Information about the personnel of teaching staff of an educational organization. The Great Patriotic War - under water Nikolai Ivanovich Morozov

Professional retraining of teaching staff to perform a new type of professional activity in the field of higher education pedagogy, diploma No. PP No. 712914, Military University (Faculty of Retraining and Advanced Training. Organization and content of research activities of teachers in education, 72 hours, certificate, Academy of Advanced Training and Professional Development retraining of educational workers. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education. Contents and methods of teaching general professional and special disciplines. Profile: linguistics, 72 hours, certificate, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". hours, certificate, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Strategies for mastering and using a foreign language in a multicultural world, certificate No. 1, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University" Higher School of Economics. Modern trends and technologies in teaching English for special purposes, certificate No. 84, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University" Higher School of Economics. Expert in the field of higher and secondary vocational education, diploma No. KR No. 003079, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Implementation of a professionally competent approach within the framework of the discipline "Foreign Language", 72 hours, certificate, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Academy of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers". Application of modern electronic educational technologies in the educational process, 72 hours, certificate, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Teaching methods for higher education programs using e-learning technologies, 52 hours, certificate, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". The evolution of online teaching of foreign languages: the use of hybrid forms of learning and innovative teaching practices, certificate, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University" Higher School of Economics. Key directions for the implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education, 72 hours, certificate No. 180000400737, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Innovative technologies for the implementation of HE programs, 160 hours, certificate No. 180000405834, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Information and communication technologies in project, educational and research activities of teachers and students, 72 hours, certificate No. 180000407660, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and further education, diploma No. 772400002838 dated 02/27/2018, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University". Traditions and innovations in teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university, 16 hours, certificate No. AAA 180879652 dated 04/06/2018, MGIMO (university) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

(1936) , Senior Commissioner of the Permanent Commission for the State Acceptance of Ships. (1941 – 1950).
    On October 27, 1950, the court of the Vladivostok military tribunal found guilty of “spreading anti-Soviet fabrications and slander against the Soviet government and the leaders of the CPSU (b), on the collective farm system and the socialist economic system, on Soviet technology and the economy, on foreign policy and the Soviet democracy, as well as approving statements about the Yugoslav leader Tito and his policies.” Sentenced to 10 years in prison.
    On April 9, 1954, by decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR, he was rehabilitated and released from the camp in Nakhodka (according to other sources, he died in custody).
    Awarded two Orders of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, Order of the Red Star, and medals.

    A native of the village of Skomorokhovo, now Torzhok district, Tver region.
    Russian, member of the CPSU(b) 1930 - 1938 and since 1943.
    In the RKKF since 1928, captain 3rd rank (February 11, 1944).
    Education: Naval School named after. Frunze (1932), Courses for command staff of the Underwater Diving Training Unit named after. Kirov (1937).
    Career: commander of the BC-3 group (November 1932 - December 1934), commander of the BC-3 submarine "Krasnogvardeets" (December 1934 - January 1936), assistant commander of the submarine "D-1" (June 1937 - May 1938), senior lieutenant. On May 30, 1938, he was dismissed from the RKKF “due to official inconsistency,” but on June 20, 1939, he was reinstated. Assistant commander of the K-21 submarine under construction (June 1939 - October 1940), commander of the Ronis submarine (October 1940 - May 1941). On the eve of the war, without having time to hand over his work, he left for a new duty station in Gorky. Commander of the S-15 submarine under construction (since May 1941), under his command the submarine moved from the Caspian Sea to the North. Participant in military campaigns of the Great Patriotic War.
    Having returned ahead of schedule from the third unsuccessful patrol at the time of the celebration of Red Army and Navy Day, Madisson had a raised conversation with the division commander Egorov and the brigade chief of staff Skorokhvatov. The next day he shot himself, writing in his suicide note: “I can’t stand the shameful nicknames “coward”, “skin”, etc., which were thrown at me by my senior comrades when returning from the sea, and some simply said “it would be better if you died.” I reported how the matter stood, and they can also tell those who were with me at sea. Shameful nicknames seep into the personnel that I love and who may not trust me in battle after this.”.
    Buried at the garrison cemetery in Kislaya Bay, Polyarnoye.

(April 12, 1905 – 1983)
    Born in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region.
    Russian, member of the CPSU(b) since 1926.
    In the RKKF since 1922, rear admiral.
    Education: Naval Preparatory School (Leningrad, 1924), Naval School named after. Frunze (1928), Special courses for command staff (1931), Courses for command staff of the Submarine Training Unit (1932).
    Career: platoon commander of the Training detachment of the naval crew of the MSChM (October 1928 - February 1929), senior flag secretary of the RVS MSChM (February 1929 - April 1930), junior navigator of the Chervona Ukraine cruise ship (April - December 1930), commander of the navigation sector Submarine "Kommunist" (May 1931 - May 1932), head of the 1st sector of the Headquarters of the brigade of the submarine MSChM (October 1932 - January 1933), chief of Staff of the brigade of the submarine MSChM (January - February 1933), commander of the submarine "M-6" (February 1933 - May 1936), submarine "Shch-107" (May 1936 - April 1939), submarine "S-55" (April 1939 - June 1940), head of the 2nd department of the 1st department of the Pacific Fleet Headquarters (June 1940 - March 1942), Chief of Staff of a separate training division of the Pacific Fleet submarine (March 1942 - March 1943), commander of the training division of the Pacific Fleet submarine (March 1943 - June 1944), 2nd division of the 1st brigade of the Pacific Fleet submarine (June 1944 - 1945), Chief of Staff 2nd brigade of the Pacific Fleet submarine (1945 - 1948), authorized by the Permanent Commission for the Acceptance of Ships from Industry (1948 - 1965).
    Awarded two Orders of Lenin (1935, 1947) and the Red Banner (1944, 1952), Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (1945), and medals.

    (September 27, 1915 – March 31, 2001)
    Born in the city of Smolensk.
    Russian, member of the CPSU(b) since 1944.
    In the RKKF since 1934, rear admiral (February 18, 1958), associate professor.
    Education: Naval School named after. Frunze (1938), department of assistant commanders of submarines of the Higher Special Courses for Command Staff of the Submarine Training Unit named after. Kirov (1942), Academic courses for officers at the Naval Academy named after. Voroshilov (1952), Higher Academy of the General Staff (1960).
    Career: commander of BC-2-3 submarine "Shch-401" (June - August 1938), "Shch-402" (August 1938 - February 1941), assistant commander of "Shch-422" (February 1941 - July 1942) . Participant of the Great Patriotic War. Assistant commander of "Shch-402" (July 1942 - March 1943), commander of "Shch-404" (March 1943 - June 1944), commander of "S-19" (June 1944 - March 1949). Commander of the 5th, 2nd submarine divisions (March 1949 - April 1951), chief of staff of the 162nd submarine brigade (April 1951 - January 1952), commander of the 96th submarine brigade (November 1952 - October 1954), chief of staff 33 1st submarine division (October 1954 - May 1956). Chief of Staff - 1st Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Submarine Forces (May 1956 - September 1958), Deputy Chief of the VVMU named after. Frunze (June 1960 - August 1969), deputy head of the VVMUPP named after. Lenin Komsomol (August 1969 – August 1972).
    In reserve since August 1972.
    Awarded the Order of Lenin (1956), three Orders of the Red Banner (1943, two 1953), the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (1985), the Order of the Red Star (1945), and medals.
    Buried at the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg.

(February 18, 1904 – November 1941)
    Born in the village of Churyukovo, now Bolshaya Doroga, Staroyurievsky district, Tambov region.
    Russian, non-partisan.
    In the RKKF since 1938, captain-lieutenant.
    Education: Marine College (1933), Special courses for underwater diving command staff (1939).     Career: junior navigator of the battleship "Marat" (1938 - 1939), assistant commander of the submarine "Shch-322" (1939 - 1940), assistant commander of the submarine "Shch-306" (1940), "Shch-406" (1940 - 1941), commander of "Shch-406" (from May 1941). On September 22, 1941, when the Shch-406 was stationed in Kronstadt, he made an unauthorized absence to Leningrad in order, in his words, to say goodbye to his evacuating sister, at a time when Kronstadt was subjected to massive raids by German aircraft. Two days after returning to the submarine, he was arrested and on November 24, 1941, sentenced by a military tribunal to capital punishment. Shot.

    Born on January 26, 1906 in the city of Nikolaev.
    Ukrainian, member of the CPSU(b) since 1930.
    In the RKKF since 1932, captain 1st rank (December 26, 1951).
    Education: Naval School named after. Frunze (1936), Naval Academy named after. Voroshilov (1940).
    Career: commander of the warhead-1 submarine "D-6" (August 1936 - September 1937), commander of the submarine "S-13" (November 1940 - April 1943); removed from his position “for negligent performance of official duties.” Assistant commander of the submarine "S-12" (April - July 1943); for participation in the theft of food, he was sentenced to 7 years in prison with assignment to a penal battalion for 3 months. In connection with the termination of the case by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, he was released from punishment and placed at the disposal of the Military Council of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet (September - October 1943). Commander of the submarine "Shch-412" (October 1943 - April 1944), submarine "Shch-411" (April 1944 - March 1946).
    After the end of the war, he held various positions at the Headquarters of the submarine brigade and the South-Baltic Fleet (December 1946 - March 1947), as an adjunct student and as a teacher at various naval educational institutions. In May 1955 he went into reserve.
    Awarded the Order of Lenin (1942), the Red Banner (1952), two Orders of the Red Star (1945, 1947), and medals.

Malafeev (Malofeev) Kuzma Ivanovich

    (November 8, 1909 – March 1943)
    A native of the village of Staroye Gvozdino, now Krasnokholmsky district, Tver region.
    Russian, member of the CPSU(b) since 1940.
    In the Navy since 1928, captain 3rd rank (January 27, 1942).
    Education: Parallel courses at the Naval School named after. Frunze (1932), Special courses for command staff of the Red Army Navy (1935).
    Career: commander of the BC-3 submarine "Metallist" (1933 - 1934), acting commander of the BC-3 submarine "Chartist" (1934), backup assistant commander of the submarine "Shch-306" (June 1935 - March 1936), assistant commander of "Shch-302" (March 1936 - February 1937), commander of "Shch-302" (February - March 1938), commander of "S-3" (March 1938 - May 1941). Commander of the submarine "K-3" since May 1941. Participant of military campaigns. He died along with his ship.
    Awarded the Order of Lenin (1941), the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (1943), and the medal “For Military Merit.”

(October 20, 1902 – 1942)
    Russian, member of the CPSU(b) since 1927.
    In the Navy since 1924, captain 3rd rank (March 21, 1942).
    Education: parallel classes at VMU named after. Frunze (1936), Special courses for command staff of the Red Army Navy (1939).
    Career: student helmsman, helmsman, boatswain, political instructor of the destroyer "Stalin" (1924 - 1932), assistant commander of the submarine "D-3" (December 1936 - November 1938), submarine "Shch-424" (from July 1939) . After the death of the submarine as a result of an accident on October 20, 1939, he was the commander of Shch-422 (November 1940 - June 10, 1942). Participant of military campaigns. He was removed from office, arrested, and on June 28, 1942, by a military tribunal he was sentenced to death under Art. 193-21 ​​paragraph “b” of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (for the unauthorized deviation of the commander from the orders given to him for battle, not for the purpose of assisting the enemy, but contrary to military rules, in the presence of particularly aggravating circumstances).
    The information that he died on September 4, 1942 during the bombing of Polyarny while at the disposal of the Military Council of the Northern Fleet is incorrect.
    Awarded the Order of Lenin (1942).

(November 12, 1911 – October 13, 1973)
    A native of the village of Novopavlovka, Petrovsky district, Saratov region.
    Russian, member of the CPSU(b) from 1942 to 1950.
    In the RKKF since 1931, captain 3rd rank (July 20, 1944). Hero of the Soviet Union (May 16, 1944 – May 6, 1952).
    Education: Art school of the training detachment of the KBF (1932), Maritime Faculty at the Electromine School named after. Popov (1933), Naval School named after. Frunze (1937), Underwater class of Special courses for underwater diving command staff (1939).
    Career: Red Navy commander-commander of the LC "Marat" (April - December 1932), navigator of the submarine "A-4" (October 1937 - November 1938), assistant commander of the "A-2" (July 1939 - November 1940). Participant of the Great Patriotic War, commander of the submarine "A-3" (November 1940 - November 1941), submarine "M-62" (November 1941 - November 1944). On July 22, 1944, “M-62” under the command of N.I. Malysheva was awarded the Guards title.
    Commander of the captured Romanian submarine “TS-3” (November 1944 – July 1945). In the summer of 1945, as part of a special command, he left for the Baltic to receive one of the captured German submarines, but soon returned to the Black Sea Fleet. Commander of the submarine "TS-2" (January 1946 - January 1948), which was badly damaged as a result of the disaster in the port of Poti on February 20, 1945.
    Since January 30, 1948 in reserve.
    In July 1950 he was sentenced to 8 years in prison (suspended), and on September 8, 1951 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. On May 6, 1952, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for offenses discrediting the title of order bearer, he was deprived of the title Hero of the Soviet Union and all awards. Released no later than February 1957.
    Died and buried in Yalta. (Yalta City Cemetery, sector 39, row 3, grave 13)
    Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Red Star, and medals.

(January 15, 1913 – November 25, 1963)
    A native of Odessa.
    Ukrainian, member of the CPSU(b) since 1944 (with a break, December 1949 - 1953).
    In the RKKF since 1933, captain 3rd rank (November 23, 1942), Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, May 5, 1990).
    Education: 6 classes (1926), Jung School (1930), Odessa Marine College (1933), navigational sector of the Special Courses for Commanders of the Marine Forces of the Red Army named after the Central Executive Committee of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1934), Special Courses for Commanders of the Submarine Training Detachment named after. Kirov (1938).
    Career: before being drafted into the navy, he worked on the ships of the Black Sea Shipping Company. Sailor's apprentice on the ship "Sevastopol" (November 1926 - January 1937), sailor on the ship "Ilyich" (March - May 1930), 3rd, 2nd mate of the ship "Red Fleet" (May - October 1933).
    Commander of the warhead-1 submarine "Haddock" (November 1934 - November 1937). In mid-July 1938, as a Romanian, he was dismissed from the RKKF “in accordance with the certification procedure for service inconsistency,” but three weeks later he was reinstated. I.d. assistant commander of the submarine "L-1" (November 1938 - May 1939).
    Participant of the Great Patriotic War, commander of the submarine "M-96" (May 1939 - April 1943), commander of the submarine "S-13" (April 1943 - September 1945). On January 30, 1945, the S-13 sank the Wilhelm Gustloff liner (25,484 GRT), on which about 5.5 thousand people died. After 11 days, the S-13 launched a successful torpedo attack on the Steuben transport (14,660 GRT), which killed 3.5 thousand people. Only these two victories (40.144 brt) secured Marinesko first place among submarine commanders of the Soviet Union in terms of enemy tonnage destroyed, in terms of human casualties (on board the targets, mainly wounded Wehrmacht soldiers and civilian refugees), entering the top 10 largest disasters throughout the history of navigation.
    Unfortunately, the behavior of the S-13 commander on the shore was sometimes scandalous. Despite the fact that on February 20, 1945 he signed the award sheet for the presentation of A.I. Marinesko to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the command rejected him, proposing to award the S-13 commander the Order of the Red Banner.
    On September 14, 1945, by order of the People's Commissar of the Navy “... for neglect of official duties, systematic drunkenness and everyday promiscuity,” he was removed from his position, demoted in military rank to senior lieutenant and placed at the disposal of the Armed Forces of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet (the order was canceled on November 26, 1960). By order of the commander of the Baltic Fleet of October 18, he was appointed commander of the minesweeper "T-34", and on November 20, 1945 he was transferred to the reserve.
    After demobilization, he worked as an assistant captain, a captain on ships of the Baltic Shipping Company (1946 - 1948), and a supply manager at the Blood Transfusion Research Institute in Leningrad. (1948 – 1949).
    In December 1949, he was sentenced “for squandering socialist property” (Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR) to three years in prison (the conviction was overturned on March 17, 1953; the verdict was overturned, the case was closed “for lack of evidence of a crime” on April 27, 1988), and spent about two years in prison. He served his sentence at the fisheries in Nakhodka and Vaninsky correctional labor camp of Dalstroy. After liberation, he worked as a loader, then as a topographer in the Onega-Ladoga expedition (October 1951 - July 1953), in the supply department at the Leningrad Mezon plant (July 1953 - late 1962).
    Died of esophageal cancer. He was buried at the Bogoslovskoye Cemetery (St. Petersburg).
    During his lifetime he was awarded the Order of Lenin (1942), two Orders of the Red Banner (1944, 1945), and medals. On May 5, 1990, after numerous petitions from public organizations and Navy veterans, A.I. Marinesko was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).
    Monuments to Marinesko were erected in Kaliningrad, Kronstadt and St. Petersburg. Memorial plaques were installed on the building of the Odessa Naval School and the houses where he lived in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt (Kommunisticheskaya St., 2), and an embankment in Kaliningrad was named after him.
    Alexander Kron’s story “The Sea Captain” is dedicated to the life of A. Marinesko.

(June 17, 1911 – August 28, 1941)
    Ukrainian, member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1939, senior lieutenant.
    Education: Naval School named after. Frunze (1936), Courses for command personnel at the Underwater Diving Training Unit named after. Kirov (1939).
    Career: navigator of submarines "D-6", "A-1" and "A-5" (1936 - 1937), assistant commander of "A-1", "Shch-203" (1937 - 1938), commander of " M-47" (July 1939 - April 1940), senior teacher of the Navy Reserve Command Training Course (1940 - 1941), assistant commander of "Shch-301".
    Killed during the transition from Tallinn to Kronstadt.

(15 August 1907 - 10 January 1942)
    Native of the village of Akhalbediseuli, now Khonii municipality, Imereti region, Georgia.
    Georgian, member of the CPSU(b) since 1928.
    In the RKKF since 1932, lieutenant commander (November 3, 1941).
    Education: Naval School named after. Frunze (1936), Courses for command personnel at the Underwater Diving Training Unit named after. Kirov (1940, expelled for poor academic performance).
    Career: commander of the warhead-2-3 submarine "Shch-314" (1936 - 1938), assistant commander of the "Shch-402" (1938 - 1941), commander of the "M-175" from February 1941. In this position he began Great Patriotic War, senior lieutenant. Made 5 military campaigns, carried out 1 ineffective torpedo attack.
    Died along with his submarine.
    Awarded the Order of the Red Banner (1941).

Melnik Yakov Karpovich

    Born on December 7, 1904 in the city of Lebedin, now Kharkov region.
    Ukrainian, member of the CPSU(b) since December 1930.
    In the RKKF since 1926, captain 1st rank.
    Education: Naval School named after. Frunze (1934), Courses for command staff of the Underwater Diving Training Unit named after. Kirov (1938).
    Career: Red Navy member of the Baltic Fleet Crew (November - December 1926), combatant of the Profintern cruise ship (December 1926 - March 1927), Mars EM "Voikov" (March 1927 - March 1931), commander of the warhead-3 submarine "Shch-113" "(July 1934 - November 1936), assistant commander of the submarine "L-9" (March - April 1938), commander of the submarine "M-24" (April 1938 - February 1939), submarine "Shch-101" (February 1939 - November 1940), submarine "S-53" (November 1940 - August 1941). In the underwater diving department of the Pacific Fleet Headquarters (August 1941 - February 1944). Chief of Staff of the 2nd separate division of the submarine of the Vladimir-Olginsk naval base (February 1944 - 1946), officer of the Headquarters of the Port Arthur naval base (1946 - 1948), Headquarters of the 5th Navy (1948 - 1951), authorized by the Permanent Commission for the acceptance of ships from industry (1952 – 1956).
    Awarded the Order of Lenin (1951), the Red Banner (1946), the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (1945), the Red Star (1944), and medals.

Melnikov Mikhail Dmitrievich

    Born on December 31, 1906 in the village of Igunkovo, now the Sandovsky district of the Tver region.
    Karel, member of the CPSU(b) since 1928.
    In the RKKF since 1928, captain 2nd rank.
    Education: Naval School named after. Frunze (1933), Special courses for command personnel (1935), Courses for command personnel of the Underwater Diving Training Unit named after. Kirov (1938).
    Career: Red Navy LC "Paris Commune" (October 1928 - June 1930), commander of the navigation group of the submarine "Stalinets" (November - December 1933), commander of the navigation sector of the submarine "L-55" (December 1933 - November 1934; September 1935 - October 1936), commander of the BC-1 submarine "M-86" (October 1936 - May 1937), navigator of the 25th division of the 3rd brigade of the Red Ban Baltic Fleet submarine (May - November 1937), assistant commander of the submarine "M-111" ( September 1938 - January 1939), commander of the submarine "M-7" (January 1939 - September 1942), submarine "Shch-127" (September 1942 - May 1946), commander of the coastal base of the BPL (May 1946 - October 1947), commander of the submarine "L-9" (October 1947 - August 1949), submarine "S-215" (August 1949 - April 1950), submarine "B-32" (April 1950 - August 1953). At the disposal of the Black Sea Fleet Commander (1953 – 1955).
    Awarded the Order of Lenin (1953), two Orders of the Red Banner (1945, 1948), Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (1985), Red Star (1944), medals.

Mironov Viktor Ivanovich

    Born on September 21, 1909 in St. Petersburg.
    Russian, member of the CPSU(b) since 1939.
    In the RKKF since 1928, captain 1st rank.
    Education: Naval School named after. Frunze (1931), Special courses for command staff, navigation sector (1932), Courses for command staff of the Underwater Diving Training Unit named after. Kirov (1936), Naval Academy named after. Voroshilov (1950).
    Carter: navigator of the submarine "Kommunar" (October 1931 - July 1932), commander of the warhead-1 submarine "Pike" (December 1932 - November 1933), submarine "Shch-112" (November 1933 - September 1935), navigator 1- of the submarine division of the 2nd naval brigade of the Pacific Fleet, assistant commander of the submarine "Shch-111" (September 1936 - November 1937), commander of the submarine "M-11" (November 1937 - July 1938), submarine "Shch-105" (July - December 1938), commander of the 23rd division of the 2nd brigade of the submarine Pacific Fleet (December 1938 - March 1941), 2nd separate division of the Vladimir-Olginsk naval base of the Pacific Fleet (March 1941 - 1944), commander of the 1st brigade of Big Hunters (1945) , Chief of Staff of the 4th submarine brigade of the Pacific Fleet (1945 – 1947). At the disposal of the Naval General Staff (1950 - 1955). Head of the department of the Combat Training Directorate of the MF Headquarters (1955 - 1956), Deputy Chief of the Staff of the Submarine Forces of the Northern Fleet (1956), Head of the Headquarters of the Submarine Forces of the Pacific Fleet (1956 - 1957), Deputy Head of the Department of the Naval Academy (1957 - 1960).
    Awarded the Order of Lenin (1953), the Red Banner (1948), the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree (1985), the Red Star (1944), and medals.

Mikhailov Georgy Afanasyevich
    (April 22, 1907 – November 30, 1943)
    A native of the city of Bobruisk, Belarus, according to other data from the city of Omsk.
    In the RKKF since 1927, captain-lieutenant.
    Education: Naval School named after. Frunze (1931), Courses for command staff of the Submarine Training Unit (1932).
    Career: miner of the submarine "Decembrist" (1931), assistant commander of the submarine "Carbonari" (1932-1934), assistant commander of the submarine "A-5" (1934 - 1935), commander of one of the "babies" (April 1935 - November 1937), assistant commander of "Shch-212" (1939 - 1940), commander of "Shch-210" (November 1940 - July 29, 1942). Sentenced by the Military Tribunal to 10 years in prison with a suspended sentence and sent to the front as a private. Reinstated in rank, company commander of the 4th separate assault rifle battalion of the 31st Army of the Western Front. Killed in battle near the village of Sudilovichi, Dubrovensky district, Vitebsk region.

Mogilevsky Sergey Sergeevich

    Born on September 16, 1909 in the city of Kyiv.
    Ukrainian, member of the CPSU(b) since 1938.
    In the RKKF since 1931, captain 1st rank (July 15, 1950).
    Education: mechanical technical school (1927), mine sector of Special Command Courses (1933), Command Course of the Submarine Training Unit named after. Kirov (1936).
    Career: cadet of the artillery school of the Baltic Fleet (1931 - 1931), commander of the warhead-3 (December 1933 - October 1934), etc. assistant commander (October 1934 - March 1935), assistant commander (November 1936 - November 1937) submarine "L-3", commander of the submarine "L-1" (November 1937 - January 1941), commander for combat training of the Submarine Department of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet Headquarters (January - October 1941), commander of the submarine "L-21" (October 1941 - November 1946), submarine "K-54" (November 1946 - August 1947), "P-3" (August 1947 - April 1950), chief Staff, commander of a separate division of experimental submarines (1950 - 1952), member of the state commission for the acceptance of ships from industry (1952 - 1966).
    Awarded the Order of the Red Banner (1951), Ushakov II degree (1945), Patriotic War I degree (1945) and II degree (1985), Red Star (1940, 1943, 1947), medals.

Moiseev Arkady Efimovich

(February 9, 1913 – April 1942)
    A native of the city of Akmolinsk, now Astana, Kazakhstan.
    Mordvin, member of the CPSU(b) since 1940.
    In the RKKF since 1931, captain-lieutenant.
    Education: Naval School (1936), Courses for command staff of the Submarine Training Unit named after. Kirov (1939).
    Career: commander of the BC-1 submarine "Shch-304" (1936 - 1937), "Shch-403" (1937 - 1938), navigator of the 2nd division of the submarine SF (1938), assistant commander of the submarine "Shch-401" (1938), assistant commander of the submarine “K-2” (1939 – 1940, with the transition along the White Sea Canal to the Northern Fleet). Participant of the Great Patriotic War, commander of the submarine "Shch-401" (November 20, 1940 - April 1942). He died along with his ship.
    Awarded the Order of the Red Banner (1941).

Momot Nikolay Onufrievich

(November 14, 1904 – December 19, 1981)
    A native of the village of Pushcha-Voditsa, now within the city of Kyiv.
    Ukrainian, member of the CPSU(b) since 1926.
    In the RKKF since 1926, captain 2nd rank (March 17, 1945).
    Education: Naval School named after. Frunze (1932), command classes of the Submarine Training Unit (1935).
    Career: student of the machine school of the Training Detachment (1926 - 1928), senior motorman, foreman of the training ship "Komsomolets" (1928 - 1929), miner of the submarine "Comrade" (1932 - 1934), commander of the submarine

This section presents the electronic version of the “Book of Memory of the Vologda Region”. Last updated date: May 2019. In each municipal district and urban district, a lot of work has been done to verify the accuracy and supplement the data about our fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War.

The basis for the Electronic Book of Memory database was the electronic version of the printed edition of the Book of Memory of the Vologda Region, published in 32 volumes in Vologda from 1989 to 1995. Creators of the printed Book:

· Government of the Vologda region
Northern branch of the Archaeographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences
· Vologda Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Pedagogical Personnel
· Vologda Regional Committee for Peace and Reconciliation and the regional branch of the Russian Peace Foundation
· Vologda regional military commissariat
Vologda Regional Council of War and Labor Veterans
· Regional district administrations

Public editorial board of the publication: V.V. Sudakov (chief scientific editor), G.A. Akinkhov, N.I. Balandin (deputy editor), T.V. Zamaraeva, P.A. Kolesnikov (scientific consultant), O.A. Naumova, V.G. Nechepa, E.A. Poromonov, A.N. Presnukhin, A.A. Romanov, G.V. Sudakov, V.P. Sumarokov, G.V. Shirikov.

The updated version of the e-book includes the names of Vologda residents who died or went missing during the Great Patriotic War, who became known after the publication of the printed Book of Memory. The electronic database has been supplemented with fields that were missing previously: the warrior’s place of birth, RVK and date of enlistment, military unit, position, links to the source of information and an addition field.

Please send all comments and suggestions to:

160035, Vologda, Torgovaya Ploshchad, 3, VOMOOO “Vologda Search Squad”, tel. 72-01-31, [email protected]
The curator of the project “Electronic Book of Memory of the Vologda Region” at the Vologda Search Squad VOMOO is Yulia Vladimirovna Shchekotova, tel. 89114415803, e-mail: [email protected].

Fields “Full name”: Last name, first name and patronymic can be enclosed in brackets if it was not possible to determine the correct spelling.
Field “Year of Birth”: the same
Field “Place of birth”: the book contains data about people who are not natives of the Vologda region, but were called up by the Vologda military commissariats, or who are not natives of the Vologda region, but had relatives living in the territory of our region.
Field “RVK and date of conscription”: information about which military commissariat and when the soldier was mobilized
Field “Military unit”: in which unit: regiment, brigade, division, army, etc. was serving at the time of his death. Conventional abbreviations for military units are given in the Appendix.
Field “Position”: position held in the military unit.
Field “Cause of death”: died, killed, missing, other reason.
Field “Date of death”: date of death or missing person, if this data is known.
Field “Place of death”: place of death according to the administrative-territorial division during the Great Patriotic War.
Field “Address of relatives”: the residential address of relatives at the time of death and according to the administrative-territorial division during the Great Patriotic War.
Field “Source”: link to the source of information: TsAMO - Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense, TSVMA - Central Naval Archive.
Field “Fund”: number or name of the military unit’s fund in the Archives.
Field "Inventory": inventory number of the division's fund.
Field “Case”: case number in the inventory of the division’s fund.
Field “Sheet”: numbers of sheets in the file are indicated. The number marked “about” indicates the reverse side of the sheet in the file
Field “Addition”: all additional information that helps determine the fate of the soldier, as well as contradictions that arose during the collection of information about the person.

Explanation of abbreviations


2 beats A – 2nd Shock Army, 2 U Army, 2 UA
a – army
Guards A - Guards Army
26 A – 26 Army
air division - air division
air regiment - air regiment
adp - breakthrough artillery division
AZSP - army reserve rifle regiment
AGSD - army mountain rifle division
ap – artillery regiment
ap RGK - artillery regiment of the Reserve of the High Command, artillery regiment RGK
ap PTO – artillery regiment PTO, anti-tank regiment (1941-half of 1942)
apabr - army cannon artillery brigade
bad - bomber air division, bombs. HELL
bad DD – also long-range
bap - bomber regiment
bap DD – also long-range
VA - air army
Guards Airborne Division - Guards airborne division
Guards vdp - guards airborne regiment, guards. vdp, vdp
Guards vdap – gv. airborne artillery regiment, vdap
Guards MD - Guards Mortar Division
Guards sk. - Guards Rifle Corps
gap - howitzer artillery regiment
gabr - howitzer artillery brigade
GSBR - mountain rifle brigade
dvl – divisional veterinary hospital
zap – anti-aircraft artillery division
Zenad - anti-aircraft artillery division
zenap - anti-aircraft artillery regiment
zsbr - reserve rifle brigade
zsp - reserve rifle regiment
IAD - fighter air division
IAP - fighter aviation regiment
IBR - fighter brigade
iptap - anti-tank artillery regiment
iptabr - anti-tank brigade
iminbr - engineering mine brigade
IBRSN - special purpose engineering brigade
Isbr – engineer-sapper brigade
cap - corps artillery regiment
kp - cavalry regiment
lap - light artillery regiment
labr - light artillery brigade
MD - motorized division
MP - motorized regiment
mcp - motorcycle. regiment
MK - mechanized corps (1941)
mechk - mechanized corps (from 1942 onwards)
mib - motorized engineering battalion
MIND - mortar division
minp - mortar regiment
mibr - mortar brigade
MSB - motorized rifle battalion
ompob - separate motorized anti-tank flamethrower battalion
MSBR - motorized rifle brigade
MSD - motorized rifle division
MSP - motorized rifle regiment
MSPB - motorized rifle and machine gun battalion
mshisbr - motorized assault engineer. – sapper brigade
OAESB - separate aerosled battalion
obrmp - separate marine brigade
obmp - dept. Marine Battalion
obro - separate battalion of backpack flamethrowers
obs - separate communications battalion
ozad - separate anti-aircraft artillery division
oiptd - dept. anti-tank fighter division (and variants)
oib - dep. Eng. battalion
okursbr - dept. cadet rifle brigade
okshr - dept. cable pole company
olb – separate ski battalion
olbr - separate ski team
olbs - separate linear communications battalion
omorsbr - separate naval rifle brigade
OMPMB - separate motorized pontoon-bridge battalion
omsb - separate medical battalion
opab - separate machine gun and artillery battalion
opulb - separate machine gun battalion
orb - separate reconnaissance battalion
orvb - separate repair and restoration battalion
ORR - separate reconnaissance company
orro - dep. Backpack flamethrower company
ors - separate communications company
orkhz - separate chemical defense company
siege is a separate self-propelled artillery piece. division
OSBR - separate rifle brigade
dept. uch. TP - separate training tank regiment
otr – separate telegraph company
otsr – separate telegraph construction company
OTER – separate telegraph operational company
educational institution - dept. training rifle battalion
pad - cannon and artillery division
dad - cannon artillery regiment
pabr - cannon artillery brigade
MPMB - motorized pontoon-bridge battalion
pabr - cannon artillery brigade
ponmbre - pontoon-bridge brigade
garden - mixed air division
SAP - self-propelled artillery regiment
funny air regiment - mixed air regiment
sapb - sapper battalion
sd - rifle division
sk - rifle corps
sp - rifle regiment
TA - tank army (Guards TA - for Guards TA)
tk - tank corps
shad - attack air division
shap – assault air regiment
shisbr - assault engineer brigade


EG – evacuation hospital
PPG – mobile field hospital
TPPG - therapeutic field mobile hospital
KhPG – surgical field mobile hospital
IG – infectious diseases hospital
KPG - corps mobile hospital
GLR – hospital for the lightly wounded
AGLR - Army Hospital for the Lightly Wounded
VG – military hospital
VMG - naval hospital
EP - evacuation point
UGPEP with EP – control of the head evacuation receiver with evacuation point
FEP – front evacuation receiver
REP – distribution evacuation receiver
SEG – triage evacuation hospital

KarF – Karelian Front
LenF - Leningradsky
VolkhF - Volkhovsky
NWF – North-West
KalF - Kalininsky
ZapF - Western
BryanF - Bryansk
WorF - Voronezh
StalF - Stalingradsky
SWF – South-West
UVF – South-Eastern
YuF - Yuzhny
SCF – North Caucasus
ZakF - Transcaucasian
KrymF - Crimean
3rd PribF - 3rd Baltic
2 PribF – 2nd Baltic
1 PribF – 1st Baltic
3 BelF – 3rd Belorussian
2 BelF – 2nd Belorussian
1 BelF – 1st Belorussian
1 UkrF – 1st Ukrainian
2 UkrF - 2nd Ukrainian
3 UkrF - 3rd Ukrainian
4 UkrF - 4th Ukrainian
1 Far Eastern Fleet – 1st Far Eastern
2 Far Eastern Fleet – 2nd Far Eastern

ArchVO - Arkhangelsk Military District.
Leningrad Military District - Leningradsky
MVO - Moscow
ORVO - Orlovsky
HVO - Kharkovsky
SKVO - North Caucasus
PribOVO – Baltic Special
ZAPOVO – Western Special
KOVO – Kyiv Special
ODVO - Odessa
ZakVO - Transcaucasian
SAVO – Central Asian
Siberian Military District - Siberian
UrVO - Ural
ZabVO - Transbaikal
DalVO - Far Eastern
StalVO - Stalingradsky
YuzhUrVo – Yuzhno-Uralsky
PriVO - Privolzhsky

Element not found!

Son of a lithographer. He spent his childhood and youth in Moscow. He was familiar with the art collections of S. I. Shchukin and I. A. Morozov. After graduating from drawing school, he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where he studied with R. R. Falk and A. V. Kuprin. After the transformation of MUZHVZ into VKHUTEMAS (1920–1921), he studied there with V. V. Kandinsky. During his studies, he met the artist Vera Mikhailovna Maslennikova (1899–1991), who would become his wife. In 1921 he was arrested by the Cheka and spent some time in prison.

In the early 1920s, he was engaged in printed graphics, worked at the First Model Printing House, and fulfilled orders for the Moscow Printing House. His etchings were acquired by the Rumyantsev Museum in Petrograd and the Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin in Moscow.

In 1925, together with his bride, he performed modernized symbols of the modern Russian alphabet on a state order. This gave them the opportunity to travel abroad under the pretext of continuing their education. On September 23, 1925, both left by ship from Odessa to Italy. They settled in Rome, where they soon registered their marriage, and in 1927 received Italian citizenship.

In September 1927, together with his wife, he participated in the 2nd International Exhibition of Contemporary Graphics in Florence. In the same year, both received Italian citizenship. In 1928, the couple visited Paris, with a letter of recommendation from R.R. Falk to M.F. Larionov, and in 1931 they moved to France. Participated in the exhibition of the Society of Decorative Artists at the Grand Palais (1929). Exhibited in the following salons: Autumn (1932), Independent (1938, 1939), Tuileries (1939). He participated in group exhibitions of Russian artists in the La Renaissance (1932) and Zak (1936) galleries, exhibitions organized by the Union of Soviet Patriots (1945, 1946) and the France-USSR Committee (1945). Held a personal exhibition at the Bosc Gallery (1947).

In 1951, in search of work, he and his wife moved to the USA, where they lived first in Chicago, then in New York, Manhattan. He painted landscapes and still lifes, was engaged in graphics and book illustration. In 1956, the couple took American citizenship. In 1972 they moved to St. Petersburg in Florida, where they spent their last years.

The family archive and many works by N.I. Morozov and V.M. Maslennikova are kept by their heir Brad Cooper, owner of an art gallery in Tampa, Florida (Brad Cooper Gallery).


Contemporary painting. N. Morozov // New Land (Paris). 1946. No. 5. P. 14–15.

Zhukova E. Eternal emigrants // Pinakothek. 2006. No. 22-23. pp. 270-273.

Zhukova E. Eternal Emigrants // Brad Cooper Gallery.

Voeller M. The genius in the garage: A trove of works by the greatest Russian artist you"ve never heard of // Creative Loafing Tampa. 2007. 23 May.

Accattoli A. Nikolaj Ivanovič Morozov // Russi in Italia.
