The white powder that is smoked is called. Consequences of using amphetamines

In recent years, a constant flow of new drugs has been coming from China to Russia, distributed throughout the country by mail, and direct trade is carried out via the Internet. The names of these drugs in slang: spices and salts. It is difficult to fight them because they are lately included in the list of prohibited drugs, and also because the distribution occurs via the Internet, and the organizers themselves do not touch the drugs. The main consumers are young people born in 1989-1999.

These drugs are extremely dangerous because they are accessible, easy to use, and act primarily on the psyche.

The state is not able to protect our children, so we are obliged to protect them ourselves. No one will do this except us.

Don't be careless, don't think that this can affect anyone but you. Remember, you don’t choose drugs, you don’t choose whether you’re a teacher’s son or a general’s daughter. And the main reason for drug addiction is the availability of drugs.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are no tests for these types of drugs in Russia, therefore, testing carried out today in educational institutions does not at all reflect the real state of affairs.

The most common drugs among young people are JWH smoking mixtures (plan, jivik, spice, mix, grass, greens, book, magazine, heads, heads, palych, hard, soft, dry, chemistry, plastic, hay, sticky, cherry, chocolate, placer, rega, smoke, green flag, blooper, splash, etc.) are synthetic analogues of cannabinoids, but many times stronger.

The effect of the drug can last from 20 minutes to several hours.

Accompanied by cough(burns the mucous membrane)

Dry mouth(requires constant fluid intake)

Cloudy or reddened whites of the eyes(an important sign! Drug addicts know that’s why they carry Visine and other eye drops with them)

Loss of coordination

Speech defect(lethargy, elongated tape effect)

Slow thinking(stupid)

Immobility, freezing in one position in complete silence(if you are heavily stoned, for 20-30 minutes)


Rapid pulse

Laughing fits

After consumption, for several days or longer:

Decline in general physical condition

Lack of concentration

Apathy(especially for work and study)

Sleep disturbance

Mood swings(from one extreme to another)

From experience:

The main sign is that a teenager begins to skip classes, his grades drop, and he stops going to school altogether. He lies all the time. Friends appear that he doesn’t talk about. When talking to them on the phone, he goes into another room, or says that he will call later. Irritability to the point of rage appears, he avoids any serious conversations, he avoids contact with his parents, he turns off his phones. With constant use, degradation becomes obvious. He thinks for a long time, is unkempt, constantly asks for money, gets into debt and starts dragging him out of the house. Loses the sense of reality, paranoia develops.

Stoned teenagers often hang out in hallways and computer clubs in winter.

The use of smoking mixtures is a common cause of teenage suicides. As a rule, they come out of windows. This does not mean that the teenager wanted to commit suicide; perhaps he just wanted to fly.

And further. In 99% of cases, those who already smoke cigarettes start using smoking mixtures.

They buy these drugs either online or from peers. As a rule, teenagers go to well-known websites that sell drugs, type a few keywords into a search engine, receive a contact, contact them via Skype or ICQ, place an order, are immediately told the account number, pay through terminals, and are told where to pick up the hidden drugs .

In slang - pick up a bookmark, find a treasure. The same actions can be carried out on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc. Often, information is read from the walls of houses when they see the inscriptions: Legal, Mix, Kurekha, Plan, etc. and ICQ number, less often - telephone number.

For teenagers, this all seems like an interesting game. In order to understand that your child is buying drugs, it is enough to check his correspondence; as a rule, they do not erase it.

Peers and classmates who start selling drugs at school immediately become noticeable, they have different phones, iPads, laptops, they dress better. The elders turn to them. They become negative leaders, and, as a rule, positively minded children do not have enough reasoning to reverse this situation.

From experience:

A teenager who starts selling drugs and uses this activity as a way of communication with elders and self-affirmation among peers will never give up this activity voluntarily.

What does this drug look like?

JWH comes here as a reagent (concentrate). This reagent is a powder similar to regular soda. It is diluted in different ways and applied (sprayed) onto the “base”. Most often, the “base” is ordinary pharmaceutical chamomile. Maybe coltsfoot and any pharmaceutical herb in general. Sometimes, for viscosity, it is mixed in a mixer with prunes or hookah tobacco. But young users, as a rule, take ready-made drugs.

The most common way to consume smoking mixtures is in a small plastic bottle with a hole (if such bottles with a burnt hole are found in school toilets, this is the surest sign that drugs are being used at school). Also, mixtures are sometimes smoked through different pipes. They tend to be kept to themselves and they stink horribly. Sometimes, before going home, a teenager leaves such a tube in the entrance (in the shield).


Alcohol, and even beer, potentiates the effect of the drug. The person goes crazy, the vestibular apparatus turns off, loses spatial and temporal orientation, and completely loses memory. It occurs frequently in teenagers.

From experience:

None of those who use smoking mixtures consider themselves drug addicts. He completely lacks self-criticism, their thought process is difficult, they communicate only with their own kind, so they are convinced that everyone smokes.

At first, one or two puffs are enough. Then the frequency of use increases. Then the dose. They accelerate quickly. Later, they begin to smoke the undiluted reagent. From this moment on, the addict can no longer do without the mixture and experiences incredible discomfort and anxiety if the drug is not with him.

They take a very long time to come to their senses. As a rule, several months pass before they begin to adequately assess what is happening. We have seen the irreversible consequences of using smoking mixtures.

You can show this video to your children (VIDEO)

Also, even more terrible drugs, MDPV (salts, legal, speed, whistle, etc.), are popular among young people.

The danger of these drugs lies in their availability and ease of use (they are snorted, less often smoked, diluted in any liquid and drunk, and the worst thing is injected into a vein).

It is very difficult to calculate the dose, and with overdoses of salts, the mortality rate is much higher than with overdoses of opiates. And, perhaps, the worst thing is that these drugs act on the psyche and destroy the personality. When consuming salts, a person rapidly degrades, and this degradation has irreversible consequences.

What parents need to know

If smoking mixtures can be used unnoticed for some time, then one who starts using salts can be seen immediately.

Under the influence immediately and for several hours after consumption:

Wild look


Anxious state(the feeling that you are being watched, that they have come for you)

Speech defects(convulsive movements of the lower jaw, grimaces)

Lack of appetite

Hallucinations(usually auditory)

Gesticulation(involuntary movements of arms, legs, head)

Complete lack of sleep

Incredible burst of energy(the desire to move, to do something, all actions are usually unproductive)

Desire to do any painstaking work(as a rule, they begin to disassemble complex mechanisms into their components).

Delusional ideas(for example, to rule the world)

And all this is accompanied by sincere ambition, arrogance and a complete lack of self-criticism.

Later - sudden weight loss (up to 10 kg in a week).

When not taking drugs - excessive drowsiness (sleep for several days).

Severe low mood, depression, suicidal thoughts.

Untidy appearance.

A “side effect” comes out - the face becomes covered with acne and pimples.

The limbs and face often become swollen.

A sharp decline in intellectual capabilities, and constant lies.


Through the eyes of toxicologists.

During 2010 - 2012 We are seeing a rapid increase in the number of acute poisonings with synthetic psychostimulant drugs. The severity of poisoning lies in the development of acute psychosis and disturbances of vital functions, including cardiac dysfunction (a sharp increase, then a drop in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, circulatory failure), acute respiratory failure; in some cases (4-5% of patients), acute renal or hepatic-renal failure develops. However, the most severe manifestation of this poisoning is uncontrolled hyperthermia (up to 8% of patients) and the development of cerebral edema. When body temperature rises to more than 40-41ºC, the patient quickly develops cerebral edema, acute respiratory and cardiovascular failure, and the patient dies within a few hours.

For your information: the number of people admitted with overdoses increases by one and a half to two times every month. The mortality rate is very high. Sometimes intensive care in intensive care is required, patients need hemodelysis. An acute psychotic state can be relieved within 24-48

hours, but some patients do not leave it and need long-term treatment in a psychiatric ward.

When is it necessary to call an ambulance in case of psychostimulant drug poisoning? One indication from the following is sufficient:

1. Consciousness: responds only to painful stimuli or there is no consciousness

2. Angina-type chest pain (pressing, squeezing)

3. Convulsions similar to epileptic ones, even one-time

4. Temperature more than 38, not falling after 15 minutes of rest or more than 40 with a single measurement

5. Heart rate more than 140 per minute for more than 15 minutes

6. Blood pressure: systolic less than 90 or more than 180, diastolic more than 110 with two measurements with an interval of 5 minutes

7. Confusion, severe agitation or aggression without improvement within 15 minutes

They buy these drugs using the same scheme as JWH (see above)

What does this drug look like?

Like crystalline powder. Looks like powdered sugar. Color ranges from bright white to dark.

They are usually stored in the house in the toilet, in the ventilation, on the balcony, under the floor covering, in bed linen, or in the entrance on your floor. Each person has a special box or bag where syringes, drops, and everything needed for use are stored.

From experience:

Teenagers who start using have behavior changes. They ask for leave to go to nightclubs, they are always away from home. They may disappear for several days. Returning, they sleep for a very long time, and the zhor attacks.

Later, suspicion and auditory and visual hallucinations arise. When there are several people at the hangout, the paranoia becomes collective. As a rule, they close the curtains, windows and doors, they are afraid of everything.

Listen to loud, fast music without words, or rap.

They don't sleep at night.

If consumed longer, they disappear from home for a long time. They don't answer calls. Aggression increases. They are not aware of what is happening. They communicate condescendingly, with arrogance.

Hallucinations become stronger and can lead to bullying and murder. In this state they keep weapons at hand. They can even attack their mother.

None of the salts ever know today's date.

They often keep eye drops “Tropicamide”, “Metriocil”, “Cyclomed” with them. Added to the solution and used as prolangators.

Under the influence, all character traits are hypertrophied.

On rehabilitation:

Salts are the hardest position. Conscientious narcologists honestly say that they don’t know what to do. For now they are just being dug up.

From experience:

There are a lot of salts in rehabilitation. At some point, at the end of their life (at the end of the action), they are quite suggestible, and agree with their parents to go to rehabilitation.

They take a very long time to come to their senses. The vision becomes clearer in the third or fourth month, and all illnesses appear. Most continue to think only about drugs. Some people dream that they are under the influence.

After leaving the center, they try to use it on the first day. When they bring him back a day or two later, everyone sees how quickly the person has degenerated. Having observed a lot, I am convinced that in most cases, the systematic use of MDPV leads to irreversible consequences.

Half of the saline cases come to us from mental hospitals, many already diagnosed with schizophrenia.

There are no methods for working with salts. So far the only thing I see is a closed room and no access to drugs. This is a chance. And every day spent without drugs adds something to the chance.

What else is important to understand

It is believed that smoking JWH has its own symptoms and is not as quickly addictive as using MDPV. But! Recently, in JWH, MDPV components are added at the preparation stage. This dramatically changes the effect when consumed, and instant addiction occurs. We understood this from experience, and this point was confirmed by toxicologists. Overdose survivors claimed to have used JWH and tested positive for MDPV!

This is what the behavior of salt addicts looks like (VIDEO)

You ask: what to do?

The first and mandatory condition is to deny access to drugs by any means.

Your feedback

The drug "Blue Ice" belongs to methamphetamines and has a recent but sad history. It was synthesized at the beginning of the 20th century and was used for a long time as a “combat ration” for soldiers, and later as a drug to treat depression. Today, blue ice is one of the most dangerous drugs, popular among young people. Dependence on it is formed in a matter of weeks, and the consequences can be the most terrible. Even with long-term complex treatment.

What drug is blue ice called and what is its danger?

This drug has many names - methamphetamine, meth, blue ice, blue ice, just "ice", crystal. It got its name from large pieces of crystals of a bluish or blue hue, similar to ice or shards of broken glass.

Blue ice is a derivative of methamphetamine that is a evaporated, pure drug. Transparent meth is intended primarily for smoking, much less often for inhalation (inhalation). Special devices are used to smoke ice.

Features of addiction and clinical picture

The biggest danger of blue ice is how it is consumed. The effects of intravenous injections and inhalations of other forms of methamphetamine occur within minutes, depending on the dose. And the “high” from smoking ice occurs in just a few seconds.

Such an unexpected effect is a real trap for young people - the main consumer audience for crystal. This means that addiction to the drug occurs almost instantly.

The first sensation after taking a puff of clear meth, according to drug addicts, is intense cold. This side effect became one of the reasons for the name – “blue ice”. Immediately after the “cool attack,” the so-called arrival begins, a sharp surge of intense pleasure that lasts several minutes.

Then comes a long period of euphoria, it lasts 2-8 hours depending on the dose of the crystal. If the dosage is exceeded to a critical level, this stage can be extended beyond 10 hours, but such an overdose can be fatal.

The main signs of the active stage are a feeling of vigor, omnipotence, self-confidence, joy and good mood. A person’s pain threshold decreases, drowsiness disappears, and appetite disappears. He can have fun all night long and feels maximum satisfaction with life.

After the phase of joy and activity, a withdrawal gradually sets in, which can be accompanied by long sleep (up to two days) or irritability, apathy, and a feeling of devastation. Over time, withdrawal turns into full-fledged withdrawal.

Development of addiction

Many drug addicts who have taken blue ice claim that addiction to smoking meth begins after the first smoking. Why is this happening?

The narcotic substance instantly penetrates the brain, affecting those areas that are responsible for the production of the rage hormone norepinephrine and the pleasure hormone dopamine.

The peculiarity of crystalline methamphetamine is that it does not encounter any obstacles on its way in the body and freely passes through the blood-brain barrier between the circulatory system and the central nervous system. And from the very first time it begins its destructive activities.

The independent production of the hormone of joy is rapidly decreasing, and in order to get its share of pleasure, the body requires an increasing portion of the crystal after each dose. Blue ice is also characterized by extreme neurotoxicity. This means that nerve cells destroyed by the drug cannot be restored. Therefore, all stages of dependence on such a drug pass much faster than when taking other prohibited substances.

There are 3 stages of addiction to crystal methamphetamine:

  • Weak. A person uses drugs very rarely to get his share of pleasure, a feeling of omnipotence and his own attractiveness. This stage is more typical for tablets or inhalations - when smoking blue ice, it instantly flows into the next phase.
  • Strong. Drug addicts smoke ice constantly, regularly increasing the dose. Withdrawal occurs.
  • Full. An absolute mental dependence has already been formed here - a person needs to take a crystal every few hours to relieve withdrawal symptoms. A transition to harder drugs is possible.

In the video about the dangers of the drug methamphetamine:

Signs and symptoms of use

It is mostly teenagers and young adults who become addicted to smoking methamphetamine, so it is important to be attentive to the behavior and appearance of your children, friends and loved ones.

Pipes or empty pipes found among things, a constant desire to be alone, an eternally closed room may indicate that someone dear to you has started smoking blue ice.

The main external signs of dependence on a crystal are:

  • sudden loss of appetite or weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • insomnia and increased activity (often cyclically, for 2-3 days);
  • attacks of headache and heart pain;
  • bad teeth (due to toxins in the drug);
  • dilated pupils;
  • inattention and forgetfulness;
  • irritability and attacks of unmotivated aggression;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • paranoid ideas.

Consequences of use

The peculiarity of blue ice is its very rapid destructive effect on the body. Dead nerve cells lead to a disorder of thought processes, and the person rapidly becomes stupid. Internal organs also suffer - the functions of all vital systems are disrupted, which is reflected in appearance.

In just weeks, thriving young people turn into exhausted drug addicts with bad skin, dull hair and rotten teeth.

Regular smoking of blue ice leads to the following consequences:

  • vein thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • gray skin color and open sores;
  • elevated temperature, destruction of blood vessels;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • destruction of lung, kidney and liver tissue;
  • rotten teeth;
  • heart attacks;
  • destruction of brain tissue and decreased intelligence;
  • memory losses;
  • inappropriate behavior;
  • suspicion and paranoia;
  • disorientation in time and space, panic attacks;
  • decreased immunity;
  • rapid aging of the body;
  • strokes, etc.


Treatment for blue smoke (like other forms of methamphetamine) is a process that is constantly moving forward. In the course of medical research, new drugs are being tested that can help get rid of the terrible smoking addiction or at least reduce the craving for the drug.

The most important rule for treating “ice” addicts is an integrated approach, and not just neutralizing its effects. The main goal is to restore all disrupted processes in the brain and vital functions.

The following methods are used for this:

  • special medications to minimize the neurochemical effects of the drug, as well as reduce withdrawal symptoms;
  • vitamin therapy and massage;
  • non-traditional treatment (reflexology, acupuncture);
  • Working with a psychologist is mandatory.

Is it possible to smoke drugs? This question has not been rhetorical for a long time, because there is a whole series of smoking drugs.

If earlier people were sure that smoking drugs were harmless, and they could be classified as a series of drugs quite symbolically, now the question of smoking drugs is no longer rare.

Modern drug addicts not only inject drugs, but also smoke them, and very actively. At the same time, modern medicine is replete with stories about the destructive use of smoking drugs.

Moreover, the drugs themselves and the consequences of their use, including suicide, and all sorts of accidents after drug use, kill.

In the 20th century, smoking drugs of plant origin were widespread: marijuana, anasha, hashish, which were produced on the basis of hemp. At the same time, hashish was associated more with a syringe, and only a few people knew that it could be smoked.

Today, most people smoke synthetic drugs - spice, mixes. The effect of synthetic smoking mixtures has serious consequences that have not been fully identified due to the synthetics of these drugs.

Smoking drugs - spice - appeared recently and immediately found their ardent adherents. They have virtually taken over the entire world.

The reason for this prevalence is that spice is a new drug, and it was not immediately recognized as a psychotropic element. Before spice was officially recognized as a drug, many people had already become addicted to it.

The harm from spice is so great that scientists and doctors around the world are sounding the alarm against smoking mixtures. Smoking mixtures cause persistent addiction, spoil health, and destroy the human psyche. Very often the consequences of spice are irreversible. But despite this, many people underestimate spice, and yet their consequences are irreversible.

Smoking spice is common among young people because it is quite affordable. In addition, most young people are very actively mistaken in thinking that smoking mixtures are safe. Therefore, it takes a little time to become addicted to drugs. In addition, people of different classes and material sufficiency are susceptible to the influence of smoking mixtures.

Misconceptions about smoking mixtures are so widespread that spice is seeping into even the most enlightened (elite) youth circles.

Recently, the world has begun to think about how to combat spice—smoking drugs successfully veiled under the guise of incense.

The fact that spice is a drug is already undeniable. Spice is a mixture of various herbal compounds, which is flavored with synthetic psychotropic substances. The trouble is that spices are very often projected with incense, and the added synthetic additives are often simply not included in the list of ingredients.

Young people use spice in large groups and consider it part of the party. The effects of smoking spice are discussed among young people. It is very important when discussing to “show off” your own assessment of spice, based on fresh sensations.

Discussions on youth forums and social networks are devoted to the topic of spice. This makes the smoking mixture very common and popular among young people.

Spice harm

The depth of spice's harm is determined by the content of entheogens in its composition - plants that have a special intoxicating effect on human consciousness. Among such plants, the most common are: blue lotus, salvia, and Hawaiian rose. But adding these plants is quite expensive, and often simply unaffordable. The cheapness of spices indicates the absence of these plants in the mixture, despite the presence of the names of these plants in the mix. The intoxicating effect is perfectly replaced by chemical additives, which are cheaper and available to manufacturers.

Even short-term use of spice leads to persistent psychological and physical dependence. In the absence of the next dose, withdrawal occurs, resulting in psychosis, body aches, fever, headache, vomiting and nausea, headache and muscle pain.

Long-term use of spice leads to damage to the nervous system. Drug addicts who use spice for a long time are characterized by impaired memory and attention, inhibition of mental processes, the appearance of convulsions and fainting, and disruption of the cardiovascular system. Disorders of the genitourinary, digestive, and respiratory systems are also observed.

Spice consumption is harmful to humans. But the greater danger is that no one can be sure of the exact composition of the smoking mixture packet. Therefore, no one can give guarantees about the safety of these substances. This is also due to the fact that the substances included in the mixtures have not undergone testing and additional research, so it is impossible to accurately predict the consequences of their use.

In addition, each person’s body is so individual that it is impossible to predict the body’s reaction to the effects of spice. Statistics show many cases of massive use of smoking drugs in the company of young people, in which some young people reacted with a slight hangover, while others paid with their lives. In addition, none of the manufacturers warn about the danger of interaction with alcohol and medications. It is completely unclear which dose will be harmless and which will be the last.

Spice smoking mixtures are officially produced in Northern Ireland using Chinese raw materials. This drug is advertised in many countries as an incense to create comfort, peace and joy in the home. Thus, the drug spreads throughout the world, bypassing all barriers.

Smoking spice causes an immediate effect: (visual and auditory), enormous energy, elevated mood along with euphoria, loss of connection with the reality of the world. Sometimes there are attacks of fear, panic, and suicidal actions.

The effects of taking spice last from two to twelve hours, after which there is a complete loss of strength, deterioration in well-being, manifestations of psychosis, irritability, panic, and fears.

Treatment for spice addiction is a long process and not always effective. Treatment should only take place in a hospital setting under the supervision of experienced narcologists. Medical supervision should also be constant because the composition of spice is unpredictable and its consequences have not been fully identified. Even an experimentally identified antidote can cause unpredictable reactions in humans.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the doctor’s experience, the correct selection of medications, the desire to cope with addiction and the support of family and friends.

Very often, spice is an intermediate stage between a healthy lifestyle and the use of deeper and stronger drugs. This is why treatment for spice addiction is necessary for a large number of young people.

Getting rid of spice addiction is not easy. As a rule, people think about it after several doses of the smoking mixture. Denying yourself another dose is a difficult matter.

Firstly, addiction to spice occurs collectively, but people quit the drug individually. Very often, drug addicts simply cannot stop using drugs.

Secondly, smoking mixtures are very accessible, and the painful effect of withdrawal is great, which makes it more affordable to postpone stopping the dose indefinitely.

Thirdly, a person is most often left alone with his misfortune. Close people condemn attachment, and “comrades” in drug use are not ready to start fighting drug addiction at the same time.

The fight against spice addiction should take place in a specialized clinic with the support of loved ones.

What you need to know about smoking mixtures

At the present stage, the most common smoking drugs are: mix, plan, book, magazine, cherry, chocolate, smoke, chemistry and other smoking mixtures with very original names. All of these are synthetic smoking mixtures, distinguished by bases and synthetic additives. There are a huge variety of smoking drugs. They vary in effects, strength and price. In other words, if desired, every young person can choose a smoking drug based on price, quality, and effect.

It is administered in all possible ways: crushed orally, sublingually, sniffed, smoked, administered intravenously, even rectally. Only intramuscular and intradermal administration of substances is not particularly popular.

The routes of administration vary for different drugs, but quite often one drug can be used in multiple ways. For example, everyone knows heroin as an intravenous drug, but few know that it can also be smoked or snorted. Moreover, at the initial stages of anesthesia, consumers often use non-invasive methods of administration. There are certain psychological barriers to intravenous drug use that not every person is able to overcome immediately. Yes, and intravenous use is considered drug addiction in society, but smoking, snorting or ingesting it is considered not so dangerous.

Ingestion of the drug and its absorption in the intestines sends the incoming substance to the liver, where it can be metabolized in some quantity. Use by smoking, inhaling, or sublingually sends the drug directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the liver and preventing it from deactivating the substance.

They sniff drugs that are well absorbed through mucous membranes. As a rule, those substances that are snorted with the same or even greater effect can be administered by injection. The most common group of snorting drugs are psychostimulants. The most famous drug used this way is cocaine. In Russia, cocaine is considered an elite drug and is not widespread. The main distribution area for cocaine is America. A lot of the substance ends up in Europe.

Another common drug that is snorted is . It can also be taken orally, but this method is less common. Most often, amphetamine use moves from intranasal to intravenous over time. This is an indicator of the development of narcotic addiction. Amphetamine is often called a hairdryer in slang.

Other snorting drugs that have become widespread lately are salt drugs, or simply salts. A whole group of new drugs received this name thanks to the distribution route of one of the first representatives under the guise of “bath salts.” This commercial has become widespread. Salt drugs are designer substances that began appearing in the 2000s and are among the most commonly trafficked drugs today. This group includes mephedrone, methylone, MDPV and other similar substances, which in their action belong to the so-called fast drugs, that is, psychostimulants. According to this mechanism, salt drugs are snorted in the initial period, and as addiction develops they switch to intravenous use.

Drugs are chemical substances that cause a certain state in a person when taken. According to their pharmacological properties, there are the following types of drugs:




    Opioids . They are narcotic analgesics and cause sedation.

    Psychostimulants . They have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.


    Depressants . Cause reactions that depress the central nervous system.



    Antidepressants . Block the reuptake of amines (dopamine, norepinephrine).

    Inhalants . Used in a form of addiction such as substance abuse.

    Nitrous oxide

    Aromatic carbohydrates

It should be said that any type of classification of psychotropic substances is conditional, since the effects of some of them may overlap or mix. This is especially true for artificially synthesized drugs, many of which have not yet been sufficiently studied.

There is also such a classification, in which the types of narcotic substances are presented somewhat differently.


This group includes morphine and morphine-like compounds. Natural drugs of this group are obtained from poppy seeds. They have a very destructive effect on the body and are quickly addictive. This is especially true for synthetic versions obtained in the laboratory.

Their effect on the body is that they inhibit the functioning of the nervous system. Taking them has a calming and calming effect. An opium addict is characterized by severe lethargy, constant drowsiness, protracted speech, the pupil is usually narrowed, and there is no reaction to changes in lighting. From the cardiovascular system, bradycardia is noted, blood pressure is low. The skin is pale.

Heroin (“horse”, “relish”, “gerych”). The most common type of opium drug. Extremely strong, addictive after the second or third dose. Very toxic. It is smoked, administered intranasally or intravenously.

Poppy straw . Also called “hay”, “straw”. Used to make acetylated opium. Consists of poppy pods and stems.

Methadone . A strong narcotic drug. Sold as a white powder. In some countries, it is allowed to be used as a means of replacement therapy for opium addiction.

Cannabis-based preparations

They are classified as psychedelics. Change a person's consciousness. The active ingredients are cannabinoids. When using the usual dose, excitement, activity occurs, hunger and thirst occur. Such a drug addict has dilated pupils and the whites of his eyes are red. Frequent pulse, high blood pressure. An overdose causes unbridled joy or severe lethargy. Unmotivated aggression and unpredictable behavior are possible.

Hemp plants from the southernmost growing areas have the most powerful effects.

Marijuana (“grass”, “ganasha”, “schmal”). The herbaceous part of the cannabis plant. May be dried or fresh. Used for smoking. Occasionally it is added to food.

Hashish . Another name is “plan” or “dope”. It is a mixture of resin, plant tips and pollen. Sold in compressed form. Has a high content of cannabinoids. The action begins within 10 minutes and lasts up to several hours.


They act on the body as psychostimulants. Most often administered via intravenous injection. They are created from the drug ephedrine hydrochloride. The duration of action can vary greatly from 2 to 12 hours.

The effect on the body is manifested in the idea of ​​high excitability, increased blood pressure, and increased heart rate. Sleep is disturbed, talkativeness and excessive unproductive fussiness are pronounced. There is a fairly rapid dependence on this type of substance, both physical and mental. This kind of addiction is similar to. Periods of use may be followed by withdrawal from the drug. But over time, such “white spaces” become fewer and fewer.


When talking about what types of drugs there are, one cannot fail to mention. This psychostimulant substance is obtained from the coca plant.

Signs of using this type of substance are the same as with other stimulants of nervous activity. When consumed, physical activity occurs, breathing and heart rate increase, and blood pressure increases. Appetite decreases and the need for night rest decreases.

Cocaine (“coke”, “inhale”, “snow”). Its powder is inhaled, sometimes added to food, or injected into a vein.

Crack ("stone"). It is obtained from cocaine by evaporation. Used for smoking.


This is the name of a group of chemical substances that are quite diverse in composition. They have psychedelic activity. Can change consciousness.

Signs of use include pronounced euphoria, pronounced hunger and thirst. Such a drug addict has greatly dilated pupils. Therefore, a characteristic feature for it is photophobia. The most basic sign of consumption of this type of substance is a variety of hallucinatory effects.

Synthetic drugs

Most drugs are synthesized in conventional or artisanal laboratories. They currently pose the greatest threat to public health, since their effects are much stronger than those of natural psychotropic substances, and their toxic effects and addiction are much more pronounced. The following types of synthetic drugs are distinguished:


    psychedelics (LSD),

    empathogens (ecstasy),


    sleeping pills,


Light drugs

The classification, in which there is a division into light and hard drugs, is quite arbitrary. Many people believe that there is no problem in trying an easy version of narcotic substances. There are such types of soft drugs as marijuana, LSD, etc.

Many drug addicts who currently cannot free themselves from heroin or amphetamine addiction also started with marijuana, sedatives and tranquilizers.

The thing is that each time a person uses psychotropic drugs, a person gets less and less effect from the “high” due to the fact that addiction sets in. And many people begin to increase their dosage or gradually switch to stronger substances.

Types of drugs and their effects, as well as the consequences of use, are shown schematically in the table:

Group Name Action Effect Consequences
Psychedelic drugs LSD, MDMA, psilocycin 2-12 hours Dilated pupils, hand tremors, depression, loss of self-control Hallucinations, destruction of brain tissue, liver and kidney failure, psychosis, schizophrenia
Cocaine Crack, cocaine and other coca derivatives 2-3 hours Euphoria, anxiety, sweating, sleep disturbance, dilated pupils, tachycardia. Severe arrhythmia, high risk of myocardial infarction, damage to contacting mucous membranes, hallucinations, hearing impairment
Amphetamine, pervitin, ephedrone, 2-12 hours Dilated pupils, hyperactivity, talkativeness, lack of appetite, hyperexcitability High risk of heart attack or stroke, disorders caused by iodine or red phosphorus, kidney failure, visual impairment, nervous system depletion.
Cannabinoids , marijuana 2-3 hours Hunger, thirst, excitability, heightened perception, talkativeness, red eyes Lung cancer, paranoia, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, memory loss
Opiates , opium, poppy straw, methadone, desomorphine 3-6 hours Constriction of the pupils, pallor, lack of appetite, desire for privacy, decreased immunity Gum damage, liver dysfunction, impotence, pneumonia
Smoking blends , mix About 6 o'clock Inappropriate behavior, laughter, disturbance of perception of others Bronchitis, lung cancer, mental disorders