Interesting facts about the school. What are the benefits of summer for children? Ideas for joint activities during the holidays

Another one has ended school year, and the long-awaited holidays for the children have arrived. For them it's probably main holiday per year, and for parents headache: what to do with a child so that he doesn’t go crazy from idleness and doesn’t drive his parents crazy, and, if possible, also spends these three months usefully.

Of course summer camps, trips to visit grandma in the village, children's clubs - this is all great, but it’s unlikely to be possible to spend all three months like this. So you need to figure out what to do with your child in his free time.

In this article we offer readers some options for solving the problem. In fact, you yourself know all this very well, but sometimes it just seems like you can’t think of anything, so we’ve simply put together the most interesting summer pastime options for your child and you.


It will be easier for everyone if you plan the day in advance and work out a daily routine. AND we're talking about not about getting up every day at a clearly designated time, but about a certain sequence of activities that you will do during the day. For example, let each morning begin with exercises that you will do together. This is useful not only for physical health, this is also a charge Have a good mood, and for the child - an opportunity to throw out energy.

Developmental and educational activities

Three free months are conducive to acquiring new useful skills.

The simplest, but for some reason not always the most obvious solution is to teach your child to do some simple household chores. Just don't force it. Just ask him for help when preparing something, setting the table, washing dishes, cleaning. It will be real help you, and will serve to develop a sense of responsibility in the child, and thereby you will let the child feel self-worth, and, of course, will be preparation for real life.

Don't forget about such a pastime as reading. After all, there are probably a number of books that you would like to introduce your child to. But once again I would like to note - do not force your child to read, by doing so you will only discourage him from reading. Read in turn, and those books whose plot really captivates the child. The skill of reading is not only important and necessary in itself, reading also perfectly develops the imagination.

Another interesting and exciting activity for a child is photography. Today in stores you can find cheap and very easy-to-use so-called “digital soap boxes”, with which you can keep your child occupied. Teach him how to shoot with a very simple camera, let him shoot everything he sees around him, everything he finds interesting. Then from these pictures you can create a photo album about how this summer went. A pleasant memory of the summer holidays will remain, and the child will acquire useful skills that will always be useful.

What to do with your child at home?

Fun activities are great, but let’s not forget that for a child, the holidays are, first of all, a time of pleasant idleness and entertainment. Therefore, you need to come up with some entertaining activities (well, besides computer games, which he will get to on his own without your prompting :).

And there are a great many such activities: drawing, modeling, coloring, origami, appliqués, various kinds crafts, traditional games with dolls and cars, and much more. By the way, today children's stores offer such an assortment of games that your child simply has no chance of getting bored. For you, children's stores can serve as an inexhaustible source of ideas for games that you can implement at home on your own.

By the way, another great option to keep your child busy: have pet(if you yourself are ready for this, or if the child has been asking for a long time). No toy can compare with communication with a living being. And this is not only games, it is also the need to take care of a pet - and this is a way to develop a sense of responsibility in a child.

Activities for children outside the home

In the summer it is impossible to stay at home even for adults, not to mention children. So go ahead! To beaches, to parks, to picnics, to hikes! Children love going out into nature, preferably away from home. This is an adventure for them.

Certainly, most The child will most likely spend time outside with peers. But our goal is to make sure that the summer does not pass in vain, and that during this time the child acquires new knowledge and skills. Teach him, for example, to ride a bicycle, roller skates or skateboard, teach him to swim.

If you live in the suburbs of a metropolis, take your child to the city by bus or train, take a ride on the metro or tram. For you these are familiar things, but for the child these are new, vivid impressions.

And, of course, do not forget about such options as visiting a zoo, amusement park, circus, theater, entertainment center, cinemas, swimming pools and many other places designed specifically for leisure.

Remember that a child will be more interesting and have more fun in the company of peers, so parents can negotiate and take turns taking their children to such events.

All in all, summer holidays your child is not at all as scary as it seems. The main thing is to think in advance and plan what you can do during these months.

Advised by Natalya Avdeeva, professor of the department developmental psychology Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University:

Vacations are best time for parents and children to spend it together. And not by repeating what was learned at school, but by going on walks together, going to the movies, on excursions, outings, etc. Today, the workload on children at school is enormous; studying is not easy for them. Give your child a good rest during the holidays, sleep, communicate with peers, and finally with you. In ordinary life, many of today's mothers and fathers are busy at work most of the day and have almost no contact with their children. It is necessary to give schoolchildren as many new impressions as possible during the holidays - children really need them, because their life during the school year is quite monotonous: school, home, lessons, activities... An indicator of a successfully spent holiday will be such a joyful feeling that he lived the time very fun and interesting, he has something to remember and tell his friends. The main thing is not to get hung up on one thing, but to offer the child different ways pastime.

What can you do together during the holidays?

Prepare something delicious at home with your own hands. For example, make dumplings, bake pies or pizza. And then the whole family will try the treats at a beautifully set table.

Go to the cinema. look New film or cartoon. Be sure to share your impressions of what you saw. Such communication is extremely valuable because it brings children and parents closer together, because it makes it possible to share their feelings with each other. And plus it plays an important educational role. Parents can pay attention to some moral moments in the same film or cartoon.

Allow your child to call his classmates home. Many people forget about this, but it is important. Schoolchildren communicate in virtual worlds, social networks and stopped visiting each other as before. Have a children's tea party like this. Children will be happy to come, for them real communication very valuable. And over time, this can develop into a tradition.

Try making some crafts or souvenirs with your own hands. There are many options today: embroidery, weaving, appliqués and toys from various modern materials(children's stores are full of such creativity kits). What’s more useful here is not that the child sits and does it himself (and at the same time, by the way, fine motor skills of the hands develop), but that at the same time parents and children can communicate.

Fill knowledge gaps. It is also possible to improve your knowledge of subjects, but preferably by the end of the holidays. If you see that the child is rested, has gained strength, and is in a happy mood, you can do a little exercise. For example, play games related to counting (for example, do not say “yes” and “no”), funny charades. You can write a letter to your grandmother if your child had difficulty writing at school. But it's better to educational activities was in the nature of a game and was included in communication. Then it will be out of character for the child school lessons, from which he is already tired, namely interesting activities together with adults.

Walk more, move more. Roller skates, bicycles, scooters, outdoor games on fresh air - physical activity should be as diverse as possible. Then the child will develop harmoniously. Oddly enough, the more a child sits, the more tired he gets. The more you move, the better you feel.

I want my child to study better. How much time a day can you do math, reading, and writing?

Svetlana Protchenkova, Samara

Answers Natalya Krasavina, director of Moscow school No. 91:

As a person with extensive teaching experience, a psychologist and teacher, I can say - not at all. Especially if the child studies in primary school. With high school students the situation is somewhat different. Children are already preparing to enter universities, so those who lack knowledge gain it in the summer.

For young children, the main thing is motivation to study, the desire to learn. If they have this, then everything works out easily for them during the school year. It’s not for nothing that all the great psychologists and teachers have highlighted academic year, and then - clearly certain time holidays This is due to the psychophysiological state of the child. He, like adults, gets tired. And therefore he should have time to rest. But active. Studying takes a lot of moral and physical strength. If a child is not ready to exercise physically, if his brain has not rested or switched gears, then fatigue sets in very quickly - and this entails both illness and delays in life expectancy. school curriculum. Of course, if a child picks up a book in the summer, this should be encouraged. If you suddenly open a mathematics textbook, look through it together and take a look. But no training by force, under pressure. Because in this case, we kill this sweet word “study”, when “I want - and I do.” Even if your student is in primary school He’s not studying very well, so you shouldn’t put him at the “desk” again in the summer. Like: you just went for a walk, and now 20 minutes of math or writing. He didn’t want to go to school all year anyway, and they also force him to study during the holidays. The child must want and feel the joy of learning. This is motivation. When he feels constant pressure(that he must solve problems, write, read), we will not get results. By the 7th grade, such children, who are constantly forced to study - on weekends, during vacations, in the evenings - simply stop studying - they are already exhausted, there is no more interest.

How to awaken and maintain interest in learning and learning new things?

Take the child out of the city, into the open spaces. To the dacha, to the sea, to grandma's in the village. So that the gaze does not rest on the wall of the house or the fence, but rushes to the horizon without limiting visibility. As they say, give room for thought. And when a thought settles in the head, the child has a question. And studying is “question and answer”. For example, a child asks: “Mom, what is this stripe in the sky?” Here's a reason for you to read about it and speculate. Or the child looked at the flowers and became interested in why they were different. Again a reason to learn something new. All this is also learning. Fine motor skills develops not only when the child picks up a pen and writes out letters. Helping a grandmother plant something in the garden, helping a mother pick flowers, collecting pebbles, blades of grass, leaves - such activities are interesting for a child and at the same time train the small muscles of the hand necessary for correct writing. In short, to study and experience as many different experiences as possible, which are not available during the school year.

Encourage interest in the world around you. Problems that you can do can be found anywhere. The same goes for learning the multiplication table. When a child studies phenomena on some life examples, he assimilates information more easily. If a child even just sits with a computer on the bank of a river, in a garden, in a vegetable garden, that’s a completely different story. All the same, he sometimes needs to get up, and at the same time his gaze may go into the distance, distracted by the buzzing of a mosquito or fly, the blowing of the breeze, the sound of rain.

20 things you need to do this summer with your child

1. Weave a wreath of dandelions and daisies.
2. Fly a kite.
3. Go to the forest to pick berries.
4. Celebrate Ivan Kupala by jumping over a fire.
5. Swing on the bungee.
6. Have a picnic.
Go to an open-air cinema.
8. Find and eat a 4-leaf clover leaf.
9. Build a hut.
10. Catch butterflies with a net and then release them.
11. Walk barefoot on the grass wet with dew at dawn.
12. Go fishing.
13. Play frisbee and badminton.
14. Draw with crayons on the asphalt.
15. Make your own ice cream.
16. Go to a small village to see how cows are milked and vegetables are grown in the beds.
17. Go boating.
18. Go on a hike.
19. Go on rides.
20. Arrange a plein air - draw a park, church or river from life.

Summer holidays are the time when schoolchildren, exhausted by their studies, can fully relax, gain strength, improve their health... According to statistics, most Russian children spend the summer at home. What are their peers living around the world doing at this time?

. Japan

The official “day of knowledge” in this country is April 1, and the end of the next academic year is March 1. It is interesting that little Japanese are taught in classes whose composition is constantly changing. And this is very good: children who do not have good relationships with classmates may well move to another group of students, where they will make real friends and acquaintances. The Japanese study a lot because it helps them later find well-paid jobs. It is believed that vacations are “created” in order to usefully spend time comprehending subjects that are difficult to understand. Many children “on vacation” are engaged in completing tasks assigned by teachers or developing the ability to draw and write hieroglyphs.

. Italy

Italian schoolchildren study from September to June. They rest three times - during Christmas (a couple of weeks), in the spring - in April or March (about a week) and in the summer. Italians tend to pamper their children without strictly monitoring their children's success in the field of education, which is why children have to independently evaluate the results of their work. As a rule, guys relax with their families.

. France

Work schedule educational institutions(including holidays) in France depends on the region of the country. In total, during the school year, the children rest five times - and this does not count the days of national holidays. It must be said that French mothers strive to ensure that their children study as best as possible, and therefore, during the holidays, most children have to fill existing gaps in knowledge.

. Spain

In the majority spanish schools“summer” begins June 20-23. The new academic year starts around mid-September. So the summer holidays for little Spaniards are somewhat shorter than for their Russian peers. Most often, young family members while away their time in the company of the older generation - grandparents, since parents are busy at work. In Spain, unique summer camps are common - “campamento”, usually located in picturesque mountainous areas or on the sea coast. In many of them, schoolchildren are taught national singing or dancing. However, the most popular are institutions that offer young people in-depth study foreign languages.


Here school break“tied” to three holidays - Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. Their duration and exact dates may vary from state to state. Independence is cultivated in little Americans from childhood, and therefore they plan their leisure time themselves. Most often, children communicate on the Internet or watch television programs.

. Canada

The duration of the school year in this country is 10 months. The educational program of one class is divided into two semesters: September - December, January - June. Acquiring communication skills is one of the priority areas Canadian education, and therefore during the school year classes are periodically “reformatted” (the composition of teachers and students changes). Local psychologists are convinced that this is how children find their place in society. During the holidays, students usually travel in organized groups.

. Australia

Since Australia and Russia are located in different hemispheres, then at a time when our young compatriots are enjoying long summers, little Australians are content with short winter holidays. And vice versa. To be fair, we note that the duration summer holiday for Australians is not that long - just over one month. At this time, children are encouraged to be active in every possible way, organizing numerous festivals and sporting events for them.

Even while resting, the baby must develop - after all, the lack of fresh impressions will inevitably make the child bored. At the same time, there are many opportunities for self-development - a huge and tempting world is already waiting for the young researcher! And in the process of learning the mysterious and unknown to the child The experience of peers living in different parts of the world will certainly come in handy.

What is the benefit of summer for children? Thoughts for joint activities on vacation

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Quick summer holidays. How and what to do with your child so that your vacation is not in vain?

Recommends Natalya Avdeeva, professor of the department of middle-aged psychology at the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical Institute:

— Holidays are the best time for parents and children to spend together. Moreover, not by repeating what was learned at school, but in general walks, going to the cinema, on trips, outings, etc. Today, the overload on children at school is enormous, learning is not easy for them. Give your baby a good rest during the holidays, sleep well, communicate with his peers, and finally with you. In ordinary life, many of today's mothers and fathers are busy at work most of the day and have almost no contact with their children. It is necessary to give schoolchildren as many new experiences as possible during the holidays - children really need them, because their life during training year quite monotonous: school, home, lessons, handicrafts... An indicator of a successfully completed vacation will be such a jubilant feeling that he spent his time very fun and interesting, he has something to remember and tell his friends. The main thing is not to focus on one thing, but to offer your child different ways to spend time.

What can you do together during the holidays?

Make something delicious at home with your own hands. For example, make dumplings, bake pies or pizza. And then the whole group of 7 will enjoy the treats at a beautifully set table.

Go to the cinema. watch a new film or cartoon. Be sure to share your impressions of what you saw. Such communication is extremely valuable because it brings children and parents closer together, because it gives them the opportunity to share their feelings with each other. Plus it plays an important educational role. Ancestors may pay attention to unknown moral moments in the same film or cartoon.

Allow your child to call his classmates home. Almost many people forget about this, and this is important. Teenagers communicate in virtual worlds, social networks and feathers - they began to visit each other in colors as before. Have a childish tea party like this. Children will come with pleasure; real communication is very precious for them. And over time, this can develop into a tradition.

Try making some crafts or souvenirs with your own hands. Today there are many options: embroidery, weaving, appliqués and toys made from various modern materials (children's stores are full of such creativity kits). What is more useful here is not that the child sits and does it himself (and with this, by the way, fine hand activity develops), but that at the same time parents and children will be able to communicate.

Fill gaps in knowledge. It is also possible to improve your knowledge of subjects, but preferably by the end of the holidays. When you see that the child has rested, has accumulated strength, and is in a joyful mood, it is possible to exercise a little. For example, strumming games related to the score (let’s say, such as “yes” and “no” are not reported), funny riddles. You can write a letter to the midwife if your child has difficulty writing a letter at school. But it is better that educational activities have the nature of a game and are included in communication. Then for the child it will not be like school lessons, from which he is already tired, but interesting activities together with adults.

Walk more, move around. Roller skates, bicycles, scooters, maneuverable games in the fresh air - physiological activity should be as varied as possible. Then the child will develop harmoniously. Oddly enough, the more a child sits, the more tired he gets. The more he moves, the better he feels.

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Little by little

I want my child to learn better. How much time a day can you do math, reading, writing?

Svetlana Protchenkova, Samara

Speaks Natalya Krasavina, director capital school № 91:

— As a person with extensive teaching experience, a psychologist and a teacher, I can say - not at all. Especially if the child is in elementary school. The situation with older students is somewhat different. Children are already preparing to enter universities, so those who lack knowledge gain it in the summer.

For young children, the main thing is motivation to learn, the desire to learn. If they have this, then everything works out easily for them during the training year. It’s not for nothing that all the great psychologists and teachers set aside a school year, and then a certain holiday time. This is associated with the psychophysiological state of the child. He, like older people, gets tired. And therefore he must have time to rest. But active. Studying takes a lot of moral and physical strength. If the child is not ready to exercise physically, when his brain has not rested or switched over, then asthenia sets in very quickly - and this leads to illness and delays in the school curriculum. Of course, if a child picked up a book in the summer, this should be encouraged. If you suddenly open a mathematics textbook, look through it together and take a look. But no training through force, under pressure. Because in such a case, we kill this sweet word “study”, when “I want - and I do.” Prostonar, if your student does not study very well in primary school, you should not put him at the “desk” again in the summer season. Like: now you’ve had a walk, and now 20 minutes of math or writing. He didn’t want to go to school all year anyway, and they forced him to study during the holidays. The child must wish and feel the joy of learning. This is motivation. When he feels continuous tension (that he has to solve problems, write, read), we will not get the result. By the 7th grade, those children who are constantly forced to study - on weekends, during vacations, in the evenings - simply stop studying - they are already exhausted, there is no more interest.

Take the child out of the city, into the open spaces. For a dose, to the sea, to visit grandma in the village. So that the gaze does not rest on the wall of the house or the fence, but is directed to the horizon without limiting visibility. As they will inform you, give room for thought. And when a thought settles in the head, the baby has a question. And studying is a question-and-answer process. For example, the child asks: “Mother, what is this stripe in the sky?” Here is a good reason for you to read about it and speculate. Or the child looked at the flowers and became interested in why they were different. Again a reason to find out something new. All this is also learning. Fine motor skills develop not only when a child picks up a pen and makes letters. Helping a grandmother plant something in the garden, helping a mother pick paints, collecting pebbles, blades of grass, leaves - such activities are entertaining for a child and at the same time train the small muscles of the hand necessary for proper handwriting. In a word, to study and experience a maximum of different experiences that are not available during the training year.

Encourage enthusiasm for the world around you. Power problems can be found anywhere. The same as learning the multiplication table. When a child studies phenomena using incomprehensible life examples, he can more easily master the information. If a simpleton child just sits with a computer on the river bank, in the garden, in the vegetable garden - that’s a completely different story. All the same, he sometimes needs to get up, and at the same time his gaze can go into the distance, break into the buzz of a mosquito or fly, the breath of the breeze, the sound of rain.

20 things you need to do this summer with your child

1. Weave a wreath of dandelions and daisies.
2. Throw a kite.
3. Go to the forest for sea buckthorn.
4. Celebrate the holiday of Ivan Kupala by jumping over the fire.
5. Swing on the bungee.
6. Organize a picnic.
Go to an open-air cinema.
8. Find and eat a 4-leaf clover leaf.
9. Build a hut.
10. Lazy people catch butterflies and then release them.
11. Walk barefoot on the grass damp with dew at dawn.
12. Go fishing.
13. Play frisbee and badminton.
14. Draw with crayons on the asphalt.
15. Make your own ice cream.
16. Go to a small village to watch how cows are eaten and vegetables are grown in the beds.
17. Swim on a boat.
18. Go on a hike.
19. Go on rides.
20. Organize a plein air - draw a park, temple or river from life.