Why should a person know Russian? Why do we study Russian?

It is necessary in order to fully express your thoughts. If you have little or no knowledge of Russian, you will be able to speak logically and convincingly by learning how to form words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, and paragraphs into whole text. Clarity of expression of thoughts can be achieved if you know the meaning of terms, their origin and know how to select them. Your speech will be varied if you constantly add new words to your vocabulary. Depths of expression will help you achieve knowledge about the figurative meaning in, ways of using subtext and intertext. Finally, knowing the language, you will be able to speak truly beautifully, using the widest palette of means of expression.

A thorough and subtle perception of the listed language resources will help you not only speak out, but also understand the speech of others much better. You will be able to understand and grasp all the nuances of the interlocutor’s speech, which means you will quickly achieve mutual understanding. This is useful in personal communication, in business contacts and in a broader sense - in perceiving the flow of information that accompanies us every day.

As you study, you will discover the hidden meaning of works of art that seem to have been read a long time ago, their film adaptations have been reviewed many times and studied almost by heart. Writers, poets, film directors, script authors who created masterpieces were fluent, and therefore used the resources of this tool to the maximum.

However, not only literary texts come across to us. Articles in, radio messages - all this makes up the daily information background. Thanks to knowledge of the finest nuances of the Russian language, you will be able to understand the true meaning of texts in the media, which means you can better understand the essence of the processes taking place in the state and society and take this into account in building your own life, as well as public life.

It’s not for nothing that Russians are called great and powerful. This is one of the most difficult language ov of the world. It is one of the world's language ov, official at the UN. Learn Russian language Many foreigners come every year, trying to communicate with native speakers language A. However, it wouldn’t hurt for Russian speakers themselves to learn their native language properly. language.


The first thing to start studying any language and - and sounds. There are methods that immediately begin training by getting into communication. However, you will agree that studying language but still can’t do without some boring things. What is especially difficult for foreigners is that language The Cyrillic alphabet is not used. However, for carriers language and this stage can present certain difficulties. In our great and mighty world, not everything is like that, don’t be deceived. Do we say "milk"? Not at all, listen to yourself, we say “malako” or even “mlako”. All these features confuse Russian-speaking people, and countless problems with spelling begin.

Another important stage in studying language A - . Difficulties are everywhere here - from suffixes and alternations of sounds and prefixes to difficulties in learning and understanding syntax. Many foreigners say that grammar is not important and ask to be taught language and without studying grammar. However, this is hardly possible: even if a foreigner learned by communicating with native speakers language ah, without correct grammar his Russian language it will still be like he’s half-educated. He is unlikely to be able to reach the level of carriers language A. But the carriers themselves language and they often suffer from grammatical errors, so pay as much attention as possible to this section.

At the initial stage of learning Russian language and foreigners are usually not taught spelling. Stylistics also comes much later than the mastery of basic principles, basic rules, and a significant layer of vocabulary. To the carriers themselves language but it won’t hurt to thoroughly study spelling and punctuation, firstly, to increase your status (you must admit, literate people are at a premium these days), and secondly, so that other people understand you better (the correct spelling of words and the correct placement of signs often depends the meaning of the statement), and stylistics - of course, in order to compose stylistically correct, verified texts, especially if this is required of a person for work.

Foreigners learn vocabulary gradually, usually by topic (daily routine, food, restaurant, etc.). For carriers language and, especially for those who have already dealt with both school and university, they have to replenish their vocabulary themselves. In our language There are a lot of words, good and different, except those that are formed from five swearing roots. Ellochka the cannibal syndrome from “The 12 Chairs” (remember this character?) is, unfortunately, a very common illness today. However, it is possible to recover from it if you take the books of classics and the best modern writers as a medicine. Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bunin, Kuprin - do you remember any of them?

Help for foreigners in learning Russian language and listening: viewing in Russian language with subtitles, TV shows in Russian language e. Carriers language Or it would be possible to prescribe widespread literacy tests as a cure for many spelling, grammatical and punctuation diseases. But for both, the most important thing is the incentive, the desire to learn something and achieve something. So go for it!

Why do people need language? It would seem that the very posing of such a question is absurd: well, how can you do without language! However, try to put aside your emotions and answer this question calmly and judiciously. What functions does language perform, what is its use?


Language is absolutely necessary as communication between people, as a way of coordinating their actions and efforts. In the deep

It is official in multinational Russia, where dozens of different nationalities live on the same territory. It was used by the greatest poets and writers, scientists and artists. It is a legacy of centuries-old history, culture, and way of thinking. Mini-essay “Why study Russian?” Usually written by 5th grade students. We will talk further about what is worth writing and what is better to omit. We will also present three unique essays on this topic.

The mini-essay should represent the student’s independent reasoning, justifying the reasons that motivate him to study. The task is given for a reason. The fact is that 5th grade students are at that age when they start asking questions. And it is very important that they understand the meaning of learning; knew why they were doing all this; received motivation.

  • It is native to most Russians.
  • It is official in Russia and is spoken by representatives of different peoples of the multinational country.
  • Famous literary and scientific works were written on it. It was used by A. Pushkin, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, I. Bunin and many other writers and poets.
  • It is one of the most difficult in the world. At the same time, one of the most beautiful and euphonious.
  • We need it to read, communicate, study well, and receive a decent education.

It would be great if in your essay you provide a short quote from one of the famous Russian (and maybe foreign) writers, cultural figures, and scientists.

But be careful when using materials for preparation - try to write the essay yourself. After all, your teacher will always understand whether you wrote it yourself or copied someone else’s finished creation.

Essay 1. Why am I studying Russian?

I am a citizen of Russia. Russian is my native language. It was on it that I uttered my first words - “mom” and “dad”. It is spoken by millions of people around the world - not only in Russia, but also abroad. I want to know it even better so that I can correctly write and use words whose meaning I don’t yet know.

I know that Russian is a very difficult language. One of the most difficult in the world. But at the same time, it is beautiful and flexible. I like the way it sounds. It is important to learn it so that you can easily read fiction books and textbooks, without wondering about the meaning of words. His knowledge is the basis of my education.

Our country is multinational. Dozens of nations live in it. Each of them speaks not only their native language, but also Russian. It unites us and gives people of different nationalities the opportunity to communicate with each other.

Knowledge of the Russian language helps you get acquainted with the works of great poets and writers - A.S. Pushkina, F.I. Tyutcheva, I.A. Bunina. My parents say that they sound best in the original, and that foreigners who read translations are missing out on a lot. I love to read, and I like that I can get acquainted with any works of Russian poets and writers.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International school of foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, and school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which provides the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. School curriculum lessons from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Essay 2. Why study Russian

We live in the largest country in the world. Russian is the official language in Russia. It is spoken by all the peoples of our multinational country. Therefore, it is very important for us as the main means of communication. But it is also spoken outside of Russia - for example, in the CIS countries. In the future, I want to travel a lot and I am glad that I will be able to go to many countries in the world, and the people living in them will understand me.

I once read a quote from K. Paustovsky: “True love for one’s country is unthinkable without love for one’s language.” I agree with this expression. I love my Motherland and I love the Russian language. It seems to me euphonious, flexible and rich.

It is important to teach him to speak and write correctly. We don't write letters like our mothers and fathers. But we write messages to classmates and friends on social networks. We communicate a lot in writing. I always want to write correctly, so as not to seem uneducated to other guys.

Russian was the native language of great writers, poets and scientists. A. Pushkin, I. Bunin, F. Tyutchev, M. Lermontov and many others wrote on it. A lot of good books, poems and scientific works have been written on it. I like to read and I am glad that my country has produced so many writers who have become famous all over the world.

Essay 3. Why you need to learn Russian

Firstly, because I am a citizen of Russia, this is the official language in our multinational country. It is spoken by people of different nationalities who live in different regions. It unites us and helps us communicate.

Secondly, because it is spoken by millions of people from other countries of the world. I know that these are mainly CIS countries. But many Russians also live in very distant countries. For example, in the USA. I enjoy traveling and I am very happy that I will be able to talk with other people while visiting many countries around the world.

Thirdly, it is the native language of great writers and poets. A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, I. Bunin, L. Tolstoy and many others wrote on it. Fourthly, because I cannot get a good education without knowing the Russian language. I will definitely take it after 11th grade and I would like to write the Unified State Exam with 100 points.

Fifthly, I like the way it sounds, how many words it contains with which we can express our feelings and everything that surrounds us. I would like to know the meaning of every word so that my speech would be rich and literate. Without knowledge, it will be difficult for me to communicate with friends, read books and pass exams. That's why they are so important to me.

– Igor (Administrator)

Almost everyone who is in any way connected with mathematics, which also includes programming, has at least once asked the question “why do you need to know Russian.” Well, it’s true that creating programs, carrying out calculations, designing mechanisms, etc. - all this can be done without it. And for everything else, basic knowledge is enough, especially since today more and more electronic stores are appearing in taste and color. I posted my creation, wrote a couple of paragraphs and that’s enough. However, if it were all that simple.

Naturally, the problem stems from the fact that basic knowledge of a language is simply a set of rules that must be memorized in order to then answer questions correctly. But the essence of language is much more, which is rarely talked about. Therefore, within the framework of this article, I will throw out a couple of thoughts on this topic.

The Russian language is multifaceted and allows you to accurately and precisely describe any events, things, emotions, etc.. The trick here is that the language itself is not limited by anything and allows you to detail anything. Therefore, if you know the language well and you come across some kind of task, no matter what it is related to (even a conversation), then you can quickly and accurately describe it, comprehend it, imagine it and find a solution to it. Because you don’t spend extra time transforming the task into a form that you can understand and all the subsequent steps. In addition, due to its versatility, you can easily describe the same thing in different ways, which significantly expands the range of possibilities.

Therefore, if you have a good command of the language, then it is not only much easier for you to support your creations (explain the impossibility of some actions, the complexity of implementing functionality, etc.), but also to find optimal and suitable solution methods.

A simple example. Let's say you need a test writing program. If this task is taken up by a person who communicates at the “hey kid” level (not for the sake of a joke), then most likely the solution will be of the form “What? Business! I’ll insert a list of questions and a list of answers, then, what’s his name, I’ll sum up the correct ones answers, well, that’ll do,” because in his understanding the task is simple and he will not consider it in detail.

If this task is taken up by a person who speaks Russian well, then he will begin to have a lot of questions, since with a detailed presentation the task may not be so simple. For example, are points needed for each answer? What kind of test? Does it have answer options or is the test structured differently (questions without options, graphic tasks, etc.). Are there any restrictions such as time. And much more.

Knowing words does not mean that a person can use them to create something valuable and useful.. Many words in the Russian language have several meanings, and a lot depends on how accurately and correctly they are used. For example, try to imagine that you are reading the instructions. How quickly will you understand what the instructions say? I think everyone has come across documentation where it is not at all clear what the “author” wanted to say. Sometimes you have to re-read the same paragraph dozens of times. Will you understand correctly what is written in the instructions? Have you come across instructions where it says one thing, but in fact it turns out something else (although from the author’s point of view everything is correct)? If not, then you're in luck.

If you think that this only applies to instructions, then you are mistaken. There are a lot of interfaces where the labels for control elements are composed in such a way that it is completely unclear from them what this element is responsible for. A simple example, will you understand what the "Polygon" tab means in a text replacement program without installing it and without taking screenshots of the tab? You can vaguely guess, but still there is more than one option. Preliminary testing of the specified filters and settings can take place there. Or, on the contrary, it is on this tab that you need to start the text replacement process. Or maybe this tab is for scanning file encodings. In other words, until you open it, this tab will be shrouded in secrecy. But an incorrect interface can scare away or confuse users.

Why study Russian?
We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate,
the mighty and truly magical Russian language.
Man came into this world to be happy. From the first minutes
in life they surround him with care, affection, they try to understand and fulfill
the slightest desires. He hears the measured murmur of his native speech from
mother's lips Then he learns the words that give him peace and
confidence, tries to put sounds into meaningful phrases. And when is it
succeeds, feels happy, happy that he is understood.
So gradually we learn about the world, at first only out of curiosity, then
as necessary, to find your place in it. At the same time we
mastering the language. Language, having arisen from the need for communication, became
the most important means of knowledge. To study any subject or
a phenomenon must be named and then characterized in words. Inability
naming objects means not knowing them. Any problem must be
first of all, it is formulated in the words of language. Ability to express correctly
expressing your thoughts in words is not an easy task, but it is necessary. Even in normal
In a conversation, the speaker must be able to express thoughts in such a way that the listener
understood it accordingly. A poorly expressed thought is not only
inability to speak, but also inability to think. According to the academician
D.S. Likhacheva, the greatest value of a people is its language. "Language, on
in which he writes, speaks, thinks. Thinks!...After all, this means that all
A person’s conscious life passes through his native language. Emotions,
sensations - only color what we think, or push
thought in some respect, but our thoughts are all formulated in language.”
The way a person speaks determines how educated he is. A
after all, this is not a trifle. If a person is fluent in the language, then this
allows him to express any thought. He can convince you that he is right
any opponent. When you are surrounded by educated people, you want to be
worthy of their attention. I want to participate in the conversation, to be heard
and understood, and for this you need to speak the language, your native Russian language.
The language you have heard since childhood, spoken by those close to you
people, thanks to whom others understand you, with whom you
build your life, a happy life.
“There are places in the World where you can remain silent, but to become successful,
to live with dignity and be happy, you must be able to speak...
Of course, it is impossible to create something from scratch. Language -
guardian of the past, our memory, our cultural heritage. He takes
the most important place in human activity, allowing the study of science and
production, morals and customs, engage in politics and art.
For traditional Russian culture it has always been important not only
the result of any mental activity, but also the course of thinking itself,
which can only be expressed in language, in text. Even if a person
in his professional activity, such as a chemist or
mathematician, operates with knowledge of other, non-verbal systems, that is
chemical and mathematical signs, he must be able to translate these
knowledge of normal Russian. Any information, knowledge
transmitted primarily verbally.
D.S. Likhachev wrote: “The language reflected the “internal forces” of the people - their
tendency towards emotionality, diversity of characters and types
relationship to the world. If it is true that the language of a people reflects its
national character (and this is certainly true), then national character
The Russian people are extremely internally diverse, rich,
contradictory. And all this had to be reflected in the language"
Thus, there is the language of the people as an indicator of its culture and the language
an individual person as an indicator of his personal qualities, human qualities,
who uses the language of the people. In this regard, we can talk about language
as an exponent of the national mentality.
This is especially evident among emigrants. If the person left
live abroad, there is a high probability that due to poor treatment
Russian language he will not be able to take his rightful place in the emigrant
environment and correctly convey their culture to children. Why only in the distance?
Do cultural traditions become more valuable from the Motherland?
The organizers of the forum, held in March 2009 in London,
initiative of the EUROLOG-UK association and with the support of the Russian
world”, conducted an oral express survey among participants on the topic: “Why
Do you need to study Russian abroad?
The answers were: “Out of respect for the grandparents who
live in Russia"; “Bilinguals have a broader and deeper understanding of the world than native speakers.
one language"; “To preserve your self”; "So that from our children
Ivans did not grow up, not remembering their kinship”; "So that our children
there are more opportunities to find your place in life”; "Bilingualism
helps to avoid conflict between fathers and children”... The most unusual
a variant of parental motivation was the answer of one of the participants
forum: “Russian culture and Russian literature educate a person
The idea of ​​the uniqueness of Russian culture is widespread throughout the world. A
true interest in the Russian language is based on the desire to join
3 to the world of an unknown culture, on the desire to know the truth. Public
organizations strive to unite people, promote dialogue between cultures,
strengthen respect for different nations and religions. Now, in effect
socio-political, social changes in society, Russian
language reaches another level: along with the language of interethnic
communication, it becomes the language of a powerful trading partner, the language
searching for answers to eternal questions. Peaceful, economically powerful and
spiritual Russia is not a threat to the world, but a guarantor of peace and prosperity on earth.
This idea should form the basis of patriotic education in
our country. Conscious love for one's people cannot be combined with
hatred from others. “Patriotism is the noblest of feelings. This
It’s not even a feeling – it’s the most important aspect of both personal and social
culture of the spirit, when a person and the whole people seem to rise above themselves
yourself, setting super-personal goals for yourself.”
But is it really possible to talk about the formation of a civic position?
the younger generation, without studying the history of the state, without analyzing
present without building prospects for the future? The spokesman for Russian
mentality, as mentioned above, is the Russian language.
Therefore, love for language and culture is the most important component
love for the Motherland. Accordingly, through nurturing love for the Motherland,
a love for the native language is instilled.
Thus, the question of studying Russian becomes relevant.
language as a school subject. So, why study Russian?
When entering school, the child already speaks Russian. He is with
for one and a half years he speaks more or less normally with his mother, with friends and
gets everything he needs. This means that the language performs the main function for him
communication function. The baby already speaks the language, but as a user.
Each of us can communicate in Russian, this is indisputable. AND
the problem lies not in some uselessness of the native language, but in
misunderstanding, why bother with it if we already know it? True, on
There are great doubts about the latter. Enough to place
person into a more complex linguistic situation - drawing up an important
document, filling out a form, business negotiations, etc. - to see
there is confusion on his face mixed with self-doubt. This is where
it becomes clear how far from the truth the common phrase “And I’m Russian and so
I know"
Usually children, and often parents too, are driven by only one desire -
pass the Unified State Exam as soon as possible and forget the Russian language like a bad dream. And this
despite the fact that they have to speak, read and write everything in it
life. It would probably be strange to see a captain who doesn't care in
what is the state of his ship's controls? Or a gardener who has
For many years I haven’t thought about sharpening my scissors or shovel. And here
For some reason, this treatment of the native language seems to some people
normal. But language is the same tool, and we use it
every day throughout our lives, whether we like it or not. And therefore
treats him with disdain - stupid and short-sighted. Especially
if you consider yourself a modern person, keeping up with
In order for the general attitude towards language learning to change, it is necessary
change your attitude towards teaching it. Needs to be restored
cognitive interest in learning the Russian language. Inside this course
subject at school there are two parts of all material: theoretical and
practical. It is with the practical part that the adult will be involved
a person in his daily life. The practical goal is achieved by
formation of competent writing skills and speech development. Theoretical
the goal is achieved by introducing students to the basics of linguistic
knowledge. At the same time, each participant in the learning process must know
what he does in class and for what purpose. For example, we want to introduce
student with the basics of linguistic concepts. For what? To develop it
logical and abstract thinking. You need to write and compose correctly
texts. Why? Because it is an element of general culture.
The subject “Russian language” needs to be studied in order to correctly and skillfully
use speech in various situations, which is mandatory
functional literacy. Using language knowledge in communication
form the basis of speech activity. Spelling and
Punctuation literacy allows you to formalize your written speech.
The changes taking place in modern society require
improving the educational space, clearly defining
educational goals, taking into account both state, social and
personal needs and interests. The Russian language is given the leading
place in the school discipline system. The primary importance of this
the subject is determined by the social functions of the Russian language. He
is not only an object of study, but also a means of teaching others
sciences The formation and education of personality occurs in the process
mastering the norms of the Russian language, developing its moral and ethical
qualities and creative abilities - in joining the domestic
culture, in the continuation and development of historical traditions and
continuity of generations. All of the above Education standards
defined as a competency-based approach to teaching the Russian language
The standard focuses on the implementation of unity in the practice of teaching
the process of mastering the fundamentals of linguistics and the process of forming
communication skills and skills that ensure fluency
Russian in different areas and communication situations. At the same time, the language
presented in the course in all its diversity of functions, varieties,
The dominant feature of language education is the formation
communicative culture of the individual, since the level of language proficiency
depends on the success of the entire education, social status and public
human activity.
You need to understand that knowledge of your native language will not only help you
pass the exam, but will also play a big role in the development of personality, ability
communicate, work and maintain the impression of an educated person.
Agree, the culture of oral and written speech directly influences
on the opinion about the interlocutor, and in some cases is decisive.
You may not know biology well, but if your field of activity is from it
is far away, your business partner will never guess about these gaps, while
while illiterate speech or documentation with errors will immediately indicate
There's a lot of unflattering things about you. If your job doesn't involve numbers, it's easier for you
will forgive an error in calculations than a distortion of words or incorrect
placement of accents. This is the specificity of language: we all use it,
we have only one, and often we make the first impression of a person
precisely by the quality of his speech. This should be especially remembered by people
who get a prestigious job or lead responsible
business meeting. If during an interview you demonstrate your
tongue-tied, and you make gross mistakes in your resume, then the image of you
as a promising employee will noticeably suffer. Connectivity, smoothness,
literacy and the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts - that’s what
appreciated always and everywhere. Distortion of the native language can tell about
a person is worth more than the cost of his clothes and the brand of his car.
Often students and their parents think: if I'm going to become an engineer
or a lawyer, why do I need to “drill down” so many rules of the Russian language and
think about where to place commas? It sounds like it would be logical, but even here it is not
everything is as simple as it seems. Of course, if you are studying to be an engineer,
Technical sciences should come first. But that doesn't mean that
The Russian language can be consigned forever to the distant past.
You have not ceased to be a Russian-speaking person, which means that in one way or another
In a different way, the native language will remind you of itself. And make you remember
yourself too. The reason for the “techie’s” enmity with the language lies either in laziness or
in a lack of motivation, or in pre-set barriers like this
the phrase itself. Linguistics is akin to mathematics, where everything is down to the smallest detail.
lends itself to logical explanation. Language is not a chaotic layering
rules that are comprehended by the intuition of the chosen ones, and a harmonious system,
which has been honed over centuries by its creator - the people. But people could not create something
what is incomprehensible and inaccessible to them.
It is a big mistake to think that the Russian language is only needed
to literature teachers and linguists in dusty libraries. All of us
We participate in any transactions, sign various papers, draw up
reports, fill out questionnaires, communicate verbally, in chats and by mail. And in
in most cases we are afraid to make a mistake, to hit our face in
dirt, harm yourself and others. Language is closely related to
life, which means it is in the interests of everyone to be on friendly terms with him
Revisiting modern language requirements
education, it should be noted that the Standard provides
targeted improvement of such vitally important
information skills, such as using different types of reading
(viewing, introductory, introductory-studying,
introductory and abstract, studying, scanning, etc.) in
depending on the communicative setting and the nature of the text; extraction
necessary information from various sources (educational and scientific
texts, reference books, media and Internet resources); mastery
the main methods of information processing of text; Creation
own speech utterances of different styles and genres based on
text read or listened to (synopsis, abstract, annotation and
etc.). In this regard, I would like to address the teacher’s comments
of the Russian language Olga Makarenko regarding maintaining your own on the Internet
“It’s no secret that many blogosphere users are fighting for
readers' attention, trying to attract as much as possible to their posts
people and expand your list of virtual friends. In my opinion,
an illiterate person will never be able to achieve these goals. Why? Yes
simply because the perception of a new text directly depends on the purity
its language, number of spelling errors, punctuation and style
presentation. Even if the one who views someone else's blog does not himself
is distinguished by deep knowledge of his native language, he still, due to
reader's memory, reacts to the ways in which the author's thoughts are presented.
Paradoxically, even such a “semi-literate” reader usually
feels irritated when faced with carelessly written text, where
gross errors distort the appearance of words, the absence of commas makes it difficult
understanding the meaning, where capital letters are not used, but sentences
They are constructed so intricately that you have to re-read them 2-3 times. A
all because the authors of such texts only think about the fact that
write, but don't think how to write. It's no wonder that
"garbage" blogs are not in great demand: in our age, no
lack of information, a person has plenty to choose from, and he is not at all
I want to turn daily reading of the Internet into hard labor.”
Thus, while remaining relevant, the question of the need
learning the Russian language has very clear answers. The world is becoming everything
more technologically advanced, and to succeed in life, you must have
developed intellect. What contributes to the development of the brain and intelligence?
The need to connect words into a complete text and write it from
hands. This has been proven by psychologists. This means that when we write, our
But is it only intelligence that matters? In a person's professional life
It also requires a lot of useful skills, knowledge and abilities. Important
an integral part of any professional activity is
communication. Back in the 30s of the last century, American psychologist Dale
Carnegie believed that a person's professional knowledge determines his success
depend on only 15%, and on the ability to communicate - by 85%!
So, if you know how to behave with people appropriately, you
you have a chance to succeed in business, career and
entrepreneurial activity.
What skills are still important for a modern person? Skill
introduce yourself, talk about what you know and can do, ability
speak in front of an audience, argue correctly, defend your point
Skill in working with texts and oral information is also required. But
if you have all the listed qualities, but write with
mistakes, then you will only dream of career growth. It's obvious that
literacy is a mandatory and necessary quality of any successful
Indeed, the Russian language is the key to professional and
success in life, therefore, to a feeling of happiness. So maybe this is
is there a reason why you need to learn a language? To develop and live!
After all, in the words of Herzen: “Where the word has not perished, the deed is not yet

Marina Kruglova | 13 November 2015

Youth newspaper

Every schoolchild living in Russia attends Russian language classes at least once a week. But learning a language does not end for us at school: at the institute we continue to improve our knowledge. So why do we study it? Of course, studying the Russian language contributes to the acquisition of literate speech. If a person did not constantly practice such an important subject, then his speech would be boring, rude and monotonous.

Let's consider a completely ordinary case. You apply for a job and are completely satisfied with the employer. But when filling out important papers, you can make quite a lot of mistakes if you are not familiar with the rules of the Russian language. And then you may lose a prestigious job...

Let's say your friends are satisfied with your speech and the employer did not notice your mistakes, you are a successful person, you have a family and children. And so, when your child is given an essay or just difficult homework, he comes up to you and asks: “How do you spell this word?” Would you really be pleased to show your ignorance of the subject and ruin yourself in the eyes of your child?

That's why it's so important to learn Russian. Our language is very beautiful, although complex. A connoisseur of the Russian language cannot be an unsuccessful person and, moreover, he a true patriot. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky once said: “True love for one’s country is unthinkable without love for one’s language.” Love your country and your language!