

    An effective way to “remove” stress from the body is proper (not excessive) physical activity, which requires fairly high energy costs, for example, swimming, working out in the gym, running, etc. Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises are very helpful in returning to normal.

    A way to get rid of mental anxiety as a consequence of stress is a confidential conversation with a loved one (good friend, relative).

    Create the right thought forms. First of all, go to the mirror and look at yourself. Pay attention to the corners of your lips. Where are they directed: down or up? If the lip pattern has a downward slope, it means that something is constantly bothering you, making you sad. You have a very developed sense of escalating the situation. As soon as the unpleasant event happened, you already painted a terrible picture for yourself. This is wrong and even dangerous to health. You simply must pull yourself together right here and now, looking in the mirror. Tell yourself it's over! From now on - only positive emotions. Any situation is a test of Fate for endurance, health, and life extension. There are no hopeless situations - this must always be remembered. No wonder people say that time is our best healer, that the morning is wiser than the evening. Don’t make hasty decisions, let the situation go for a while, and the solution will come, and with it a good mood and positive emotions.

    Wake up every day with a smile, listen to good pleasant music more often, communicate only with cheerful people who add a good mood and do not take away your energy.

    Thus, each person himself is responsible for both the diseases from which he suffers and for recovery from them. Remember that our health, like emotions and thoughts, is in our hands!

    Our thoughts and emotions directly affect our lives. In addition to lifestyle, genetic predisposition and exposure to external factors, our emotional state also affects our health. Emotions affect a person’s well-being, his communication skills and even his position in society, so it is very important to learn how to correctly express your feelings - if you do not give vent to negativity and other negative emotions, this can ultimately affect your health..

    How emotions affect human health

    A good emotional state is a rarity these days. Negative emotions can significantly affect your health. Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect yourself from negative emotions: dismissal from work, financial difficulties, problems in your personal life and other problems inevitably affect a person’s mood and sometimes well-being.

    Therefore, the site will tell you how the following negative emotions affect a person’s health:

    • anger;
    • excitement;
    • sadness;
    • stress;
    • loneliness;
    • fear;
    • hatred and impatience;
    • envy and jealousy;
    • anxiety.

    How anger affects health

    In “small, controlled doses,” anger is beneficial, but if you experience this emotion too often and also do not know how to manage it, anger negatively affects your ability to reason logically, as well as your cardiovascular health.

    Anger triggers the fight-or-flight response, resulting in the release of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. As a result, the amygdala (the area of ​​the brain associated with emotions) is activated and promotes blood flow to the frontal lobe (the area of ​​the brain associated with logical thinking). Therefore, anger prevents us from thinking soberly and, when angry, we can commit impulsive actions.

    Anger slows down the healing of wounds, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and impairs logical thinking.

    Moreover, when we are angry, blood vessels constrict, blood pressure increases, as does the rate of breathing. Research has shown that anger increases the risk of coronary heart disease in middle-aged people. In addition, the risk of adverse cardiovascular events increases significantly two hours after an angry outburst.

    Anger also slows down wound healing by 40% due to cortisol activity, and also increases levels of cytokines (molecules that trigger inflammation), resulting in an increased risk of arthritis, diabetes and cancer.

    How does frequent anxiety affect human health?

    Frequent worry affects the spleen, weakens the stomach and impairs the function of neurotransmitters, especially serotonin. Therefore, constant worry can lead to nausea, diarrhea, stomach problems and other chronic diseases. Anxiety is also associated with:

    • chest pain;
    • high blood pressure;
    • weakened immune defense;
    • premature aging.

    Psychologists also argue that constant worry interferes with a person’s social relationships and leads to sleep disturbances, which in turn negatively affect health.

    How does frequent sadness affect your health?

    Perhaps sadness is one of the most long-lasting emotions that affects human health, weakening lung function, causing fatigue and difficulty breathing.

    When we are very sad, the bronchioles narrow, making it difficult for air to pass into the lungs and back. Therefore, people prone to sadness are more likely to have problems with the bronchi and breathing.

    Depression and melancholy also negatively affect skin condition and weight, and also increase addiction to drugs.

    If you are sad, it is better to cry - this will help reduce the level of stress hormones and neurotransmitters.

    The impact of chronic stress on human health

    We react to stress in different ways. Short-term stress helps the body adapt and function better, but under conditions of chronic stress, blood pressure increases and the risk of developing asthma, ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome increases.

    Problems with the cardiovascular system are a common consequence of constant stress due to increased blood pressure, cholesterol levels, as well as a tendency to bad habits and overeating.

    Chronic stress is also associated with a number of problems:

    • migraine;
    • bruxism;
    • dizziness;
    • insomnia;
    • nausea;
    • hair loss;
    • irritability;
    • pain in various parts of the body;
    • acne;
    • eczema;
    • psoriasis;
    • disorders of the reproductive system;
    • gastrointestinal diseases

    How loneliness affects our health

    This emotion affects a person very strongly, causing him to fall into melancholy. This interferes with lung function, blood circulation, and can also lead to sudden outbursts of anger.

    When a person feels lonely, the body produces more cortisol, which can increase blood pressure and reduce the quality of sleep.

    For older people, loneliness increases the risk of mental illness, cognitive decline, heart disease and stroke, and a weakened immune system.

    How fear affects the human body

    This emotion affects self-esteem, causes anxiety, resulting in damage to the kidneys, adrenal glands and reproductive system.

    Fear most of all affects the condition of the kidneys, worsening their function. Sometimes, among other things, frequent urination is observed as a result of feelings of fear.

    As for the adrenal glands, during times of fear they produce more stress hormones, which subsequently negatively affect the functioning of the body.

    Frequent fear can also cause pain in the lower back.

    What changes in the body does a state of shock cause?

    A state of shock may occur in response to trauma caused by an unexpected situation that the person is unable to cope with.

    The shock affects the nervous system, kidneys and heart. This reaction leads to the release of adrenaline, resulting in increased heart rate, possible insomnia and anxiety.

    A state of shock can even change the structure of the brain, affecting the frontal cortex.

    On a physical level, shock can cause:

    • lack of energy;
    • pale skin;
    • breathing problems;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • insomnia;
    • decreased libido;

    The impact of impatience and hatred on health

    A person prone to hatred and/or impatience often has problems with the intestines and heart.

    Such emotions also affect the body because they activate the production of stress hormones, which in turn increase blood pressure and heart rate, as well as:

    • accelerate aging at the cellular level;
    • harm the liver and bladder.

    Envy and jealousy: how these emotions affect the body

    Jealousy impairs attention and prevents you from concentrating on important things. In addition, feelings of jealousy lead to symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, which can lead to increased production of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the body.

    Envy, jealousy and frustration are the enemies of the brain, bladder and liver.

    Jealousy, due to the increased production of certain hormones, leads to stagnation of blood in the liver, which disrupts the production of bile in the gallbladder. As a result, the body cannot cope with the elimination of toxins and the following is observed:

    • weakened immunity;
    • insomnia;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • increased adrenaline levels;
    • high cholesterol;
    • Digestive problems.

    How does frequent anxiety affect your health?

    Anxiety is a part of every person's life. When we experience this feeling, blood pressure and heart rate increase, blood rushes to the brain - this is a completely normal phenomenon.

    However, constant anxiety, like other negative emotions, negatively affects a person’s physical and mental health.

    On a physical level, anxiety can lead to:

    • the appearance of pain;
    • nausea;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • weakness and dizziness;
    • stomach upsets;
    • problems with the spleen and pancreas;
    • indigestion.

    In general, frequently experienced negative emotions, according to a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research in 2000, disrupt the functioning of the entire body. Moreover, anxiety is the most common factor associated with heart disease. In this regard, the site advises you to learn to control negative emotions in order to neutralize the negative impact of this factor on your health and well-being.