Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov: “The Syrian general said that our pilots brought smiles back to the children of his country. New commander of the air force, Colonel General Kartapolov Kartapolov Andrey Valerievich General Staff contacts

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, introduced the new commander of the district's troops to the leadership of the Western Military District. By decree of the President of Russia dated November 10, 2015, Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov, who previously headed the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, was appointed to this position.

The ceremony of presenting and presenting the standard took place in St. Petersburg, at the headquarters of the Western Military District on Palace Square.

In his speech, the Minister of Defense described Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov as a competent military leader with broad operational thinking and extensive practical experience.

“Andrei Valerievich is well known in the Armed Forces. His track record includes responsible positions in the Far Eastern, Siberian, North Caucasus and Western regions. He went from commander of a motorized rifle platoon to commander of the largest military army. Occupying the position of Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Western Military District, he gained experience in solving complex and important tasks facing the Joint Strategic Command.

Since June 2014, Andrei Valerievich headed the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff. This time fell during a period of intensive strategic exercises and sudden checks of the combat readiness of the Armed Forces. Andrei Valerievich has established himself as a competent military leader with broad operational thinking. The successful actions of our group in Syria are partly his merit,” said Army General Sergei Shoigu.

The Minister of Defense expressed confidence that Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov, in his new position, will be able to demonstrate his high professional qualities, achieve effective completion of the assigned tasks, and wished the new commander perseverance and success in solving them.

In turn, the new commander of the Western Military District, Colonel-General Andrei Kartapolov, said that taking over the most responsible sector, he would apply all his knowledge, skills and experience to increase the combat readiness of the Western Military District troops.

The head of the military department, Army General Sergei Shoigu, also thanked Colonel General Anatoly Sidorov, who had commanded the troops of the Western Military District since December 2012 and is now moving to a new duty station, for the work done.

In September, the heads of state of the CSTO unanimously proposed the candidacy of Colonel General Anatoly Sidorov for the post of Chief of the Joint Staff of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. According to the CSTO charter, this position is occupied on a permanent basis by an officer of one of the participating states.

“Currently, the Organization faces important tasks in developing and implementing effective mechanisms for protecting the CSTO member states from modern challenges and threats. I am confident that Anatoly Alekseevich’s experience, knowledge and organizational skills will greatly contribute to their solution,” said Minister of Defense General of the Army Sergei Shoigu.

The head of the military department presented Colonel General Anatoly Sidorov with a Certificate of Honor from the President of Russia and wished him success in his new place of work.

Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov born November 9, 1963 in the German Democratic Republic. Graduated from the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School (1985), the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze (1993), Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (2007). He served in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, the Western Group of Forces, the Far Eastern, Siberian, Moscow, North Caucasus, Southern and Western military districts.

Since July 2014, he headed the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and was Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the position of commander of the troops of the Western Military District.

Colonel General Anatoly Sidorov born on July 2, 1958 in the village of Siva, Sivinsky district, Perm region. In 1975 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Suvorov Military School, in 1979 from the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, in 1991 from the command department of the Frunze Military Academy, in 2000 from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

He served in military command positions in the Odessa, Turkestan, Volga-Ural, Ural, Far Eastern, Eastern and Western military districts.

Since December 2012 - commander of the Western Military District troops.

He took part in hostilities as part of the Limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, in 1995 and 2003 - in restoring constitutional order in the Chechen Republic.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 2015, he was appointed chief of the CSTO Joint Staff.

Department of Press Service and Information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Our military observer Viktor Baranets talked with the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff, who is in charge of the operation in Syria

Almost 90 years ago, the outstanding military theorist and practitioner, Marshal of the Soviet Union Boris Shaposhnikov, figuratively called the General Staff “the brain of the army.” And the Main Operational Directorate (GOU) of the General Staff has always been and remains the main center of this “brain”. Everything that happens today in our army - from its construction to its use, as well as operational training, redeployment of troops, exercises, shooting, ship voyages, aircraft flights - all this is done at the will of the GOU and under its vigilant control. Including the planning and conduct of strategic operations, as well as the actions that our aerospace forces are carrying out in Syria today.

How did they prepare? What was their plan? Why was it decided to use only airplanes and helicopters? What role do our warships performing missions in the eastern Mediterranean Sea play? I asked the head of the Main Operations Directorate - Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov, to answer these and many other questions.

The general talked with me in his office. Our conversation was interrupted time after time by telephone calls - Andrei Valerievich continually received reports on the progress of combat missions by our aviation in Syria, listened to orders from the Chief of the General Staff, gave instructions to his subordinates: one - to urgently discuss the operational situation with the Syrian military leader, the other - to fly to Istanbul for negotiations with the Turkish military, the third - to prepare for the next television conversation with the Pentagon about the “rules of conduct” for our and American pilots in the Syrian skies. The continuous high-voltage voltage of combat operations taking place many thousands of kilometers from Moscow literally “sparks” in the general’s telephone receiver. He answered my questions strictly in General Staff style, checking every word like a sniper (operators don’t like lyrics). He did not answer some of my questions at all - the answers to them could reveal the secrets of military operations or were beyond the competence of the head of the GOU. Let me introduce him.


Kartapolov Andrey Valerievich. Born in 1963 in Weimar (GDR). Education: secondary school, Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School, Military Academy named after. Frunze, Military Academy of the General Staff. Commanded a platoon, company, battalion, regiment, division, army. He was the chief of staff of a brigade, division, military district, and head of a department in the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff.

Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov.

Since 2014 - Head of the Main Educational Institution of the General Staff. Awards: Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree with swords, Order of Courage, Order of Military Merit, many departmental medals.


When exactly was the decision made to begin transferring our military equipment to Syria?

Next question.

How did the General Staff begin its work on Syrian events?

We did not stop working on the Syrian events for a minute. We constantly monitored the situation there. Because Syria is our long-time partner, ally, our advisers have been working there all the time. And with the beginning of these anti-government protests, which then developed into a well-known situation, we monitored the situation in Syria almost around the clock. And we always know what is happening there, how it is happening.

But what was the “first step” of the Russian General Staff even before the use of our aviation in Syria?

We created a coordination committee, which is now working in Baghdad. This is the issue we dealt with first and foremost. We tried to get this committee to work.

What prompted the decision to create this coordinating committee? What was the idea here?

We understood that the actions of the so-called international coalition led by the United States, which only engages in bombing targets from the air, cannot defeat ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in Russia - editor's note). This can only be done by completing tasks on the ground. And there is no one to fight there on the ground except the army of the Syrian Arab Republic. That's why we started with it. And in order to coordinate actions, we had to unite the efforts of those countries and those forces that are fighting ISIS on the ground.

Having secured air support, Syrian troops launched an offensive against terrorist positions in certain sectors of the front.

Did you invite American representatives to this coordination committee?

From the very beginning. While in Baghdad, I waited almost 24 hours for the American partners to make contact. But he didn’t wait and flew away from there.

Why did they refuse to do this?

They have a number of reasons why they don't want to do this. They consider it humiliating to admit that without Russia they cannot solve their task, declared a year ago.

They don't want it to be said about them that they are somehow interacting with Assad, whom they have demonized in recent years. And further. In fact, they are unlikely to have the necessary amount of information about ISIS targets, as evidenced by the results of their strikes. They have a vague idea about the real objects of the militants, which, apparently, they were ashamed to admit.

How did the State Educational Institution begin preparing for actions in Syria?

From assessing the situation and preparing proposals to our management to carry out certain tasks.

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff?



What was the main task facing the State Educational Institution at that time, on the eve of the operation?

We needed to realize as fully as possible all the capabilities we had to transfer equipment, weapons and supplies to Syria in the shortest possible time.

How did you manage to quickly and secretly solve this problem?

We used a number of different techniques of a technical, informational and tactical nature. You know the result.

But Obama claims that American intelligence “saw everything”...

If she really “saw” it, it’s unlikely that Obama would have remained silent...

And yet: Did you receive information that the United States got wind of something, that we were stirring?

We certainly had this information. However, we saw that they did not understand the essence of our work and had no idea what it was aimed at. That's why they didn't bother us.

Maybe they were simply confused by your combinations and did not appreciate their essence?

I would not want to offend our American colleagues. Whatever they thought, let it remain with them.

In what ways did the General Staff receive information about the deployment of ISIS units?

We have a full range of reconnaissance assets deployed and constantly operating. Therefore, there are practically no secrets for us in this regard...

Can you say what exactly is included in this complex? Is it space, is it airplanes, is it drones, is it electronic reconnaissance, is it, finally, foot reconnaissance?

I told you, the entire complex of reconnaissance forces and means is involved... In permanent mode. With the exception of military reconnaissance, because we did not conduct military reconnaissance there on the spot. Because our ground units are not there.


How do you assess the tactics of the ISIS units and their weapons? Do terrorists have man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS)?

We have information about the presence of MANPADS there, but have not yet seen their practical use. Therefore, the appearance of such weapons among militants now may indicate someone’s unreasonable approach to resolving this issue...

Are you hinting at possible deliveries of American Stinger-type MANPADS to militants?

Maybe. Go ahead. As for the militants' tactics. There are a lot of former officers in ISIS who served in the Iraqi army during the time of Saddam Hussein. And they went there only because the Americans, having defeated Iraq, occupied it, and they, as patriots of their country (you can even call them that) decided to fight it. Of course, it was a mistake that they decided to fight by joining ISIS, but it is their choice. These officers have fairly high skills and knowledge; they are able to organize and teach people. Therefore, individual detachments are very well prepared. Plus, they captured a lot of weapons from the warehouses of the Iraqi army and from parts of the Syrian army. These are precisely the weapons that our American partners actively supplied to Iraq. And there are M1 Abrams tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery systems and much more. Therefore, when talking about ISIS, one should not imagine that these are ordinary bandits, a rabble, only with machine guns, with long daggers, who know nothing more than to cut off heads. They know how to fight, they have improved various tactics that they developed during combat operations against the Iraqi army, against the Syrian army. And sometimes these techniques are used quite successfully.

How many bayonets do ISIS armed forces have today?

According to various estimates, from 30 to 80 thousand. Since, as usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle, let's talk about 40-50 thousand.

The US-led coalition has been bombing ISIS positions for over a year. But at the same time, we saw that the Syrian territory controlled by ISIS expanded to almost 75%. How can you comment on this?

The coalition led by the United States is carrying out air strikes against ISIS infrastructure. These are bridges, overpasses, electrical substations, heating networks, water pressure and water pumping stations. What makes people's lives unbearable. This does not so much complicate the actions of ISIS as it significantly complicates the actions of President Assad’s government forces. Thus, while declaring one thing, they, by and large, reduced the combat potential of the Syrian armed forces. Due to this, they gave up more and more positions, because transportation was difficult, because there was no water, there was no heat, there was no food. But ISIS doesn’t need this, they purchased food from various neighboring countries and supplied it to them (we know who, but we won’t talk about these organizations and states for now). Therefore this is the result.

How do you assess the combat potential and weapons of the so-called “moderate opposition”, where did they get their weapons?

In the West they talk about a “moderate opposition,” but we don’t see such a thing in Syria yet. You can call it differently - moderate or immoderate opposition, but any person who fights against the legitimate government with arms in hand, how moderate is he?... Various countries supplied weapons to many ISIS units. After all, there some units are supported by one country and supplied, other units are supported by another country, and still others are supported by a third country. And thus, everyone gives money there, everyone gives weapons there. These guys bandit, loot, and divide spheres of influence among themselves. When they need the next tranche of money, they declare that they are the most active fighters against the Assad regime. They are given this money, after which they begin to use it at their own discretion. And we asked who knows who - show us this “moderate opposition”...


Why did the General Staff come to the conclusion that it was necessary to use aviation?

Because we have seen that everything that the coalition led by the United States does is a sham... This is an imitation of strikes...

Are the Air Forces of Syria, Iraq, and Iran participating in the air operation with us?

They carry out tasks according to their plan.

But do they coordinate their plans with ours?


How do you monitor the accuracy of our strikes against ISIS?

Starting from the moment of choosing a target, we carry out no less than triple confirmation of the accuracy, importance and characteristics of the object.

By what means?

Yes, the same ones I already talked about. The entire complex is involved - space, air, radio, electronic reconnaissance.

And drones?

Drones, of course. Naturally, we also use the information that we receive within the framework of the information committee in Baghdad, from our partners, from the intelligence services of Iraq, Syria, and Iran.

And is there serious data that is taken into account when launching missile and bomb strikes?

They have a lot of information, but we check all the information. And the choice in striking remains, naturally, ours.

Khmeimim airfield. A pilot of a Su-30 combat vehicle inspects the engine nozzle of an air-to-air missile.

Photo: Alexander KOTS, Dmitry STESHIN

Why did the United States refuse to provide us with data on the positions of the so-called Free Syrian Army and the positions of ISIS? Are they giving us this information now or not?

They don't give us this information. We have addressed them directly more than once, and have spoken about this more than once in the media. The reasons for this position are still not clear to us. Either they don’t have this data, or, if they do, they are hiding it from us, which means they don’t want us to strike real ISIS positions.

How are ISIS tactics changing after our missile and bomb attacks?

Terrorists abandon their positions, retreat into the depths, try to hide in hard-to-reach areas, in various caves and rock openings. Second. They try to hide in mosques and hospitals. By the way, we showed a video on TV that clearly demonstrates this whole thing. And they are trying to disperse under the guise of civilians.

Isn't it too early for the Syrian army to launch a ground operation? Is she ready, are there any results?

You know, it is difficult for me to judge how ready the Syrian army was for an offensive operation. I can only draw one conclusion: even in the state in which the Syrian army is now, if it went on the offensive, it means that our strikes significantly reduced the enemy’s combat potential. During the first days of the offensive, more than a dozen settlements were liberated; today one large settlement, called Achan, was captured; the militants held it for a long time. On the first day, about 90 square kilometers were liberated during the offensive operation. Therefore, I think that the Syrian military leaders knew better, but they thought that they could go on the offensive.


What caused the need for our missile strikes from the Caspian Sea? Was this agreed upon with Iran and Iraq?

Yes. I spoke about this at the briefing. We agreed in advance with our partners in the coordination committee, which includes not only Syria, but also Iran and Iraq, about the flight of our missiles. And the need was caused by the fact that on October 5th and 6th we discovered several very important objects that were subject to targeted destruction. Our aviation was already distributed to other targets that had been explored earlier. And the decision was made to strike with cruise missiles.

The Pentagon claims that 4 missiles either exploded or fell in the wrong place. How do you feel about this information?

The Pentagon can say whatever it wants. Let them show at least something. All our missiles hit the target.

Could the group of our ships in the Mediterranean also be involved in Syria, if necessary?


What is this group like today?

Our grouping in the Mediterranean Sea primarily ensures the supply of materiel. In order for it to be unhindered, a group of attack ships has been deployed there, including. Plus, this group is guaranteed to provide air defense for our base. There is no way we can do this

We do not direct air defense against coalition countries.

And if the General Staff comes to the conclusion that it is urgent, right now, to launch missile strikes from our ships against ISIS, can this be done?

Can we talk today about the creation of two full-fledged Russian bases in Syria - a land base near Latakia and a naval base in Tartus?

I would most likely be talking about the creation of one Russian military base. This will be one base, which will include several components - sea, air, land.

The Syrian armed “moderate” opposition is signaling its readiness to participate in the fight against ISIS. How do you feel about such signals?

We are ready to work together with them. Or let them come to Baghdad and participate in the coordination committee.

And if such a proposal is accepted, will it greatly change the tactics of the coalition forces? Will this change the nature of the war against ISIS?

If they stop fighting government forces and start fighting ISIS, that could change. But if, while declaring that they are fighting ISIS, they continue to fight government troops, then nothing will change.

You just said that ISIS units are changing tactics, going to hospitals, mosques, populated areas, and dispersing. Does this cause both the General Staff and the Syrian army to understand that they also need to change tactics in order to more subtly pick out terrorists from there? Why do we need to select new “tools”?

We have a sufficiently large set of forces and means to influence ISIS, taking into account these tactics, without in any way affecting mosques, hospitals, or civilians.


The US Secretary of Defense recently scared us that the Russian group would suffer heavy losses. Is he scaring us with the fact that he will stage “Stingers”? How did you read this threat-like statement?

We read this statement as a manifestation of the highest level of unprofessionalism. A politician of a serious level cannot allow himself to make such statements. Moreover, we are talking about the allies who defeated Hitler in World War II (I would like to remind you of this). Well, what he meant, let it remain on his conscience. Remember how Leo Tolstoy answered Leonid Andreev: “He scares me, but I’m not scared.”

Could a situation develop such that we will still have to transfer ground units to Syria, which will have to take part in hostilities?

This is out of the question. Under no circumstances will our ground units take part in a ground operation. By the way, our President said this.

If you find out that American Stinger MANPADS are in the possession of ISIS or the so-called Free Syrian Army, what will be your reaction?

I think we need to ask a question about this in the UN Security Council. To be considered there.

Are our planes hitting ISIS forces in Iraq?

No. We work in Syria because the President of Syria approached us with a request for assistance in the fight against ISIS on the territory of his country. If such an appeal comes from the Iraqi leadership, we will wait for a decision from the leadership of our country.

They say that the Iraqi request has already been received?

I have already answered this question...

How is the interaction between our aerospace forces, our officers and the Syrian army ensured? Are our officers in the ranks of the Syrian army or not?

No. Our group operates independently. And at our headquarters in Syria there is a small task force from the Syrian armed forces, which provides coordination with the flights of the Syrian Air Force and gives us accurate data where the front line of government troops is located.

How is the current situation on the Syrian front, what are we doing, what are the Syrians doing?

We continue to fulfill our tasks. Since the start of the operation, we have flown over 600 sorties.

Yes, from September 30th. More than 380 ISIS targets were hit. According to various sources, ISIS gangs suffered very serious losses. We also noted cases of panic, we noted cases of abandonment of positions. This also says something. Naturally, this also inspires government troops, who went on the offensive. As one of the Syrian generals said, the actions of the Russian Air Force brought smiles back to the faces of Syrian children.


Are the Americans looking for contact with the Russian Ministry of Defense, with the General Staff?

They are forced to do this. They asked us to organize a video conference with them.

Will they be in Washington, will you be in Moscow?

We agreed. We are ready to work with them anywhere, at any level, anywhere in the world. If it is more convenient for them to work from Washington, we will work from Moscow.

How do you see the ultimate goal of our actions in Syria?

This is, of course, the defeat of ISIS formations and the transfer of the Syrian crisis into a political channel.

And if the need nevertheless arises to launch missile and bomb strikes against ISIS on Iraqi territory, will Russia accept such a request?

This is the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. But we have all the technical capabilities for this.

At the moment, are the Americans and French striking ISIS positions?

The Americans are striking targets located in territory controlled by ISIS.

There was a message that French planes flew out to bomb a couple of times. Do you have such data?

We have such data, but we do not know exactly which objects were targeted by French planes.

Have you not had the opportunity to see this with the means you have?

We did not set ourselves such a task.

Do you have a feeling that the Americans are beginning to understand that we need to beat ISIS with such a joint “cooperative”? And that’s why they start stomping around in our dressing room?

You know, Americans are very pragmatic people. But it is very difficult for them to admit their own mistakes. When they realize that they have made a mistake, then hopefully they will make an informed decision.

Let's assume they still agree to act with us in a single coalition. What is needed for this?

Their wish.

Why did the United States react so sarcastically to the launches of our Caliber missiles from the Caspian Sea?

Because they completely slept through the salvo launch of sea-based cruise missiles.

And why?

Because all their possibilities, which they talk about as limitless, are a fairy tale for children.

Two personal questions. How many days during our air operation did you sleep in the back room of your office? One of your assistants admitted that days...

Next question.

There are many icons behind you. Why are they here?

AK: - I am a believer. Some of the icons were given as gifts, some I purchased myself when I visited various places. Well, I also believe in the rightness of what we are doing...

Russia, Russia Type of army Years of service Rank

Colonel General

Commanded Battles/wars Awards and prizes
Andrey Valerievich Kartapolov on Wikimedia Commons

Andrey Valerievich Kartapolov(born November 9, 1963, Weimar, East Germany) - Russian military leader, commander of the Western Military District since November 10, 2015, Colonel General (2015).


He worked his way up from a platoon commander to a motorized rifle division commander in the GSVG, Western Group of Forces, and Far Eastern Military District.

On November 10, 2015, by decree of the President of Russia, he was appointed commander of the troops of the Western Military District. On November 23, 2015, he was introduced by the Russian Minister of Defense to the leadership of the Western Military District. He was presented with the standard of the district commander.


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Excerpt characterizing Kartapolov, Andrey Valerievich

The Countess wanted to frown, but could not. Marya Dmitrievna shook her thick finger.
“Cossack,” she said threateningly.
Most of the guests looked at the elders, not knowing how to take this trick.
- Here I am! - said the countess.
- Mother! what kind of cake will there be? - Natasha shouted now boldly and capriciously cheerfully, confident in advance that her prank would be well received.
Sonya and fat Petya were hiding from laughter.
“That’s why I asked,” Natasha whispered to her little brother and Pierre, whom she looked at again.
“Ice cream, but they won’t give it to you,” said Marya Dmitrievna.
Natasha saw that there was nothing to be afraid of, and therefore she was not afraid of Marya Dmitrievna.
- Marya Dmitrievna? what ice cream! I don't like cream.
- Carrot.
- No, which one? Marya Dmitrievna, which one? – she almost screamed. - I want to know!
Marya Dmitrievna and the Countess laughed, and all the guests followed them. Everyone laughed not at Marya Dmitrievna’s answer, but at the incomprehensible courage and dexterity of this girl, who knew how and dared to treat Marya Dmitrievna like that.
Natasha fell behind only when she was told that there would be pineapple. Champagne was served before the ice cream. The music started playing again, the count kissed the countess, and the guests stood up and congratulated the countess, clinking glasses across the table with the count, the children, and each other. Waiters ran in again, chairs rattled, and in the same order, but with redder faces, the guests returned to the drawing room and the count's office.

The Boston tables were moved apart, the parties were drawn up, and the Count's guests settled in two living rooms, a sofa room and a library.
The Count, fanning out his cards, could hardly resist the habit of an afternoon nap and laughed at everything. The youth, incited by the countess, gathered around the clavichord and harp. Julie was the first, at the request of everyone, to play a piece with variations on the harp and, together with other girls, began to ask Natasha and Nikolai, known for their musicality, to sing something. Natasha, who was addressed as a big girl, was apparently very proud of this, but at the same time she was timid.
- What are we going to sing? – she asked.
“The key,” answered Nikolai.
- Well, let's hurry up. Boris, come here,” Natasha said. - Where is Sonya?
She looked around and, seeing that her friend was not in the room, ran after her.
Running into Sonya’s room and not finding her friend there, Natasha ran into the nursery - and Sonya was not there. Natasha realized that Sonya was in the corridor on the chest. The chest in the corridor was the place of sorrows of the younger female generation of the Rostov house. Indeed, Sonya in her airy pink dress, crushing it, lay face down on her nanny’s dirty striped feather bed, on the chest and, covering her face with her fingers, cried bitterly, shaking her bare shoulders. Natasha's face, animated, with a birthday all day, suddenly changed: her eyes stopped, then her wide neck shuddered, the corners of her lips drooped.
- Sonya! what are you?... What, what's wrong with you? Wow wow!…
And Natasha, opening her big mouth and becoming completely stupid, began to roar like a child, not knowing the reason and only because Sonya was crying. Sonya wanted to raise her head, wanted to answer, but she couldn’t and hid even more. Natasha cried, sitting down on the blue feather bed and hugging her friend. Having gathered her strength, Sonya stood up, began to wipe away her tears and tell the story.
- Nikolenka is leaving in a week, his... paper... came out... he told me himself... Yes, I still wouldn’t cry... (she showed the piece of paper she was holding in her hand: it was poetry written by Nikolai) I still wouldn’t cry, but you didn’t you can... no one can understand... what kind of soul he has.
And she again began to cry because his soul was so good.
“You feel good... I don’t envy you... I love you, and Boris too,” she said, gathering a little strength, “he’s cute... there are no obstacles for you.” And Nikolai is my cousin... I need... the metropolitan himself... and that’s impossible. And then, if mamma... (Sonya considered the countess and called her mother), she will say that I am ruining Nikolai’s career, I have no heart, that I am ungrateful, but really... for God’s sake... (she crossed herself) I love her so much too , and all of you, only Vera... For what? What did I do to her? I am so grateful to you that I would be glad to sacrifice everything, but I have nothing...
Sonya could no longer speak and again hid her head in her hands and the feather bed. Natasha began to calm down, but her face showed that she understood the importance of her friend’s grief.
- Sonya! - she said suddenly, as if she had guessed the real reason for her cousin’s grief. – That’s right, Vera talked to you after lunch? Yes?
– Yes, Nikolai himself wrote these poems, and I copied others; She found them on my table and said that she would show them to mamma, and also said that I was ungrateful, that mamma would never allow him to marry me, and he would marry Julie. You see how he is with her all day... Natasha! For what?…
And again she cried more bitterly than before. Natasha lifted her up, hugged her and, smiling through her tears, began to calm her down.
- Sonya, don’t believe her, darling, don’t believe her. Do you remember how all three of us talked with Nikolenka in the sofa room; remember after dinner? After all, we decided everything how it would be. I don’t remember how, but you remember how everything was good and everything was possible. Uncle Shinshin’s brother is married to a cousin, and we are second cousins. And Boris said that this is very possible. You know, I told him everything. And he is so smart and so good,” Natasha said... “You, Sonya, don’t cry, my dear darling, Sonya.” - And she kissed her, laughing. - Faith is evil, God bless her! But everything will be fine, and she won’t tell mamma; Nikolenka will say it himself, and he didn’t even think about Julie.
And she kissed her on the head. Sonya stood up, and the kitten perked up, his eyes sparkled, and he seemed ready to wave his tail, jump on his soft paws and play with the ball again, as was proper for him.

Commander of the Western Military District, Colonel General


In 1986 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk Higher Tank Command School, in 1996 from the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union R. Ya. Malinovsky, in 2008 from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

He served in the Central Group of Forces. After graduating from the Military Academy of Armored Forces in 1996, he served in the Far Eastern Military District, where he rose from chief of staff of a tank regiment to commander of a motorized rifle division.

In 2008 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Then he served as deputy commander of the combined arms army in the North Caucasus Military District.

In June 2010, he was appointed commander of the combined arms army of the Volga-Ural Military District.

In December 2013, he was appointed to the post of deputy commander of the troops of the Central Military District.

Since May 2015 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District.

In 2016-2018 commanded a group of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Syrian Arab Republic.

Since March 2017 - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Since November 2017 - Commander of the Eastern Military District.

In November 2018, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed commander of the troops of the Western Military District.

During his service, Colonel General Alexander Zhuravlev was awarded the Order of Military Merit, For Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree, Suvorov, the Medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, I degree, and the Medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, II degree. , many departmental medals.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2018, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Married, has two children.

Our military observer Viktor Baranets talked with the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff, who is in charge of the operation in Syria [map, photo]

General Staff: "The Syrian general said that our pilots brought smiles back to the children of his country" Photo: Alexander KOTS, Dmitry STESHIN

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Almost 90 years ago, the outstanding military theorist and practitioner Marshal of the Soviet Union Boris Shaposhnikov figuratively called the General Staff “the brain of the army.” And the Main Operational Directorate (GOU) of the General Staff has always been and remains the main center of this “brain”. Everything that happens today in our army - from its construction to its use, as well as operational training, redeployment of troops, exercises, shooting, ship voyages, aircraft flights - all this is done at the will of the GOU and under its vigilant control. Including the planning and conduct of strategic operations, as well as those actions that our aerospace forces are carrying out today in Syria.

How did they prepare? What was their plan? Why was it decided to use only airplanes and helicopters? What role do our warships performing missions in the eastern Mediterranean Sea play? I asked the head of the Main Operations Directorate - Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov, to answer these and many other questions.

The general talked with me in his office. Our conversation was interrupted time after time by telephone calls - Andrei Valerievich continually received reports on the progress of combat missions by our aviation in Syria, listened to orders from the Chief of the General Staff, gave instructions to his subordinates: one - to urgently discuss the operational situation with the Syrian military leader, the other - to fly to Istanbul for negotiations with the Turkish military, the third - to prepare for the next television conversation with the Pentagon about the “rules of conduct” for our and American pilots in the Syrian skies. The continuous high-voltage voltage of combat operations taking place many thousands of kilometers from Moscow literally “sparks” in the general’s telephone receiver. He answered my questions strictly in General Staff style, checking every word like a sniper (operators don’t like lyrics). He did not answer some of my questions at all - the answers to them could reveal the secrets of military operations or were beyond the competence of the head of the GOU. Let me introduce him.


Kartapolov Andrey Valerievich. Born in 1963 in Weimar (GDR). Education: secondary school, Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School, Military Academy named after. Frunze, Military Academy of the General Staff. Commanded a platoon, company, battalion, regiment, division, army. He was the chief of staff of a brigade, division, military district, and head of a department in the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff.

Since 2014 - Head of the Main Educational Institution of the General Staff. Awards: Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree with swords, Order of Courage, Order of Military Merit, many departmental medals.


- When exactly was the decision made to begin transferring our military equipment to Syria?

Next question.

- How did the General Staff begin its work on Syrian events?

We did not stop working on the Syrian events for a minute. We constantly monitored the situation there. Because Syria is our long-time partner, ally, our advisers have been working there all the time. And with the beginning of these anti-government protests, which then developed into a well-known situation, we monitored the situation in Syria almost around the clock. And we always know what is happening there, how it is happening.

- What was the “first step” of the Russian General Staff even before the use of our aviation in Syria?

We created a coordination committee, which is now working in Baghdad. This is the issue we dealt with first and foremost. We tried to get this committee to work.

- What prompted the decision to create this coordinating committee? What was the idea here?

We understood that the actions of the so-called international coalition led by the United States, which is only engaged in bombing targets from the air, cannot defeat ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in Russia - approx. ed.). This can only be done by completing tasks on the ground. And there is no one to fight there on the ground except the army of the Syrian Arab Republic. That's why we started with it. And in order to coordinate actions, we had to unite the efforts of those countries and those forces that are fighting ISIS on the ground.

- Did you invite American representatives to this coordination committee?

From the very beginning. While in Baghdad, I waited almost 24 hours for the American partners to make contact. But he didn’t wait and flew away from there.

- Why did they refuse to do this?

They have a number of reasons why they don't want to do this. They consider it humiliating to admit that without Russia they cannot solve their task, declared a year ago.

They don't want it to be said about them that they are somehow interacting with Assad, whom they have demonized in recent years. And further. In fact, they are unlikely to have the necessary amount of information about ISIS targets, as evidenced by the results of their strikes. They have a vague idea about the real objects of the militants, which, apparently, they were ashamed to admit.

- How did the State Educational Institution begin preparing for actions in Syria?

From assessing the situation and preparing proposals to our management to carry out certain tasks.

- To the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff?



- What was the main task facing the State Educational Institution at that time, on the eve of the operation?

We needed to realize as fully as possible all the capabilities we had to transfer equipment, weapons and supplies to Syria in the shortest possible time.

- How did you manage to solve this problem quickly and secretly?

We used a number of different techniques of a technical, informational and tactical nature. You know the result.

- But Obama claims that American intelligence “saw everything”...

If she really “saw” it, it’s unlikely that Obama would have remained silent...

- And yet: did you receive information that the United States got wind of something, that we were stirring?

We certainly had this information. However, we saw that they did not understand the essence of our work and had no idea what it was aimed at. That's why they didn't bother us.

- Maybe they were simply confused by your combinations and did not appreciate their essence?

I would not want to offend our American colleagues. Whatever they thought, let it remain with them.

- In what ways did the General Staff receive information about the deployment of ISIS units?

We have a full range of reconnaissance assets deployed and constantly operating. Therefore, there are practically no secrets for us in this regard...

Can you say what exactly is included in this complex? Is it space, is it airplanes, is it drones, is it electronic reconnaissance, is it, finally, foot reconnaissance?

I told you, the entire complex of reconnaissance forces and means is involved... In permanent mode. With the exception of military reconnaissance, because we did not conduct military reconnaissance there on the spot. Because our ground units are not there.


How do you assess the tactics of the ISIS units and their weapons? Do terrorists have man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS)?

We have information about the presence of MANPADS there, but have not yet seen their practical use. Therefore, the appearance of such weapons among militants now may indicate someone’s unreasonable approach to resolving this issue...

-Are you hinting at possible deliveries of American Stinger-type MANPADS to militants?

Maybe. Go ahead. As for the militants' tactics. There are a lot of former officers in ISIS who served in the Iraqi army during the time of Saddam Hussein. And they went there only because the Americans, having defeated Iraq, occupied it, and they, as patriots of their country (you can even call them that) decided to fight it. Of course, it was a mistake that they decided to fight by joining ISIS, but it is their choice. These officers have fairly high skills and knowledge; they are able to organize and teach people. Therefore, individual detachments are very well prepared. Plus, they captured a lot of weapons from the warehouses of the Iraqi army and from parts of the Syrian army. These are precisely the weapons that our American partners actively supplied to Iraq. And there are M1 Abrams tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery systems and much more. Therefore, when talking about ISIS, one should not imagine that these are ordinary bandits, a rabble, only with machine guns, with long daggers, who know nothing more than to cut off heads. They know how to fight, they have improved various tactics that they developed during combat operations against the Iraqi army, against the Syrian army. And sometimes these techniques are used quite successfully.

- How many bayonets do the armed forces of ISIS have today?

According to various estimates, from 30 to 80 thousand. Since, as usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle, let's talk about 40-50 thousand.

The US-led coalition has been bombing ISIS positions for over a year. But at the same time, we saw that the Syrian territory controlled by ISIS expanded to almost 75%. How can you comment on this?

The coalition led by the United States is carrying out air strikes against ISIS infrastructure. These are bridges, overpasses, electrical substations, heating networks, water pressure and water pumping stations. What makes people's lives unbearable. This does not so much complicate the actions of ISIS as it significantly complicates the actions of President Assad’s government forces. Thus, while declaring one thing, they, by and large, reduced the combat potential of the Syrian armed forces. Due to this, they gave up more and more positions, because transportation was difficult, because there was no water, there was no heat, there was no food. But ISIS doesn’t need this, they purchased food from various neighboring countries and supplied it to them (we know who, but we won’t talk about these organizations and states for now). Therefore this is the result.

How do you assess the combat potential and weapons of the so-called “moderate opposition”, where did they get their weapons?

In the West they talk about a “moderate opposition,” but we don’t see such a thing in Syria yet. You can call it differently - moderate or immoderate opposition, but any person who fights against the legitimate government with arms in hand, how moderate is he?... Various countries supplied weapons to many ISIS units. After all, there some units are supported by one country and supplied, other units are supported by another country, and still others are supported by a third country. And thus, everyone gives money there, everyone gives weapons there. These guys bandit, loot, and divide spheres of influence among themselves. When they need the next tranche of money, they declare that they are the most active fighters against the Assad regime. They are given this money, after which they begin to use it at their own discretion. And we asked who knows who - show us this “moderate opposition”...


- Why did the General Staff come to the conclusion that it was necessary to use aviation?

Because we have seen that everything that the coalition led by the United States does is a sham... This is an imitation of strikes...

- Are the Air Forces of Syria, Iraq, and Iran participating in the air operation with us?

They carry out tasks according to their plan.

- But they coordinate their plans with ours?


- How do you control the accuracy of our strikes against ISIS?

Starting from the moment of choosing a target, we carry out no less than triple confirmation of the accuracy, importance and characteristics of the object.

- By what means?

Yes, the same ones I already talked about. The entire complex is involved - space, air, radio, electronic reconnaissance.

- And drones?

Drones, of course. Naturally, we also use the information that we receive within the framework of the information committee in Baghdad, from our partners, from the intelligence services of Iraq, Syria, and Iran.

- So is there any serious data that is taken into account when launching missile and bomb strikes?

They have a lot of information, but we check all the information. And the choice in striking remains, naturally, ours.

Why did the United States refuse to provide us with data on the positions of the so-called Free Syrian Army and the positions of ISIS? Are they giving us this information now or not?

They don't give us this information. We have addressed them directly more than once, and have spoken about this more than once in the media. The reasons for this position are still not clear to us. Either they don’t have this data, or, if they do, they are hiding it from us, which means they don’t want us to strike real ISIS positions.

- How do ISIS tactics change after our missile and bomb attacks?

Terrorists abandon their positions, retreat into the depths, try to hide in hard-to-reach areas, in various caves and rock openings. Second. They try to hide in mosques and hospitals. By the way, we showed a video on TV that clearly demonstrates this whole thing. And they are trying to disperse under the guise of civilians.

- Isn’t it too early for the Syrian army to start a ground operation? Is she ready, are there any results?

You know, it is difficult for me to judge how ready the Syrian army was for an offensive operation. I can only draw one conclusion: even in the state in which the Syrian army is now, if it went on the offensive, it means that our strikes significantly reduced the enemy’s combat potential. During the first days of the offensive, more than a dozen settlements were liberated; today one large settlement, called Achan, was captured; the militants held it for a long time. On the first day, about 90 square kilometers were liberated during the offensive operation. Therefore, I think that the Syrian military leaders knew better, but they thought that they could go on the offensive.


- What caused the need for our missile strikes from the Caspian Sea? Was this agreed upon with Iran and Iraq?

Yes. I spoke about this at the briefing. We agreed in advance with our partners in the coordination committee, which includes not only Syria, but also Iran and Iraq, about the flight of our missiles. And the need was caused by the fact that on October 5th and 6th we discovered several very important objects that were subject to targeted destruction. Our aviation was already distributed to other targets that had been explored earlier. And the decision was made to strike with cruise missiles.

- The Pentagon claims that 4 missiles either exploded or fell in the wrong place. How do you feel about this information?

The Pentagon can say whatever it wants. Let them show at least something. All our missiles hit the target.

- Could the group of our ships in the Mediterranean Sea also be involved in Syria, if necessary?


- What is this group like today?

Our grouping in the Mediterranean Sea primarily ensures the supply of materiel. In order for it to be unhindered, a group of attack ships has been deployed there, including. Plus, this group is guaranteed to provide air defense for our base. We are in no way directing this air defense against coalition countries.

And if the General Staff comes to the conclusion that it is urgent, right now, to launch missile strikes from our ships against ISIS, can this be done?

Can we talk today about the creation of two full-fledged Russian bases in Syria - a land base near Latakia and a naval base in Tartus?

I would most likely be talking about the creation of one Russian military base. This will be one base, which will include several components - sea, air, land.

The Syrian armed “moderate” opposition is signaling its readiness to participate in the fight against ISIS. How do you feel about such signals?

We are ready to work together with them. Or let them come to Baghdad and participate in the coordination committee.

And if such a proposal is accepted, will it greatly change the tactics of the coalition forces? Will this change the nature of the war against ISIS?

If they stop fighting government forces and start fighting ISIS, that could change. But if, while declaring that they are fighting ISIS, they continue to fight government troops, then nothing will change.

You just said that ISIS units are changing tactics, going to hospitals, mosques, populated areas, and dispersing. Does this cause both the General Staff and the Syrian army to understand that they also need to change tactics in order to more subtly pick out terrorists from there? Why do we need to select new “tools”?

We have a sufficiently large set of forces and means to influence ISIS, taking into account these tactics, without in any way affecting mosques, hospitals, or civilians.


The US Secretary of Defense recently scared us that the Russian group would suffer heavy losses. Is he scaring us with the fact that he will stage “Stingers”? How did you read this threat-like statement?

We read this statement as a manifestation of the highest level of unprofessionalism. A politician of a serious level cannot allow himself to make such statements. Moreover, we are talking about the allies who defeated Hitler in World War II (I would like to remind you of this). Well, what he meant, let it remain on his conscience. Remember how Leo Tolstoy answered Leonid Andreev: “He scares me, but I’m not scared.”

Could a situation develop such that we will still have to transfer ground units to Syria, which will have to take part in hostilities?

This is out of the question. Under no circumstances will our ground units take part in a ground operation. By the way, our President said this.

If you find out that American Stinger MANPADS are in the possession of ISIS or the so-called Free Syrian Army, what will be your reaction?

I think we need to ask a question about this in the UN Security Council. To be considered there.

- Are our planes hitting ISIS formations in Iraq?

No. We work in Syria because the President of Syria approached us with a request for assistance in the fight against ISIS on the territory of his country. If such an appeal comes from the Iraqi leadership, we will wait for a decision from the leadership of our country.

- They say that the Iraqi request has already been received?

I have already answered this question...

How is the interaction between our aerospace forces, our officers and the Syrian army ensured? Are our officers in the ranks of the Syrian army or not?

No. Our group operates independently. And at our headquarters in Syria there is a small task force from the Syrian armed forces, which provides coordination with the flights of the Syrian Air Force and gives us accurate data where the front line of government troops is located.

- How is the current situation on the Syrian front, what are we doing, what are the Syrians doing?

We continue to fulfill our tasks. Since the start of the operation, we have flown over 600 sorties.

Yes, from September 30th. More than 380 ISIS targets were hit. According to various sources, ISIS gangs suffered very serious losses. We also noted cases of panic, we noted cases of abandonment of positions. This also says something. Naturally, this also inspires government troops, who went on the offensive. As one of the Syrian generals said, the actions of the Russian Air Force brought smiles back to the faces of Syrian children.


- Are the Americans looking for contact with the Russian Ministry of Defense, with the General Staff?

They are forced to do this. They asked us to organize a video conference with them.

- They will be in Washington, you – in Moscow?

We agreed. We are ready to work with them anywhere, at any level, anywhere in the world. If it is more convenient for them to work from Washington, we will work from Moscow.

- How do you see the final goal of our actions in Syria?

This is, of course, the defeat of ISIS formations and the transfer of the Syrian crisis into a political channel.

And if the need nevertheless arises to launch missile and bomb strikes against ISIS on Iraqi territory, will Russia accept such a request?

This is the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. But we have all the technical capabilities for this.

- At the moment, are the Americans and French striking ISIS positions?

The Americans are striking targets located in territory controlled by ISIS.

- There was a message that French planes flew out to bomb a couple of times. Do you have such data?

We have such data, but we do not know exactly which objects were targeted by French planes.

-You didn’t have the opportunity to see this with the means that you have?

We did not set ourselves such a task.

Do you have a feeling that the Americans are beginning to understand that we need to beat ISIS with such a joint “cooperative”? And that’s why they start stomping around in our dressing room?

You know, Americans are very pragmatic people. But it is very difficult for them to admit their own mistakes. When they realize that they have made a mistake, then hopefully they will make an informed decision.

- Let's assume they still agree to act with us in a single coalition. What is needed for this?

Their wish.

- Why did the United States react so sarcastically to the launches of our Caliber missiles from the Caspian Sea?

Because they completely slept through the salvo launch of sea-based cruise missiles.

- And why?

Because all their possibilities, which they talk about as limitless, are a fairy tale for children.

Two personal questions. How many days during our air operation did you sleep in the back room of your office? One of your assistants admitted that days...

Next question.

- There are many icons behind you. Why are they here?

AK: - I am a believer. Some of the icons were given as gifts, some I purchased myself when I visited various places. Well, I also believe in the rightness of what we are doing...