Nerds. Reflections and Reasoning

Who are nerds? Is there a difference between a nerd and a nerd? Where did they even come from? How to identify them in a crowd? These are the questions the researcher asked himself in order to understand the essence of such a phenomenon as nerds and botanists.

Before discussing who nerds are, we should turn to the etymological meaning of this word. So, the word nerd comes from the old Soviet botanist. Who is he, a botanist? Despite the fact that he is spiritually the father of the Bothan, outwardly they are quite different. If the classic botanist is an eternally preoccupied, pimply guy in a salty jacket, grandfather's tie, with an old diplomat, then modern Homo Botanics is visually no different from an ordinary teenager. It has all the benefits of modern civilization: Cell phones, personal computers, fashionable South Pole down jackets, but...

Some researchers believe that this issue should, first of all, be considered from an etymological point of view. They suggest that the word "nerds" is derived from the word "BOT". "BOT" is a character in the computer game Quake 3 Arena, which is an analogue of a human character, endowed with artificial intelligence, controlled by special computer program. These researchers in their thoughts find the following solution this issue- THERE IS NO "NERD", but there are "NERDS", as a result of a single collective consciousness controlled by an as yet unexplored mechanism.

What is the nerd phenomenon? IN UNITY! Alone, each of them is not a nerd, but together they are the force that drives the story. If we draw parallels, then nerds are an analogue of Orwell’s “outer party.” Nerds are a gray, faceless mass of controlled people; a certain social organism consisting of cells that do not characterize it as a whole, although in itself it will have many unique functions that are not inherent in each member of this association individually. Based on this, we ask ourselves what kind of force or personality is it that drives and regulates all these processes. Referring to philosophers such as Hegel, one can imagine that all human society, including nerds, self-regulate using natural mechanisms inherent in themselves. However, the authors, adhering to the views of Nietzsche, studying the problems of nerds, came to to the following conclusion, - self-regulation is impossible without a catalyst, which is " strong personality", called by the authors a "leader", drawing associations with the social relationships of communities of highly developed mammals (order of primates). Who is the leader? This is a "strong personality" (for nerds), who can crush each of them with his Self and actively carries this out. He prevents them from falling apart individually by tying them together common goals, interests and serves as a standard for them to strive for. And let some subjects from the interspecies botanical community openly declare their “personal” hostility towards the “leader” and His system life values, but even in these individual signs of disobedience, envy will be felt, merging with secret admiration, which not everyone can see...

In this work, the authors tried to study the phenomenon of nerds. Many aspects of this issue remain unexplored, which leaves wide scope for further scientific researchthis work is not intended to offend or offend anyone. Any matches with reality existing people or actual events EXCLUDED.

Director Phil Lord
Chris Miller
Producer Neil H. Moritz
Stephen J. Cannell
script Jonah Hill
Michael Bacall
In the main
cast Jonah Hill
Channing Tatum
Brie Larson
Dave Franco
Operator Barry Peterson Composer Film company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Columbia Pictures
Original Film
Relativity Media
Stephen J. Cannell Productions
Cannell Studios
Duration 109 min. Budget 42 million Fees 201 383 863 $ A country USA USA Language English Year 2012 Next movie Macho and nerd 2 IMDb ID 1232829 Official website ​ (English)

Plot [ | ]

Morton Schmidt and Greg Jenko are young would-be cops who were at "different levels of society" in school. While enemies at school, they become enemies at the police academy. best friends. Because of their hopeless stupidity, they cannot do anything right, and therefore they are enrolled in the program "21 Jump Street", which was previously decided to be closed, but was restored. They are sent to high school, in which there is a thriving trade in synthetic drugs under the guise of chips so that they find a dealer.

They go to school at the end school year, under the names of brothers Doug and Brad McQuaid (for which they move in with Morton’s parents), while they manage to get mixed up in places and as a result, Greg begins to go to science lessons (which Morton is actually very good at), and Morton ends up in sports lessons (which Greg specializes in). However, to their own surprise, this confusion helps them improve their knowledge on these topics. During the investigation, they make an imaginary friendship with their fellow student Eric, who distributes the drug but does not name the manufacturer, and Morton falls in love with schoolgirl Molly.

The school year is coming to an end, Schmidt and Jenko still haven't found a supplier, but they learned that a biker gang is involved. There is a quarrel between Greg and Morton, since Morton, for the sake of appearance, told Eric and Molly that Greg is very stupid and therefore needs an eye and an eye. Greg and Morton's colleagues report that the cookie drug has already reached other schools, and the losers are being fired for incomplete investigations.

At graduation, Morton admits to Molly that he is a cop and wants to save her, so she has to leave. Afterwards, Greg and Morton agree to cover for Eric at the meeting with the supplier. There they find out that the supplier is the physical education teacher, Mr. Walters. Suddenly, the biker leader, Domingo, recognizes Greg and Morton as two of the patrolmen who once detained him, and orders two of his men to kill the clown cops. But unexpectedly it turns out that these two bikers are Tom Hanson and Doug Penhall, the main characters of the original series, who are now agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Tom begins a comical conversation with Greg and Morton about the shortcomings of the cover, and the bikers immediately take advantage of this to kill Tom and Doug. Mr. Walters takes Molly hostage, and Greg and Morton are forced to follow them. Using his new knowledge of organic chemistry, Greg quickly makes a Molotov cocktail and blows up the bikers' car, after which Morton saves Molly by shooting Walters' penis.

Eric and Walters are arrested, and Greg and Morton receive recognition and a new assignment, this time in college. Morton is delighted, but Greg is shocked.

Cast [ | ]

Actor Role
Jonah Hill Morton Schmidt Morton Schmidt is a nerd
Channing Tatum Greg Jenko Greg Jenko macho
Brie Larson Molly Molly Schmidt's friend
Dave Franco Eric Eric
Rob Riggle Walters Mr. Walters physical teacher
Domingo Domingo the leader of the bikers
Ice Cube Dixon Captain Dixon
Zach Zach is a nerd, friend of Jenko
Chris Parnell Gordon Mr Gordon
Ellie Kemper Griggs Miss Griggs Chemistry Teacher
Jake Johnson Dadier Director Dadier
Nick Offerman Hardy Captain Hardy
Johnny Depp Tom Hanson Tom Hanson (cameo)
Peter DeLuise Doug Penhall Doug Penhall (cameo)
Holly Robinson-Pete Judith Hoffs Officer Judith Hoffs (cameo)
Caroline Aaron Annie Schmidt Annie Schmidt Schmidt's mother
Johnny Simmons Billyam Willingham Billyam Willingham
Dakota Johnson Fugezy Fugezy
Rye Rye JJ JJ

Characters [ | ]

And educated. But sometimes, making every effort to achieve a high-quality result in education, many make the mistake of instilling in their children an excessive passion for various sciences. It would seem that it’s bad if children devote all their time to learning, because they will grow up and be able to achieve certain heights thanks to their knowledge. Yes, there is nothing wrong with this if you skillfully alternate time for study, relaxation, hobbies, and so on. But if you go too far and study, study and study all the time, then soon your child may be considered a nerd among his peers. If this does not bring discomfort to the parents, then the child will probably feel uncomfortable from the constant ridicule and nagging of classmates and other people.

Worked - take a rest!

A person’s life can only be fulfilling and joyful when there is balance in all areas. This provision also applies to educational process, because only correct distribution time spent learning will be useful and enjoyable. Undoubtedly, studying is very important for every person, because hearing words about lack of education addressed to you is even worse than being called a nerd. However, many smart kids react very hard to bullying, responding to the bullies with tears in their eyes that nerds are people too. But how to do the right thing and get out of vicious circle insults and bullying?

Of course, there is a way out, and it can be found in any case, but how long this will take depends entirely on the age of the child. If the child is on initial stage training, then moms and dads should give more attention child's rest. Parents need to insist that their son or daughter hang out more with friends, perhaps go to some classes, and so on, because this is the only way their children will develop right attitude to the world.

It is much more difficult to “become one of us” in adolescence, when most of the stereotypes have already been formed, because then a nerd is not just a cramming child, but a person who does not follow the hobbies of young people. It can be very, very difficult to recognize such a unique person among the ranks of expressive teenagers.

Who are you in fact?

Many kids may call other well-study peers nerds even though they are not nerds. To understand this matter, you need to know the true meaning of the word nerd. Analyzing the concept of this word (and there are many of them), you can see that nerds are people who study a lot, while they are too fixated on this process, not noticing other interesting things around them.

As a rule, a nerd is a person with an expressionless appearance and poor physical characteristics. Most often, this appearance is distinguished by the absence necessary knowledge in current fashion and poor physical fitness. As a result, it turns out that such a person is not interesting to his peers and opposite sex. Therefore, he is more susceptible to oppression strong people, although he is a very smart person.

For boys and girls

A nerd is, most often, a boy or a young man, although it can also be difficult for nerdy girls. Girls can also be called names and offended, but this all happens much more gently than with boys.

Since it is nerdy guys who are most susceptible to such ridicule, very often verbal bullying turns into assault. The saddest thing is that in such situations, young men do not complain to anyone, so as not to become the object of even greater bullying, so everything repeats itself again and again. It is difficult to break such a circle of circumstances alone, so the help of specialists is needed.

Be yourself

One of the reasons why nerds are insulted is not that they are too smart, but that they cannot stand up for themselves due to bad behavior. physical fitness. IN otherwise no one would dare say an extra word, because they could get paid for it. Just not always good physical training helps you find friends. The main thing in any situation is to remain yourself; you don’t need to change internally to enter this or that company. After all, it is not society that chooses a person, but a person who chooses society.

Good friends and peers will treat anyone kindly if they are such themselves. If they are callous and rude, then it doesn’t matter who is in front of them, a nerd or someone else, because they like to hurt the weak.

Unprecedented transformation

If you change your inner world never stands before others, then external changes in better side will always be useful. To get rid of unnecessary ridicule in clothing and style, it would be best for nerds to turn to stylists and hairdressers. After all, behind the inconspicuous hair and shapeless clothes, there probably lies a very pretty appearance. With this approach, you can completely change the way others view you. After all, the completely updated appearance of the smart, handsome man will force the negative opinion of many to change to the opposite.

Stylish clothes, a fashionable haircut, correctly selected accessories - and not a trace remains of the nerd. You wouldn’t recognize such a person, because what is a nerd? An inconspicuous crammer. But this man is completely different - chic, fashionable and very smart. This is how you can completely change and become a standard incompatible concepts- beauty and intelligence.

Exists special kind people are “nerds”. We don’t know how they appear in the world, but as a rule, every team has at least one such person. And now we are not talking about the so-called excellent students and excellent students - good boys and girls. Being a nerd is not grades in school or a profession, it is a way of life.

It is very easy to recognize a nerd, even though they sometimes look different. Some are fat, some are thin, some wear glasses, some don't. home distinguishing feature nerds - aloof appearance, non-standard behavior, strange (= unfunny) humor and high intelligence. Sort of domestic geniuses. And to us, mere mortals, such people always seem very strange and incomprehensible, because... sometimes they say strange things, are interested in things that everyone else is not interested in, and laugh at things that may seem completely unfunny. And seemingly simple everyday situations sometimes cause surprise and bewilderment in them. Aliens.

Many films have been made about nerds. You just have to turn on the series “Theory big bang" And - voila! Here is a whole gallery of funny intellectuals whose oddities make you smile. Physicist friends Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Rajesh live their “ordinary” lives, which seem very unusual to the audience. They are all geniuses to some extent. For example, Sheldon received doctorate at age 15, Howard speaks 6 languages ​​and Leonard plays the cello. Friends, besides physics, have other common interests: computer games, comics, science fiction and various scientific experiments. And their main common feature- they are all unlucky personal life. Memories of school years full of bullying and hostility from their peers. And our nerds never learned to communicate with girls. But this does not prevent them from living a full life. rich life with its ups and downs.

However, the heroes of the series “The Big Bang Theory” are not characters divorced from reality, but types real people who wander among us. Those same “nerds”, “nerds”, as we constantly call them.

Who are nerds? Where did they come from to planet Earth? Maybe they really are aliens?

The fact is that the appearance of such genius physicists and would-be nerds is the machinations of Mother Nature, for it is she who chooses whom to bestow with certain properties. And if you received a sound vector as a reward, then that’s it - consider that you are that same alien.

Sound people were initially not like everyone else. While everyone was sleeping, they were awake - they guarded the flock. But while everyone was awake, they were snoring loudly - and no amount of trumpets or sirens could wake them up. While everyone was chasing mammoths, the sound guys were thinking about the universe. And when everyone was busy reproducing the flock, these strange aliens were counting the stars. And it was the person with the sound vector who came up with one short, but very important and capacious word: “I”. This was the first time he realized himself. While the whole flock proudly said “we,” the sound boy alone pulled out his “I,” separating himself from the general crowd, thereby, as it were, elevating himself above all others. People-ideologists, people-discoverers, people-creators written language. In a word, sound people.

And then a child is born with a sound vector. Quite quiet and strange. And he appears with the “typical nerd” stamp on his face. He just doesn't know about it yet. There's more to come.

Time flies, the sound artist grows up. Mom pulls her three-year-old Petya by the hand into the yard to play with his peers. But for some reason Petya is not happy. Everyone else is making noise and fighting, but our sound guy prefers to play alone, in silence. He collects, builds, designs something. Already from the cradle - a genius! You give him a toy with complex controls, and in a matter of seconds he understands: what, why and why.

Another one distinctive feature young “nerd” - endless questions. Why is the sky blue? Who is God? Why can't I live forever? What will happen when we die? Do all people die? What is rain? Where does the rainbow come from in the sky? Millions of questions that require immediate answers arise from the why. When he grows up, the questions don't become less. The sound engineer will only have to look for the answer to them in splendid isolation, on his own.

When Petya goes to school, he is already significantly different from everyone else. On the one hand, he seems to be the smartest: he knows more than everyone else and asks more than anyone else. On the other hand, if the teacher at school is a loud hysteric, then our sound Petya is always “flying”. “Peter, what is two and two?” But Petya the raven counts and doesn’t hear or see anything. "A? What?" The class is laughing, everyone is laughing, and Petya is ready to fall into the ground. And because Petya is by nature weak and not emotional (he cannot stand up for himself, he prefers not to react), but his peers very quickly notice this moment. And now the well-read Petya is already labeled a “nerd” and a life full of bullying begins.

Everyone seems to be trying to shake our sound guy out of his shell. They bark in his ears, stick a “kick the nerd” sign on his back, with which he walks around the school all day, spit, push him...

Why is the sound artist so disliked by his peers? Dislike in human society always born in a place of misunderstanding. That same “nerd” from the last desk always behaves differently from everyone else. And this causes not only bewilderment, but also a certain wariness: it is not clear what to expect from this type. For children who live according to the laws of the pack, it is very important to be “like everyone else,” so the sound nerd stands out from this environment and causes hostility.

As a result, our Petya withdraws more and more into himself, hates school and his peers and devotes his life to another world - the world of learning truths.

Which path will our “nerd” choose? There are many options here. For example, sound engineers with skin and sound vectors are eager to invent. Physics, mathematics, programming - this is their strong point. They are also excellent musicians with perfect pitch, polyglots who easily master languages, and excellent chess players.

Sounded "nerds" with anal vector- philosophers and writers. Those who do not so much invent new things as write down thoughts for subsequent generations. At all written word, undoubtedly, is very important for a person with a sound vector. It is always easier for him to write than to say. And how he writes! You'll read it!

In general, while all other children adapt among their peers, the sound “nerd” most often lives on his own, suffering from general misunderstanding. He is not interested in being with other children. A sound engineer will feel comfortable only among “his own people”: the same people with a sound vector.

To prevent the little sounder from going into himself irrevocably, parents need to put in a lot of effort! This and the atmosphere in the family should be calm (without yelling and scandals), and you need to make sure that there are adequate teachers, not chainsaws with shrill voices. And because such ideal conditions It’s very difficult to create, especially if you don’t know the innate properties of your child, then the sound artist acquires another seal: non-adaptive.

And then the sound guy comes up with an idea own worlds or goes into worlds already invented. This is why “nerds” are so fond of games (in particular computer games), books (especially science fiction and fantasy) and comics. This is an ideal opportunity to immerse yourself in another, brighter and interesting world, full of adventure and magic.

When everyone grows up, a person with a sound vector, still living in his own world, in best case scenario finds his calling, his like-minded people and lives life to the fullest: makes discoveries, achieves unprecedented heights, brings something new and unusual into the world. Everyone admires him and recognizes his genius (even though they whisper behind his back about his quirks). IN worst case, when a sound artist does not develop and does not find himself, he suffers from bad conditions and from society, locked away from outside world, suffers. Both those and other people essentially remain “nerds”, strange eccentrics.

A separate topic for conversation is bad luck in the personal life of a person with a sound vector. Often such guys can remain virgins until they are 25-30 years old (some remain virgins for life). The reason for this is not only the nerd’s inability to communicate with girls, but also his prioritization. The sound vector itself is asexual. Such a person is less interested in earthly things, including sex. Often sex and relationships with women seem so uninteresting that they are completely erased from life. This, of course, does not apply to most sound people, but the sound vector significantly reduces libido.

“The Nerds” from the TV series “The Big Bang Theory”, in addition to the sound vector, also have a visual one. The audio-visual combination of vectors is ideal for a scientist, on the one hand. On the other hand, the visual vector makes the image of a “typical nerd” more lively and at the same time more comical. Thus, mannerism in communication is added to the funny image of the alien, irrational fears(fear of blood, heights, germs), unusual style of clothing and other nuances.

The very comedy of The Big Bang Theory is built on that very paradoxical sound sense of humor. If you have ever communicated with a typical “nerd,” then you probably remember this style of joking: ridiculous, strange, not funny. Humor, understandable only to similar sound engineers. Humor that deserves a separate section