Hygienic requirements for conducting a lesson. Hygienic requirements for the lesson

  • 1. Optimal air condition. This requirement is implemented through room ventilation. Any classroom-office must be equipped with a ventilation system; in addition, it is recommended to ventilate the classroom during breaks. Even stricter requirements for air conditions in such classrooms, where experiments are carried out during the lesson and laboratory works, where students work physically or experience other intense physical activity.
  • 2. Sufficient lighting. Fulfillment of this requirement consists of following components: natural and artificial lighting. Location has a decisive influence on the quality of natural light classroom, number and size of windows. The windows should be large, and the curtains on the windows should not block the flow of light. It is important that the light is not obscured by trees growing on the street, as well as buildings located nearby. Perfect option- windows facing the sunny side. It is recommended to provide classrooms with this arrangement for students primary schools s and for educational subjects, whose occupation requires DC voltage vision. The quality of artificial lighting depends on the number and location of lighting fixtures in the classroom, as well as on the type and power of lamps. Artificial lighting in the classroom should provide good illumination of the chalkboard surfaces and student work areas.
  • 3. Proper thermal conditions. The air temperature in the lesson should also be comfortable for the body. For different classrooms, the optimal temperature ranges from +15 to +22 degrees Celsius. The most low temperatures recommended for rooms where stay is associated with high physical activity. So, in gyms and training workshops the optimal temperature is +15...+17 degrees, and in ordinary classrooms - +18…+21.
  • 4. Alternation various types educational activities. The meaning of this requirement is that when alternating types of activities, the fatigue of students is significantly reduced, which has a positive effect on their health and performance. When organizing educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren in the classroom, the teacher must avoid tedious monotony. In elementary school, physical education is required during lessons.
  • 5. Matching furniture individual characteristics students. This requirement is especially important for developing correct posture in children. The height of the chairs in the classroom should correspond to the height of the students. A modern tables for schoolchildren they have adjustments for height and surface inclination. The teacher’s task is to ensure that students feel comfortable sitting at the tables during the lesson, if necessary, to remind them that they need to adjust the table surface, and if necessary, to help them do this.
  • 6. Use of special educational and laboratory equipment. Equipment for educational organizations undergoes mandatory certification, which takes into account its safety and compliance with the psychophysiological characteristics of students.

Table 4.4.

Hygienic criteria for rational lesson organization

Lesson Factors

Levels of hygienic rationality of the lesson



Lesson density

At least 60%

and no more than 75-80%

Number of types of learning activities

Average duration of different types of educational activities

For grades 1-4:

no more than 7-10 minutes;

For grades 5-11:

10-15 minutes

more than 15 minutes

Frequency of alternation of different types of educational activities

Change no later than in:

7-10 minutes (grades 1-4);

10-15 minutes (grades 5-11)

change in 15-20 minutes

Number of types of teaching

at least 3

Alternation of types of teaching


types of teaching

does not alternate

The presence of emotional discharges (number

Place and duration of application of TSO

In accordance with hygiene standards٭

In any form

Alternating poses

poses alternate in accordance with the type of work; the teacher watches the students sit down

frequent inconsistencies between posture and type of work; the pose is not controlled by the teacher

Table 4.5.

Duration of continuous use technical means

learning in lessons

Continuous duration (min.), no more

View static images on whiteboards and bounce screens

Watching TV

View dynamic images on whiteboards and bounce screens

Working with images on an individual computer monitor and keyboard

Listening to an audio recording

Listening to audio with headphones

Requirements for computer training tools (TCT):

    The brightness characteristics of electronic pages must meet the following parameters

– brightness - not less than 35 cd/m2 and not more than 120 cd/m2;

– negative and positive unevenness of brightness distribution - no more than ±20%.

    The brightness ratio of characters and background must be at least 1:3 for a positive image and 3:1 for a negative image (reversal).

    In the design of CSR electronic pages, a negative image should be used (light bold characters on a dark background). The most favorable color combinations are white or yellow signs on a blue background. When using an LCD display, use a positive image (dark characters on a light background). The most favorable color combinations are blue marks on a yellow background and black marks on a green background. The color combination of red characters and green background is favorable for all types of displays.

    The font design parameters for text and/or symbolic information on electronic CSE pages for students in grades 1–4, depending on the volume of text for one-time reading, must meet the requirements set out in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6.

Volume of text for one-time reading, number of characters, no more

Font size, points, no less

Height capital letter, mm not less

Font group (examples of typefaces)*

chopped (Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, etc.)


or serif (Georgia, Times New Roman, etc.)



chopped or serifed



*You should use headsets designed or adapted

for use to present information on the display screen

    The length of a line in text information on an electronic page should not be less than 100 mm.

    Font size of auxiliary elements of letters and numerical formulas must be at least 9 points, while the height of the capital letter is at least 2.3 mm.

    The font size in tables must be at least 10 points, and the height of the capital letter must be at least 2.5 mm, with the possibility of displaying one or more table cells on separate electronic pages. On individual electronic pages, the font size in cells must be at least 12 points, and the height of the capital letter must be at least 3 mm. The distance between columns of text in the table must be at least 12 mm.

    The font design of the vocabulary part of the CSR must comply with the parameters set out in the table.

    For text and/or symbolic information in CSR the following should not be used:

    narrow and/or italic font style;

    more than four various colors on one electronic page;

    red background;

    “moving” lines horizontally and vertically.

    As part of CSR, only one typeface of different styles, except narrow and italic, should be used. The font design of headings is not regulated.

    The volume of electronic pages with text and/or symbolic information from the total volume of CSR electronic pages (excluding dynamic video materials) should not exceed 20%.

    The optimal time to start preparing homework for students studying in the first shift is 16 hours, for students studying in the second shift – 9 hours. First grade classes are taught without homework. It is physiologically optimal if students start homework after spending 1.5–2 hours on fresh air. The following duration of homework is hygienically acceptable: for students in grades 2-3 up to 1.5 hours, in grades 4-5 - up to 2 hours, in grades 6-8 - up to 2.5 hours, in grades 9-11 – up to 3.5 hours. The teacher must give individual assignments in such a way that the student can cope with it within the allotted (recommended) time. To create conditions for good rest Children should minimize the amount of homework on holidays and weekends.

Physical education lessons that provide the bulk of the need for motor activity students must also be organized hygienically correctly. The lesson should provide a real load to the child’s body and restoration of the functional state by the beginning of the next lesson.

Motor density of the lesson (the ratio of the time spent by the child on performing movements and total duration classes, in percentage) should be at least 70% in classes in the hall, and at least 80% in the air. Positive effect from physical exercise is ensured by achieving an average level of heart rate (HR) in the range of 140-160 beats/min.

The structure of the lesson consists of 3 parts - introductory, main, final. The duration of the introductory part is 5-10 minutes, the increase in heart rate after the introductory part is 25-30%. The main part of the lesson lasts 25-30 minutes, the increase in heart rate is up to 80-100%. The duration of the final part is 3-5 minutes. Heart rate returns to original values after the end of the lesson or during the 3-4 minute recovery period during a break.

Depending on their health status (or based on health certificates), students are divided into 3 medical groups - basic, preparatory and special.

Students of the main physical education group are allowed to participate in all physical education and recreational activities in accordance with their age.

For students in preparatory and special groups, physical education and recreational work should be carried out taking into account the doctor’s opinion.

Students assigned to preparatory and special groups due to health reasons are engaged in physical culture with a decrease physical activity.

Additional medical examination should be carried out for all students of basic and preparatory group before sports competitions, as well as for students after illnesses or injuries, overtraining conditions and at the request of the teacher physical education or the student himself.

Students assigned to a special medical group are not allowed to participate in sports competitions and pass sports standards.

During the school term, it is advisable to use several technologies. Their choice depends on the age, number of students, their performance, health status, etc.

Lessons-lectures tire much faster than lessons-conversations and therefore are held in specialized, specialized classes in preparation for exams. The use of one labor-intensive educational technology in non-core classes and the teacher’s instructive tone contribute to early development fatigue.

1. Taking into account the duration of active attention of students of a given age corresponds to the duration of learning new things educational material(6 years –5–7 min; 10–12 years – 20 min; 15–16 years –30 min).

2. Availability and consistency of the educational material presented;

3. Alternation of different types of activities and recreation.

During a combined lesson, it is necessary to alternate different types of activities ( practical work, story, conversation, test tasks, independent work, reports, etc.). It should be remembered that when using one type of activity (lecture, conversation, dictation, independent work, prolonged listening to music) or one technology, extreme (protective) inhibition of neurons in the cerebral cortex develops. Disciplinary violations appear in the classroom. The teacher must prevent the occurrence of this kind of physiological disturbances. At the first signs of fatigue, you need to change the type of activity. Can be used interesting story, demonstration visual material, musical break, health-saving methods. The alternation of different types of activities during the lesson contributes to more uniform distribution loads on various types of analyzers. Students, especially primary classes, you cannot offer only one type of activity; it is necessary to switch children from one form of work to another. WITH physiological point view it has great importance, since during various types of activity different types of analyzers are activated, and excitation occurs in the corresponding areas of the cerebral cortex, and non-excited areas of the cortex rest. In them, inhibition appears according to the principle of negative induction. This helps to increase the working capacity of students.

Types of rest during the lesson (relaxation) - physical education minutes, eye exercises, musical breaks, auto-training, herbal medicine, etc. For older students they are held at the 25–30th minute of the lesson, and for younger students – after 10–15 minutes of the lesson.

4. Rotation in class various methods training (verbal, visual and practical).

5. Fatigue and overwork of students

There are two types of fatigue. First type - compensated fatigue(hidden fatigue). This is surmountable fatigue, in which performance is maintained thanks to willful efforts person. Second type - uncompensated fatigue, developing following compensated fatigue. Its main symptom is a sharp decrease in performance. To a large extent it manifests itself at the end of lessons, school year. It has been established that fatigue, first of all, develops in the nerve centers of the cerebral cortex due to a deficiency of mediators in them (norepinephrine, serotonin, etc.) and is manifested by a subjective feeling of fatigue. During fatigue in cortical neurons cerebral hemispheres the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition is disrupted.

The teacher must remember that student fatigue leads to a decrease not only in performance, but also in discipline in the classroom. Therefore, he must be warned. In this regard, it is important to use health-saving technologies in a timely manner, take into account the individual typological characteristics of higher nervous activity and the child's health status.

Schoolchildren are mobile (sanguine) and mixed types GND fatigue occurs in two stages (phases).

First phase fatigue is characterized by a weakening of inhibition, an increase in the excitability of cortical neurons (according to I.P. Pavlov this is “protective excitation”). Students develop motor restlessness, discipline is disrupted, the quality, speed and accuracy of tasks performed decreases. This stage can be removed by reducing study load. In addition, it is necessary to switch students to another type of activity: move from a lecture form of presentation to a conversation, from a conversation to graphic work, student survey, test tasks etc. If motor restlessness and excitability of students are not eliminated and the teacher forces students to work intensively and raises their voice, then the second stage of fatigue develops. The teacher’s task is not to miss even the first signs of fatigue and prevent its development.

Second phase of fatigue in mobile children, it is characterized by increased inhibition of cerebral cortex neurons and weakened excitation (according to I.P. Pavlov, this is “protective inhibition”). It is observed in younger and middle-aged schoolchildren. The students high school can continue to work because they have developed self-control and self-awareness. In view of the above, signs of initial and subsequent fatigue may not be outwardly expressed. During the second phase of fatigue, children become indifferent, do not react to the teacher’s comments, and do not hear him. The fatigue of the second phase can only be relieved during the rest period during the break. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to promptly notice the first signs of fatigue in the lesson that arise in its first phase.

For students junior classes fatigue has its own characteristics. As you know, first grade children do not have the skills to write or play an instrument. The process of mastering writing and playing an instrument is carried out by small worm-shaped muscles of the hand, which are poorly developed in children 6–8 years old. While writing, playing a musical instrument, moving thumb combined with movements of the index and middle. Such activity of the hand in a 7-year-old child has not yet been established, and the nerve centers that control these movements work with high voltage and get tired quickly. Therefore, the maximum duration of continuous writing for children in the 1st grade is 10 minutes, and for students in grades 8–11 – 25–30 minutes. Next you need to move on to another type of activity. The duration of playing the instrument should be regulated in a similar way.

The teacher should also remember that junior schoolchildren motor dominance is strongly expressed. Prolonged inhibition by the teacher of this dominant during the lesson causes significant fatigue in children. For example, prolonged sitting causes fatigue in younger schoolchildren. nerve centers cerebral cortex, responsible for contractions of the muscles of the back, neck, forearm, hand, etc. Therefore, younger schoolchildren should be given the opportunity to actively move during breaks, preferably in the fresh air in the warm season under the supervision of a teacher on duty. During classes you need to switch to another type of activity. For example, in a music lesson they alternate following forms works: singing, listening to music and drawing, musical dictation, dance movements to music, etc.

Overwork– this is a long-term and deep decrease in performance, accompanied by disruptions in the functioning of body systems and requiring long-term rest. Overwork manifests itself in mental dysfunction. When overtired, schoolchildren experience irritability and weakening of psychophysiological processes - attention, thinking, memory. Often appear headache, sleep disorder, loss of appetite, decreased vision, irritability, tearfulness, etc. When overworked, long rest is necessary, compliance strict regime at school and at home.

Practical work No. 6 Familiarization with the methodology for conducting TB training in primary school. Hygienic standards for working at a computer and rules of behavior in a computer class

Target : study the requirements for equipment and organization of work in the computer science classroom;

prepare a fragment of a lesson on instructing schoolchildren about labor safety rules,

behavior and work in the computer science classroom.

Expected results

Students should know:

– requirements for equipment and organization of work of the computer science classroom;

– rules of labor protection and organization of students’ work in the computer science classroom;

– measures to prevent and reduce visual and muscle fatigue due to working at a computer;

be able to:

– organize the microclimate of the computer science classroom.

Theoretical basis:

1. Sanitary and hygienic standards for working with a computer.

When equipping and using computer labs, strict adherence to sanitary rules and norms, designed to prevent the adverse effects on humans of harmful factors accompanying work with video display terminals (VDT) and PCs. The question of the dangers of working with VDTs and PCs is relevant, of course, primarily because we are talking about the health of children. However, this same issue is no less important for preserving the health of the teacher himself, as well as all those who are participants educational process with the use of computer tools. That is why it is necessary not only good knowledge requirements of the state regulatory act, but also full compliance with all the provisions prescribed by it - both in terms of the arrangement of the premises and equipment of the CVT itself, and in terms of the strictest adherence to recommendations for organizing the educational activities of students. Let us pay attention only to some provisions of this document.

According to SanPiN for teachers secondary schools The duration of work in display classes and computer science classrooms is set to no more than 4 hours a day, and for engineers serving the educational process in classrooms with VDTs and GIEVMs, the duration of work should not exceed 6 hours a day. Additionally, to reduce the workload during the working day, regulated breaks are arranged.

It is recognized in all countries that the work of a person sitting at a computer is one of the most stressful and tiring. In some countries, the work of a computer operator is included in the list of 40 jobs that are most harmful to health. The highest frequency of functional changes in the body is observed in the organs of vision, breathing, musculoskeletal and neuropsychic systems. 90% of those working behind monitors complain of fatigue, pain in the back of the head and neck, lacrimation, burning or pain in the eye area. A children's body has its own characteristics. For example: the rapid, spasmodic rate of growth and development of a schoolchild, which leads to a discrepancy between the structure and function of organs and systems, “makes” the body extremely sensitive to unfavorable factors external environment, which include limitation of motor activity, static loads, mental stress associated with educational activities. We must not forget about posture. Correct posture is necessary to prevent diseases of the neck, arms, legs and back. It is necessary to organize this way workplace so that posture is optimal, which will reduce the risk of disorders and deviations in the health and development of the student’s growing body. Features of a schoolchild sitting at a table when working on a computer:

You need to sit 25 cm higher than at a regular desk;

The head should be kept level in relation to both shoulders, the head should not tilt towards one shoulder;

When looking down, the head should be directly above the neck, and not tilted forward.

The permitted time of continuous work for students at VDT depends on their age, but should not exceed:

· for 1st grade students. (6 years) - 10 min;

· for students of 2-5 grades. - 15 minutes;

· for students 6-7 class-20 minutes;

· for students 8 - 9 grades. —25 min;

· for students of 10-11 grades. in the first hour of classes - 30 minutes, in the second - 20 minutes.

After the above-established duration of work on the VDT and PC, a set of exercises for the eyes should be carried out, and after each lesson during breaks, physical exercises should be carried out to prevent general fatigue.
The number of lessons for students in grades X-XI using VDT and PCs should be no more than two per week, and for other grades - no more than one lesson.

It is obvious that the factor of sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process in CVT imposes very strict restrictions on the structure of each lesson in computer science, which must be taken into account when planning them. In particular, this
directly concerns the accounting of the duration of time (timing) of the use of software, the use of which is provided for in the lesson.

· Classes using computers for children 5-7 years old should be conducted no more than 3 times a week; on Tuesday, Wednesday (Thursday) - on the days of greatest mental activity of children. Continuous duration of work with a computer: for children 5 years old - no more than 10 minutes, for children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes. For children with chronic pathology or who are often ill (more than 4 times a year), the duration of computer classes should be reduced: for children 5 years old - to 7 minutes, for children 6-7 years old - to 10 minutes.

· The video monitor screen should be at eye level or slightly lower, at a distance of no closer than 50 cm.

· The optimal zone to the screen (interactive whiteboard, special screen) is -2 m-5.5 m. A child wearing glasses should study at the computer while wearing them.

· After lessons with the use of TSO, you should not conduct classes associated with a heavy load on the eyesight (reading).

· TSO is especially effective in the 3rd-4th lessons, when students’ performance begins to decline.

· Distribution of viewing throughout the day - no more than two lessons per day.

2. Tools for teaching computer science in elementary school.

Into the system of teaching aids, along with textbooks, educational and methodological materials and software for computers include the computers themselves, forming a single integrated environment that allows the teacher to achieve his learning goals. Here is a list of the main components of the recommended system of teaching computer science in school:

1.textbooks, educational and teaching materials(on printed media).

2.technical means (monitors, system units etc.)


· software and methodological support for the computer science course, including both software to support teaching and software tools (IPS), providing the teacher with the ability to manage the educational process, automate the control of educational activities, develop software tools (or their fragments) for educational purposes for specific pedagogical goals;

· object-oriented software systems that ensure the formation of a culture of educational activities, which are based on a certain model of the user’s object world (for example, a text editor, a database, spreadsheets, various graphics systems);

· telecommunications tools that ensure the availability of information for students, their involvement in educational interaction, rich in intellectual capabilities and a variety of types of use of World Information Network resources.

· training and demonstration equipment interfaced with a PC (meaning teaching aids operating on the basis of information technologies, compensating or cushioning the lack of a subject environment and ensuring the subjectivity of the activity, its practical orientation, for example, educational robots, models for demonstrating the principles of operation of a computer, its parts, devices);

Functions of computer science teaching tools:

· provide the educational process with the opportunity to use various forms educational work;

· improve the quality of education, strengthen the educational independence of schoolchildren;

MBOU "Krasnoslobodskaya Secondary School No. 1"

Requirements to the psychological, pedagogical and hygienic conditions of the lesson.

Prepared by: Meshcheryakova E.M.

Educational psychologist

The lesson remains basic organizational form educational process, which directly depends on the teacher. building a lesson on a health-saving basis is the most important condition overcoming the health-intensive nature of school education.

Crisis phenomena in society contributed to a change in motivation educational activities among students, reduced them creative activity, slowed down their physical and mental development, caused deviations in their social behavior. For these reasons, the problems of preserving the health of students have become especially relevant. In the current situation it became natural active use pedagogical technologies aimed at protecting the health of schoolchildren.

When constructing a lesson from a health-saving perspective teacher needs technology stick to the basic rules

Rule one 1. Proper organization lesson

Rational organization of the lesson is important component health-preserving work of the school. The functional state of schoolchildren in the process of learning activities, the ability to maintain mental performance for a long time, mainly depends on compliance with the hygienic and psychological-pedagogical conditions for conducting a lesson. high level and prevent premature fatigue. We must not forget that hygienic conditions affect the condition of the teacher, his health, which in turn affects the condition and health of students.

= 60% and insufficient 85-90% rational Average duration of various types 4 not rational 4-7 educational activities 5 Frequency of alternation of different types 2-3 90% of educational activities Number of types of teaching 10 min 11-15 min 1- 2 Shift no later than 6 than after Alternating types of teaching Shift after No less than 3 15 minutes 2 11-15 minutes Shift after 7-10 minutes No later than 15-20 minutes 1 than after 15-20 minutes 10-15 minutes Do not alternate " width="640"

Factors lesson

Lesson density

Levels of hygienic rationality of the lesson


Number of types of educational activities

not enough


Average duration of different types

not rational

educational activities

Frequency of alternation of different types

educational activities

Number of types of teaching

Change no later

than through

Alternation of types of teaching

Change in

At least 3

Change in

than through


Basic hygiene criteria rational organization of the lesson (according to N.K. Smironov)

Lesson Factors

Levels of hygienic rationality of the lesson


not enough


not rational

Presence of emotional discharges (number)

Place and duration of application of TSO

Alternating poses


with hygienic

With partial compliance

Physical education minutes

The pose alternates according to

Psychological climate

There are cases of non-compliance

type of work.


In free


2 per lesson,

postures of the type of work.

The teacher watches the boarding

The moment students become tired

Positive emotions prevail

consisting of 3 light exercises,

1 physical education minute

Frequent inconsistencies

postures of the type of work.

(by reducing educational activity)

The teacher sometimes controls

There are cases negative emotions. Lesson, emotionally indifferent

per lesson, with insufficient duration



3-5 repetitions of each

Not earlier than 40 minutes

boarding of students

Negative emotions predominate

Posture is not controlled

Not earlier than


in 35-37 minutes

Less than

in 30 minutes

Rule 2. Using perception channels

Peculiarities of perception are determined by one of the most important properties individuality - functional asymmetry of the brain: the distribution of mental functions between the hemispheres. Stand out Various types functional organization two hemispheres of the brain: - left-brained people with dominance of the left hemisphere, they are characterized by a verbal-logical style cognitive processes, tendency to abstraction and generalization; - right-brain people right hemisphere dominance of this type concrete imaginative thinking and imagination are developed; - equihemispheric People - they do not have a pronounced dominance of one of the hemispheres.

Based on the preferred channels of information perception, the following are distinguished: - auditory perception; - visual perception; - kinesthetic perception.


1st row

Left hemisphere

2nd row Equal hemispheres

3rd row Right hemisphere



Approximate layout of students in the classroom

Rule 3. Distribution of intensity of mental activity

The effectiveness of students’ knowledge acquisition during the lesson is as follows: - 5-25th minute - 80%; - 25-35th minute - 60-40%; - 35-40th minute - 10%.

The duration of active attention in younger schoolchildren is limited in most cases to 15-25 minutes (15-20), which requires switching to another type of activity.

Monotonous work is especially tiring for children, as well as work associated with prolonged psychophysical stress, visual stress, and maintaining a static posture.

The duration of continuous reading in primary schools is from 8-10 minutes (grades 1-2) to 15 minutes (grade 3), independent reading it is advisable to conduct it at the beginning of the lesson or in the middle and alternate with retelling, listening to recordings, talking with the teacher written work the optimal duration is 3-5 minutes.

Rule 4. Relieving emotional stress

Usage gaming technologies, game training programs, original assignments and tasks, the introduction of historical excursions and digressions into the lesson allows you to remove emotional stress. This technique also allows you to solve several problems simultaneously various tasks: provide psychological relief students, give them information about developmental and educational plan, encourage the activation of independent cognitive activity and so on.

Rule 5. Creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom

A friendly atmosphere in the lesson, a calm conversation, attention to every statement, a positive reaction from the teacher to the student’s desire to express his point of view, tactful correction of mistakes, encouragement for independent mental activity, appropriate humor or a small historical digression - this is not the entire arsenal that a teacher who strives to reveal the abilities of each child can have at his disposal.

Rule 6. Health protection and promotion of a healthy lifestyle

Teach a person to school years take responsibility for your health. Introduce health issues into the framework of educational subjects, and this will allow the student to show how the material being studied relates to everyday life, teach him to constantly take care of his health.

To conduct a self-analysis of the lesson from the point of view of preserving the health of schoolchildren, it is advisable to pay attention to the following aspects of the lesson:

1. Hygienic conditions in the classroom (office): cleanliness, temperature and freshness of the air, rational lighting of the classroom and blackboard, the presence/absence of monotonous, unpleasant stimuli.

The fatigue of schoolchildren and the risk of allergic disorders depend to a large extent on compliance with these simple conditions.

2. Number of types of learning activities used by the teacher : questioning students, writing, reading, listening, telling, looking at visual aids, answers to questions, practical exercises.

The norm is 4-7 types per lesson.

The monotony of the lesson contributes to the fatigue of schoolchildren. At the same time, you need to remember that frequent changes from one activity to another require additional adaptation efforts from students. This also contributes to increased fatigue.

3. Average duration of various types of educational activities.

Approximate norm: 7–10 minutes.

Rule 7. Self-analysis of the lesson by the teacher from the standpoint of health conservation

Number of types of teaching used by the teacher : verbal, visual, audiovisual, independent work, etc. The norm is at least three per lesson. Alternating types of teaching - no later than 10–15 minutes.

Using methods that promote initiative and creative self-expression students , which allow them to become subjects of activity. These are methods of free choice (free conversation, choice of action, its method, choice of interaction methods, freedom of creativity, etc.); active methods(students in the role of teacher, action reading, group discussion, role-playing game, discussion, seminar, etc.); methods aimed at self-knowledge and development (intelligence, emotions, communication, imagination, self-esteem and mutual esteem), etc.

Rule 7. Self-analysis of the lesson by the teacher from the standpoint of health conservation

d for staging a discussion, discussion, instilling interest in educational programs, i.e. for the interconnected solution of both educational and educational tasks.

The effectiveness of lessons using TSO also depends on the frequency of classes of this type.

The appropriate number of lessons using TSO is no more than 3-4 per week.

in the lessons of various TSE, min (according to N.T. Lebedeva)








TV shows

radio broadcasts

The teacher’s ability to use the capabilities of displaying video materials

The following fact is dangerous: children’s interest in working with a computer so masks fatigue, schoolchildren are so carried away that they do not notice signs of fatigue, continue their studies (games) and, as a result, cause significant harm to their health. As a result, we get the emergence of psychosomatic disorders, neurotic reactions and the prevalence of stress in schoolchildren.

The most important indicator of the effectiveness of classes using information technology is the mode training sessions. The duration of work with a computer depends on the individual age characteristics of the students.

For children 6 years old the norm should not exceed 10 minutes and for children 7-10 years old 15 minutes.

Study mode using

computer tools (according to N.T. Lebedeva)

Duration of work

with computers, min

25, with double lessons 30 and 15

Rule 7. Self-analysis of the lesson by the teacher from the standpoint of health conservation

Students’ poses and their alternation depending on the nature of the work performed. The degree to which schoolchildren pose naturally in class can serve as a good indicator psychological impact teacher, the degree of his authoritarianism: the mechanism of the health-destroying effect of an authoritarian teacher consists, in particular, in the fact that children in his lessons are excessively tense. This exhausting situation not only sharply increases the level of neuroticism in schoolchildren, but also has a detrimental effect on their character.

Rule 7. Self-analysis of the lesson by the teacher from the standpoint of health conservation

Physical education minutes and physical education breaks ,

which are a mandatory part of the lesson. It is necessary to pay attention to their content and duration (the norm is for a 15-20 minute lesson, 1 minute of 3 light exercises with 3-4 repetitions of each), as well as the emotional climate during the exercises and the students’ desire to perform them.

Gymnastics for the eyes

3-5 exercises 5 or more times each

Physical education minute

during classes

7-8 exercises 4-6 times each

at work

5-7 exercises 8-10 times each

8-9 exercises 6-8 times each

Rule 7. Self-analysis of the lesson by the teacher from the standpoint of health conservation

Deserves a positive rating inclusion in the content of the lesson issues related to health and in a healthy way life . A teacher’s ability to highlight and emphasize issues related to health is one of the criteria of his pedagogical professionalism.

Rule 7. Self-analysis of the lesson by the teacher from the standpoint of health conservation

Students' motivation for learning activities in the classroom: interest in classes, desire to learn more, joy from activity, interest in the material being studied, etc. The level of this motivation and the methods of increasing it used by the teacher are assessed.

Favorable psychological climate at the lesson , which also serves as one of the indicators of the success of its implementation: charge positive emotions received by schoolchildren and the teacher himself determines positive impact schools for health.

Rule 7. Self-analysis of the lesson by the teacher from the standpoint of health conservation

The predominant facial expression of the teacher. A lesson is incomplete if there were no emotional and semantic releases: smiles, appropriate witty jokes, the use of sayings, aphorisms with comments, musical minutes, etc.

The moment when students become tired and their learning activity decreases. It is determined by observing the increase in motor and passive distractions of schoolchildren in the process of educational work. The norm is no earlier than 5-10 minutes before the end of the lesson.

Rule 7. Self-analysis of the lesson by the teacher from the standpoint of health conservation

Pace and characteristics of the end of the lesson. It is desirable that the end of the lesson be calm: students had the opportunity to ask the teacher questions, the teacher could comment on the homework assignment, and say goodbye to the students.

An integral indicator of the effectiveness of a lesson can be considered the state and appearance of students leaving the lesson. It is worth paying attention to the teacher’s condition.

Prevention of all kinds of traumatic situations.

The requirements for students must correspond to their level of development, but not exceed or underestimate their capabilities. Students must be taught with a focus on the zone of proximal development. Considering that “what a student can do today in collaboration with a teacher, he will be able to do independently tomorrow” (L. S. Vygotsky). An important psychological and didactic assimilation of the organization of educational activities of schoolchildren, which makes it possible to ensure its therapeutic and corrective effect, is a change in the approach to assessment. In pedagogy, one should finally abandon negative assessments and provide everyone with the opportunity to make an unlimited number of attempts to obtain positive assessment. This form of teacher-student communication is based on individualization in learning.

Right organized training contributes not only to the acquisition solid knowledge, but also the favorable growth and development of students, strengthening their health.