Day of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy.

An annual holiday celebrated in honor of the creation of the Baltic Fleet. Established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the Russian Federation dated 1996 No. 253.

(7) On May 18, 1703, a flotilla of 30 boats with soldiers of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments under the command of Peter I won their first military victory, capturing two Swedish warships, the Gedan and the Astrild, at the mouth of the Neva River.

It must be said that the history of the formation of the Baltic Fleet is closely connected with the history of St. Petersburg. After all, the city on the Neva began to be built in May 1703, and in 1704 the Admiralty Shipyard began to be built here, which later became the center of shipbuilding in Russia. Since then, the Baltic Fleet has been brilliantly fulfilling the task of protecting Russia’s borders from the northwestern direction.

During the Northern War (1700-1721), the Baltic won many more victories over the Swedish fleet. During the Crimean War (1853-1856) they valiantly defended the Baltic coast, thwarted the Swedes' attempts to capture Kronstadt, and prevented the capture of Gangut, Sveaborg and St. Petersburg. They fought valiantly during the First World War and, of course, during the Great Patriotic War. The fleet took part in the heroic defense of Leningrad (1941-1944), supported the offensive of the Red Army in the Baltic states (1944), East Prussia, and East Pomerania (1944-1945). During the Great Patriotic War, the Baltic Fleet destroyed more than 1,200 enemy warships, transport and auxiliary vessels, and over 2.5 thousand aircraft with its surface and submarine fleets and naval aviation. More than 100 thousand Baltic people fought on the land fronts.

The fleet played an equally important role in scientific expeditions and discoveries. The Baltic Fleet became the founder of long-distance and round-the-world voyages of the Russians - 432 geographical discoveries were made on the world map, which bear the names of 98 admirals and officers of the Baltic Fleet.

The great naval commanders, the heroes of naval battles, the admirals - F.F. considered themselves Baltic. Ushakov, M.P. Lazarev, P.S. Nakhimov, V.A. Kornilov, S.O. Makarov and N.O Essen, discoverers and travelers - V.Y. Bering, F.F. Bellingshausen, G.I. Nevelskoy, scientists - A.S. Popov, B.S. Jacobi and many other outstanding people.

Today, the Baltic Fleet - the oldest fleet of Russia - is a large multi-service operational-strategic territorial association of the Navy of the Russian Federation in the Baltic Sea, capable of operating effectively at sea, in the air and on land and incorporating naval forces, naval aviation, and aerospace and air defense, and coastal troops.

The main bases for troops are Baltiysk (Kaliningrad region) and Kronstadt (St. Petersburg). The headquarters of the Baltic Fleet is located in Kaliningrad.

The main tasks of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy are currently: protecting the economic zone and areas of production activity, suppressing illegal production activities; ensuring navigation safety; carrying out foreign policy actions of the government in economically important areas of the World Ocean (visits, business visits, joint exercises, actions as part of peacekeeping forces, etc.).

Great, battle-hardened,
St. Petersburg stronghold!
Never been defeated
Ancient Baltic Fleet!

Your father Peter the Great,
You are a participant in two terrible wars,
But never, never broken by anyone
On guard of the Baltic waves.

Are you standing proudly on the roadstead,
Or are you on duty?
We believe in our safety
And you won't let us down!

Let the banners fly proudly
The whole country congratulates you!
Continue to be undefeated
Let's shout "HURRAY" three times!

The Baltic Fleet is the territorial structure of the Russian Navy. It represents a powerful strategic military unit. It includes the capacity of naval forces, aerospace and air defense, naval aviation and ground forces. The oldest fleet of the Russian state has all the capabilities of effective action in any combat conditions. A holiday has been established in honor of its creation.

When is it celebrated?

Baltic Fleet Day of the Russian Navy is celebrated annually on May 18. The holiday was established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy on December 19, 1995.

Who's celebrating

The Day of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy in 2019 is traditionally celebrated by all its representatives, including the military leadership.

history of the holiday

The date May 18 was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1703, the Russian flotilla became the winner in the battle, capturing two Swedish warships. The small fleet of 30 boats was commanded by Peter I. All participants in the famous event received medals with the inscription “The Unprecedented Happens” engraved on them, and Russia gained access to the Gulf of Finland.

The formation and development of the Baltic flotilla is directly related to the city of St. Petersburg. They were created almost simultaneously. In 1704, a year after the foundation of the first buildings of the city on the Neva, the construction of the Admiralty Shipyard began, which later became the stronghold of shipbuilding in the Russian state. Since then, many glorious pages about the military merits of the Baltic Fleet have been written into the historical chronicle. All these years he has been guarding the northwestern borders of Russia. Fleet employees demonstrated unprecedented courage and courage during the Great Patriotic War, defending their homeland on water and land.

About the Baltic Fleet

The Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy solves problems of protecting areas of economic security of the state and strategic production activities. The composition of its military units ensures the security of controlled water areas and fulfills the foreign policy obligations of the Russian government in relation to significant areas of the World Ocean, and takes part in protocol events.

In peacetime, the Baltic Fleet carried out many scientific expeditions. On his ships, Russian scientists traveled around the world and discovered 432 new geographical places, some of which were named after the admirals of the famous flotilla. Today it is based in the ports of Baltiysk and Kronstadt, reliably protecting the borders of Russia in the northwestern direction.

The creation of this fleet began in 1703. The Baltic Fleet was created by Peter I during the Northern War of 1700-1721. It appeared much earlier than the Black Sea and is considered the oldest fleet in our country.

On this holiday, the ceremonial raising of St. Andrew's flags traditionally takes place on ships and in formations of the Baltic Fleet, and formations of personnel take place. Flowers and wreaths are laid on the mass graves of Baltic sailors.

History of the Baltic Fleet

May 18 1703, at the mouth of the Neva, 30 boats under the command of Peter I captured two Swedish ships, which were called “Gedan” and “Astrild”.

Soldiers from the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments took part in this military operation. After its completion, they were awarded insignia on which it was written: “The unthinkable happens.”

9 days after these events, a fortress was founded on Zayachiy Island, from which the history of St. Petersburg began.

The new city and the fleet were inseparable from each other. We can say that the beginning of the Baltic Fleet was laid by warships that were built at the shipyard on the river. Syas and Olonets shipyard (Lodeynoye Pole) on the river. Svir. The 28-gun frigate Shtandart is considered to be the first-born of the Baltic Fleet.

The Admiralty Shipyard was built on the left bank of the Neva the very next year. By this time, the Baltic Fleet included 29 pennants, including 9 frigates.

The Baltic Fleet was created in conditions of constant hostilities. The fleet was expanded by transferring ships from the White Sea, and ships were also purchased from other countries. At the same time, a rowing fleet was built for operations in skerry areas.

During the Northern War, the Baltic Fleet largely contributed to the capture by Russian troops of the Vyborg fortress, the ports of Revel (Tallinn), Riga, Pernov (Pärnu), as well as the Moonsund Islands.

In 1714, the Baltic Fleet won the Battle of Gangut, in 1719 - in the Battle of Ezel, in 1720 - in the Battle of Grengam. After this, our country managed to establish itself in the Baltic Sea, it became one of the important maritime powers.

In 1721, the Baltic Fleet included 32 battleships, about 100 other sailing ships and up to 400 rowing ships.

In 1861, construction of a steam-powered armored fleet began. By the end of the century, the Baltic Fleet included: 19 battleships, 4 coastal defense battleships, 4 armored cruisers and 39 destroyers.

Ships of the Baltic Fleet They became famous in peacetime; they also participated in numerous scientific expeditions. Over the course of 10 years, seven teams discovered and described dozens of islands, straits, and bays.

The scientific expeditions of I. F. Kruzenshtern and Yu. F. Lisyansky, F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev, F. P. Litke, G. I. Nevelsky turned out to be especially successful.

During the Russo-Japanese War, the 2nd Pacific Squadron was formed from the Baltic Fleet. She fought heroically at Tsushima, but was defeated.

During the First World War, the Baltic Fleet carried out large mine-laying operations, prevented the German fleet from breaking through into the Gulf of Finland and Riga, helped ground forces, and defended the sea approaches to the capital.

The sailors of this particular fleet played a major role in the October armed uprising in Petrograd. On November 7, 1917, the signal for the assault on the Winter Palace was a gun salvo from the famous cruiser Aurora.

The role of the Baltic Fleet was also great during the Great Patriotic War. His ships took an active part in the defense of Liepaja, Tallinn, and Hanko. The first strikes on Berlin in August 1941 were carried out by long-range fleet bombers. Almost all ships, aircraft and personnel of the Baltic Fleet took part in the battle for Leningrad.

In February 1946, the Baltic Fleet was divided into two independent operational formations - the 4th and 8th fleets. It was restored to its original form in December 1955.

Currently, the Baltic Fleet is a multi-service operational-tactical formation. It includes more than 100 warships, more than 150 naval aircraft and helicopters.

The ground and coastal forces of the Baltic Fleet include tank and missile formations, air defense units and marines. The Baltic Fleet is the most important link in the national security system, because it is located at the forefront of Europe in constant contact with NATO forces.

WITH Baltic Fleet The names of such famous naval commanders as: Ushakov, Lazarev, Nakhimov, Kornilov, Makarov and Essen are associated.

Ships Baltic Fleet Since 1993, they regularly participate in the Baltops exercises, which are held in the Baltic Sea under the auspices of the United States.

After our country joined the Partnership for Peace program, the Baltic Fleet is increasing its participation in its events every year.

TFR Neustrashimy, TFR Druzhny and TN Lena also participated in multilateral international exercises.

On May 18, Baltic Fleet Day is celebrated annually, which was established by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Fleet Admiral Felix Gromov, “On the introduction of annual holidays and professional days in the specialty” dated July 15, 1996.

On this May day in 1703, Peter I, at the head of his flotilla, won his first military victory, capturing two Swedish warships (Gedan and Astrild) during the battle.

The Baltic Fleet is the oldest fleet of Russia. It is a large, diverse operational-strategic territorial formation of the Russian Navy in the Baltic Sea, capable of operating effectively both directly in the sea zone and in the air and on land. Also, the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy is the main training and testing base of the Russian Navy. The fleet includes 2 diesel submarines, 41 surface ships, 15 boats, including 9 landing craft and 6 missile boats. The flagship of the fleet is the destroyer Nastoychivy.

The headquarters of the Baltic Fleet is located in Kaliningrad. Main bases: Baltiysk (Kaliningrad region) and Kronstadt (St. Petersburg).

It must be said that the history of the formation of the Baltic Fleet is closely connected with the history of St. Petersburg. After all, in May 1703, the construction of a city on the Neva began, and a year later the construction of the Admiralty Shipyard began here, which later became one of the centers of shipbuilding in Russia. Since then, the Baltic Fleet has selflessly defended the borders of the Fatherland, passing through all the historical milestones of the Russian State.

During the existence of the Baltic Fleet, Baltic sailors won outstanding victories. During the Northern War (1700-1721), they Baltic people fought bravely and selflessly against the forces of the Swedish crown. Valiantly defended the Baltic coast during the Crimean War (1853-1856). During the Great Patriotic War, the fleet took part in the defense of Leningrad (1941-1944), supported the offensive of the Red Army in the Baltic states (1944), in East Prussia and Eastern Pomerania (1944-1945).

More than 110 thousand Baltic sailors fought on land fronts. Baltic submariners destroyed 52 enemy transports and 8 ships. The fleet landed 24 troops. Fleet aviation carried out more than 158 thousand combat sorties, including sorties under heavy enemy fire. About 82 thousand Baltic sailors were awarded orders and medals, of which 173 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, including four twice.

The Baltic Fleet became the founder of Russian round-the-world research expeditions. On the world map you can see the names of admirals and officers of the Baltic Fleet who made 432 (!) geographical discoveries. In modern textbooks of geography and history, this outstanding achievement not only of the Baltic separately, but also of the entire naval school of the country, is actually not reflected in any way today.

For outstanding services to the Motherland, the Baltic Fleet was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner in 1928 and 1965.

Now the Baltic Fleet has modern ships, the latest weapons and technical equipment of the latest generation. Almost every year new or modernized ships and warships enter the sea

In December 2016, the St. Andrew's flag was raised on the ship "Alexander Obukhov", created for the main base of the Baltic Fleet. This lead ship of Project 12700 is unique with the world's largest fiberglass hull.

The technology of blown shipbuilding is being used in the Russian fleet for the first time. It allows, while increasing the strength of the ship, to reduce its weight, increase its service life and significantly reduce the magnetic field, which provides additional safety when minesweeping.

The length of the ship is 70 meters, displacement is 800 tons, maximum speed is 15 knots, cruising range is up to 1.5 thousand miles. Thanks to the thrusters, the minesweeper maneuvers well, and much attention was paid to the comfort of the crew during its creation.

Currently, three more ships of Project 12700 (Georgy Kurbatov, Ivan Antonov and Vladimir Emelyanov) are under construction, and in the coming years it is planned to create 20 more minesweepers of this type.

As for the geography of the Baltic Fleet's activities, it is currently very extensive. Ships and vessels of the Baltic Fleet solve the problems of security of international navigation and the fight against terrorism in areas of the World Ocean remote from the shores of the Russian Federation, including the Eastern Mediterranean.

The Baltic Fleet is Russia's outpost in the western region and ensures the stability of the military-political situation and the country's state interests.

"Military Review" congratulates the Baltic sailors on the holiday!

The holiday dedicated to the Day of the Baltic Fleet takes place in Russia annually on May 18. It was established by a separate order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy on July 15, 1996.

On this day in 1703, 30 boats of the flotilla, which contained soldiers of the Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments, led by Peter I, won a battle with two Swedish military ships “Astrild” and “Gedan”. This is the day that began to be considered the birth of the Baltic Fleet in Russia.

All participants in that historic battle were presented with medals on which was written “The Unprecedented Happens.”

The history of the development of the Baltic fleet has much in common with how the northern capital of Russia, St. Petersburg, developed. The construction of the city began in May 1703, and the Admiralty Shipyard began to be built already in 1704 and subsequently became the center of Russian shipbuilding.

Today, the Baltic Fleet has a lot to its credit for brilliantly completed tasks related to the protection of Russian borders in the northwestern direction.

Northern War 1700-1721 brought the Baltic a number of victories over the Swedish fleet. Crimean War 1853-1856 brought victory to the Russians in defending the Baltic coast. The Baltic troops defended Kronstadt and stopped attempts to capture St. Petersburg, Sveaborg and Ganguta.

The Baltic people distinguished themselves for their valor during the First World War, as well as during the Great Patriotic War. The Baltic Fleet was responsible for the heroic defense of Leningrad in the period from 1941 to 1944, support for the offensive of Soviet troops in the Baltic states in 1944, in East Prussia and East Pomerania in the period from 1944 to 1945.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Baltic surface and submarine fleet, as well as naval aviation, eliminated over 1,200 units of enemy military equipment - these are ships, transport and auxiliary enemy vessels, and aircraft. The Baltic people also fought on the land front; they numbered over one hundred thousand people.

The Baltic Fleet has many achievements associated with scientific expeditions and discoveries. This is truly the founder of long-distance and round-the-world voyages of Russians. It is not for nothing that the world map has 432 discoveries of a geographical nature with the names of representatives of the Baltic - these are admirals and officers, 98 people in total.

On Baltic Fleet Day, its outstanding naval commanders are remembered

The Baltic people include such big names as naval commanders and heroes of battles at sea: admirals N.O. Essena, S.O. Makarova, V.A. Kornilova, P.S. Nakhimova, M.P. Lazarev and F.F. Ushakov, as well as travelers, discoverers and scientists: B.S. Jacobi, A.S. Popova, G.I. Nevelskoy, F.F. Bellingshausen, V.Y. Bering and a number of other outstanding people.

Currently, the Baltic Fleet is considered the oldest in Russia and is a large, diverse operational-strategic territorial association of the Russian Navy in the Baltic.

Its actions are effective in sea conditions, in airspace and on land. The Baltic Fleet includes ships, naval aviation, weapons capable of repelling an aerospace attack, as well as troops capable of fighting on shore.

The Baltic troops are based mainly in Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region, and in Kronstadt (region of St. Petersburg), with headquarters in the city of Kaliningrad.

Among the main tasks of the Baltic Sea people of the Russian Federation today: to protect the economic zone and production activities, ensure the safety of shipping, carry out the foreign policy tasks of the government in economically important areas in the World Ocean - from visits and business events to joint exercises and performances as peacekeepers.