John gray quotes. Quotes from the book John Gray

  • We mistakenly assume that if our partner loves us, then he will behave the same way we do when we love someone.
  • Tensions, resentments and conflicts arise only when we do not understand each other.
  • Excessive guardianship turns into a stranglehold.
  • If you don't support a woman in her right to feel unhappy from time to time, she will never be able to feel truly happy.
  • A man who is deprived of the opportunity to “have fun” is also deprived of the opportunity to feel a passionate desire to be close to his partner.
  • A man automatically alternates between two needs: intimacy and independence.
  • Men experience elation and a surge of strength when they feel needed... Women experience elation and a surge of strength when they feel that there is someone to take care of them.
  • Giving a man unsolicited advice is the same as questioning his ability to decide and act for himself. That is why they perceive interference so painfully: it is very important for them to realize that they can always cope with everything themselves.
  • Giving without expecting anything in return, being there when you are truly needed: this is true love.
  • You probably know stories about spouses who never argued and then, to everyone's surprise, decided to get a divorce. In many of these cases, the woman had to suppress her negative feelings in order to avoid arguments. As a result, she seems to become numb and loses the ability to feel her love.
  • For them (many men), falling in love, getting married and having a family is no less difficult than flying a plane without any training: maybe at first you will be able to take off, but then you will probably crash. It's hard to continue flying when you already have more than one crashed plane. Or your father’s plane crashed before your eyes.
  • When a man does not feel that his presence in someone's life is changing it for the better, it becomes difficult for him to maintain his interest in life and relationships with a woman. What kind of motivation is there when you are not needed...
  • Women do not realize the power of their love and try to win the love of a man by doing more for him than they would like.
  • Most men have very little idea of ​​how important it is for a woman to feel that you are loved and that you are not alone. A woman is happy when she knows that her request for help will not turn out to be a voice crying in the wilderness. When she is upset, tired, desperate, doesn’t know what to do, in a word, when she feels bad, this is what she needs most: to know that she is not alone, that there is a loved one nearby, loving and ready to help.
  • Men need trust, women need care.
  • To turn a man into the only source of support and love is to place too much burden on him.
  • Men mainly need trust, acceptance for who they are, appreciation, admiration, approval and encouragement. Women first of all need care, understanding, respect, devotion, recognition and reinforcement of self-confidence and that everything is fine.
  • If each partner seeks to satisfy their own needs at the expense of the other, this is a sure path to unhappiness, resentment and conflict. The secret to the success of your relationship is that both partners must win.
  • The secret to the art of inspiring a man is that you should never try to correct his behavior or force him to change for the better.
  • ... in practice it turns out that, having started to argue for some reason, partners within five minutes quarrel over the way to conduct this dispute.

A man or woman gives a representative of the opposite sex the kind of love that they themselves need, and not at all the kind that their partner needs. A man in love needs, first of all, to be accepted for who he is, valued, trusted, and so that he himself can trust his partner. For a woman, the most important thing is care, understanding and respect.

Some excerpts from the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” by Gray John. If you are a woman, then I suggest that from next week you start practicing abstaining from unsolicited advice and nagging. The men who are and will be in your life will not only appreciate this properly, but will also begin to treat you with great attention and responsibility.
If you are a man, then I suggest that from next week you begin to practice the art of listening - no matter what a woman is saying - trying to treat her problems with understanding and respect. Learn to bite your tongue whenever you want to offer her a solution or immediately change the sign of her emotions from negative to positive. And you will simply be surprised to discover how much she appreciates you.

But as the spell dissipates and real, everyday life emerges more and more through its haze, it is discovered that everything is not so simple: men expect from women a masculine way of thinking, masculine reactions, while women look for in them the feelings and behavior characteristic of women . Without realizing to what extent we are different, we do not spend time trying to understand each other. We become demanding, irritable, rigid and intolerant in our assessment of our partner.
And so it turns out that, despite all our good intentions to live our lives in happiness and harmony, love begins to fade away. It is unknown where a whole mountain of problems arises. Mutual reproaches and grievances are piling up. Communication is falling apart. Mistrust is growing. The result is quarrels, distance, alienation. And one fine day it turns out that there is no trace left of the magic.

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The world's most famous expert in the field of human and family relationships, psychologist John Gray, visited Kyiv for the first time to give a lecture.

The Observer recorded the most striking quotes from John Gray about love, how to understand men, and what a woman wants.

About the strong and independent

“When a woman asks but doesn’t get what she wants, she does everything herself. When a woman does everything herself, the only thing she cannot do is be happy.”

“If you're happy on the inside, life doesn't have to be perfect.”

"A woman's mood is like a wave. When the wave rises, life is beautiful, she sees only the good. But then the wave falls - and the woman pays attention to everything, including the bad."

"A man cannot make a woman happy. A man cannot make a woman EVEN MORE happy. Or at least not make her more unhappy."

“The more a man earns, the more unhappy his woman is.”

"A romantic date is when HE decides how to spend the evening. HER task is to offer several options a week before the date."

About conflicts

"The main message of the scream is "You can't hear me"

"A man, like a gorilla, wants to look scary when he's scared."

“Nothing hurts more than when we ourselves stop loving.”

See more postcards about relationships in the photo gallery above.

"If a man complains to his wife, the problem becomes a hundred times bigger. If a woman complains, the problem decreases."

“Never tell a woman, “Forget about the problem.” To deal with the problem, she needs to THINK about it.”

"If you ask a woman the right question, she will always have something to say."

“A man’s best friend is his dog. Do you know why? Because every time he comes home, the dog is happy as if for the first time: “He’s come!” He's alive!"

See more postcards about relationships in the photo gallery above.

Psychologist John Gray is one of the participants in the cult film The Secret. But he is much more famous for the series of books “Mars and Venus”.

The first book in this series, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, was published in 1993. The work later became one of the ten most influential books published in the last 25 years. From 1995 to 1996, a full year and a half - a record period for the United States, John Gray's books topped the bestseller lists.

The phenomenal popularity of John Gray is explained by a completely new approach to the problem of relationships between men and women as old as time.

As the Observer reported, there are at least 8 things that men never admit to women.

When you ask a man for support and don't push away his refusal, he will be more willing to respond to your request next time.

If a man has made a mistake and feels embarrassed, regretful or ashamed, in this case he needs the woman's love more... The more serious the mistake, the more points he scores.

The man does not realize that it is he who starts the quarrel: it seems to him that it is she who is quarreling with him. He defends his point of view, while she defends herself from the harshness that causes such pain.

Although a man is sometimes able to appreciate your help and care, their excess will deprive him of self-confidence or completely turn him away from you

Turning a man into the only source of support and love means placing too much burden on him.

A man is not against changing something for the better if he is not poked at the problem, but is presented with the opportunity to solve it on his own.

We mistakenly assume that if our partners love us, they will react and behave the same way we react and behave when we love.

When we hear about the successes and failures of others, our own problems seem less serious.

To develop the ability to love yourself, you need to also receive love.

The more resistance you feel towards your emotional pain, the more difficult it will be for you to listen to your interlocutor. If you become impatient and intolerant when listening to others tell you how they feel. experienced in childhood is a clear indicator of your attitude towards yourself. Men... cannot know what women need - they need to be told about it.

A woman must show her man that she appreciates everything he does for her. This, however, does not mean that she needs to be delighted after he takes out the trash. But this fact should not be ignored.

To feel loved, a woman needs to constantly receive signs of attention.

The vast majority of men are too ashamed to admit how much they need their partner's praise. They may even go somewhere far away to prove to her that they can live without it. But why then, having lost the woman’s approval, do they immediately become cold, as if disconnected, and begin to defend themselves from the whole world? Yes, because it is very difficult not to get what is so necessary.

Most often, women unknowingly provoke a quarrel by not expressing their feelings openly.

.. the closer we are to a person, the easier it is for us to hurt him or be hurt ourselves.

The best way to help a man achieve more is to not try to change him.

If you don't support a woman in her right to feel unhappy from time to time, she will never be able to feel truly happy.

When a man does not feel that his presence in someone's life is changing it for the better, it becomes difficult for him to maintain his interest in life and relationships with a woman. What kind of motivation is there when you are not needed...

Giving without expecting anything in return, being there when you are truly needed: this is true love. A man, to a certain extent, loses himself in contact with his partner. Perceiving her problems, desires and emotions, he seems to cease to feel himself, his “I”.

Giving a man unsolicited advice is the same as questioning his ability to decide and act for himself. That is why they perceive interference so painfully: it is very important for them to realize that they can always cope with everything themselves.

A man in love needs, first of all, to be accepted for who he is, to be valued, to be trusted - and so that he himself can trust his partner. For a woman, the most important thing is care, understanding, and respect.

A man or woman gives a representative of the opposite sex the kind of love that they themselves need, and not at all the kind that their partner needs.


*** ...well, what fools we women are: we don’t like everything - when, after the first meeting, they drag us into bed. And if they don’t drag, then we don’t like it even more. *** Why should you bother about what he thinks? All his thoughts are his personal problems. You have to do what you want. *** If

*** Truly strong people do not explain why they want respect for themselves. They simply do not associate with those who do not treat them with due respect. *** A sense of humor is a sexual quality. *** People demonstrate self-respect simply by being able to cope independently.

*** Experience is priceless, the only bad thing is that you have to pay for it with your own youth. *** This is a woman's love - it stands the test of time, logic and circumstances. *** We can't focus on two things at once - sorry, we're not that talented. ***If a man has not yet

*** - A real man always keeps himself on top with a woman. - What if it doesn’t hold up? - Then it's not a man. - What if he can’t live without her? - Then it's not a man. - What if she likes the other one more? - Prove to her that you are better than him. - What if he doesn’t know how? - Then this is not a man!

*** - The sea and the shore, like husband and wife, are united by the struggle of opposites. *** Women live in the shadow of men, even if men only feel good in the shadow of these women. *** Believe me: a man should protect a woman, not love her. *** A smart man will not seek favor

*** The main feature of a successful vacation is that after it you really want to go home. *** But women love aggressiveness, strength and authority in men. This is their mentality. Look how many women are captivated by a typically successful man. Don't let my words be true, women.

*** Men, although they admire smart women, decisive women leaders, prefer to create a family with others - with those with whom they feel, at least formally, the head of the family. Therefore, when communicating with a man whom she has her eye on, it is better for a woman to hide her

*** Why men are silent when they have problems: Women must understand that a man sitting on a stone should be left alone, giving him the opportunity to think. Many women think that his silence means: he doesn’t love her or is angry with her. This impression is due to the fact that a woman

When women make love, men have sex. *** For a woman, sex is love, love is sex. *** After sex, a woman’s blood is saturated with hormones, and she is ready to embrace the whole world. She wants to be petted, touched, nursed and talked to. A man, if he means that

In love, women are professionals, and men are amateurs. Francois Truffaut Women are grateful for love, men demand gratitude. Henrik Kaden Most men ask for proof of love, which, in their opinion, dispels all doubts; For women, unfortunately, no such evidence exists.

If an ordinary woman and an ordinary man consider each other extraordinary, this is love. Yanina Ipohorskaya If a woman becomes prettier, it means she is in love. Adalbert Chamisso If two people cannot stand each other, this is already affection. Natalie Clifford Barney The stronger the love, the more banal its manifestations.

Sudden passion, like sudden paralysis, often affects only one side. Helen Rowland Hopeless love makes a man pitiable and a woman deserving of pity. Maria Ebner-Eschenbach Unhappy love is sometimes less disappointing than happy love. Friedl Beitelrock Every love ever

God created man, and then decided that he was capable of more and created woman. Adela St. John God created man and then provided him with a companion to make him more aware of his loneliness. Peter Ustinov Adam posed the question point blank - and a woman appeared. Emil Krotky, edited by Vl. Kolechitsky

If a man is the head of the family, then he is almost certainly a bachelor. NN Some get what they deserve, others remain bachelors. SashaGitry A bachelor is a man who managed not to find a wife. Antoine Prevost A bachelor is a person who has everything for family happiness, and therefore he does not marry.

A man is a creature opposite in gender to a woman. “Explanatory Dictionary” by S. I. Ozhegova A man is the only male who beats his female. Georges Courtelin All men are the same, but some are more alike. Noel Coward All men are the same, only their salaries are different. M. Arshevsky Women