The Giant Codex Devil's Bible weighs 75 kg. Exorcism and Magic Spells in the Devil's Bible

There are a huge number of religions, their denominations and sects in the world, each of which preaches its own values. Most religions have their own god, gods, or beings that are worshiped by their adherents.

Everyone knows that there are only three world religions - Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. Each of them has its own sacred book, which contains all the knowledge about religion and its canons. For Christians it is the Bible, for Muslims it is the Koran, for Buddhists it is the Tripitaka.

In addition to the god that people worship, there is also an antipode - a creature with negative energy that forces people to do things that are contrary to a particular faith. The most popular creature from this category is the Devil.

He has many names - Devil, Devil and others. There are many theories about its origin. The main theory is that the Devil is Lucifer, a fallen angel.

The story of Lucifer is familiar to many people who have something to do with Christianity. He was an angel and served God. Lucifer was handsome, smart and quick-witted, many angels revered him, turned to him for advice and listened.

At some point, the angel decided that he himself could rule God’s creatures, since he was strong and smart. By starting a rebellion, Lucifer believed that he would take the place of God and become the supreme ruler of all creatures.

However, he underestimated the power of God, and therefore the revolution did not take place - the battle was lost. The angel had minions who believed him and were on his side - with them he was expelled from Paradise. So, the fallen angel Lucifer began to rule the world of sinners -. And those very henchmen help him in this -

We gleaned this information from the Bible, which is the holy book of Christians. Not many people know, but there is another scripture called This is a huge manuscript of 624 pages, the creation of which took the skins of 160 donkeys.

Creation legend Devil's Bible says that it was written by a certain monk. The writing of the book dates back to the late 12th - early 13th centuries. The circumstances under which the manuscript was created are very vague.

The monk committed some sin, to atone for which he had to write a book in one night. It is not entirely clear to whom and why he had to do this, and what kind of sin was committed. However, the monk realized that he could not cope overnight, so he turned to the Devil for help, who helped create the manuscript.

This is also a very controversial point - why did the monk turn to God and not to God, since he was a minister of the church? Besides, he already had a sin, so why did he decide to aggravate his already precarious position? Unfortunately, there are no answers to these questions. But there is a legend about the creation of the book, and we start from it.

A manuscript specialist at the National Library of the Czech Republic believes that this scripture was compiled by one monk over a long period of at least 10 years. The book originally consisted of 640 pages, but only 624 have survived in readable form. It is also emphasized that the probable date of creation of the book is the beginning of the thirteenth century.

It has quite clear content. Of course, the title of the book is associated with instructions for, scary images and other unpleasant things, but that’s not the case. More precisely, it’s almost not like that - there are still scary and strange images in the book. In total, 624 pages contain:

  • New Testament;
  • Old Testament;
  • "Etymology" by Isidore of Seville;
  • "The Jewish War" by Josephus;
  • stories for preachers;
  • different forms of conspiracies;
  • drawings
  • and other.

Contrary to speculation, it was never banned, and some generations of monks even studied the Holy Scriptures using it. It is noteworthy that on page 290 there is a portrait of Satan.

He looks quite terrifying: a toothy mouth, horns, a growth on his head, clawed four-fingered hands and feet. His look is quite crazy; looking at him even makes you shiver. This is where our familiar description of the Devil comes from - from his Bible.

And if the ordinary Christian Bible states that Lucifer takes the form of a bright man, then, apparently, his real essence is depicted here. As already mentioned, only 624 pages out of 640 have survived to this day - 16 pages are hopelessly damaged.

Eight pages before the portrait of the Devil and eight after are filled with ink, so that it is no longer possible to restore and read them.

In fact, the scripture does not contain any sinister data, secrets or information that was previously unknown. is a simple book, but incredibly valuable. And its value lies not in the fact that it was allegedly written with the participation of Satan.

The main value is that the scripture has survived to this day in good condition. In addition, the dimensions of the book are impressive - length is about 90 cm, width is about 50 cm, and weight is 75 kilograms.

It’s not so easy to even move such a volume, let alone carry it around like a collection of poems. Of course, the manuscript is of great value as an ancient book, the texts of which can still be read today.

This tome was written by one monk, according to various sources his name is either Herman or Sobislav. The writing continued either for one night alone with Satan, or for 10 years.

The writing took place in the monastery of the city of Podlazice, which is located approximately 100 km from the capital of the Czech Republic. After this, the book was moved several times, and each time brought some kind of misfortune.

This was the opinion of the ministers of the churches in which the scripture was contained, but it is not known for certain whether this is true or a coincidence. For example, at the beginning of the 14th century the scripture was kept in the city of Kutna Hora. At the same time, the plague came to the city, and almost the entire population died as a result of the disease. Of course, all the bumps went to the innocent book, although who knows...

Currently stored in Sweden, Stockholm. The Scriptures are the property of the National Library of Sweden. The book came here after the end of the Thirteen Years' War, when it was brought as a trophy.

This happened in the 17th century, and since then no mystical coincidences or misfortunes brought by the book have been noticed.

Why "The Devil's Bible"

As we can see, the book does not contain any horror with the exception of the portrait of Satan. This is partly why it was called the Devil's Bible. Also, this name comes from the legend of writing, in which the Devil himself allegedly participated.

Another version according to which it follows that the book deserved its name is the already described mass death of the inhabitants of the town of Kutna Hora.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out what is on the 8 pages in front of the portrait, which are filled with ink. It is also impossible to find out what was written on the 8 stolen pages. Who knows, maybe they were the ones who carried the curse that killed people due to the plague at the beginning of the 14th century.

Currently, only representatives of the National Library of Sweden, where the scriptures are kept, have the right to turn the pages. At the same time, their hands must be gloved, and the pages should be turned over as carefully as possible.

Fortunately, there are several copies in the world Devil's Bible, which are brought into a modern format - they contain the same texts and drawings as the original.

Devil's Bible (enlarge - click on the picture)

From September 20 to January 6, the largest medieval manuscript known in the world, the Codex Gigas, considered the eighth wonder of the world and otherwise called the “Devil's Bible,” is on display at the Prague National Library, Clementinum, AP reports.

In 1648, at the end of the Thirty Years' War, the manuscript, dating from the early 13th century, was taken from Prague Castle, where it was then kept, by Swedish troops as a war trophy and has since been in the collections of the Royal Swedish Library in Stockholm.

The Codex Gigas was made using 160 donkey skins, and with a binding measuring 92 by 50 centimeters and a thickness of 22 centimeters, the manuscript weighs 75 kilograms. The manuscript originally contained 640 pages, 624 of which are still in good condition.

Legend has it that the Codex Gigas was created by a monk from a Benedictine monastery in the Czech city of Podlazice, but not alone, but with the help of the devil himself. The monk who committed a serious crime, in atonement for his sin, vowed in just one night to write and decorate with drawings a book that would include all human knowledge and glorify the monastery for centuries. However, around midnight, he realized that he could not cope with the vow he had taken on himself and sold his soul to the devil in exchange for help. The devil kept his promise, and the monk, in gratitude, drew a portrait of his assistant on the flyleaf of the book. It was primarily because of this image, and not because of its size, that the Codex Gigas was considered the “eighth wonder of the world” in the Christian world. The Podlazice monastery was subsequently completely destroyed during the religious wars of the 15th century.

The manuscript, written in Latin, contains the sum of the knowledge of the monks of the Benedictine Order at the beginning of the 13th century - the Old and New Testaments, the texts of “Etymology” by Isidore of Seville, “The Jewish War” by Josephus, a list of the Cosmic Chronicle, treatises on various topics, a list of novices of the Podlazhitsky monastery, so called “Mirror of the Sinner” (a collection of edifying and entertaining stories-examples for preachers), various forms of conspiracies, a calendar with a synodik ( indicating saints' days) and other entries.

Returning to Prague after a 359-year absence, the Codex Gigas, delivered to the Czech capital from Stockholm on a military aircraft, aroused enormous public interest. The value of the book is so great that at the beginning of the exhibition, the Clementinum was equipped with a new security alarm. Only 60 people per hour are allowed into the hall, which maintains a special microclimate. They have the opportunity for ten minutes to examine the manuscript, placed in a special case, opened on page 290. The famous image of the devil is located on it.

In three and a half centuries, Codex Gigas is leaving Stockholm for only the third time - it was previously exhibited in New York and Berlin.

For more information please see:

Codex Gigas:
There are no other such manuscripts. It contains: the Bible, sacred rituals of exorcism, medical recipes, magic spells... - National Geographic Channel

“Life forgets about death, just as death does not feel life,” -

Codex Gigas or the Devil's Bible

Translated from Latin - large book, it is a handwritten book, huge in size and content, which was written in the Benedictine monastery of the Czech city of Podlazice at the beginning of the 13th century.

All the media - newspapers, magazines, websites, and documentaries, without saying a word, called this great work the devil's bible. To confirm this, they cite a certain legend, it is not known who invented it. Is this book really what it says it is?

To clarify this question, first consider the legend itself.

Legend of the Codex Gigas

According to legend, the monk undertook to write in one night an encyclopedia of all the knowledge that the Benedictine Order possessed, in order to atone for the grave sin he had committed. But when the monk realized that he could not complete such a large amount of work in such a short period of time, he allegedly called on the devil to help him. Proof of this is the image of the devil on page 290.

Now, let's look at what it is.

1. Old Testament and Gospel.
2. “Etymology” by Isidore of Seville.
3. “The Jewish War” by Josephus.
4. “Bohemian Chronicle” by Cosma of Prague.
5. “Mirror of a Sinner” (a collection containing edifying stories-exemplia for preachers).
6. Conspiracies against evil spirits, for exorcism (driving out the devil by a priest).
7. Medical prescriptions.
8. Calendar of church holidays.
9. List of monks inhabiting the monastery.

As you can see, the contents of the Codex Gigas do not indicate any connection with the devil. Thus, the Old Testament and the Gospel cannot in any way be dictated by the devil and be his bible.

“Etymology” was written by the Archbishop of Seville Isidore of Seville (560-636), who was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1598. This means that the church considers his works to be the canon of religious knowledge, therefore they cannot be the teachings of the devil.

“Etymology” consists of 20 volumes, where various knowledge is collected:

Volumes I-III are devoted to the seven liberal arts, that is, the union of the trivium - grammar (first volume), rhetoric and dialectics (second volume) - and the quadrivium - arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music (third volume).
Volume IV - medicine and libraries.
Volume V - laws and chronology.
Volume VI - church texts and rituals.
Volume VII - to God, angels and saints, as well as to the earthly and heavenly hierarchies.
Volume VIII - churches and heresies (Isidore describes at least 68 of them).
Volume IX - languages, peoples, kingdoms, cities and titles.
Volume X - etymology.
Volume XI - to man, signs and wonders.
Volume XII - to animals and birds.
Volume XIII - parts of the world.
Volume XIV - Geography.
Volume XV - architecture and road construction.
Volume XVI - stones and metals.
Volume XVII - agriculture.
Volume XVIII - terms of war, law and public games.
XIX volume - ships, buildings and clothing.
Volume XX - food, tools and furniture.

"War of the Jews" Josephus, although not related to Christianity, contains historical information about Jesus Christ. And this information is valuable because it is given by the Pharisee and descendant of the main Israeli tribe of Levi - Josephus.
Here's what he wrote: " About this time lived Jesus, a wise man, if He can be called a man at all. He performed amazing deeds and became a teacher of those people who willingly accepted the truth. He attracted many Jews and Greeks to himself. That was Christ. At the insistence of our influential people, Pilate sentenced Him to the cross. But those who loved Him before did not stop doing so now. On the third day He appeared to them alive again, as the divinely inspired prophets announced about Him and His many other miracles. To this day there are still so-called Christians who call themselves, therefore, by His name.”

"Bohemian Chronicle" Cozma of Prague is a historical chronicle. It consists of three books. The first book covers the entire ancient period of the history of the Czech people, including the period of paganism and the initial period of the spread of Christianity in the Czech Republic until 1038. The second book covers the period from 1038 to 1093; third - from 1093 to 1125

"Etymology" "War of the Jews" And "Bohemian Chronicle" could not in any way be dictated by the devil, since they represented encyclopedic knowledge, which he had nothing to do with. For example, why did the devil provide evidence of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? These works were apparently carefully copied by the monk from the originals available in the monastery, or these originals were taken from another monastery while they were being copied.

Other works - "Mirror of the Sinner", conspiracies against evil spirits, to exorcise the devil, the calendar of church holidays, the list of monks inhabiting the monastery, all the more, could not be dictated by the devil, since they were directed against him. Is the devil a suicide? But they tore out 8 pages after the image of the devil on page 290, clearly with a certain intent - after all, they could not have disappeared on their own in such a sequence.

Modern scientists, having examined it, have come to the conclusion that it was written by one person and with the same ink. And a monk could complete this work in 20-30 years. The handwriting and illustrations of some texts indicate that the monk was a talented, self-taught artist and a very hardworking person - the text is written in a beautiful and even handwriting. In addition, the monk signed his name as a reclusive monk. As you know, monks did not become hermits under duress, but only of their own free will. All this can serve as proof that the monk was not a sinful person, but, on the contrary, overshadowed by God’s grace. Therefore, he was in a good mood, as evidenced by the colorful drawings, which contain bright colors, especially red, regular lines and geometric shapes. The law of symmetry was applied throughout.

Nothing in this book suggests that the monk was inspired to do this work by the devil. Since the presence of the devil usually unbalances a person, he is overwhelmed by strong desires and emotions, which necessarily affect the work, making it grotesque, extravagant, and asymmetrical. Since the ideas of the devil introduce contradictory thoughts and judgments into human thinking. After all, the devil always argues with God, therefore, under his influence, a person cannot calmly perceive anything or draw the right conclusions. Obviously, in order to isolate himself from the influence of the outside world, in which the devil is present, the monk became a recluse, which helped him get rid of the corrupting influence of the forces of evil.

If the monk was not a sinner and did not deal with the devil, then why was such a strange, contradictory legend invented? To figure out this mystery, let's turn to the historical events that are associated with this book.

Codex Gigas and historical events

The book was written in a Benedictine monastery around 1230. But at the time of its writing, few monasteries of this order remained faithful to the original charter of Benedict. In this connection, the Benedictines lost the influential position they occupied as almost the only monastic order. And soon the “black monks,” as the Benedictines were called because of their black clothes, lost the respect of the people to such an extent due to the increasing corruption of morals among them that they began to be placed below all other orders. Therefore, the monk who wrote in the 13th century wanted to return to the order the former respect and glory of ascetics and scientists through his work. But several decades passed from the writing of the Codex Gigas before it gained popularity, even more so among monastic orders. The monastery did not become popular among the common people, and they soon began to need money. To avoid complete ruin and closure of the monastery, the Benedictine order decides to sell it to another order - the Cistercians, the so-called white monks, to a monastery near the city of Sedlec.

The Cistercian monastery near Sedlec was popular throughout Europe at that time. But not with his spiritual achievements, but with a cemetery. The Czech king Otakor II sent the abbot of this monastery in 1228 to the Sixth Crusade, which captured Jerusalem in 1229. The crusade was successful, the crusaders controlled Jerusalem for 15 years. Therefore, the abbot was able to return home safely. He brought back some earth from Golgotha ​​and scattered it throughout the abbey’s cemetery. The news of this spread throughout Europe; many noble people wanted to be buried in this cemetery. For a place in the cemetery, the monastery received generous offerings, which allows it to purchase.

Suddenly, in 1318, the monastery and the entire surrounding area were struck by a plague epidemic, which claimed the lives of 30 thousand people. Moreover, the plague rampaged only in this single place, which naturally earned the monastery a bad reputation. Since the plague was considered a punishment for sins and connection with evil spirits. Therefore, the monastery is in a hurry to quickly get rid of the Codex Gigas, in which an image of the devil is drawn on page 290. The bishop orders it to be returned to the original owner, a Benedictine monastery.

Thirty years later, in 1348-52, a plague pandemic hits Europe, killing 25 million people. And before the epidemic, for several years, natural disasters of enormous force swept over many countries in Europe and Asia. All this is interpreted differently by the common people than by those in whose hands lay secular and ecclesiastical power. The peoples of Europe still remembered the brutal destruction in 1209-1228 by church soldiers - the crusaders, on the orders of the pope, of the Albigensians and Cathars. After all, the Cathars and Albigensians were true Christians. Thus, Andre Miller in his work “History of the Christian Church” writes that the faith of the Albigenses, Cathars, and Waldenses dates back to apostolic times. Passed on from father to son, it has preserved itself in purity from the corruption of the Catholic Church.

We can say that the Pope, with the support of his army - the crusaders, destroyed true Christians. In order to establish the power of the church in the Christian world on the model of the ancient Egyptian priestly state of Amun, after the destruction of which, such power was modeled on the structure of the Jewish state. It was at the temple of Jehovah that there were temple warriors who obeyed only the high priest. The Roman Church at that time completely adopted this device. In addition, the backbone of the crusaders were the Templars, who even called themselves the Knights of the Temple of Solomon.

The Templar Order existed for almost 200 years (1118-1312). During its existence, it occupied a significant place in the Christian world. With the help of its military strength and enormous wealth, the order began to influence the structure of the church, kings and their state. This meant that the Templars shaped geopolitics and sought to establish world domination. They were stopped on this path by the French king Philip IV and Pope Clement V. Although almost all historical works say that the French king wanted to enrich himself at the expense of the Templars, that he was jealous of their strength and wealth. But if this were true, then the first thing the king would do would be to seize the property of the order. Instead, an investigation was carried out for five years, during which terrible things were discovered about what the Templars were doing. After all, before this, no one knew the charter of the order; disclosing it was punishable by a death sentence for every Templar. Officially, the Templar Order ended its existence, but no one could destroy such a force in one fell swoop. Naturally, the Templars changed their colors, flags, symbols, and merged with other monastic orders in order to continue to influence the structure of the Catholic Church and its dogmas.

The Church continues to go to extremes. Natural disasters and plague epidemics were perceived by ordinary people as punishment from God. As a result, at the beginning of the 15th century in Bohemia, a popular protest arose against the monopoly of the Catholic Church in the Christian world, its dogmas, and rituals. The movement for church reform was led by professor and rector of the University of Prague Jan Hus.

But the Catholic Church was intolerant of any open statement addressed to it, especially criticism. When Jan Hus was summoned to Prague, they didn’t even listen to him, they sentenced him in advance and burned him at the stake. Yes, the Catholic Church at that time clearly deviated towards the dogmas of the Old Testament; there was little in it that reminded us of the Teachings of Jesus Christ.

Such categorical judgment of the Catholic Church led to the outbreak of the religious Hussite war in 1419. During this war, naturally, Catholic monasteries were destroyed. And both monasteries in Podlazice and in Sedlec, where it was located, were destroyed. Where he was at that time is not stated anywhere. But one thing is clear: already during the Hussite war it could be called the Devil’s Bible. Since the Hussites to some extent adopted the views of the Cathars and Albigensians, who considered the Old Testament to be the work of Satan. And if God did not give Satan a material body and made him invisible to people, then he cannot be depicted. Since to depict means to go against the will of God. Apparently the owners of the Codex Gigas carefully hid it from the eyes of ordinary people, because of the image of the devil on page 290. But the Hussites, even without seeing this image, could call it that because of the Old Testament contained in it.

In addition, at that time, monks of all orders were engrossed in alchemy, which is a type of black magic. The monastery with its charter was a reliable place for practicing magic. Remember Goethe's Faust, where a monk, locked in his cell, spends hours summoning spirits for alchemical experiments. And then one day, instead of spirits, the devil himself appears to him in the form of a poodle. It must be said that the learned monk was not a fictitious person, he had a real prototype, a real Doctor Faustus and a black dog. Therefore, monks could use the image of the devil from the Codex Gigas for evoking the devil or other alchemical operations.

Further historical mention of the “Code Gigas” emerges during the reign of Bohemia by Rudolf II, the ruler of the Czech Republic and Hungary, Duke of Austria, emperor from the House of Habsburg, who moved the capital from Vienna to Prague. During the reign of Rudolf II (1575-1611), scientists, artists, poets, artisans, and goldsmiths came to Prague from all over Europe. The king's interest in the sciences and arts enabled astronomers Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler to observe the starry sky, painters to discover the laws of craftsmanship, and alchemists to search for the philosopher's stone. But the king himself was engaged in experiments in alchemy and carefully studied.

In 1648, at the end of the Thirty Years' War, the manuscript was taken from Prague Castle, where it was then kept, by Swedish troops as a trophy of war and has since been in the collections of the Royal Swedish Library in Stockholm.

In conclusion, let us ask the question again: “Why was it written and can it be called the Devil’s Bible?”

The purpose of writing the Codex Gigas

If a reclusive monk was struck by God’s insight and wanted to create some kind of encyclopedia to strengthen the status of the monastery, then how could this fit in with the image of the devil? Was the monk inspired to create the image of the devil by insight and God’s grace? Of course not.

We can conclude that the monk was a naive person, in some way an idealist, who completely trusted the church and did not try to get to the bottom of the truth, to find the truth. He was somewhat blind, as he blindly believed the church preachers. After all, Jan Hus warned about this, that blind faith makes blind both those who lead and those who are led. Jan Hus called Christians to search for the truth. Of course, the monk had nothing in common with alchemists, but his work served them more than ordinary monks. Therefore, he created a handwritten body of knowledge that the church possessed at that time, serving as evidence of the deep contradictions and errors of Catholic teaching. Unfortunately, these contradictions and mistakes led Christianity astray.

Unfortunately, all this continues in our time. The Pope asks for forgiveness for the church's mistakes. But in some strange way he forgives sinners and asks for their forgiveness and does not recognize the merits of the righteous. Thus, the Catholic Church has still not repented of its sin before Jan Hus, and has not admitted the mistake of burning him. Although the Serbian Orthodox Church canonized him. At the same time, the Pope repented before the Templars, who spat on Jesus Christ, kissed each other in private places, and committed sodomy. Why didn’t he repent before the Cathars, the Albigenses, whom the same Templars destroyed?

Such a substitution of morals and concepts is only possible in an ignorant, indifferent society. And as an example, it is called not the encyclopedia of Catholic monasteries, but the Bible of the devil. Please note, dear readers, modern journalists did not even doubt this title or inquire about its contents. And even if they did this, they could not even draw the right conclusions.

B The Devil's Bible, or as it is also called the Codex Gigas, appears to be the largest book in the world today. The Devil's Bible can also be considered one of the most mysterious books written by man.

What is the Devil's Bible?

The Devil's Bible is an illustrated handwritten collection of records written approximately at the beginning of the 13th century. The book consists of 310 sheets with notes and pictures. The dimensions of the book's sheets are 89 centimeters in height and 49 centimeters in width. The thickness of the book of 310 pages is about 25 centimeters, and the weight of this handwritten scripture is 75 kilograms. Why is it specified that there are exactly 310 pages? Because initially there were 320 pages. 8 pages, unknown by whom and when, were cut out, and 2 more, allegedly simply lost, by whom and when is also unknown. The pages of the book are parchment. Experts suggest that the book was written from donkey skin. To produce such a book, it would be necessary to destroy about 160 animals of this species. The Codex Gigas was written in the Czech monastery of Podlazice, today part of the city of Chrast. Each page has 2 columns of 106 lines each. The letters on the pages of the Codex Gigas range in size from 2.5 to 3 millimeters. Since the 17th century, the book has been kept in the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm, where anyone can see it. And in the museum of the city of Chrast there is a model of the Devil’s Bible.

What does the Gigas Codex or Giant Codex say?

The gigantic codex is a collection of works by Josephus, Isidore of Seville, Cosmas of Prague, as well as the complete text of the Bible. The Codex Gigas begins with texts from the Old Testament, followed by Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews and The Jewish War. The works of Josephus are followed by the work of Isidore of Seville - “Etymology”. After “Etymology” there are medical notes from different times, both theoretical and practical. The medical treatise is followed by lines from the New Testament, which ends with full-page drawings of the “City of Heaven” and the Devil. FYI, because of this image on page 290, the Giant Codex was called the Devil's Bible. The satanic images are followed by entries related to Exorcism and the “Czech Chronicle” by Cozma of Prague. After the chronicle there was the Rule of St. Benedict and, in conclusion, the Calendar-Martyrology and a list of the people of the monastery. The most interesting thing is that, according to experts, it was all written by one person. To write such a book, it would have taken him 20–30 years.

Legend and history of the creation of Codex Gigas

The legend and history of the creation of Codex Gigas is very interesting and mysterious. As stated above, experts claim that the Codex Gigas was written by one person. This statement can be considered true, if only because the handwriting on all pages is the same. As mentioned above, the story apparently begins at the beginning of the 13th century, namely in 1204. Because the martyrology indicates Saint Procopius, who was very revered among the local population. The Code could not have been started before 1204 because on July 4, 1204, Procopius was inducted into the ranks of the Saints. The writing of the codex was completed no later than 1230, because the martyrology did not record the death of Přemysl Otakar I, who died in December of that year. In total, it took us no more than 26 years to write the Devil’s Bible. But here, in addition to this, there is still a lot of trouble, because the creation of such a book required a lot of money for parchment (a herd of animals), ink and paints for drawings. In fact, there was no money for such expenses, but the Devil's Bible has its place. The legend of the creation of the Giant Codex is even more mystical.

According to legend, the Codex Gigas was compiled by a monk in one night. The monk, for his misdeeds, was sentenced to death. The Benedictine Order immured the monk alive in the Tower. To atone for his guilt, the clergyman vowed to write a better Bible in one night. Realizing that this was impossible, he sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for help with the book.

Some consider the Devil's Bible to be the eighth wonder of the world. Others believe that the book is cursed and that it brought only misfortune to all owners of the book.

Conclusions and Conclusion

To summarize, it should be noted that the existence of the book is a real fact, and anyone can see the Devil's Bible with their own eyes in the national library of Sweden. The history of the creation of the book, indeed, has many secrets, but the fact that it exists is a fact, one handwriting is a fact, the book is ancient - a fact, sacred texts were written - a fact, pages with exorcism texts were cut out - a fact. The rest can be questioned from completely different angles, but every invention is based on something.

The 624-page manuscript of the Devil's Bible weighs 75 kilograms, the dimensions of its wooden covers are 92 by 50 centimeters, and the skins of 160 donkeys were used to make the book. The Bible was created at the turn of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries by a certain monk, who was allegedly helped by the devil in writing it (hence title of the manuscript). According to legend, the monk, in order to atone for his sins, promised to write a book in one night. When the monk realized that this was impossible, he asked the devil for help.

“The manuscript was most likely written by a single monk from a Benedictine monastery in the city of Podlazice, located 100 km from Prague, somewhere at the beginning of the 13th century,” says Zdenek Uhlir, a specialist in medieval manuscripts at the National Library of the Czech Republic, quoted by RBC. According to the expert, the monk wrote the manuscript for 10–12 years. The text originally consisted of 640 pages; 624 pages remain in good condition.

The book contains the Old and New Testaments, the texts of “Etymology” by Isidore of Seville, “The Jewish War” by Josephus, the so-called “Mirror of the Sinner” (a collection of edifying and entertaining stories-examples for preachers), a list of the Cosmic Chronicle, various forms of conspiracies and a calendar with a synodik (indicating saints' days).

On page 290 of the book, which contains texts sacred to all Christians, none other than the devil is depicted. It is also noteworthy that several pages before and after this “portrait” have a darker tone, and the writing style differs from that in which the rest of the texts are written.

According to legend, this work appeared in the Benedictine monastery of the Czech city of Podlazice as a result of a conspiracy between one of the novices and a fallen angel. The monk, who had committed a crime before the abbots, in order to avoid punishment, volunteered for the glory of the monastery not only to write the best Bible in just one night, but also to decorate it with drawings. Closer to midnight, realizing that he could not cope with his obligations, the novice turned to the evil one with a request for help.

In return, he promised to give his soul and depict the devil on one of the pages. What happened next with the zealous novice, the legend is silent. The Inquisition, already active in the first half of the 13th century, was aware of what had happened, but did not take any active action. This work was not only not destroyed, like many manuscripts that were much less provocative from the point of view of the medieval Roman Catholic Church, but was carefully preserved for several centuries in various monastery libraries.

In 1594, it ended up in the collection of the Hungarian king Rudolf II. During the Thirty Years' War, which raged across Europe in the first half of the 17th century, the Devil's Bible was captured by the Swedes and taken to Stockholm as a war trophy. Since then, she has left Sweden only a few times for exhibitions in Berlin and New York.

If this story is a legend, then the demonic drawing is a fact. A one and a half meter tall Satan is drawn on page 290 of the notorious Code. The few pages before this drawing are filled with ink, and after the Satan graffiti, the next 8 pages of text have been removed. Who did this is still shrouded in mystery. The “Devil's Bible,” contrary to vague legends, was never banned. Moreover, several generations of young monks studied the Holy Scriptures from it. In those days, monasteries were the only repositories of knowledge. There they studied ancient writings and wrote down what needed to be passed on to future generations. Codex Gigas, which in Latin simply means “giant book,” is located in one of the monasteries of Czech Bohemia. Its dimensions are truly amazing: height 89.5 cm, width 49 cm and thickness 22 cm. Mysterious writings are hidden in a wooden binding. Each letter is written with a pen and ink made from soot, applied in the twilight light to a dried animal skin. This, first of all, explains the value of a rare book. Now the Devil's Bible, hidden under bulletproof glass, is on display at the Klementinum gallery in Prague. The treasure of national culture only temporarily stays in its historical homeland. During the Thirty Years' War, in 1649, the Swedes took it with them to Stockholm as a trophy. That's where she should return. Only specialists from the Royal Swedish Library have the opportunity to leaf through the pages of the sensational book - after putting gloves on their hands.