The use of ICT by a modern teacher. Using ICT to organize the activities of a preschool teacher: experience, problems, prospects

ICT competence of a modern teacher as an indicator of professional success

A characteristic feature of the development of the modern educational system is the transition to a new technological basis. Under the influence of information and communication technologies, all components of the methodological system of teaching the subject (goals, content, forms, methods, means) change. In this regard, a new term has appeared - “electronic didactics”, which is understood as the theory and practice of teaching in a new information and educational environment.

The information and educational environment of an educational institution is an integrated digital platform for cooperation, interaction and knowledge exchange for teachers, students and administration, to improve the quality of education for all students. It should be noted that the didactic principles of teaching - scientific, visual, systematic and consistent, conscious, active - do not disappear, but the task is posed differently: how to ensure all this in the conditions of the new didactics, when the methods and means of presenting educational material have changed.

Only teachers who are well prepared in terms of mastering electronic technologies in their professional activities can develop, implement and support new didactics. Therefore, the most important condition for the successful modernization of education is the improvement of professional pedagogical culture and the competence of teachers. This means that the teacher must continuously improve his information and communication competence.

Matrix of ICT competence of teachers

In November 2011, the document “Structure of ICT competence of teachers” was presented to the public. UNESCO recommendations. Version 2.0". The recommendations propose a matrix structure of teachers’ ICT competence (Table 1), which is defined by two dimensions. The first is determined by approaches to school informatization, and the second by aspects of the teacher’s professional competence. Within the framework of three approaches to informatization of schools, requirements for teacher training have been identified.

Applications of ICT can be as follows:

– use of ICT tools to achieve educational results, which are provided for by current standards;

– use of ready-made electronic educational materials and various web resources in your work;

– carrying out assessment activities using ICT tools;

– use of ICT tools for current reporting and professional development.

This approach typically focuses on equipping schools with ICT tools, reducing the digital divide and ensuring equal access to these tools for all students. The organizational forms of educational work within the framework of this approach practically do not change.

The teacher needs:

– own software tools that relate to their subject area;

– be able to choose the most convenient ways of presenting educational information;

– rationally use all available technical and software tools to organize the educational process;

– use online resources that allow students to access information, work together and communicate with external experts while solving problems of their choosing;

– use Internet resources to obtain the necessary professional materials, communicate with colleagues and other experts in order to improve their professional level;

– be able to develop digital educational resources and build a learning environment;

– use ICT as a tool to develop students’ ability to produce knowledge and develop critical thinking;

– support reflection as a necessary component of educational work;

– create learning communities or “communities of knowledge” among students and their colleagues.

The UNESCO recommendations are an internationally recognized tool that allows you to determine the pedagogical ICT competence required by every teacher, as well as develop a set of educational and methodological materials for training teachers.

The successful use of ICT in the educational process depends on the ability of teachers to reorganize the learning environment, combine new information and pedagogical technologies in order to conduct exciting classes, encourage educational cooperation and cooperation among students. This requires the teacher to have a number of new skills in class management. The skills that such a teacher must possess must include the ability to develop new ways of using ICT to enrich the learning environment, student learning, and the ability to produce new knowledge.

Acquiring information competence opens up a wide range of opportunities for teachers and students that enrich the educational environment and make the teaching-learning process more dynamic.

One of the main trends that determines the requirements for the level of ICT competence of a modern teacher is a shift in emphasis from tasks at the technological level (related to the mastery of specific tools, specific software products) to the pedagogical one. The range of skills classified as key competence has expanded, since the corresponding skills are enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) at the initial stage of education in the meta-subject learning outcomes of schoolchildren and in the course “Mathematics and Computer Science”, as well as the Federal State Educational Standard of the basic school in the meta-subject results of the graduate of the basic school and in a computer science course (V – IX or VII – IX grades), which should ensure the development of ICT competence in all schoolchildren. The new generation school standard, in addition to the core values ​​and basic concepts, defines “systems of key tasks that ensure the formation of universal types of educational activities that are adequate to the requirements of the standard for educational outcomes.” These include the requirements for the level of qualifications of teachers, fixed by the Federal State Educational Standard. Schools have been given responsibility for fulfilling the specified requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the formation of the information educational environment of the school and the organization of training for teachers in the active use of the resources of such an environment. The information educational environment should include electronic educational resources, an “electronic” diary and journal, a school website, and an environment for the electronic portfolio of students and teachers.

Two-level Model of Teacher ICT Competence

The above requirements can be implemented within the framework of a two-level model of teacher ICT competence. The key proposition of this model is the idea that there are two significantly different levels in professional ICT competence – the level of preparedness and the level of implementation.

Often, a teacher who has completed (sometimes several times) advanced training courses in the field of ICT and has sufficient conditions at school for using ICT in professional activities does not do this. At the same time, he successfully passed various tests for readiness to work using ICT. Such a teacher cannot be called ICT-competent, since his knowledge and skills are not translated into activities.

Levels of ICT competence of a modern teacher:

1. Knowledge level (preparedness for activity).

Knowledge level – this is the level of mastery of ICT. At the present stage of development of the Russian general education system, this level is the basic level in the formation and subsequent assessment of teachers’ ICT competence. It is characterized by teachers having knowledge, skills and abilities sufficient to use equipment, software and resources in the field of ICT.

At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between a sublevel of computer literacy, non-specific for educators (including teachers), determined by the current state of ICT and the general level of informatization of society, and professionally oriented sublevels

A. Sublevel of general computer literacy. This is the level general pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of application of ICT in educational activities.

-Functional (computer) literacy, providing knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of ICT

-General pedagogical readiness, providing knowledge, skills and abilities to use ICT in teaching activities, invariant with respect to the subjects taught.

b. Sublevel of specific, subject-specific computer literacy
– knowledge, skills and abilities that are specific to the subject area. For example, science teachers should be able to use computer mathematical models of processes related to their subject (and, at a higher level, create such models).

For example, for teachers of natural science subjects (physics, chemistry, biology), the use of computer mathematical modeling methods, especially in the specialized version of teaching, is highly productive; For philologists, computer technologies for text analysis can play a similar role; for historians, database technologies, etc. However, today there are very few school subject teachers with the appropriate level of ICT competence.
2. Activity level (completed activity) .

The activity level is the level of ICT use. At this level, functional ICT literacy is effectively and systematically applied by the teacher to solve educational problems.

There are:

A. Sublevel of organizational innovation

b. Sub-level of content innovation
Sublevel of organizational innovation manifests itself in the teacher’s effective implementation of new organizational and technological functionality, in particular
organization and support of network forms of implementation of the educational process;
implementation of distance, part-time, home learning, etc.;
organization and support of training based on individual educational trajectories and individual educational plans of students;
co-organization of different forms of educational activities - classroom, extracurricular, independent, educational and others - into a single educational process;
application of modern education monitoring technologies
Sub-level of content innovation characterized by the systematic, targeted and effective use of ICT resources and electronic educational resources (EER) in achieving a new quality of education. It is aimed at modernizing the educational process in accordance with the concept of “knowledge creation” and is manifested in updating the content of education, teaching methods, and quality assessment systems.

Meaningful innovations include a set of elements:
development and implementation of educational courses based on electronic educational resources (elective courses, educational practices, professional and profile orientation courses, etc.);
implementation of new types of educational activities, which include:
problem-based and project-based approaches to teaching students;-
- organization of the educational process on the basis of independent individual and group activities of students to realize their personal, educational, social and other needs and interests;
organizing student interaction when solving problems and tasks based on ICT;
the use of new diagnostic tools for assessing the quality of education (including integral and subject-specific monitoring of the quality of education, a rating assessment system, a dynamic system for assessing student achievements, etc.).
Meaningful innovations are the most complex and at the same time the most
productive level of both professional competence of the teacher in general and ICT competence. In the field of ICT they have their own specifics. For example, for teachers of natural science subjects (physics, chemistry, biology), the use of computer mathematical modeling methods, especially in the specialized version of teaching, is highly productive; For philologists, computer technologies for text analysis can play a similar role; for historians, database technologies, etc.

However, today there are few school subject teachers with the appropriate level of ICT competence.
The levels of ICT competence described above correspond to the stages of professional development of a modern teacher in the field of ICT.

Knowledge level– the most widespread one, which should be mastered in the near future all without exception teachers.

Level of organizational innovation – this is the level of successful and productive methodological work. Modernization of networks of educational institutions, objectification of the results of educational activities, diversification of forms of education, individualization of curricula - all these and many other aspects of modernization of education require new forms of methodological work based on ICT.
Level of content innovation provides for the design and implementation of local and pilot pedagogical experiments. The levels of ICT competence described above correspond to the stages of professional development of a modern teacher in the field of ICT.

List of subject teacher competencies in the field of ICT

1. Having a general understanding of the didactic capabilities of ICT.
2. Availability of ideas about the unified information space of an educational institution, the purpose and functioning of a PC, information input-output devices, computer networks and the possibilities of their use in the educational process.
3. Availability of ideas about electronic educational resources and trends in the market of electronic publications in the general education sector, focused on subject-professional activities, digital educational resources carried out during the implementation of Federal target programs.
4. Knowledge of the basic methods of introducing digital educational resources into the educational process.
5. Knowledge of techniques for organizing personal information space, operating system interface, techniques for performing file operations, organizing an information and educational environment as a file system, basic techniques for input/output of information, including installation and removal of applications and electronic educational resources.
6. Knowledge of techniques for preparing didactic materials and working documents in accordance with the subject area using office technologies (handouts, presentations, etc.):
- entering text from the keyboard and techniques for formatting it;
- preparation of handouts containing graphic elements, standard techniques for working with vector graphics tools;
- techniques for working with tabular data (compiling lists, information cards, simple calculations);
- techniques for constructing graphs and diagrams;
- methods of creating pedagogically effective presentations (for a lesson, speech at a teacher’s meeting, report, etc.);
7. Knowledge of the simplest techniques for preparing graphic illustrations for visual and didactic materials used in educational activities based on raster graphics:
- techniques for correcting and optimizing raster images for subsequent use in presentations and Web pages;
- techniques for printing images and recording on CD.
8. Proficiency in basic Internet services and technologies in the context of their use in educational activities:
- techniques for navigating and searching for educational information on the WWW, obtaining and storing it for subsequent use in the pedagogical process;
- techniques for working with e-mail and teleconferences;
- techniques for working with file archives;
- techniques for working with Internet pagers (ICQ, AOL, etc.) and other communication technologies.
9. Availability of ideas about technologies and resources for remote support of the educational process and the possibilities of their inclusion in teaching activities.
10. Knowledge of the technological basics of creating a website to support educational activities:
- the presence of ideas about the purpose, structure, navigation tools and design of the website to support educational activities;
- having an idea of ​​the structure of the web page;
- mastery of the simplest website building techniques, providing the ability to present educational information in the form of a website - a file system;
- knowledge of techniques for publishing a website to support educational activities on the Internet.

A teacher is competent in the field of ICT if

 searches and selects additional information for training using Internet resources;
 participates in the work of network associations of teachers, Internet conferences in order to improve their professional level;
 develops computer tests, rating systems for assessing student knowledge based on standard applications and shell programs;
 creates teaching aids and materials on electronic media using standard applications and tools;
 uses ready-made multimedia developments for educational and educational purposes.

Using ICT to organize the activities of a preschool teacher: experience, problems, prospects

Socio-economic changes in Russia have led to the need to modernize many social institutions, and primarily the education system. New tasks set for education today are formulated and presented in the law “On Education of the Russian Federation” and the educational standard of the new generation.

Informatization of education in Russia is one of the most important mechanisms affecting all main directions of modernization of the educational system. Its main task is the effective use of the following major advantages of information and communication technologies:

  • the possibility of organizing a cognition process that supports an activity-based approach to the educational process;
  • individualization of the educational process while maintaining its integrity;
  • creation of an effective management system for information and methodological support of education.

The key directions of the process of informatization of preschool educational institutions are:

1. Organizational:

  1. modernization of methodological service;
  2. improvement of the material and technical base;
  3. creation of a certain information environment.

2. Pedagogical:

  1. increasing the ICT competence of preschool teachers;
  2. introduction of ICT into the educational space.

In accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” preschool education is one of the levels of general education. Computerization of school education has a rather long history (about 20 years), but such a widespread use of computers in kindergarten has not yet been observed. At the same time, it is impossible to imagine the work of a teacher without the use of information resources. The use of ICT makes it possible to enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

Areas of application of ICT by preschool teachers

1. Maintaining documentation.

In the process of educational activities, calendar and long-term plans are drawn up and drawn up, material is prepared for the design of the parent corner, diagnostics are carried out and the results are compiled both in printed and electronic form.

2. Methodological work, teacher training.

In the information society, networked electronic resources are the most convenient, fastest and most modern way to disseminate new methodological ideas and teaching aids, available to methodologists and teachers regardless of their place of residence. Information and methodological support in the form of electronic resources can be used when preparing a teacher for classes, to study new techniques, and when selecting visual aids for classes.

It is undeniably important to use ICT technologies both for maintaining documentation and for more effectively conducting methodological work and for improving the level of qualifications of a teacher, but the main thing in the work of a preschool teacher is the conduct of the educational process.

3. Educational process.

The educational process includes:

  • organization of direct educational activities of the student,
  • organizing joint developmental activities between teachers and children,
  • implementation of projects,
  • creation of a developmental environment (games, manuals, teaching materials).

In preschool children, visual-figurative thinking predominates. The main principle when organizing the activities of children of this age is the principle of clarity. The use of a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic, allows you to quickly achieve the intended goal during direct educational activities and joint activities with children. The use of Internet resources makes it possible to make the educational process information-intensive, entertaining and comfortable.

Classes using ICT.

In such a lesson, only one computer is used as an “electronic board”. At the preparation stage, electronic and information resources are analyzed and the necessary material for the lesson is selected. Sometimes it can be very difficult to find the necessary materials to explain the topic of a lesson, so presentation materials are created using PowerPoint or other multimedia programs.

To conduct such classes, one personal computer (laptop), a multimedia projector, speakers, and a screen are used.

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make the lesson emotionally charged, interesting, they are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson.

With the help of multimedia presentations, children learn complexes of visual gymnastics and exercises to relieve visual fatigue.

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to embed information not only in factual, but also associative form in the memory of children.

The purpose of this presentation of developmental and educational information is to form a system of mental images in children. Presenting material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces learning time and frees up children's health resources.

The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom makes it possible to build the educational process on the basis of psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, mental activity, humanization of the content of learning and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.

The basis of any modern presentation is to facilitate the process of visual perception and memorization of information with the help of vivid images. The forms and place of use of a presentation in a lesson depend on the content of this lesson and the goal set by the teacher.

The use of computer slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

  • Implementation of polysensory perception of material;
  • The ability to demonstrate various objects using a multimedia projector and projection screen in a many times enlarged form;
  • Combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps compensate for the amount of information children receive from educational literature;
  • The ability to demonstrate objects that are more accessible to the intact sensory system;
  • Activation of visual functions and eye abilities of the child;
  • Computer presentation slide films are convenient to use for displaying information in the form of printouts in large font on a printer as handouts for classes with preschoolers.

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make classes emotionally charged, attractive, arouse keen interest in the child, and are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson. For example, the use of presentations in classes in mathematics, music, and familiarization with the outside world ensures that children are active when examining, examining, and visually identifying the signs and properties of objects; methods of visual perception, examination, and identifying qualitative, quantitative, and spatio-temporal features in the objective world are formed. and properties, visual attention and visual memory develop.

The use of ICT does not provide for teaching children the basics of computer science and computer technology.

An important rule when organizing such classes is their frequency. Classes should be held 1-2 times a week, depending on the age of the children, for 10-15 minutes of direct activity at the PC.

The introduction of information technologies has advantages before traditional means of teaching:

1. ICT makes it possible to expand the use of electronic learning tools, as they transmit information faster.

2. Movements, sound, animation attract children's attention for a long time and help increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

3. Provides clarity, which promotes perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children. In this case, three types of memory are included: visual, auditory, motor.

4. Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the outside world that are difficult to observe: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it’s raining.

5. You can also simulate life situations that are impossible or difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, reproducing the sounds of nature; the operation of transport, etc.).

6. ICT is an additional opportunity to work with children with disabilities.

With all the constant advantages of using ICT in preschool education, the following problems arise:

1. Protecting the child's health.

Recognizing that the computer is a new powerful tool for the development of children, it is necessary to remember the commandment “DO NO HARM!” The use of ICT in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.

When computers and interactive equipment operate indoors, specific conditions are created: humidity decreases, air temperature rises, the number of heavy ions increases, and electrostatic voltage in the area of ​​children’s hands increases. The intensity of the electrostatic field increases when finishing the cabinet with polymer materials. The floor must have an antistatic coating, and the use of carpets and rugs is not allowed.

To maintain an optimal microclimate, prevent the accumulation of static electricity and deterioration of the chemical and ionic composition of the air, it is necessary to: ventilate the office before and after classes, wet cleaning before and after classes. We conduct classes with older preschoolers once a week in subgroups. In his work, a teacher must necessarily use a set of eye exercises.

2. Insufficient ICT – teacher competence.

The teacher must not only perfectly know the content of all computer programs, their operational characteristics, the user interface of each program (the specific technical rules for operating with each of them), but also understand the technical characteristics of the equipment, be able to work in basic application programs, multimedia programs and the network Internet.

If the ECE team manages to solve these problems, then ICT technologies will become a great help.

The use of information technology helps to increase children's learning motivation and leads to a number of positive consequences:

  • enriching children with knowledge in its figurative-conceptual integrity and emotional coloring;
  • facilitating the process of learning material by preschoolers;
  • arousing keen interest in the subject of knowledge;
  • expanding the general horizons of children;
  • increasing the level of use of visuals in the classroom;
  • increasing teacher productivity.

It is undeniable that in modern education the computer does not solve all problems; it remains just a multifunctional technical teaching tool. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which make it possible not only to “invest” in each child a certain stock of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of his cognitive activity. Information technologies, in combination with properly selected (or designed) teaching technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of training and education.

So, the use of information technology will make the process of learning and development of children quite simple and effective, free them from routine manual work, and open up new opportunities for early education.

Informatization of education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce new methodological developments into pedagogical practice aimed at intensifying and implementing innovative ideas in educational, educational and correctional processes. Recently, information and communication technologies (ICT) have become a good assistant for teachers in organizing educational and correctional work.

The use of information technologies in education makes it possible to significantly enrich and qualitatively update the educational process in preschool education and increase its efficiency.

List of used literature

  1. Management of innovation processes in preschool educational institutions. – M., Sfera, 2008.
  2. Horwitz Y., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten. Preschool education, 1991, No. 5.
  3. Kalinina T.V. DOW management. “New information technologies in preschool childhood.” M, Sfera, 2008.
  4. Ksenzova G.Yu. Promising school technologies: educational and methodological manual. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000.
  5. Motorin V. "Educational capabilities of computer games." Preschool education, 2000, no. 11.
  6. Novoselova S.L. Computer world of a preschooler. M.: New School, 1997.

MDOU Tisulsky kindergarten No. 4 Pugina N.V.

Informatization of the education system places new demands on the teacher and his professional competence. A teacher must not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create his own educational resources and widely use them in his teaching activities.

Information technology is not only and not so much computers and their software. ICT means the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication.

Areas of application of ICT by preschool teachers

1. Maintaining documentation.

In the process of educational activities, the teacher draws up and draws up calendar and long-term plans, prepares material for the design of the parent corner. Of course, this can be done without the use of computer technology, but the quality of design and time costs are not comparable.

An important aspect of the use of ICT is the preparation of teachers for certification. Here you can consider both the preparation of documentation and the preparation of a portfolio

Working with parents occupies a special place when using ICT:

  • Possibility to demonstrate any documents, photographic materials;
  • Optimal combination of individual work and group work;
  • Use of ICT in parent-teacher meetings.

2. Methodological work, teacher training.

Online communities of teachers allow not only to find and use the necessary methodological developments, but also to post their materials, share their teaching experience in preparing and conducting events, and using various methods and technologies.

To improve the level of qualifications of a teacher, the work of a preschool teacher is to conduct the educational process.

The educational process includes:

  • organization of direct educational activities of the student,
  • organizing joint developmental activities between teachers and children,
  • implementation of projects,
  • creation of a development environment (games, manuals, teaching materials).

There are 3 types of activities using ICT.

1. Lesson with multimedia support.

To conduct such classes, one personal computer is required. (laptop), multimedia projector, speakers, screen.

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make the lesson emotionally charged, interesting, they are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson.

2. Lesson with computer support

Most often, such classes are conducted using game-based training programs.

In this lesson, several computers are used, on which several students work simultaneously.

When organizing classes of this type, it is necessary to have a stationary computer class that complies with SANPiN standards and licensed software.

The use of ICT does not provide for teaching children the basics of computer science and computer technology.

An important rule when organizing such classes is their frequency. Classes should be held 1-2 times a week, depending on the age of the children, for 10-15 minutes of direct activity at the PC.

3. Diagnostic lesson.

To conduct such classes, special programs are required, which is rare. The development of such computer programs is a matter of time. Using application software tools, you can develop test tasks and use them for diagnostics

With all the constant advantages of using ICT in preschool education, the following problems arise:

1. Material base of the preschool educational institution.

Not all kindergartens today can afford to create computer classes.

2. Protecting the child's health.

Recognizing that the computer is a new powerful tool for the development of children, it is necessary to remember the commandment “DO NO HARM!” " The use of ICT in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.

3. Insufficient ICT – teacher competence.

The teacher must not only perfectly know the content of all computer programs, their operational characteristics, and the user interface of each program (specifics of technical rules for dealing with each of them), but also understand the technical characteristics of the equipment, be able to work in basic application programs, multimedia programs and the Internet.

So, the use of information technology makes it possible to make the process of learning and development of children quite simple and effective, frees them from routine manual work, and opens up new opportunities for early education.

List of used literature

  1. Management of innovation processes in preschool educational institutions. – M., Sfera, 2008.
  2. Ezopova S.A. Preschool education, or Education of children of senior preschool age: innovations and traditions//Preschool pedagogy. - 2007. -№6
  3. Zakharova I.G. Information technologies in education: Textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. – M., 2003
  4. Ksenzova G.Yu. Promising school technologies: educational and methodological manual. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000.
  5. Motorin V. "Educational capabilities of computer games." Preschool education, 2000, No. 11.

The rapid development of new information technologies and their implementation in Russia in recent years have left their mark on the development of a child’s personality. The school is part of society, and it reflects the same problems as throughout the country. Therefore, it is very important to organize the learning process so that the child actively, with interest and enthusiasm works in the lesson, sees the fruits of his labor and can appreciate them. A combination of traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies, including computers, can help the teacher in solving this difficult problem.
In practice educational information technologies name all technologies that use special technical information means (computers, audio, video, cinema).

Combination ICT associated with two types of technologies: informational And communication.

« Information Technology“is a system of methods, methods and means that ensure storage, processing, transmission and display of information and are aimed at increasing the efficiency and productivity of labor.” At the present stage information Technology directly related to computer (computer technology).

Communication technologies determine the methods, methods and means of human interaction with the external environment. In these communications computer provides comfortable, individual, diverse, highly intelligent interaction of communication objects.

Using in combination information and communication technologies in educational practice, it should be noted that the main task facing their implementation is the adaptation of a person to life in the information society.

Today ICT become the main tool that a person will use not only in professional activities, but also in everyday life

Conditions and results of ICT implementation

Promotion ICT competencies teacher Development computer technology teachers. The teacher becomes a confident user.
Availability of free access to a computer in an educational institution. Availability computer at the teacher's workplace. The acquired knowledge is applied in practice. Teachers prepare materials for classes and conduct lessons using computer.
Availability EOR and methods of their use Teachers use EOR as a new source for meaningful work, as an opportunity to intensify children’s independent and research activities.
There is an opportunity to share experience. Pedagogical innovations Satisfying personal and professional ambitions. Career growth. Providing assistance to colleagues.
Availability of methodologist, ICT consultant In case of uncertainty, failures in work at computer, he can help. Coordinates interaction with other teachers.
Formation of an information and educational environment in an institution based on the application ICT There is an opportunity for the development and self-development of a teacher, improving his educational and methodological activities, pedagogical creativity and

Benefits of using ICT
1.individualization of training;
2. intensification of students’ independent work;
3.increase in the volume of tasks completed in class;
4.possibility of obtaining various types of materials via the network Internet and the use of special disks. Multimedia system electronic textbook allows you to fill the program with the sound of natural processes, duplicate the text in the voice of the announcer, create the necessary musical background for work, include any video fragment, “revive” any geographical process with animation; which provides greater visibility and interest for students;
5.increasing cognitive activity and motivation for acquiring knowledge due to the variety of forms of work, the possibility of including a game moment: if you solve the examples correctly, open the picture, insert all the letters correctly - you will move closer to the goal of the fairy-tale hero. Computer gives the teacher new opportunities, allowing the student and the student to enjoy the exciting process of learning, not only pushing the walls of the school classroom with the power of imagination, but with the help of the latest technologies allows you to immerse yourself in a bright, colorful world. This activity causes an emotional uplift in children; even lagging students are willing to work with computer.
6.Integrating a regular lesson with computer allows the teacher to transfer part of his work to a PC, while making the learning process more interesting, varied, and intense. In particular, the process of writing definitions, theorems and other important parts of the material becomes faster, since the teacher does not have to repeat the text several times (he displayed it on the screen), the student does not have to wait until the teacher repeats exactly the fragment he needs.
7. This teaching method is also very attractive for teachers: it helps them better assess the child’s abilities and knowledge, understand him, encourages him to look for new, non-traditional forms and methods of teaching, stimulates his professional growth and further development of the computer.
8.The use of computer tests and diagnostic systems in the classroom will allow the teacher in a short time to obtain an objective picture of the level of mastery of the studied material by all students and to correct it in a timely manner. At the same time, it is possible to select the level of difficulty of the task for a specific student
9. What is important for the student is that immediately after completing the test (when this information has not yet lost its relevance), he receives an objective result indicating errors, which is impossible, for example, during an oral examination.
10. Students’ mastery of modern information technologies. In lessons integrated with computer science, students master computer literacy and learn to use one of the most powerful modern universal tools in working with the material of various objects - computer, with its help they solve equations, build graphs, drawings, prepare texts, drawings for their works. This is an opportunity for students to show their creativity;
But, along with the advantages, various problems arise both in preparation for such lessons and during their implementation.
Existing shortcomings and problems in the use of ICT
1. Teachers do not have time in their work schedule to explore opportunities. Internet.
2.Lack of a demonstration center.
3. Difficult to integrate computer in the lesson structure of classes.
4. There is no provision for dividing the class into groups when conducting classes in a computer lab.
5.With insufficient motivation to work, students are often distracted by games, music, checking PC performance, etc.

6. There is a possibility that, being carried away by the use ICT in the classroom, the teacher will move from developmental teaching to visual and illustrative methods.
Options for using funds ICT

Consider the following use cases ICT in the educational process:
1. lesson with multimedia support - there is one in the class computer, it is used by the teacher as an “electronic board” and by students to defend projects;
2. the lesson is held with computer support - several computers(usually in a computer class), all students work on them simultaneously or in turns;
3. lesson integrated with computer science, takes place in a computer class;
4. independent study (possibly remote) with the help of special training systems.
At the same time, we must not forget about sanitary standards regarding students’ working hours outside of computer.

ICT and ICT competence of teachers

Socio-economic changes in Russia have led to the need to modernize many social institutions, and primarily the education system. New tasks set for education today are formulated and presented in the law “On Education of the Russian Federation” and the educational standard of the new generation.

Informatization of education in Russia is one of the most important mechanisms affecting all main directions of modernization of the educational system. Its main task is the effective use of the following major advantages of information and communication technologies:

  • the possibility of organizing a cognition process that supports an activity-based approach to the educational process;
  • individualization of the educational process while maintaining its integrity;
  • creation of an effective management system for information and methodological support of education.

The key directions of the process of informatization of preschool educational institutions are:

1. Organizational:

  1. modernization of methodological service;
  2. improvement of the material and technical base;
  3. creation of a certain information environment.

2. Pedagogical:

  1. increasing the ICT competence of preschool teachers;
  2. introduction of ICT into the educational space.

In accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” preschool education is one of the levels of general education. Therefore, informatization of kindergarten has become a necessary reality of modern society. Computerization of school education has a fairly long history (about 20 years), but such a widespread use of computers in kindergarten has not yet been observed. At the same time, it is impossible to imagine the work of a teacher (including a preschool teacher) without the use of information resources. The use of ICT makes it possible to enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

What is ICT?

Information educational technologies are all technologies in the field of education that use special technical means (PC, multimedia) to achieve pedagogical goals.

Information and communication technologies in education (ICT) is a complex of educational and methodological materials, technical and instrumental means of computer technology in the educational process, forms and methods of their application to improve the activities of specialists in educational institutions (administration, educators, specialists), as well as for education (development, diagnosis, correction) of children.

Areas of application of ICT by preschool teachers

1. Maintaining documentation.

In the process of educational activities, the teacher draws up and draws up calendar and long-term plans, prepares material for the design of the parent corner, conducts diagnostics and presents the results both in printed and electronic form. Diagnostics should be considered not as a one-time carrying out of the necessary research, but also as maintaining an individual diary of the child, in which various data about the child, test results are recorded, charts are drawn up, and the dynamics of the child’s development are generally monitored. Of course, this can be done without the use of computer technology, but the quality of design and time costs are not comparable.

An important aspect of the use of ICT is the preparation of teachers for certification. Here you can consider both the preparation of documentation and the preparation of an electronic portfolio.

2. Methodological work, teacher training.

In the information society, networked electronic resources are the most convenient, fastest and most modern way to disseminate new methodological ideas and teaching aids, available to methodologists and teachers regardless of their place of residence. Information and methodological support in the form of electronic resources can be used when preparing a teacher for classes, to study new techniques, and when selecting visual aids for classes.

Online communities of teachers allow not only to find and use the necessary methodological developments, but also to post their materials, share their teaching experience in preparing and conducting events, and using various methods and technologies.

The modern educational environment requires special flexibility from the teacher when preparing and conducting pedagogical events. A teacher needs to regularly improve his qualifications. The ability to implement modern teacher requests is also possible using remote technologies. When choosing such courses, you need to pay attention to the availability of a license on the basis of which educational activities are carried out. Distance training courses allow you to choose the direction of interest to the teacher and study without interrupting your main educational activities.

An important aspect of a teacher’s work is participation in various pedagogical projects, distance competitions, quizzes, and Olympiads, which increases the level of self-esteem of both the teacher and students. In-person participation in such events is often impossible due to the remoteness of the region, financial costs and other reasons. And remote participation is available to everyone. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the reliability of the resource and the number of registered users.

It is undeniably important to use ICT technologies both for maintaining documentation and for more effectively conducting methodological work and for improving the level of qualifications of a teacher, but the main thing in the work of a preschool teacher is the conduct of the educational process.

3. Educational process.

The educational process includes:

  • organization of direct educational activities of the student,
  • organizing joint developmental activities between teachers and children,
  • implementation of projects,
  • creation of a developmental environment (games, manuals, teaching materials).

In preschool children, visual-figurative thinking predominates. The main principle when organizing the activities of children of this age is the principle of clarity. The use of a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic, allows preschool teachers to quickly achieve their intended goal during direct educational activities and joint activities with children. The use of Internet resources makes it possible to make the educational process information-intensive, entertaining and comfortable.

There are 3 types of activities using ICT.

1. Lesson with multimedia support.

In such a lesson, only one computer is used as an “electronic board”. At the preparation stage, electronic and information resources are analyzed and the necessary material for the lesson is selected. Sometimes it can be very difficult to find the necessary materials to explain the topic of a lesson, so presentation materials are created using PowerPoint or other multimedia programs.

To conduct such classes, you need one personal computer (laptop), a multimedia projector, speakers, and a screen.

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make the lesson emotionally charged, interesting, they are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson.

With the help of multimedia presentations, children learn complexes of visual gymnastics and exercises to relieve visual fatigue.

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to embed information not only in factual, but also associative form in the memory of children.

The purpose of this presentation of developmental and educational information is to form a system of mental images in children. Presenting material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces learning time and frees up children's health resources.

The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom makes it possible to build the educational process on the basis of psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, mental activity, humanization of the content of learning and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.

The basis of any modern presentation is to facilitate the process of visual perception and memorization of information with the help of vivid images. The forms and place of use of a presentation in a lesson depend on the content of this lesson and the goal set by the teacher.

The use of computer slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

  • Implementation of polysensory perception of material;
  • The ability to demonstrate various objects using a multimedia projector and projection screen in a many times enlarged form;
  • Combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps compensate for the amount of information children receive from educational literature;
  • The ability to demonstrate objects that are more accessible to the intact sensory system;
  • Activation of visual functions and eye abilities of the child;
  • Computer presentation slide films are convenient to use for displaying information in the form of printouts in large font on a printer as handouts for classes with preschoolers.

The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make classes emotionally charged, attractive, arouse keen interest in the child, and are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson. For example, the use of presentations in classes in mathematics, music, and familiarization with the outside world ensures that children are active when examining, examining, and visually identifying the signs and properties of objects; methods of visual perception, examination, and identifying qualitative, quantitative, and spatio-temporal features in the objective world are formed. and properties, visual attention and visual memory develop.

2. Lesson with computer support

Most often, such classes are conducted using game-based training programs.

In this lesson, several computers are used, on which several students work simultaneously. The use of an electronic textbook (and a gaming educational game for children is an electronic textbook) is a method of programmable learning, the founder of which is Skinner. Working with an electronic textbook, the child independently studies the material, completes the necessary tasks and then passes a competency test on this topic.

The computer's capabilities make it possible to increase the volume of material offered for review. A bright glowing screen attracts attention, makes it possible to switch children's audio perception to visual, animated characters arouse interest, and as a result, tension is relieved. But today, unfortunately, there is an insufficient number of good computer programs that are intended for children of this age.

Experts identify a number of requirements that developmental programs for children must meet:

  • research character,
  • ease for a child to study independently,
  • development of a wide range of skills and understandings,
  • high technical level,
  • age suitability,
  • entertaining.

Educational programs existing on the market for this age can be classified as follows:

1. Games for developing memory, imagination, thinking, etc.

2. "Talking" dictionaries of foreign languages ​​with good animation.

3. ART studios, simple graphic editors with libraries of drawings.

4. Travel games, “action games”.

5. The simplest programs for teaching reading, mathematics, etc.

The use of such programs allows not only to enrich knowledge, to use the computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are outside the child’s own experience, but also to increase the child’s creativity; the ability to operate with symbols on a monitor screen helps optimize the transition from visual-figurative to abstract thinking; the use of creative and director's games creates additional motivation in the formation of educational activities; Individual work with a computer increases the number of situations that a child can solve independently.

When organizing classes of this type, it is necessary to have a stationary or mobile computer class that complies with SANPiN standards and licensed software.

Today, many kindergartens are equipped with computer classes. But still missing:

  • methods of using ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions;
  • systematization of computer development programs;
  • unified program and methodological requirements for computer classes.

Today, this is the only type of activity that is not regulated by a special educational program. Teachers have to independently study the approach and implement it in their activities.

The use of ICT does not provide for teaching children the basics of computer science and computer technology.

An important rule when organizing such classes is their frequency. Classes should be held 1-2 times a week, depending on the age of the children, for 10-15 minutes of direct activity at the PC.

1. Diagnostic lesson.

To conduct such classes, special programs are required, which is rare or does not exist in some general education programs. But the development of such computer programs is a matter of time. Using application software, you can develop test tasks and use them for diagnostics. In the process of conducting traditional diagnostic classes, the teacher needs to record the level of problem solving by each child according to certain indicators. The use of special computer programs will not only make the teacher’s work easier and reduce time costs (use several computers at the same time), but will also allow you to save diagnostic results, considering them over time.

Thus, in contrast to conventional technical means of education, information and communication technologies make it possible not only to saturate the child with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and what is very important in early childhood - the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

The use of computers in educational and extracurricular activities looks very natural from the child’s point of view and is one of the effective ways to increase motivation and individualize learning, develop creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background. Modern research in the field of preschool pedagogy K.N. Motorina, S.P. Pervina, M.A. Kholodnoy, S.A. Shapkina et al. indicate the possibility of mastering a computer by children aged 3-6 years. As is known, this period coincides with the moment of intensive development of the child’s thinking, preparing the transition from visual-figurative to abstract-logical thinking.

The introduction of information technologies has advantages before traditional means of teaching:

1. ICT makes it possible to expand the use of electronic learning tools, as they transmit information faster.

2. Movements, sound, animation attract children's attention for a long time and help increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

3. Provides clarity, which promotes perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children. In this case, three types of memory are included: visual, auditory, motor.

4. Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the outside world that are difficult to observe: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it’s raining.

5. You can also simulate life situations that are impossible or difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, reproducing the sounds of nature; the operation of transport, etc.).

6. The use of information technology encourages children to search for research activities, including searching the Internet independently or together with their parents;

7. ICT is an additional opportunity to work with children with disabilities.

With all the constant advantages of using ICT in preschool education, the following problems arise:

1. Material base of the preschool educational institution.

As noted above, to organize classes you must have a minimum set of equipment: a PC, a projector, speakers, a screen or a mobile classroom. Not all kindergartens today can afford to create such classes.

2. Protecting the child's health.

Recognizing that the computer is a new powerful tool for the development of children, it is necessary to remember the commandment “DO NO HARM!” The use of ICT in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.

When computers and interactive equipment operate indoors, specific conditions are created: humidity decreases, air temperature rises, the number of heavy ions increases, and electrostatic voltage in the area of ​​children’s hands increases. The intensity of the electrostatic field increases when finishing the cabinet with polymer materials. The floor must have an antistatic coating, and the use of carpets and rugs is not allowed.

To maintain an optimal microclimate, prevent the accumulation of static electricity and deterioration of the chemical and ionic composition of the air, it is necessary to: ventilate the office before and after classes, wet cleaning before and after classes. We conduct classes with older preschoolers once a week in subgroups. In his work, a teacher must necessarily use a set of eye exercises.

3. Insufficient ICT – teacher competence.

The teacher must not only perfectly know the content of all computer programs, their operational characteristics, the user interface of each program (the specific technical rules for operating with each of them), but also understand the technical characteristics of the equipment, be able to work in basic application programs, multimedia programs and the network Internet.

If the preschool educational institution team manages to solve these problems, then ICT technologies will become a great help.

The use of information technology will help the teacher increase the motivation of children’s learning and will lead to a number of positive consequences:

  • enriching children with knowledge in its figurative-conceptual integrity and emotional coloring;
  • facilitating the process of learning material by preschoolers;
  • arousing keen interest in the subject of knowledge;
  • expanding the general horizons of children;
  • increasing the level of use of visuals in the classroom;
  • increasing teacher productivity.

It is undeniable that in modern education the computer does not solve all problems; it remains just a multifunctional technical teaching tool. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which make it possible not only to “invest” in each child a certain stock of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of his cognitive activity. Information technologies, in combination with properly selected (or designed) teaching technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of training and education.

So, the use of information technology will make the process of learning and development of children quite simple and effective, free them from routine manual work, and open up new opportunities for early education.

Informatization of education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce new methodological developments into pedagogical practice aimed at intensifying and implementing innovative ideas in educational, educational and correctional processes. Recently, information and communication technologies (ICT) have become a good assistant for teachers in organizing educational and correctional work.

Unlike conventional technical means of education, information and communication technologies make it possible not only to saturate the child with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and what is very important in preschool childhood - the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

The use of information technologies in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

List of used literature

  1. Management of innovation processes in preschool educational institutions. – M., Sfera, 2008.
  2. Horwitz Y., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten. Preschool education, 1991, No. 5.
  3. Kalinina T.V. DOW management. “New information technologies in preschool childhood.” M, Sfera, 2008.
  4. Ksenzova G.Yu. Promising school technologies: educational and methodological manual. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000.
  5. Motorin V. "Educational capabilities of computer games." Preschool education, 2000, no. 11.
  6. Novoselova S.L. Computer world of a preschooler. M.: New School, 1997.