Famous prophets of the world. Predictions of the prophets about the rulers and future of Russia

Forecasters or clairvoyants are people endowed with a special gift, having incredible brain abilities to see the past and future.


When you hear the word “fortune teller,” an association immediately arises – Nostradamus, because he is considered the most famous clairvoyant. His predictions were very veiled to everyone, because he had to hide them from a negative environment. He saw images of the future while looking at the fire or sitting in the semi-darkness. Although without exact dates, he predicted the strange death of the King of France, then his eldest son. He described the reign of the Romanovs, the era of Stalinism and much more.


The most powerful clairvoyant of our era. The woman was blind, but she said that pictures and voices appeared in her head that told her future events or the fate of the person who came to her. She accurately identified people's illnesses, so there were always endless lines of visitors to see her. The person had to bring a piece of sugar, from which the Bulgarian fortuneteller read information. She predicted World War 2, the collapse of the Soviet Union and when Stalin would die.

Edgar Cayce

Another powerful seer of the 20th century. He was called the sleeping prophet, because he predicted while in a dream into which he introduced himself. He is credited with a huge number of predictions, for which a scientific institute was created in America. Casey's most famous predictions that came true were the collapse of communism in the USSR, the invention of the laser and the Great Depression.

Maria Lenormand

She was strong in all methods of prediction:

Card reading;
fortune telling;
prediction using a magic ball;
drawing up horoscopes.

Lenormand could predict the future simply by looking at the surrounding nature.


She became legendary for predicting the fall of Troy. People refused to believe in a terrible future, despite Cassandra's numerous attempts to save everyone.

Sheikh Sharif

A boy who was discovered in 1999. When he was born, he shouted that there is no God except Allah. His mother heard this, fainted and died. He lived in a poor family and never attended school. But it is noteworthy that Sheikh Sharif knew many foreign languages. Preaching for Muslims, he always had something to eat and live on, because people often helped him. At his last performance in front of a crowd of thousands, he healed people from injuries they received while trying to get closer to the boy. After that day, no one ever saw him. There were rumors that he ascended to heaven.

Grigory Rasputin

Being the personal physician of Romanov Alexei, he predicted the death of the dynasty and that the Bolsheviks would come to power.

Vasily Nemchin

Another Russian predictor. I saw that soon a strong ruler would be in power, who would turn the country into a strong power. And this happened during the time of Prince Vladimir.


The monk accurately predicted when Catherine the Second, Paul the First would die and when the Russian-French war would begin.


Ancient Greek clairvoyant. He said that the nymphs tell him about future events. He is the first seer to compile a collection of his visions.

All people have the ability to predict, but it is much more developed among a few. But even an ordinary person should listen to his inner voice more often.

A person may believe or be skeptical about the predictions of such people, but every time an event that was mentioned earlier occurs, a slight chill creeps into the heart.
Among the famous soothsayers, whose visions surprised the world, there are many interesting characters. Let's try to choose the ten most famous prophets.


Of course, one cannot help but recall the legendary Cassandra, the daughter of King Priam, who tried her best to warn the Trojans about the death of the legendary city, but it was easier for the latter to consider the girl crazy than to believe in what they did not want.

2 Bakid(Bakis)

Bakid is a resident of Ancient Greece, the first of the people to compile a collection of prophecies. Bakid was inspired by the nymphs who told him about the future campaign of the Persians against Hellas and other events significant for that time. The name of Bakid is often given to all people who have the gift of a seer.


Vasily Nemchin is a Russian soothsayer who lived in the 14th century; he predicted the rise to power of Peter I (Titan), who would make Russia a strong power. In the picture is Prince Vladimir, who believed in the super abilities of Vasily Nemchin.


Nostradamus is a French seer, astrologer and physician of the 16th century. Nostradamus composed 10 centuries containing 942 quatrains with predictions and prophecies. The persecution of the prophet forced him to encrypt notes about future events; all the secrets of Nostradamus have not yet been revealed.


Monk Abel (Vasily Vasiliev) is a Russian peasant who lived in 1757 - 1841. He told his contemporaries the date of death of Catherine II and Paul I, as well as the war between Russia and the French.


Grigory Rasputin is a peasant, Russian doctor of the heir to the Russian throne Alexei Romanov (early 20th century). He predicted the overthrow of the tsarist regime, the death of the crowned Romanov family, and the rise to power of the “Reds”.


Wolf Messing is a Jew of Polish origin who predicted the fall of the Third Reich.


Edgar Cayce was an American soothsayer who lived from 1877 to 1945, who predicted the invention of the laser and the fall of the communist regime in the USSR in the early 90s.


Vanga is a Bulgarian clairvoyant, an outstanding personality of the 20th century. She predicted the defeat of Hitler in World War II, the arrival of the “red” regime in Bulgaria, the death of Stalin, the assassination of Kennedy, the election victory of Richard Nixon, etc. Vanga stated that Yuri Gagarin did not die, but was taken by someone (researchers believe that we are talking about alien creatures).


Sheikh Sharifu is a unique Muslim boy born at the end of the 20th century in Tanzania. He has the ability to predict the future and made the entire Muslim world talk about his gift.

The rapidly developing events of this year: the magnificent Winter Olympics, the unconditional victory of Russian athletes at it, the return of Crimea to Russia, the victory of our hockey players at the World Championship, forced many people both in our country and abroad to take a different look at one sixth of the landmass. It’s interesting that famous predictors of the past have long spoken about the future of Russia, which will change the whole world - and their forecasts are simply amazing...

Great Hyperboreans

Even the Roman physician and astrologer Paracelsus said in his “Oracles”: “There is one people that Herodotus called the Hyperboreans - the ancestors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations. The current name of the ancestral land of this ancient people is Muscovy. The Hyperboreans in their turbulent future history will experience a lot - both a terrible decline with a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great flourishing with a great variety of all kinds of benefits, which will come at the beginning XXI century".

Famous American clairvoyant XX century Jane Dixon said: “Natural disasters began XXI of the 20th century and all the global disasters caused by them will least of all affect Russia, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the world and its revival will come precisely from Russia.”

At the end of XX centuries, the Italian witch Mavis claimed:

“Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia. It is the Russians who will begin the rebirth of the whole world. And no one can imagine how profound these changes will be throughout the vast world, caused specifically by Russia. In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, many new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery...

Russia will reach such a uniquely high level of development that not even the most developed state in the world has now and even by that time will not have. Then all other countries will follow Russia. The former current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon be replaced by a new and precisely Russian path.”

This is such a rare unanimity among predictors from different countries and times... And this is only a part of such predictions!

Russia is the savior of the world

We have already written about the forecasts of the famous American predictor Edgar Cayce in the article “Edgar Cayce on the future of the USA and Russia.” But let's briefly recall some of them:

Casey argued that the United States and Europe were facing major changes:

“The earth will be split in the western part of America. Most of Japan is about to sink into the sea. The top of Europe will be changed in the blink of an eye. There will be changes in the Arctic and in the Antarctic, which will lead to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift such that cold or subtropical climates will become more tropical, and moss and ferns will grow there."

In addition to natural disasters, Cayce also predicted spiritual catastrophes and the destruction of the old world order.

However, according to Casey’s forecasts, it is Russia that is destined to be the savior of the new world: “The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and coarse material passions, and restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom.”

“From Russia will come hope for the world; but not from communism or Bolshevism, no, but from free Russia. Each person will then live for his fellow man."

Casey argued that it would be Russia that would lead a new civilization, the center of which would be Siberia and the Far East. Note that he was not the only one who said that the center of the new world would be Siberia and the East.

It is interesting that, indeed, the development of these Russian regions is now proceeding at great speed, and significant funds are being invested there. In the Amur region, construction has even begun on a new grandiose Vostochny cosmodrome, from which it is planned to carry out launches into near and deep space.

Vanga about Russia

The most famous fortune teller, Vanga, naturally, also did not ignore the future of Russia. In 1979, the Soviet writer Valentin Sidorov visited Bulgaria, where he communicated a lot with Vanga, about which he later wrote the book “Lyudmila and Vangelia.” Lyudmila is Lyudmila Zhivkova, the daughter of Todor Zhivkov, who translated Vanga’s words for the Soviet writer and was herself fond of unusual and mystical practices.

In this book, Sidorov cited many of Vanga’s statements. This is what the soothsayer said, for example, about our astronauts. She claimed that they were on a mission of exceptional importance. The missiles piloted by them clear the space above Russia and sanctify it. Baba Vanga considered Yuri Gagarin a saint. “After he suffered a fiery death, he became an initiate,” she said. - He is now in his celestial body. His soul is alive and shines like a star over Russia.”

Vanga, according to Sidorov, claimed that the main defender and patron of Russia is Saint Sergei (of Radonezh). “He is a great prophet and not a simple saint, but the main Russian saint.” The Bulgarian clairvoyant said that she “hears” his words.

Thus, Saint Sergei once told her: “There is no force that could break Russia. Russia will develop, grow, and become stronger.”

Lord of the whole world

Once Vanga described in great detail the future events that await our country. “Everything will melt like ice; only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia.”

Two points are interesting here - the surprisingly mild and snowless winter of this year in many regions, which is a consequence of global warming confirmed by scientists - “everything will melt.”

And the fact that in 1979 Valentin Sidorov argued in his book that by Vladimir Vanga means Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus'. It was only after Vladimir Putin became President of Russia that this prediction took on a new meaning.

Vanga developed her thought: “Too many sacrifices have been made. Nobody can stop Russia anymore. He will sweep everything out of his way and not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the whole world.”

Vanga put into the word “sir” not a political, but a spiritual meaning. She claimed that “old Russia will return.” However, by the word “old” Vanga did not mean a return to pre-revolutionary orders. For example, she spoke unflatteringly about Nicholas II:

"Bad person. He destroyed people, and because of him a great many people were destroyed.”

The concept of “old Russia” meant for her a return to spiritual principles. “Now you are called the Union, and then you will be called, as under Saint Sergei, Rus'.” This Rus', which is destined to undergo a baptism of fire, must become, in Vanga’s words, “the master of the whole world.”

“Like an eagle, Russia will soar above the earth and cover the whole earth with its wings. Its spiritual primacy is recognized by everyone, including America.”

But this will not happen immediately - in sixty years (from 1979). This, according to Vanga, will be preceded by a rapprochement of the three countries. At one point, she said, China, India and Moscow will converge.

Interestingly, just the other day a landmark contract was signed between China and Russia, which implies long-term cooperation in various industries between our countries.

Less known is the fact that Russia and India are also negotiating close cooperation - for example, Russia intends to take part in the construction of a gas pipeline to India and other major projects, in addition, the visa regime between our countries is being simplified. So, perhaps, the prosperity of Russia, which various predictors spoke about, is just around the corner.

People have always been interested in their future; they were ready to give any money to look into the events of the future at least for a few seconds. Those who possessed such abilities were called seers. They existed at all times and used completely different methods to obtain information. It is unknown how many such people there were in history, because the names of a few seers have survived to this day. Who are they - the most famous predictors in the world?

Divination technology: how does it happen?

Scientists since the nineteenth century have been trying to determine how some people manage to predict the future and describe it in such detail. Unfortunately, to this day the mechanism of prophecy has not been revealed. Although the clairvoyants themselves claim that every person, without exception, is capable of this. It’s just that the majority do not know how to use it, but the lucky few managed to awaken the gift in themselves and use it for the benefit of other people.

Surprisingly, each seer uses different techniques that allow him to penetrate into the future. Some fall into a trance for this purpose, while others hear voices. There is a category of clairvoyants who use aids such as cards, coffee grounds or various crystals. Such predictions are often confused with fortune-telling, therefore, in the terminology of studying the unknown, there is a definition of soothsayers. These mainly include people who are able to talk about future events without aids. Therefore, we will be guided by this definition in our search for who can be awarded the title “the most famous predictor of all time.”

Famous predictors: who are they?

Throughout the history of human civilization, more than once people have appeared who possessed a powerful gift of prophecy and were able to look centuries ahead. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find out which of them is the most famous predictor. After all, the prophecies of many seers have already come true, but the time of others is just coming. Moreover, almost any person, faced with a prediction that has come true, experiences sacred horror and begins to pay more attention to the words of the seers.

Recently, the topic of clairvoyants was touched upon in one well-known entertainment program “100 to 1”. The most famous predictor was named by Russians who were randomly interviewed on the streets of Moscow. The opinion of the townspeople was as unanimous as possible; they named six names. The predictors known to Russia are as follows:

  1. Vanga.
  2. Nostradamus.
  3. Globa.
  4. Messing.
  5. Juna.
  6. Longo.

These names are known to almost every Russian. After all, each of the named people appears to ordinary people as a predictor. But is this really so? And what exactly do we know about these clairvoyants?

Forecasters known to everyone: Vanga

This woman has long been considered one of the most legendary personalities of the twentieth century. Born in 1911, the girl turned out to be extremely far-sighted and was able to make a lot of predictions to ordinary people and heads of government of different countries. In the family of the future seer, no one expected that the girl would be so gifted. She grew up as an absolutely ordinary child until she was twelve years old, when she lost her sight during a hurricane. During World War II, in the village where Vanga lived, they started talking about her extraordinary abilities. Over time, the fame of the clairvoyant spread throughout the globe; she received ordinary people and the powerful with equal attention.

Vanga herself said that she sees the future as a window in which the entire history of a person’s life is squandered. A voice in the head comments on what is happening, focusing especially on what exactly needs to be revealed to the person who comes to Vanga for help.

The seer predicted the defeat of Hitler, the death of Stalin and the change of regimes in various countries. Much of what the clairvoyant spoke about has not yet come true. Before her death, she managed to make predictions up to the year five thousand. It is during this period, according to Vanga, that the end of the world will come and the death of all humanity will occur. Whether this will happen is unknown, but so far all her predictions have tended to come true.

Nostradamus: the secret of the Katrans

is a very mysterious figure from the past. He encrypted his predictions and wrote them down in the form of poems - katrans. Over the centuries that have passed since the death of the seer, his katrans have been deciphered more than once. Moreover, each author proposed a completely new version of the prediction. It is believed that Nostradamus was not only a clairvoyant, but also an astrologer, alchemist and poet. Many historians argue that in the sixteenth century, when the slightest hint of magic could bring you to the attention of the Inquisition, this was a very dangerous activity. It promised trials and a fire. That is why Nostradamus carefully encrypted his predictions and made them somewhat vague.

Some researchers of the prophecies of the great astrologer believe that he wrote his katrans based on the texts of another predictor who lived in the fourteenth century. His name was Rainier Nero, and many of his contemporaries called him the Black Spider. Despite some similarities in the texts, it is difficult to say that Nostradamus copied them. In addition, he was able to make predictions until 2240, when humanity (in his opinion) will come close to its destruction. But the astrologer himself did not claim that the end of the world would definitely happen. He believed that humanity could well survive, and then a new era of prosperity and peace on the planet would begin.

modern astrologer

Almost every Russian knows the name of Pavel Globa. He was born in the middle of the last century and is currently a very controversial figure in the world of the unknown. The fact is that he is classified as one of the people who stood at the origins of modern Soviet astrology. He managed to organize his own center and even hosted several television programs.

Unfortunately, many of Globa's forecasts are unfulfilled. According to experts, their number is more than fifty percent.

Wolf Messing: a man of legend

The life and work of Wolf Messing is surrounded by an aura of secrets and mysteries. Some consider him a brilliant telepath and hypnotist, while others consider him just a talented artist and psychologist. Until now, there is no exact definition of his talent, because many of Messing’s words have not been confirmed during detailed and thorough testing.

Many of the hypnotist’s contemporaries claim that he conducted his performances in an atmosphere of high emotional intensity, which prevented the audience from really assessing the events taking place and the artist’s abilities.

Juna - healer and astrologer

Despite the fact that Russians consider Juna a fortuneteller, she considered herself a healer. This was her main gift, which glorified the woman throughout the Soviet Union. Juna's abilities were seriously studied and tested by Soviet specialists. The healer's clients were top officials of the state who believed in her gift and found it very powerful.

In addition to healing, Juna was engaged in creativity and said that she received energy from space and from higher powers. The mysterious woman died in 2015 at the age of sixty-five.

Yuri Longo: magician and illusionist

Yuri Longo can also hardly be called a person with paranormal abilities. He was born in the middle of the last century. Longo was very sensitive to new trends, expressed in interest in everything mystical. He hosted the first Soviet television shows in which he tried to raise the dead and heal the sick. Modern experts argue that Yuri Longo can be classified as a charlatan who made a fortune by deceiving ordinary people.

Surprisingly, if you analyze the activities of those who at one time claimed to be magicians and soothsayers, there are quite a lot of scammers and charlatans among them. But, besides them, there were real seers, whose predictions still plunge scientists into a state of bewilderment and shock.

Edgar Cayce - the "sleeping" seer

The famous predictor of the future, American Edgar Cayce, was an extraordinary person and clearly belonged to the real clairvoyants, to whom any distances and times are accessible. This man had a phenomenal gift of foresight, and most of his predictions have already come true.

Casey was born at the end of the nineteenth century into the family of a simple American farmer. At the age of nine, the boy showed paranormal abilities. He could not learn the lesson, and the angry father hit the boy on the ear. As Casey fell, he heard a voice telling him to sleep. Subsequently, the boy went to bed with his textbook and literally within a few minutes he knew everything that was necessary for the lesson.

It was for his ability to receive information in a state of trance, similar to sleep, that Cayce was nicknamed the “sleeping” prophet. Throughout his life, he made a lot of predictions about the fate of nations, talked about past civilizations and future catastrophes. In his predictions, Casey paid a lot of attention to Russia and its future. He argued that after a series of disasters that would practically destroy America, Europe and part of Japan, Russia would be the hope of the world. It is she who will revive human civilization and bring it to a new stage of development.

Seers of the Past

The most famous predictors of the world, who left their mark on history, appeared in all centuries. In Greek mythology, the soothsayer Cassandra occupies a special place, about whom historians and scientists are still arguing. Presumably she was the daughter of King Priam and was able to predict the death of Troy from a huge horse. Ancient Greek sources contain very contradictory information about Cassandra’s abilities.

For example, Homer, recognizing her as an amazingly beautiful girl, does not focus on her special gift. Aeschylus in the tragedy "Agamemnon" mentioned the girl's ability to foresight, which she received from Apollo. Having deceived God, she was punished by people's disbelief in her gift. Ultimately, this led to the fall of Troy.

She later became the wife of Agamemnon and bore him two sons. Historians claim that she often testified to the fates of other people and even foresaw her own death.

Famous world predictors: Maria Lenormand

There have always been legends about this French woman. She was born extremely deformed and was also lame. Even the girl’s parents were amazed at her ugliness and by the age of five they gladly sent her to be raised in a monastery. It was during this period of time that the child began to exhibit strange abilities that frightened his parents.

By the age of sixteen, Maria returned to her father's house. She received a fairly good education, and studying books on esotericism and numerology gave her a lot of new information, which she easily applied. In Paris, where the girl went in search of a better life, she began to tell fortunes to everyone and quickly gained unprecedented fame, since all her words always came true. Any famous modern forecaster could envy Lenormand's gift. She could do almost everything - cards, clairvoyance, palmistry and many other methods of prediction were available to her.

One of Marie Lenormand's most famous predictions is the death of Queen Marie Antoinette, who rose to the scaffold during the French Revolution. The clients of the lame seer were the leaders of the revolution, noble nobles and even Napoleon himself. The woman told him about the future rise and inglorious decline of his life. This is what led to the fact that, having become emperor, Napoleon tried to kill the fortuneteller.

There is historical evidence confirming that Maria Lenormand was visited by the Russian Emperor Alexander I and the future Decembrists, who ended their life on the gallows. One day a woman laid out the cards on herself and saw her death coming to her fourteen years later, exactly as she had predicted.

It is difficult to determine which famous predictor is the best, because every era gives birth to its heroes and prophets. This means that pretty soon people will hear about a new seer who will become the most famous in the twenty-first century.

Over the centuries-old history of Russia, many things were predicted for it: from complete collapse to endless prosperity. Predictions were given by professional soothsayers, politicians, and monks.


Nostradamus had never been to Russia, but he began to make predictions about Russia almost in synchronicity. Thus, he managed to predict some events from the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

Primarily related to reforms and changes, which were promoted by Archpriest Sylvester (79th quatrain of the 5th century):

Russian faith will be ordered
With the advent of the great legislator.
The meek priest will exalt himself and disturb the mighty.
However, the monarch will not use his advice for long.

In 1560, Queen Anastasia died, which caused a deep psychological change in the king’s soul. The Livonian War was lost, Ivan IV married again. Nostradamus writes:

Seven wives and a son died or were killed by the cruel monarch,
There is bloodshed all around, there is no limit to great atrocities.
The fifth wife will be thrown into the lake,
But the eighth will give birth to a son and miraculously survive.

Nostradamus also predicted the events of the church schism of the 17th century. In the 96th quatrain of the 1st century he wrote:

The one who will be entrusted with remaking
Temples and rituals, changed due to whim,
It will harm both priests and laity.
Then he himself will be in disgrace.

Peter I not only reformed the entire system of public administration, Peter’s reforms became a kind of apocalypse for “Russian antiquity.” Michel Nostradamus predicted in the 59th quatrain of the 1st century:

Exiles driven from the island
With the arrival of a more merciless sovereign
They will be killed and burned in flames.
The rebel city by the sea is destroyed.

The youngest daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth, arrested the infant Ivan VI and his mother Anna Leopoldovna. For the royal family, a journey of torment began, which ended in death. Nostradamus foresaw the fall of the power of the infant Ivan Antonovich and dedicated the 52nd quatrain of the 6th century to this event:

Instead of the great one who was doomed,
His daughter will appear, having escaped from prison,
The baby will reign for twelve months.
Then he will end up in the fortress, where he will be stabbed to death.

According to researchers, Nostradamus also predicted the events of the mid-20th century. Quatrain 80, century 4 speaks about the beginning of World War II:

There is a big ditch near the big river, the earth has been thrown out,
Divided into fifteen parts by water,
The city is taken, fire, blood, screams, battle,
Most of the population is in conflict.

Only in 1940 did the war started by Hitler become a world war. This year, German troops broke through the Maginot Line in 15 places - “divided into fifteen parts by water” - and captured not only Paris (“the city was taken”), but the entire country.


The doctor, alchemist and astrologer Philip Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, known to the whole world as Paracelsus, in one of his books “Oracles”, containing 300 pages and many prophecies for the whole world until the end of the 3rd millennium, made several sensational predictions regarding Russia.

Paracelsus traveled a lot in the East, visited Tibet (biographers think so - there is a ten-year period in his life, information about which is missing).

Returning from Tibet, he uttered the first prophecy about Muscovy, as we were then called in the world: “A new huge state will appear on the big continent. It will occupy almost half of the Earth. This state will exist for a whole century and this will happen in 400 years.”

Supposedly he wrote this in 1522. If you add 400 to 1522, you get 1922 - the year the USSR was created.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Paracelsus traveled through Russia to Constantinople. He walked across the Don, since at that time this route was considered the shortest. No facts have been preserved about what he saw and heard, but after his stay in our country, the fortuneteller entrusted Russia with a great mission - the salvation of all humanity. “Muscovy will rise above all states. Not with her hand, but with her soul, she will save the world.”

True, this salvation will happen at the end of the 22nd century. It was then, according to Paracelsus, that terrible events will happen on earth: “The East will rise up against the West, and hundreds of fiery arrows will be released in the East. They will fall and a column of fire will rise. He will burn everything in his path."

Researchers of ancient texts are confident that Paracelsus foreshadowed the Third World War between the countries of the West and the East, during which missiles with nuclear warheads would be used: “People will be covered with deep ulcers and scabs. Their souls will rise up. The third part will die."

Paracelsus seemed to know what the consequences of atomic explosions were: he colorfully and scaryly wrote that food and water on Earth would be poisoned.

But Russia will save itself and help the whole world to be reborn: “However, some people will be able to save themselves. And the ancient people who live in Muscovy will help them in this. In Muscovy, which no one had ever thought of as a country in which something great could happen, great prosperity would shine upon the humiliated and outcast. They will conquer the Sun."

Paracelsus wrote: “There is one people that Herodotus calls Hyperboreans. The current name of this people is Muscovy. Their terrible decline, which will last for many centuries, cannot be trusted. The Hyperboreans will experience both strong decline and enormous prosperity (...) The Banner of the Cross will be hoisted on one of the mountain peaks of this country.”

In addition to the fact that Paracelsus here speaks of difficult times for Russia associated with territorial disputes, there is another version of this prediction of Paracelsus: perhaps the second coming of the Savior will happen in the Urals.

“In that very country of the Hyperboreans, which no one ever thought of as a country in which something great could happen, the Great Cross, the Divine Light from the mountain of the country of the Hyperboreans, will shine over the humiliated and rejected, and all the inhabitants of the earth will see it.”

Paracelsus believed that this should happen 500 years after his death. Why? After all, Christianity came to Rus' much earlier. The Golden Age, which will bring happiness to all living things, according to the ancient predictor, will last from 2041 to 2091. Many of us have a chance to see with our own eyes what it will be like.


During the reign of Catherine II, a monk-seer lived in the Solovetsky Monastery, his name was Abel. Abel began to prophesy about the death of the empress. For his predictions, Abel was imprisoned in the Shlisselburg fortress “under the strongest guard.”

After the death of Catherine, who died in exact accordance with Abel's prophecy, the monk was amnestied by Paul I himself.

The emperor wished to meet with the elder and listen to new forecasts from him. Abel described in detail the death of the emperor, and at the same time the unenviable future of the Romanov dynasty.

“Your reign will be short, and I see, sinner, your cruel end. You will suffer martyrdom at the hands of Sophronius of Jerusalem from unfaithful servants; you will be strangled in your bedchamber by the villains whom you warm in your royal bosom. On Holy Saturday they will bury you... They, these villains, trying to justify their great sin of regicide, will declare you insane, will revile your good memory... But the Russian people with their truthful soul will understand and appreciate you and will carry their sorrows to your tomb, asking for your intercession and softening the hearts of the unrighteous and cruel. The number of your years is like counting letters.”

The prediction that the Russian people will appreciate Paul I has not yet come true. If a survey were conducted today about the attitude of Russians towards past autocrats, Pavel would certainly be one of the outsiders.

Abel was released in peace to the Nevsky Monastery for a new monastic vow. It was there, at his second tonsure, that he received the name Abel. But the prophet could not sit in the capital’s monastery. A year after his conversation with Pavel, he appears in Moscow, where he gives predictions to local aristocrats and wealthy merchants for money.

Having earned some money, the monk goes to the Valaam Monastery. But even there Abel does not live in peace: he again takes up the pen and writes books of predictions, where he reveals the imminent death of the emperor.

Abel is brought in shackles to St. Petersburg and locked up in the Peter and Paul Fortress - “for disturbing the peace of mind of His Majesty.”

Immediately after the death of Paul I, Abel was again released from prison. This time Alexander I becomes the liberator. The new emperor warns that he sends the monk to the Solovetsky Monastery, without the right to leave the walls of the monastery. There Abel writes another book in which he predicts the capture of Moscow by Napoleon in 1812 and the burning of the city.

The prediction reaches the king and he orders to calm Abel’s imagination in the Solovetsky prison. “The Frenchman will burn Moscow down under Him, and He will take Paris from him and call him Blessed. But secret sorrow will become unbearable to Him, and the Royal crown will seem heavy to Him. He will replace the feat of Royal service with the feat of fasting and prayer. He will be righteous in the eyes of God: he will be a white monk in the world. I saw over the Russian land the star of the great saint of God. It burns, it flares up. This ascetic will bring about Alexandrov’s entire destiny...”

According to legend, Alexander I did not die in Taganrog, but turned into elder Fyodor Kuzmich and went to wander around Rus'.

When in 1812 the Russian army surrenders Moscow to the French, and Belokamennaya, as the monk predicted, almost burns to the ground, the impressed Alexander I orders: “Release Abel from the Solovetsky Monastery, give him a passport to all Russian cities and monasteries, provide him with money and clothes.” "

Once free, Abel decided not to irritate the royal family any longer, but went on a trip to the Holy Places: he visited Mount Athos, Jerusalem, and Constantinople. Then he settles in the Trinity-Sergeyeva Lavra. For some time he behaves quietly, until, after the accession of Nicholas I, he breaks through again.

The new emperor did not like to stand on ceremony, so “for the sake of humility” he sent the monk into captivity in the Suzdal Spaso-Efimovsky Monastery, where in 1841 Abel reposed before the Lord. “The beginning of the reign of Your son Nicholas will begin with a fight, a Voltairean rebellion. This will be a malicious seed, a destructive seed for Russia. If it weren’t for the grace of God covering Russia, then... About a hundred years after that, the House of the Most Holy Theotokos will become impoverished, and the Russian Power will turn into an abomination of desolation.”

Grigory Rasputin

Grigory Rasputin was one of the most mysterious personalities in Russian history, and his insight became the talk of the town even during the life of the “elder”. He foresaw the death of the royal family long before it happened. This is what he wrote: “Every time I hug the Tsar and Mother, and the girls, and the Tsarevich, I shudder with horror, as if I were hugging the dead... And then I pray for these people, because in Rus' they are in need more than anyone else. And I pray for the Romanov family, because the shadow of a long eclipse falls on them.”

Rasputin predicted the coming of a new government in Russia: “Darkness will fall on St. Petersburg. When his name is changed, then the empire will end."

The “elder” foresaw his own death. He said that if he was killed not by “simple robbers”, but by nobles - “relatives of the Tsar,” then the future of Russia and the royal family would be terrible. “The nobles will flee the country, and the king’s relatives will not be alive in two years, and brothers will rebel against brothers and kill each other.”

Rasputin also had technogenic predictions. For example this. Researchers believe that Rasputin is talking about nuclear power plants here.
“Towers will be built all over the world... they will be castles of death. Some of these castles will collapse, and from these wounds will flow rotten blood that will infect the earth and the sky. Because clots of infected blood, like predators, will fall on our heads. And many clots will fall to the ground, and the land where they fall will become desolate for seven generations.”

Death of an Empire

It must be said that the fall of the monarchy in Russia and the death of the Romanov dynasty were predicted more than once. When Alexandra Feodorovna (wife of Nicholas II) visited the Tithe Monastery in Novgorod in 1916, Elder Maria, holding out her hands to her, said: “Here comes the Martyr - Queen Alexandra.”

The already mentioned Rasputin also spoke about the tragic end of the last royal family, but even earlier such predictions were made by the Monk Seraphim of Sarov.

It is known that the wife of Alexander II, Maria Alexandrovna, on March 2, 1855, retold the prophecy of Seraphim of Sarov about the death of the last emperor and his family to her maid of honor Anna Tyutcheva.

The Empress herself learned about the prediction from Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, to whom the elder told his revelations.

Nicholas II apparently knew Abel’s prophecy, since, according to those close to him, he repeatedly said: “Until 1918, I was not afraid of anything.”

Collapse of the USSR

The disappearance from the political map of the Soviet Union was predicted by a variety of people - clairvoyants, holy elders, politicians and scientists. For example, academician A.D. Sakharov warned in 1989 that if the situation in the country is not corrected, this is fraught with separatism and the collapse of the Union. A little earlier, in 1985, academician Viktor Gelovani, using computer modeling, predicted the situation of the country’s development in the coming years.

The analysis data identified two main paths - a technological one, promising a powerful industrial and economic breakthrough, and a losing model, which could lead to the collapse of the USSR by 1991. It turned out as always.

Edgar Cayce predicted the fall of the USSR in 1944 in a somewhat veiled form. “Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of communism will come,” said the soothsayer. “The communists will lose their power there.”

Edgar Cayce

Let's focus on Casey. He can be called one of the most effective predictors of the 20th century.

Being an excellent doctor, a great predictor and a world-famous person, Edgar gave all his advice, diagnoses and methods of treatment in a state of trance, but he himself did not remember anything that was said. WITH

Cayce made many prophecies, he predicted both world wars, the rise of China, the discovery of the Qumran scrolls, and much more. He planned his reincarnation for the year 2100.

Many of Casey's predictions also applied to Russia. According to Casey, our country is destined for a great mission: “From Russia will come hope for the world; but not from communism or Bolshevism, no, but from free Russia. Each person will then live for his fellow man.”

Cayce said: (reading 3976-10, February 8, 1932). “There is great hope for the world in the religious development of Russia. The people or group of peoples who have the closest relations with Russia will be able to live better, gradually changing living conditions throughout the world.”

On November 29, 1932, Cayce said: “Changes are coming, you may be sure there will be an evolution or revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The basis for this for the whole world will ultimately come from Russia; it will not be communism, but what Christ taught - his kind of communism.”

Casey argued that Russia would be the new center of the world. Moreover, at the same time, the Americans and Russia will be friends: “Hope for the world will again come from Russia. Driven by what? Friendship with the people, on whose money it is written: “In God we trust.”