What is cowardice. Cowardice, a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom

Many people today do not consider cowardice a sin at all. They think that weakness of will is excusable for a person. In fact, cowardice can lead to very serious consequences, especially if this quality is inherent in a person holding a responsible position. Why is cowardice so dangerous? How to overcome this quality in yourself?

What is cowardice?

Cowardice is a human character trait that manifests itself in mental weakness, instability, susceptibility to the influence of others, cowardice and fear of acting in accordance with one’s beliefs and concepts. This quality is not a temporary state of the human psyche. If it is inherent in an individual, it accompanies him constantly throughout his life.

Cowardly people constantly need approval and support from others. They are ready to easily adapt to other people’s interests, to do what will be beneficial in a given situation. In conflicts and disputes, a cowardly person always takes the side of the majority.

Why do people become cowardly?

Since cowardice is one of the character traits, we can assume that its inclinations are inherent in a person at birth. Some are naturally bold and courageous, while others are timid and cowardly. For one person to accomplish a feat is not so difficult, but for another it is an impossible task.

In early childhood, parents can both suppress the beginnings and contribute to the child developing cowardice. The importance of education in the formation of this personality quality plays a huge role. If you constantly strive to protect and protect a child from all troubles and problems, suppress manifestations of independence, and leave the child’s misdeeds unpunished, you should not be surprised that, as he grows up, he will become a cowardly person. People brought up in this way are not capable of noble deeds; they always expect someone to do all the work for them; they do not know how to make decisions themselves and take responsibility.

The social structure also has a significant influence on the formation of cowardice in a person. An environment in which money triumphs over justice, initiative is punishable, bribery and unscrupulousness flourish all around, and contributes to the strengthening of lack of will and cowardice in a person.

How to identify a cowardly person?

The first signs of cowardice appear very clearly in adolescence. During this period, children are more susceptible to the influence of others. His future depends on what company a young man gets into.

Many teenagers, because of their cowardice, begin to smoke, drink alcohol or even take drugs just because everyone around them is doing the same. They do not want to lose the respect of their peers, to be an outcast and a “black sheep.”

For an adult, cowardice is not just a bad character trait, but also a great sin. It manifests itself in a reluctance to make important decisions, shifting responsibility for one’s actions to others, a constant search for those to blame, and the desire to avoid conflicts through flattery and hypocrisy. Cowardice is closely related to indecision, fear, and selfishness. Such people are ready to do anything just to protect themselves, to appear to others in the right light.

Is it necessary to fight cowardice?

Cowardice is, first of all, a sin, so it is imperative to fight it. It can lead to very terrible consequences that people cannot even imagine. If a cowardly person occupies a high position and the fate of other people depends on him, the consequences of a decision he makes not according to his conscience can lead to tragedy.

An example of cowardice is the deliberately incorrect verdict of a judge, as a result of which an innocent person will be sentenced to many years in prison. This can happen if the person making the verdict received a bribe, or felt a threat to lose his position from higher-ups. Unfortunately, in the modern world this is not an uncommon situation.

Cowardice also interferes with the everyday life of even the most ordinary person. Due to indecisiveness, such people have difficulty creating families, suffer failures at work, and have problems communicating with others.

How to overcome cowardice in yourself?

If you understand that you are a cowardly person, you should not let the problem take its course and ignore this sin. You must try with all your might to eradicate cowardice in yourself, make an effort and show patience in the fight against it.

First you need to understand what exactly you are afraid of and why, what are your fears based on? Strengthening faith and daily prayers can help in the fight against cowardice. However, in addition to this, a person must develop in himself qualities that are opposite to cowardice, overpower himself, and try to act according to his conscience. Conquering this quality in yourself is not at all easy, but if you do it, then your life and the lives of those around you will become much better.

    Craven... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    See timid, cowardly... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. cowardly... Synonym dictionary

    COWWIND, cowardly, cowardly; cowardly, cowardly, cowardly (bookish). Indecisive, weak-willed, cowardly, showing cowardice. A cowardly man. Cowardly answer. He acted extremely cowardly (adv.). Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    See evacuation V.V. Vinogradov. History of words, 2010 ... History of words

    cowardly- I see cowardly; Wow; m. II aya, oh; shen, shna, shno. see also cowardly, cowardice, cowardly, cowardly a) Showing cowardice, weak-willed, cowardly. A small-minded person. b) from... Dictionary of many expressions

    I m. One who shows cowardice. II adj. 1. Showing cowardice; indecisive, weak-willed. 2. Caused by cowardice, weakness of will. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly,... ... Forms of words

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful!


Probably, cowardice is the very character trait that combines a whole group of other negative traits, which in turn can be combined with the word “bad character.” But at the heart of this group, of course, lies a single source, which serves as the cause of the remaining vices.

On the one hand, the meaning of the word is obvious - the union of the word “small” (or in the sense of “weak”) with the word “soul”. On the other hand, it would be useful to define what is meant by a “small” or “weak” soul.

The explanatory dictionary of D. N. Ushakov defines cowardice as “indecision, lack of will, loss of spirit.”

Ozhegov’s Dictionary: “Lack of fortitude, determination, courage.”

That is, cowardice is definitely associated with a lack of will and fortitude. But what exactly are the traits that personify cowardice?

Pedigree of cowardice

This is, first of all, fear of people, and not of the Almighty. This is self-doubt, manifested in susceptibility to other people's opinions and influence. In other words, this is a form of dependence on others, when a person’s attitude is determined by people’s opinion, approval or rejection, but not by a sense of responsibility to the Almighty or devotion to Him. Porleev S.V. in the “Encyclopedia of Vices” writes:

“Consider a cowardly person stupid - and you will not see more absurd actions than those that follow from him. Tell him that he is mediocre, mediocre, cowardly - and for sure: all his manifestations will become unbearably boring, primitive and disgustingly timid. However, for the same reason, if you treat a cowardly person with respect, he will demonstrate rare examples of intelligence, dedication, and courage. Instill in him that he is brave, and a hero will appear before you, amazing with his valor and courage. Looking at him, you will not be able to believe that you yourself, through your own influence, brought into being such vivid manifestations of human character. Cowardice means that a person has no support within himself and therefore constantly needs the support of others. Only from other people's opinions and suggestions does he gain faith in his own strength. But if the faint-hearted has received the support he needs so much, where does everything come from in him! It would be difficult to find a more inspired person then. His thoughts become flexible and witty, his actions become daring and courageous, and his character becomes persistent and strong. Therefore, we have the right to conclude that it is not a cowardly person who is to blame for his shortcomings; It is not in itself that his mental defect leads to constant compliance, weakness of spirit and degrading actions. The unsightly manifestations of a cowardly character are primarily to blame for those around him, who use the natural pliability and softness of his mental makeup for evil. Surround a faint-hearted person with people who are brave, intelligent and worthy; believe that he, the cowardly one, has the best moral qualities - and then you will witness a miracle. By the power of your conviction, the ugly duckling will turn into a strong, beautiful bird that will fly away in free flight!

If we take into account the importance of the sincerity of a person’s intentions even in the most outwardly lofty matters, then the successes and exploits of a cowardly person become not so valuable - because they are done to please others, there is no depth in them, there is no sincerity. In such cases, you understand that as soon as this person finds himself in another company, he can do completely different things to please them. Because different groups have different systemic values: what is wildness for one may be a manifestation of creative nature for another. So, the next quality of cowardice is hypocrisy, ingratiation, conformism. The Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, defined a hypocrite as a sheep that rushes from one flock to another. Such is a cowardly person: his beliefs change along with the situation, group of people or circumstances in which he finds himself. It follows from this that his own “world map” lacks clear contours.

Allah Almighty says in the Hadith Qudsi that “the best thing that comes to the heart is deep conviction.” A cowardly person does not have firm, deep convictions. And his behavior is controlled by the instinct of self-preservation.

I would define the essence of indifference as cowardice. Cowardice to have one’s own point of view, to defend it, to defend one’s interests or the interests of a cause to which one is devoted. Stinginess is a trait of the faint-hearted. But stinginess is the same cowardice. This is the fear that alms will impoverish him. Or that the debt will not be returned to him. Or that a kind word and sincerity will make him vulnerable.

In a religious and spiritual context, cowardice is a lack of determination in serving Allah, following the path of His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, which includes many signs, both psychological and behavioral. In other words, cowardice is the child of weak faith.

Greenhouses of cowardice

How does a person become cowardly? First of all, upbringing influences. An upbringing in which the child is suppressed, does not allow him to develop, to be sincere, and open. When he is placed in such conditions that he can get what he wants only through deception, pretense or cunning. Such children grow up smart, crafty, and “diplomatic.” But these qualities, in the light of cowardice, do not at all do him credit.

The second is social education. Especially in traditional societies. When, for example, they condemn behavior or beliefs that diverge from traditional ideas about morality and morality. Even if a person’s actions are completely correct.

Third - personal passivity, lack of self-education. Every person, to one degree or another, faces rejection, danger, and fear. Cowardly people in such situations give up without a fight and make no effort to defend themselves and their business. Gradually they get used to living in fear and obeying out of a desire to avoid danger. Thus, they only strengthen this quality in themselves.

It is noteworthy that, despite the fear inherent in them, they are still not very safe for others. Because when the situation of fear disappears, they can become the most vile, cruel and inhumane. This only once again emphasizes their hypocritical nature.

Prayer and struggle

Man is a slave of the Almighty, whose needs, prayers and deeds depend on His will. If someone recognizes cowardice in himself, and Allah grants him the desire to get rid of this quality, then he can turn to the Almighty with the prayer that the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, read. Its meaning is as follows: “Oh, Allah, I seek Your protection from feelings of anxiety and sadness, from manifestations of weakness and laziness, from cowardice and cowardice, from stinginess and the burden of debt, and from oppression from others.”

Another prayer of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, is also given:

“O Allah, verily, I resort to You for protection from powerlessness, laziness, cowardice, greed, decrepitude, cruelty, distraction (absent-mindedness), depending on someone, from deviation and from being in need. And I resort to You for protection from poverty, unbelief, wickedness, misfortune, hypocrisy, showing off. And I take refuge in You from deafness, dumbness, madness, leprosy, corruption and the worst of diseases.”

A person does not always possess all the qualities of cowardice. Sometimes his cowardice manifests itself in stinginess. Sometimes - in indecision. Sometimes - in pretense. To overcome cowardice, you need to develop in yourself qualities that are opposite to it. For example, if a person is stingy, then give alms for the sake of Allah; if he is deceitful, then become truthful; if you are hypocritical, then become sincere and honest.

Along with this, a person must deepen knowledge, increase worship, practice of reflection, because due to interconnectedness, the improvement of one part of the soul sheds light on others. This is a job that requires patience, perseverance, sincerity, and trust in Allah. But how wonderful is Allah’s reward for working for Him!

Good day, dear readers! In today’s article I would like to discuss with you one very interesting topic (directly related to the previous article about) - cowardice. Someone is hearing this word for the first time, and someone is familiar with this quality of character in practice - in any case, this article will be more useful for you than ever and will be able to open your eyes to some things. Well, shall we get started?


We will go with you, dear readers, according to the already proven scheme: first the definition, and then there will be more. So, this time I decided to use the option from Wikipedia, since it fully corresponds to my views on this issue (which, by the way, may be very far from the truth and are just another concept of the mind :)). So, this is cowardice:

... weakness of character, expressed in cowardice, petty envy and involuntary aggression.

And the continuation:

It often stems from a lack of willpower and self-confidence.

That's right to the point! Let's try to figure out each word, why it is used here, and is it necessary at all? The first thing we encounter is weakness of character. As written above, it is expressed in envy, cowardice And aggression.

What is character weakness? In the previous article, we said that humility is a strong character trait (directly affecting), and it manifests itself in the ability to correctly listen, Apologize and do not demand honors for yourself (all this is a real manifestation). Well, today’s concept is, as it were, “lack of humility.” That is, a cowardly person is one who under the guise of humility hides the same cowardice, envy and aggression.

Sometimes this happens involuntarily, on a subconscious plane, so that such a cowardly poor fellow can be absolutely sure that he is showing humility. Let me explain with an example.

I will now describe the situation and give two alternative endings, and you write in the comments : where humility is manifested, and where “lack of humility” is manifested. Fine?

So, situation: You are walking down the street with a person you know (not so much a good close friend as just an acquaintance) - you met somewhere, go in one direction: why not take a walk? You have your own plans, he has his own, a chance meeting and nothing more. Approach the place where he needs to turn left and you need to turn right. You start saying goodbye, saying goodbye, this and that, and then he says: “Shall we go for a beer? (to billiards, to the cinema, anywhere).” You already have your own plans, albeit not grandiose ones, but still plans (let’s say, write an article for a blog in the evening, and then run at the stadium :)). You say: “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to, I have plans,” and he directly begins to beg, saying: “Please, I have absolutely nothing to do, I’m so tired, I passed the exam yesterday, I was so worried, I’m so stressed...”. So, two options to solve the problem:

  1. Thoughts like: “I feel sorry for the man, he’s obviously tired; I don’t care about my plans, I’d rather go to the cinema, because I haven’t been there for a long time anyway! And he will respect me after this - he helped!” As a result, after a minute or two of persuasion, you go with a friend. And there is such a familiar feeling in my soul that selfishness hides and passes off as “helping” a person :)
  2. The second option, thoughts like: “I really feel sorry for the person, is he tired, maybe I should go to the movies with him? Although there are other things to do. And anyway, how can I help him by going to the cinema with him? This is far from the best help, but rather a waste of not only his time, but also my time. No, sorry." You say: “this is all good, of course, but my stomach hurts (I have work to do, the last bus, etc.), I need to go. Sorry. Another time somewhere in the future somehow another time sometime later".

Write in the comments, which option, in your opinion, is a manifestation of cowardice, and which of humility. I will be glad to hear your opinions, we will discuss them together.

Summarizing the topic

To be honest, I am characterized by cowardice, like most people. More than once I have found myself in similar situations and resolved them “not for the better.” Therefore, this article does not even pretend to fully cover the topic, since I myself am just understanding this and am trying to overcome this quality in myself. I hope you will also learn to at least distinguish manifestations of this quality, because identifying the enemy is already half the battle! Every time you notice it behind you and think that you are doing the wrong thing, you bring your victory closer!

Cowardice... Spelling dictionary-reference book

See timidity... Synonym dictionary

Cowardice- Cowardice ♦ Pusillanimité Pettiness of the soul, narrowness of spirit, lack of breadth. Cowardice is opposed to generosity, combining such qualities as insignificance and baseness. The main sign of cowardice is the lack of courage. Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

Cowardice, I, cf. Lack of fortitude, determination, courage. Show m. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

In Wiktionary? ... Wikipedia

Cowardice- – lack of fortitude, determination, courage, timidity, instability, tendency to succumb to one’s petty calculations to the detriment of high moral requirements. You have the right to be indignant at me... you have every right to reproach me for... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Cowardice- (other Russian) – a moral quality of a person that characterizes a person as weak-willed, indecisive, cowardly. A cowardly person easily succumbs to random influence; he is, as people say, soft-bodied, cautious, and suspicious. Interesting,… … Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher's encyclopedic dictionary)

COWARDICE.- From Art. sl. language Art. sl. cowardice word-formation tracing paper from Greek. oligopsychia, where oligos is small, psyche is the soul. Greek suf. ia corresponds to Russian. ee... Sitnikov's etymological dictionary

Wed. Weakness of will, lack of stamina, fortitude. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Cowardice, cowardice, cowardice, cowardice, cowardice, cowardice, cowardice, cowardice, cowardice, cowardice, cowardice, cowardice (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words


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